Ubuntu Servers :: Recovered Raid6 Array With No Fs After Recovery?

Aug 20, 2010

I have an 8x1TB raid6 array that I finally got back to a good state (see my other post here: [URL]..This is on a 9.04 server Now I can assemble the array no problem, but mounting is the issue. I think the reason might be because the array order changed. In the process of recovering I removed the /dev/md0 array and created a new array. In the create array command it told me:

mdadm: /dev/sdb1 appears to be part of a raid array: for each device in the array. I confirmed that I wanted to continue and the array was recreated. I think this overwrote the superblock, but I'm not sure.

After the sync I tried to mount the array using:


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Ubuntu Servers :: 15K/sec Rebuild Speed On Mdadm RAID6 Array?

Jul 18, 2011


$cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]


1/4 of my drives died after about 3 years of usage. I replaced it with an identical drive and did a mdadm -add to re-add it to the array. I expected this to take quite a long time, but not more than 1 million minutes to complete!

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Ubuntu :: Reshaping RAID5 Array To RAID6?

May 30, 2011

I am running lucid and have a 4+1(spare) RAID5 array made up of 1TB disks. I upgraded my mdadm to version 3.1.4 and then performed the following operation:

$sudo mdadm --grow /dev/md3 --level=6 --read-device=5 --backup-file=/var/lib/mysql/md3backup

I have a 500GB drive mounted at /var/lib/mysql which is mostly empty and not part of any RAID array.The reshaping started and everything looked OK. The access lights on the 5 drives were all coming on at the same time on a regular basis. The status from /proc/mdstat showed the array being reshaped to RAID6, albeit slowly. The status showed an average speed of 4000KB and an estimated completion time of 4000 minutes. This all seemed reasonable. This was performed in late afternoon.

The next morning I checked the status and the average speed was down to 300->400KB and the estimated time to complete was 40,000 minutes. When I look at the drive lights, I have one drive whose access light is on solid and the other four drives come on intermittently. Running iotop doesn't show anything useful. mdadm and kjournal show up occasionally. The same is true for top (running on an i5 2500K Intel processor). Here is the output of cat /proc/mdstat:

Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]
md2 : active raid1 sde3[4](S) sda3[3] sdc3[1] sdd3[2] sdb3[0]
987904 blocks [4/4] [UUUU]


My biggest concern is keeping this system running for 20+ days without any hiccups.

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Ubuntu :: Machine And 'tried' To Create A 4 Disk RAID6 Array On Four New 4TB Drives?

May 30, 2010

I installed 10.04 on a new machine and 'tried' to create a 4 disk RAID6 array on four new 4TB drives.The build seemed to go fine, but a check on the new dev shows the following:

Version : 00.90
Creation Time : Sun May 30 21:53:11 2010


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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID6 Rebuild - Drives Got Out Of Sync?

May 16, 2010

I have a 12 disk raid 6 Array with 2 additional spare drives. Two of the drives got out of sync (because I was fat fingering the mdadm commands while trying to reassemble the array), so I added them back as spares. This is what mdadm is showing me:


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Ubuntu Servers :: Creation Of RAID-0 Array In Disk Utility Resulting In Smaller Than Expected Array?

Sep 27, 2010

I have a NETGEAR ReadyNAS NV+ with four 1TB drives in a RAID-5 array. This is our primary file storage. This has previously been backed up to a hardware RAID-0 array directly attached to our Windows server. The capacity of this backup array is no longer sufficient. So the plan was, take a bunch of 200GB to 320GB drives (And a 750) I had kicking around, chuck them in a couple of old SCSI drive enclosures I have collecting dust, attach them via IDA/SATA-to-USB adaptors to a USB hub, attach that to the server, create a JBOD array spanning the disks, and back up the NAS to that. Performance is not an issue as this is just to be used for backup, with the idea being as near to zero cost as possible (Spend so far = NZ$100�ish).

The first hurdle I struck was Windows not supporting Dynamic Disks on USB drives (Required to create a spanned volume). At first I resisted using another machine (i.e. a machine running Ubuntu) as I didn't want to dedicate a piece of hardware to backing up the NAS. I then decided it would be acceptable to do this via a VM, which is what I've done.So I have 10.04 running under VMWare Server 2.0.2 under Windows Server 2008 R2. The disks are all presented to the VM. I wasn't sure if I was going to end up creating the array under LVM or something else, but I noticed Disk Utility has an option to create an array, so I tried that. When I add two 250GB drives, the array size is 500GB. When I then add a 160GB drive, the array size drops to 480GB. Huh? If I keep adding disks (Regardless of order) the final array size comes out at 1.8 TB, as per the attached screenshot. Now with the following drives, I expected something more like:

160 + 250 + 250+ 750 + 250 +200 + 200 + 250 + 320 + 250 + 320 = 3.2TB

Am I missing something or making a false assumption somewhere?

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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID6 Fails To Re-assemble After Restart (left With Spare Device In /dev/md_dX)

Apr 1, 2011

As per [URL] I built a RAID6 array. yay. In the end it completed.


fermulator@fermmy-server:~$ cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]
md2000 : active raid6 sdo1[3] sdn1[2] sdm1[1] sdl1[0]
3907026944 blocks level 6, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] [UUUU]

To test stability, I rebooted the system, but on reboot, the array wasn't assembled correctly. Basically it had one device in "md_d2000", as a spare. So I stopped that device with


sudo mdadm --stop /dev/md_d2000

The superblocks looked good ...


fermulator@fermmy-server:~$ sudo mdadm -E /dev/sd[lmno]
Magic : a92b4efc
Version : 00.90.00


I don't have any important data on the array yet ... so I zero'd the superblocks on all devices, deleted the partitions, and started over .. here I go again:


md2000 : active raid6 sdo1[3] sdn1[2] sdm1[1] sdl1[0]
3907026944 blocks level 6, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] [UUUU]
[>....................] resync = 0.7% (14164844/1953513472) finish=313.7min speed=102999K/sec

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Ubuntu :: How To Open Recovered Files

Feb 28, 2010

I had lost my emails and contact after using Evolution. some of forum user recommended to use photorec to recover all the files. I used and have stored all the files in a folder. Now my problem is there are over 1500 folders and in there over thousand and thousand of text files. How should I recognize which folder contains email and contacts and how to import to Evolution ?

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade For 11.04 - System Can't Be Recovered

May 14, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu 11.04 from clean and installed Gnome 3 without any errors. If you don't want to read all the chit-chat, you can just read the "Resume" paragraph. I received an Upgrade, but could only partly upgrade. I thought "Yay, updates! It can't hurt, can it?". While I upgraded, a friend of mine contacted me to tell me not upgrade, because it broke his Ubuntu. Too late, pal. When it was done upgrading, I could just sit there looking at dialog box saying: "Click restart to buy your tombstone". I finished my work and restarted to find that there was no problems what so ever. I booted up and logged in to find this message covering the entire screen: It is in Danish, so let me translate it for you:


I then discovered something strange. I could press the Super-key and see the Gnome 3 interface. I could run programs, but as soon as I chose a desktop, the message from above would lay on top of the entire screen once again. I managed to save some screenshots by holding Enter, while clicking on the "Save screenshot" window......

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Ubuntu Servers :: Move Md0 Array From One Box To Another?

Oct 14, 2010

I've been poking at the options in mdadm and dmraid for 2 hours now and don't see exactly what I need. (and trying things I'm not 100% sure of would be silly)

2 drive raid1 array. moved to another box running the same version of Ubuntu. (10.04)

I've googled and googled and can't find anyone else with this same task - what am I missing? The array is physically fine and doesn't need rebuilding, unless in this context it does somehow.

The two devices are sdb and sdc.

Output of mdadm -Es:

ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid1 num-devices=2 UUID=97e83cac:4d76d392:e368bf24:bd0fce41

So the array is somehow visible, but I don't see what my next step needs to be.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Recovering Data From Recovery Mode

Mar 12, 2010

Today I wanted to make a backup of my Ubuntu server. Since the program wasn't working for me, I rebooted my computer and right now it wont boot. Now I entered recovery mode and I'm trying to recover my /var/www and /etc/mrtg folders. I want to copy them to my USB-Stick but Ubuntu wont do this.

The command I tried: Code: cp -r /var/www /dev/sdg1/www I already created the folder via a other system. I also tried to mount the USB stick: Code: mount /dev/sdg1 /mnt/usbe But im getting the following error: error while loading shared libraries: /lib/libsepol.so.1: Invalid ELF header.

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Ubuntu :: Recovered Files / Folders From USB Are Locked?

Apr 15, 2010

I have recovered most of my USB drive, but a couple of folders are locked and look like files. I'm unable to change permissions on them and "You are not the owner so you cannot change these permissions." appears in the properties tab. The owner is "184444735 - user #-184444735" and the group is "17414907" which makes no sense to me. Most other folders and files are OK. The disaster I recovered from was a partition move that failed. I used fsck to get most things back. Any idea how I get these couple of folders (the most important one is one of them "Documents" of course). to be visible?

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Ubuntu :: Delete Recovered Files ( By TestDisk )?

May 1, 2010

I have used TestDisk to recover lost data. But it recover much more than I expect. So I wanna know how to delete those files.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Partitioning >2TB RAID Array?

Mar 26, 2011

I have an Areca hardware RAID array that I'm trying to format & partition on a fresh Ubuntu 10.04 LTS installation. The OS drive is not on the RAID card, it's entirely separate. The RAID is a 6TB volume so I realize I have to use parted to format it, not fdisk (which I've always relied on).

My problem is that I can't figure out how to get parted to like my settings. It seems like everything I try gives me the warning "Warning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance." Here's what I'm doing:

(parted) p
Model: Areca ARC-1280-VOL#00 (scsi)[code].....

What start/end settings should I use to get a properly aligned partition? How do I know?I have tried a mix and match of 0, 0s, 1, 1s, -0, -0s, -1, -1s, 100% for my start/end with no success.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 8.04 - Kernel Panic On Boot Even In Recovery Mode

Feb 18, 2010

I have a 8.04 x64 server installation that is receiving a kernel panic on boot no matter which kernel I choose even recovery mode.

[ 27.738620] raid1: raid set md0 active with 1 out of 2 mirrors
Begin: Running /scripts/local-premount ...
kinit: name_to_dev_t(/dev/disk/by-uuid/c224854e-37bd-491a-b895-48e8bf07fe00) = md1(9,1)
kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/bby-uuid/c224854e-37bd-491a-b895-48e8bf07fe00
[ 31.665733] Attempting maual resume
kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...
[ 31.717461] kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
[ 31.717471] EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
Begin: Running /scripts/local-bottom ...
Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ...
init: Error parsing configuration: No such file or directory
[ 32.064009] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

I have built a new server, now I am trying to restore my db from mysql. I have a backup that is out dated, I was hoping there was a way to copy the files over and have them work on the new installation. I can boot the server with the installation cd using recovery mode, I can get to the hdd and mount a smbfs share from the new server. I have tried to cp the files retaining the permissions and get a permission denied error, but if I copy without retaining the perms they copy just fine and do not work.

I have setup the new server with very close to the same version of all software. I have built a new instance of my service using all of the same users and passwords. I then backed up the new db and moved it over and attempted to copy the old db over. I did not copy it straight to the mysql folder as I did not share that folder out. Any other ideas to get this db recovered? What about getting my old server to run again just long enough to get a mysql dump?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Recovery Required On Read Only Files System

Jun 23, 2010

My server is not accessible any longer locally ( If I attach a keyboard and login (I have done one pass of recovery from the Ubuntu live CD which helped) and check the IP address it seems to be set. However looking at the syslog file there is a line which says ext3-fs: info: recovery required on read only files system.

Is there a more extensive ext3 recovery facility I can use bearing in mind I will not (?) be able to install it?

I think I'm running 8.6 but not sure where to look to find it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Renaming Recovered Music Files

May 18, 2011

I managed to very stupidly (and avoidably) overwrite the hard drive that contained all my stuff--music, photos, home videos from the 80's that were painstakingly converted to digital movies, etc.After running Photorec and recovering much of the data to another disk, I'd like to be able to rename the music files using whatever exif data/tags are available.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Lost Partiontable On RAID 1 Array?

Jun 4, 2010

I just restarted my server (Ubuntu 9.04 server, running on ESXi 4.0) and while copying files onto the server using samba I got strange problems and the connection was lost. When I rebooted the total system, so ESXi as well as Ubuntu Server I did find problems on my RAID disk.

The directory, where the new files were added I have a lot of files, but a lot of them do not have any info except their name:

1304 -rw-rw-rw- 1 spoorhobby spoorhobby 1327274 2010-05-15 22:10 DSCF1895.JPG
? -????????? ? ? ? ? ? DSCF1896.JPG
? -????????? ? ? ? ? ? DSCF1897.JPG
? -????????? ? ? ? ? ? DSCF1898.JPG


Both mirror disks are still functioning and I can still add/delete files, from the server, from other LINUX systems and from other Windows systems via samba.

I did make a full backup on a different server.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Starting Degraded Raid 5 Array?

Jun 11, 2010

so my servers 7 hds in raid 5 all was working well until one of them died. The HD that died sort of works it can read like half a file also freezes on the benchmark test in disk utility. Unfortunate when i take it out on boot it says. The drive for /media_kbt is not ready or present press s to skip or m for manual recovery. I hit s and then go to disk utility. But i can't start or add disks to the array.

Here is me trying to do random stuff

administrator@3dslice-host:~$ sudo mdadm --stop /dev/md0
[sudo] password for administrator:
mdadm: metadata format 00.90 unknown, ignored.
mdadm: stopped /dev/md0
administrator@3dslice-host:~$ sudo mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sda1
mdadm: metadata format 00.90 unknown, ignored.


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Ubuntu Servers :: WRITE Performance Down On RAID 1 Array

Sep 7, 2010

I'm currently experiencing some serious issues with WRITE performance on a RAID-1 array. I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit server with the latest updates. To evaluate the performance ran the following test: [URL]... (great article btw!) Using dd to measure, write performance is only at 8.7 MB/s. Read is great though at 74.5 MB/s. The tests were ran straight after rebooting and I have not (YET!) done any kernel tuning or customization, running the default server package of the Ubuntu kernel. Here's the motherboard in the server: [URL]... with a beta bios to support drives over 300GB.


As you can see from the bo column there is definitely something stalling. As per top output, the %wa (waiting for i/o) is always around %75 however as per above, writes are stalling. CPU is basically idle all the time. Hard drives are quite new and smartctl (smartmontools) does not detect any faults.

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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID Array Not Mounting Correctly

Jun 6, 2011

I have an ubuntu 10.04 machine that I use primarily as a file server. I have a RAID5 array built with mdadm from 3 component disks that worked properly until a recent upgrade (I'm not sure exactly what broke it though). The array is /dev/md0 and is set to mount at /var/media on bootup. *Now*, when the system cold boots it hangs partway through the bootup sequence and throws the following error:

The disk drive for /var/media is not ready yet Press S to skip ... Once I "S"kip this manually, I can see that LOWER in the boot sequence mdadm gets called and assembles the drive, and once fully booted into the system I can then simply do a "mount -a" and the array mounts properly. SO... my gut feeling is that some portion of one of the upgrades changed the order in which things are called, and now the "mdadm assemble" is not triggered until AFTER the system tries to mount the drives. My problem is that I don't know the stuff that controls the boot sequence well enough to dig in the right place.

As a workaround I can remove that entry from /etc/fstab, but then (of course) the system won't auto-mount the array. It's better than the boot process completely hanging because as least THIS I can fix remotely, but I'd really like to know

1) why this broke in an upgrade and is it a known problem?
2) how to get it back to where it auto-assembles and then auto-mounts the array on bootup.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Monitor A Buffalo Raid Array?

Jun 6, 2011

I have 10.04 server with a linkstation raid 5 attached via usb. What is the best way to monitor the drives for a failure? Its at a remote site

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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID 5 Software Array With 3TB Drives

Jun 15, 2011

I am trying to use 3 3TB Western Digital drives in a raid 5 software array. The trouble seems to be that the array is created with only 1.5 TB of capacity, rather then the expected 6 TB.

Here are the commands and output:
$ sudo dmraid -f isw -C BackupFull6 --type 5 --disk /dev/sde,/dev/sdf,/dev/sdg --size=5589G
Create a RAID set with ISW metadata format
RAID name: BackupFull6
RAID type: RAID5
RAID size: 5589G (11720982528 blocks)
RAID strip: 64k (128 blocks)
DISKS: /dev/sde, /dev/sdf, /dev/sdg
About to create a RAID set with the above settings. Continue ? [y/n] :y

$ sudo dmraid -s
*** Group superset isw_cdjhcaegij
--> Subset
name: isw_cdjhcaegij_BackupFull6
size : 3131048448
stride : 128
type : raid5_la
status : ok
subsets: 0
devs : 3
spares : 0

So I cannot understand why the size of the created array is only 3131048448 or about 1.5 TB. The first command seemed to imply it was going to create an array with 5589GB.

System is:
Description: Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS
Release: 10.04
Codename: lucid

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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID-6 Cannot Start Degraded Array

Jun 26, 2011

Ubuntu Server 11.04 i386. I've used linux on and off for years but only in small doses, so I'm really just at newbie level. I was running an Openfiler NAS, but decided to give Ubuntu+Webmin a try. And up 'til now I've been happy with progress. I have set up a RAID-6 array using 5 x 1TB SATA drives. I've ensured that the array is in a "clean" state, and now I want to do some failure testing. The problem occurs when I remove one of the drives in the array. I shutdown, remove a drive, then boot up. The array wont start at all, and comes up with this error during boot:


the disk drive for /mnt/raidvol1 is not ready yet or not present
Continue to wait; or Press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery

If I wait, nothing happens. Obviously the RAID array should start in degraded mode, but it fails to mount at all. When I press "M" to go into manual recovery and type "mount -a" I get the response:


mount: special device /dev/RAIDVG1/RAIDLV1 does not exist

I have set BOOT_DEGRADED=true in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm without success. If I reconnect the disconnected drive, the array works fine, and is in a clean state.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Rebuild Raid5 Array After Every Restart?

Jul 8, 2011

I have software raid 5 array, each time I reboot my server, I have to rebuild array again. Rebuilding array takes too long. I am using ubuntu server 10.10.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 LTS Degraded Software RAID5 Array With LVM Won't Boot?

Jul 5, 2010

I also get sent to a Busybox (initramfs) shell with no text editor and don't know how to copy all the error messages and post them here. If there is a way, let me know. I've typed it out in the meantime:

md0 : inactive sdxxxx
Attempting to start the RAID in degraded mode...
mdadm: CREATE user root not found
mdadm: CREATE group disk not found


This is with a 3 disk RAID5 array. I turned off the system, pulled out a drive, and started it back up. Fresh install, all I've done so far is apt-get update and upgrade.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mdadm Incoonsistent Status On Disks In Same Array

Jan 21, 2011

when I start my raid5, only 2 disks of 3 are active on md0. The 3rd disk is inactive on md_d0.When I do mdadm --examine, the two active disks report 2 active, 2 working, 1 failed. the inactive disk resports 3 active, 3 working, 0 failed.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Raid Array Incorrectly Assembled On Boot

Feb 20, 2011

I've got a couple of new hard disks that I have partitioned (3 partitions per disk) and set up in a mirrored software raid array using mdadm. They've synced, I've put file systems on them (1 x ext4, 2 x luks + ext4) and I can mount them. I've checked the partitions using fdisk. I've checked the filesystems using fsck. So far so good. Next step is that I'd like mdadm to automatically assemble them on boot. (Not bothered about mounting and crypttabing yet.)

I've used sudo /usr/share/mdadm/mkconf to generate a new mdadm.conf with the appropriate UUIDs for the new partitions. I've checked that this matches the output of sudo mdadm --detail --scan

The new lines in this file are:

ARRAY /dev/md9 level=raid1 num-devices=2 UUID=470fb8a6:45561fe0:ebda4a02:9ba7a1ed
ARRAY /dev/md10 level=raid1 num-devices=2 UUID=f351fbba:c704a4b2:ebda4a02:9ba7a1ed
ARRAY /dev/md8 level=raid1 num-devices=2 UUID=c6ccec17:2274588e:ebda4a02:9ba7a1ed

To check that the mdadm.conf is fine I have stopped the new arrays:


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Ubuntu Servers :: Make A Service To Depend On A RAID Array?

Mar 7, 2011

Short story: I have a problem with one of my services (mediatomb) - it requires an md RAID array to be mounted in order to start, because it uses files from it. $remote_fs is added by default to the "Required-Start" line of the init script, so I thought that this should be enough. However, the mediatomb service fails to start on boot, but starts just fine when I execute "service mediatomb start" later. The array is entered in /etc/fstab and is automatically mounted on boot.

Long story...

This is my file server (Ubuntu Server 10.10), which has a raid array created with mdadm (mounted on /z), and the root filesystem is located on an USB thumb drive. I've installed mediatomb, but I wanted to put its database files on the raid array instead of the root fs, so I've symlinked /var/lib/mediatomb (the default path) to /z/mediatomb on the array. This is because the mediatomb DB is supposed to be updated fairly often, so I didn't want it to stay on the flash drive.

Problem is, the mediatomb service can't start on boot - in /var/log/mediatomb.log, it says "2011-03-07 19:22:47 ERROR: /var/lib/mediatomb : 20 x No such file or directory". As I said, it works fine when manually started later...

This is the fstab entry for the raid array code...

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Ubuntu Servers :: Accessing Storage Array Drives From LiveCD?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm trying to delete directories (long story, Mac temp files there, Windows not cooperating) on a sever connected to a HP 20 Modular Smart Array set up as RAID5. System currently running Windows. I've booted from a 9.10 LiveCD but can't see the external drives. Is it correct that I need to install mdadm to "see" those drives from LiveCD? From a different machine (linux) I can mount the drive using samba like so:

sudo smbmount //IP address/hostname RAID5 Root Share /mnt/ntserver -o username=smith,password=abcde123

I have admin privileges on the Windows OS. In linux (or Windows beforehand), is it possible to take ownership of the directories so that I can do a rm -f -r <dir> ?

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