I heard that you can create a server from Ubuntu 10.10, even if it's not server edition. does anyone have a good guide to doing it in standard ubuntu? all i can find is on server edition where there's no GUI. or is terminal the only way? (im just setting up a basic home server for sharing pics and text docs, so i don't have to worry about security just yet. ill get to that some time later)
How do I stop one user account from being able to read files in another user account.
Right now once i log in, I can easily navigate to /home/[username] and copy/read any file. How do I make it thus that only /home/[username]/shared is allowed to be read/copied.
I would also like to prevent listing of directories.
After seeing a few articles on making a home router I thought "I'll have a go at that" as I've spare bits and bobs lying around. Now apart form some iffy wireless cards one major problem sprung to mind. Clearly there will be 2 NIC - 1 in and in my case one out. And that one has to be wireless. But I've yet to find a ready built one (is Smoothwall or the like) that will allow me to do this with a wireless network card in the machine.
Firstly is it doable as all the traffic in my house is wireless. Secondly are there any ready built distros that will handle it for me.
I need to specify a different path to home directories on a particular server than what LDAP contains for the users, besides using a symlink. E.g. "/Users/jdoe" vs "/home/jdoe" I don't want to change the actual LDAP attributes, just want a particular server to point them in the right direction (Ubuntu 10.04).
I'm assuming it's something I could probably set in pam configurations?
I cannot, for the life of me, get nmbd to run at boot on Ubuntu Server 10.10. On all other variations I've run, it's just automatically running. How does one go about this?
I'm trying to figure out how to launch rc.local before services like autofs is being executed during system bootup. The reason I wanted this is because I needed for my server to pickup a DHCP address from my college's DHCP servers in order to get an IP address. Unfortunately, I couldn't get an IP address any other way and the update-rc script is really confusing to use.
Making a Samba Server with LDAP authentication. Will post as I go along. Found these sources, anything/hiccups I should know before jumping in? Figure would follow the official documentation then check the others for comparative errors.
I'm using vsftpd as my FTP server. I have set it up so I can access my home directory via FTP, requiring my login.
But I want to make a folder in my documents (or anywhere really), which only my colleague can access. But I don't want to make a local Ubuntu user account. He just needs to be able to send files to this folder, connecting remotely, using his own login details.
I currently have an Airport Extreme connected directly to my cable modem but have been wondering if I should actually connect direct to my proxy server first. The reason I am asking is because I run multiple web servers for web hosting and I have a proxy server setup that directs traffic to the appropriate computer based on domain names.
I have my router connected to my cable modem, and then all of my computers are connected thru the router. To me it would make more sense to have my proxy server be the first to connect and then thru a second ethernet card connect to the router. I also have a 5 port switch on order as well. So basically I'm asking for opinions now, in preparation for making some adjustments to my network and servers.
After securing webmin on my web server, with a custom SSL connection.I wanted to do the same with phpMyAdmin. But I am unsure of where to look for the best tutorial(s) to do this, can anyone help?Plus I saw once at work our network tech adding in accounts but then allocating that to the login itself.For example, when your brought up with a .htaccess prompt in the browser, thats assigned to you login within phpMyAdmin, taken from the db server no doubt, is it possible to do this?Should there be anything else I need to know in securing mysql?I have limited all services to a set number of IPs so non of its publically functional at the moment so I can take as long as possible, but naturally I'd like to be able to be as speedy as possible about getting this sorted.
I currently know how to run a traffic report on the whole host. How can I setup a cron job to run the report on a paticular virtual host and move it to the directory where it can be view over the net?
a little question that doesn't quite fit in any of the forum categories. Since the 10.04 update, the less command doesn't do anything when I press [Home] or [End], although [PageUp] etc works as usual.
It's purposes are as follows: - NAS - Apache - Webdavs - Samba - NFS - Time Machine - PXE-boot server - DHCP server - Nameserver - Router - Usenet - Torrents - Future home automation (with a Velleman USB card).
For hardware, my considerations are the following: - 2 Gigabit LAN ports: obviously they have to work in Linux, one is going to connect to the ADSL modem, the other to a Linksys WRT320N router and AP - 4 harddisk bays (I'm starting with 3x2TB, but I'd like it to be future proof) - Very low energy consumption - Not unnecesarily expensive
So I can do two things: build my own system based on an Atom board (but I can't seem to find the right hardware), or buy a NAS that you can install linux on.I've been looking at something like the QNAP TS-410 Turbo NAS. But does anyone know whether you can install your own OS on it? Apparently it comes with a custom linux OS, so am I right to assume that all hardware should work in Ubuntu?
I've been running my Dell SC440 as a home server/workstation for about a year now and whilst it can cope with both roles, it is power hungry, loud and does get a little slow down sometimes. What I am looking to do is create a home server to take away the need of it to be on 24x7.My requirements in a home server would include:
- Media Server (using TwonkyMedia or uShare) - NZB Downloader (hellaNZB or sabNZB) - AFP + NFS file serving - rsync/unison for Linux backups and N900 media sync and backup - Email/Calendar/Contacts hosting and sync (zimbra or zarafa?)
I would like to achieve this with an Acer Revo and a couple of 1 or 1.5TB external hard disks, I'm unsure if the Atom processor would be strong enough for all of these services, although I could test it using my netbook, if that can cope, the Revo would be able to easily.
I have a problem setting up Postfix on my home (behind Router/firewall) Ubuntu driven server, I have been trying for days now with no luck. All I would like to do is use the server to send mail (MTA). So while installing I configured it as a satellite system.
I am a complete newbie at web servers, so I installed Ubuntu Server and have a LAMP set up. I have gotten dynamic DNS to link to my domain, and that seems to be working. My domain is 6py7.com. If I try to access my domain from within my home network it links me to my router's main page ( I have my server set up with a static ip at and have port forwarding set up.
Is there something I missed with the setup of this? I can only access my domain if I use a network outside of my home network, but if I am within my home network the domain name links to the router.
I'm having some difficulties setting up my ubuntu home server. I have vsftpd installed on my server, and I am able to use it perfectly when I am outside of my home. However, whenever I attempt to access my server through FTP from my desktop, it does not work. The file in question will load VERY SLOWLY to about 8% then the connection will drop out.My desktop and server are connected to the same router, and I feel as though this may be the issue.or vsftpd in a special way to access it through LAN?What I am trying to do specifically is use Comicpress (a Wordpress plugin) to upload comics to my server, with no luck.
I am planning to make a home made NAS running ubuntu server 10.04 LTS. Nothing fancy, simple samba with open access for all and openssh for admin access over the network. The NAS will not have heavy traffic, two home computers with occasional access, just to serve as central location. I am in doubt which CPU to use and I am after both budget and power saving solution.
1. I have an old Athlon Clawhammer I can use but the TDP of 90W is putting me off. I can also use existing 2x512MB DDR-400 memory with it. The board would be new. 2. I would rather invest in new mini-ITX board with built-in dual-core Atom D525 (TDP 13W), VGA and Gb ethernet. I would add 2GB DDR3-1333 memory.
Since I would need a new board for the Clawhammer too (current one doesn't have SATA), I am more attracted to option 2. Would the dual-core Atom be enough running this simple home NAS? I think it should but my experience with ubuntu server is limited.
I'm looking at building a small NAS setup for my home to hold all my media (DVD's, pictures, music etc..). I'm not too concerned with backups of it at this point as I have all the data elsewhere as it is, but would like one central spot to access it.
A friend of mine turned me on to Ubuntu to do this with but he's never tried it, so I'm looking to see if anyone else has done this or if there issues with it. I've used linux off and on for several years, but this would be my first Ubuntu install.
I'm looking at either using some older hardware I have sitting around, or something cheap like a small dell server (T310 or something). I'd get 4 2TB drives and just use them in a software raid 5 array. It would be accessed with a few different samba shares I'm thinking.
I just built a computer that I'm going to use as a home network server for our music, pix, etc. I installed and it was working for a few minutes then just disappeared... I have no idea what happened, but here is my config file... and to note, we have 2 ubuntu desktops running on the network and 1 windows7 pc... Havent even attempted the windows part yet, so if you want to help with that too,
If any of you have successfully created a video hosting server with Fedora, can you give me any ideas of what software to get and how to configure it and so on? Or, if you have been unsuccessful, can you tell me what doen't work?
FTP from and from my home computers to 2 remote servers has become really slow over the past month. One of the remote servers I manage and the other one is taken care of by a hosting company, so I am thinking the problem is residing on my end. It doesn't matter if I am downloading 1 file or 10 files, they are all coming in at 9 kb/s which is really slow cause I have a 7 megabit connection. I've tried using multiple computers and still have the same problem. I am using proftp for the ftp server and filezilla for the client.
Im wondering about proxy servers, see it is like this: I got banned from a samp server and i can't get my ip changed (it's not the local address it's the one all the computers in my house shares) I searched a little bit and discovered that a proxy server would be the best option. If I have it in some one else house I will get another ip right? Is it possible to install some software on my laptop and just use that? and how do I do that? Btw I found this: [URL]. But I didn't understand so much of it.
What is the recommended filesystem to use when creating a home server/nas?
I'd be sharing files using SAMBA, DLNA Server or some sort of streaming. I'll have two win7 laptops, 2 ubuntu desktops and ps3 accessing the files. Most of the time the server will just 75% read from 25% writing.
At home I have an Ubuntu 10.10 Server which is my fileserver and squeezebox server for my home LAN.
My home Internet connection is a 10/10Gbit fiber (soon to be upgraded to 25/25, I was told by my ISP).
How hard is it for me (I'm not too technical) to make my home server a proxy for surfing through when I am abroad?
The thing is: our national broadcaster (www.nrk.no) broadcasts live streaming TV, but only to IP addresses in Norway. When I am travelling abroad, I would like to use my home server as a proxy in order to be able to receive these streams as if I was on my home IP address (more or less like the services offered from the US in order to make it possible for non-US people to watch hulu.com etc.)
I would prefer a proxy setup, instead of slingbox or similar.
I have a perplexing problem that I was hoping some of you might help me solve. My servers run 10.10 and also serve as standalone LTSP hosts - none of this is terribly relevant I hope. Recently, a user complained of permission problems and so I ran a simple command:
Code: chown -R username:username /home/username/* and