Ubuntu Servers :: Web Forum Software Required?

Aug 2, 2011

id like to run a web forum on my own web server at home. im using dyndns for dns service.im on 11.04 running apache2.i need a free forum software

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup A SMF Forum Running Hardy?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm trying to setup an SMF forum on a server running Ubuntu Hardy. The problem is that the website on the server was built using Django. So considering that Django uses Python and SMF uses PHP, would it be possible for both of these to coexist on the same server? If so, how? If this can't be done, I'm more than willing to rebuild the website in PHP. If I were to do this, then what do I need to do to reconfigure Apache? As of right now it's using mod_wsgi, but I'm assuming I would need mod_php. How would I set this up?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Game Servers Via Wine Tickless Required?

Mar 4, 2010

(Mods: If you feel this belongs more in the Games or Wine discussion area, please feel free to move. This question does intersect many areas, so was unsure where to put)

I have a funky server Ubuntu 9.10 Enterprise setup where I have X on all the time (using Xfce4 - not Xbuntu) with latest wine so I can run Windows only based game server executables. One of the applications is a simple dedicated racing game server made by the company I work for that works perfect in wine (unfortunately, the full 3D game client does not, so its a windows only game). The other is more just to test, runs Serious Sam HD dedicated with wine with a steam client active in background since SSHD Ded requires a steam client logged in (just create a dummy account).

Im getting some lag issues with the SSHD on the end-users client side. Unsure if its related to it being a more complex game and using wine to translate slowing it down. Things like tiny warps once in awhile, and the ping of clients kinda jumping around.

Im pretty sure my network settings are ok. Maybe not fully optimized for every bit via ipv4. Still though. This 1U Opteron server is in a ISP with a full 1000 up and down. Ports are locked out that aren't being used. I do have apache going, but its nothing strenuous. The CPU isnt used overly so. Maybe peaks out around 60% under strain, but mostly 20-40%. Memory use is about 550-700megs for SSHD itself. Given, it only has 2 gigs total at this time, but I still usually have near a Gig of memory available at most times.

I admit newbness of linux servers in general. Was reading about other game servers like CS:S requiring a ticked kernel near 1000 to get the least amount of lag. Some even saying they dropped the tickless options of the newer 2.6 kernels on purpose because they produced lag. Was checking on the history of newer Windows Server like 2008 and they still use a ticked OS, though a more optimized version.

So this boils down to should I be running a Ticked OS kernel to run a more complex Windows based dedicated server? I haven't tried thus far, well because I am again a bit of a n00b to all this. That and I'm not sure you have to tell wine or the SS:HD dedicated exe itself to run at a full ticked rate (no option I have seen for a command line function in the SS:HD itself).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Memory Required

Oct 29, 2010

I have many documents that indicate many different min requirements for drive memory. Will someone give me an idea for the following...Ubuntu 10.10 server running SSH and Samba what would be the memory requirements, recommended as opposed to min, for partitions as follows:
/ -- root
/home -- as a separate partition
/boot -- as a separate partition (do I really need a separate boot)
swap my RAM is 768mg so 1 gig should be good

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Ubuntu Servers :: Recovery Required On Read Only Files System

Jun 23, 2010

My server is not accessible any longer locally ( If I attach a keyboard and login (I have done one pass of recovery from the Ubuntu live CD which helped) and check the IP address it seems to be set. However looking at the syslog file there is a line which says ext3-fs: info: recovery required on read only files system.

Is there a more extensive ext3 recovery facility I can use bearing in mind I will not (?) be able to install it?

I think I'm running 8.6 but not sure where to look to find it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Reboot Required Line At Logon Time?

Jan 30, 2011

When I log onto my 10.04 server via ssh, there is the /etc/motd displayed. This motd is made up each time by the files in /etc/update/motd.d/. There is this one file : update-motd-reboot-required The content is exec /usr/lib/update-notifier/update-mot-reboot-required and the content of this one is : if the file /var/run/reboot-required exists, print it.

But who is making this file and why ?we know who it is: it's pam_motd.. but why would I reboot ??!?

editt2 : nvmd [URL]

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General :: Setup A SSH Key Between Servers So No Password Is Required?

Nov 2, 2010

I am trying to set up a SSH key between servers so no password is required when I have to "scp" files between the two. This is what I have tried so far but still requires a password:

ssh-keygen -t rsa
scp /home/<user>/.ssh/id_rsa <server2.com>:/home/<user>/.ssh/athorized_keys

When I scp after this I wasn't expecting to need a password but it is still prompting. Now I have used this same method before and it has worked great. The only difference this time is server2 is not in the same cage.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Network Between Cloud Controller And Nodes Is Required For A Proper Cloud Installation?

Jan 12, 2010

what kind of network between cloud controller and nodes, is required for a proper cloud installation? I mean, Does all machines needs to be in same network, in same lan, or may be in MAN or WAN ? how much should be network throughput? 1Mbit/sec , 10Mbit per sec, or 1Gbit/sec? I ask because I need to know the possibility of running nodes on different locations.

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Ubuntu :: How To Access Old Postings To Web Forum

Sep 19, 2010

I'm looking for the banana leaf desktop wallpaper which came with Jaunty Jackalope. Some kind person had all the archived wall-papers, but since I had to re-install I've lost it again.And by the way, how can I access my old postings to the web forum. Is this possible at all?

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Ubuntu :: Proper Forum On Getting GCC Working?

Nov 26, 2010

Is there a proper forum for newbie questions on getting GCC working?

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Ubuntu :: Creating Forum For Internal Company Use?

Jul 8, 2010

I'm the opensource nut at my company (which services MS networks) and I've been asked to set up an internal forum for our tech's to use to sever much like a knowledge base. I've never set up any forums before and was wondering what YOU guys recommend to use. I've briefly looked at Joomla and it seems nice and fairly easy to use.

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Fedora :: Forum Down Cannot Access It?

Oct 10, 2010

anyone know whats happening with the Fedoraforum? cannot access it

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Programming :: Looking For A R Language Forum?

Jan 21, 2011

I am looking for a specific forum for the R programming language.

Some thing like the LQ is for linux, that will be nice.

Or something like the cplusplus is for c/c++.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Xp In The Forum For Dual Boot?

Sep 4, 2010

computer 8300 dell 82875 intel setup as follows:drive A master xp installeddev/sda master boot filesystem dev/sda1drive B slave ubuntudev/sdb (grub 2.863gb)grub.cfg set root=(hd1,1)until it gets to microsoft home edition, it changes to(hd0,1)drivemap (hd0)it automatically boots in XPi followed an example on windows xp in the forum for dual boot.

fdisk -L
drive 2 boot
DEV/sdb1 * linux


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Ubuntu :: Forum Login Times Out While Composing A Post?

Oct 9, 2010

I've used the forums infrequently, being more of a mailing list kind of guy. But I'm currently tinkering with an old laptop I got as a "gift" which doesn't have an ethernet port, And if I wanted to use my cable modems usb connection to apt-get etc for the installed Ubuntu Lucid, I had to disconnect my router. This pc isn't yet configured with my mail client etc... So I thought I'd try the forum again...I noticed that using: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100423 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.3 Which has not been modified yet (except to add the scroogle search bar) I keep timing out.

IEI logged in to ubuntu forums, found an existing thread related to something I'd like to do with it.clicked on quote, and began composing a followup. When I was ready to preview the thread I got an error that said I wasn't logged in. and suggested I use some included form to try again. The form looked like it wanted my username and password but wouldn't let me enter the required info into the blank fields... I had to simply log in again with the login link at the top of the forum page, and use the back button (alt+leftarrow) several times until my reply was recovered so that I could preview, fix typos & submit..I searched the forum for "forum login timeout" and found one relevant post which appeared to say the only reason it's OP had a problem was do to making changes to his copy of firefox but that it was fixed ([solved]) without saying how he fixed it. There was a reference to using about:config which is beyond my skill level...How does one keep the from login session from timing out while one's browser still has an open window to what was a logged in forum page anyway

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Ubuntu Security :: Cannot Access Forum After Installing Dansguardian

Nov 27, 2010

I have just installed webcontent control following these instructions - [URL] It has blocked the content that I wanted blocking but also when I try to access the ubuntuforum site, all I get it a white screen.what I need to adjust in the configuration so that I can access the forum with content control enabled.

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Ubuntu Security :: Post Terminal Output In Forum?

Apr 23, 2011

I've done some searching on googlubuntu for and answer to this but haven't found anything.

As a Linux newbie I was wondering if there are certain types of output from the terminal I should beware of posting for everyone to see? Also are there any codes; that, if I were to be asked to run and report the output on, should raise a red flag?

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Ubuntu :: Option Domain-name And Option Domain-name-servers Lines Required In Dhcpd.conf?

Feb 16, 2010

Ubuntu Server 9.10I want to set up my dhcp server to also be my DNS server so do I skip these lines or point them at the same server that the config file is on?

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Fedora :: Deactivate / Delete Forum Account?

Jul 21, 2009

I've been searching the in User CP an option to deactivate/delete my account without any success.

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Applications :: Forum To Select For Putty Queries?

Feb 17, 2010

Guide me which forum need to select for putty queries?

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General :: Using Putty To Connect To A Forum's Server?

Nov 5, 2010

I've been allowed to work on the server of a forum. I was given the username and password, and with them logged in successfully on the server using PuTTY, but now I'm not sure what command I use to do anything to the users on the forum For example how would I change someone's username or password, etc.

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General :: Can Access Forum On Usenet Newsreader

Jun 10, 2011

Can I access this forum on a Usenet newsreader such as slrn?

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General :: How To Navigate To Slackware-install Forum?

Jul 6, 2010

how do you navigate to slackware-install forum got there once .now can't find it

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Programming :: Perform A Permutation, Which Did Using One Post From This Forum?

Feb 1, 2011

I am really a Newbie in bash programing and I need to perform a permutation, which I did using one post from this forum as follow.

list=`echo {1..12}`
for c1 in $list


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Ubuntu :: Forum Homepage Freezes Past Community Cafe Link?

Jun 25, 2010

Ubuntu forum home page will lock up, just for several seconds once I scroll past the community cafe link. Then the page will free up, it is just annoying to have to wait 5-10 seconds for the page to free up.

I am running 64 bit ubuntu 10.04 and my browser is google chrome.

Does this happened to anyone else? Any advice on a corrections, this seems weird enough to not have a fix

FYI, does not freeze on firefox.

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Software :: Good Forum Application For Centos System?

Sep 5, 2010

Good forum server(application) for Centos5(Linux) Server

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Software :: Tool To Notify For New Forum Post - Can't Run With Wine

Jan 31, 2010

I am searching for a tool that notify when new post is made on a thread. I found one program "phpBB post notifier", but it is for windows and can't run with wine. There is no author and developer page to check for more information.

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Debian :: Forum Spell Checker On Iceweasel Not Working Since Last Upgrade?

Jan 6, 2011

The forum spell checker on Iceweasel is not working since the last upgrade. I use Debian Lenny, but it is a mixed system of backports and some Squeeze. After the last upgrade of Iceweasel from backports, I notice that the spell checker in forums such as this one no longer works. For instance, "salkdfjkjlslkdf" does not get the red underline like it used to. It was a while ago that I had set up Iceweasel to do this, and I can't remember how I did it. I thought that I simply needed the language dictionary (in my case, Canadian English), which I'm sure still exists.

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General :: Media Storage Options (moved To Server Forum)

Nov 4, 2010

Deleted. I tried to delete the entire posting, but could only edit.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Apache Hanging On Forum Reply Posts?

Apr 1, 2010

I recently moved my site to a new server (Apache 2, PHP5, MySQL5). The site is an Invision based forum. Every few posts / topics it just hangs. The data has been written because if you stop and reload, the post / thread is there. I thought it was a write issue initially, but nope. So, the data is written but the page load never completes. It doesn't leave the page where the data has been input.

Whats the best way to trouble shoot this issue? The only thing I have done recently is reduce my MySQL timeouts, but I can't see that being an issue as the values are still big enough and there are no mentions of timeouts in the MySQL log. (For the record there is nothing in PHP's error log either)

I have checked my server-status. It all looked ok, but I have a suspicion I was hitting my ServerLimit, so I doubled that. Also enabled my Keepalives. Will keep an eye on it.

Some additional info;

1. Apache is throwing seg faults, but enabling core dumps does not produce them.

2. I have tried disabling the modules in apache but it just stops things from working.

3. I fear it may actually be DNS related. If I watch Live Headers in Firefox, absolutely nothing happens during this 'hanging' period. After that, the responses come back fairly promptly.

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