Ubuntu Networking :: Making Adjustments To Network And Servers - Need Router?

Jan 7, 2011

I currently have an Airport Extreme connected directly to my cable modem but have been wondering if I should actually connect direct to my proxy server first. The reason I am asking is because I run multiple web servers for web hosting and I have a proxy server setup that directs traffic to the appropriate computer based on domain names.

I have my router connected to my cable modem, and then all of my computers are connected thru the router. To me it would make more sense to have my proxy server be the first to connect and then thru a second ethernet card connect to the router. I also have a 5 port switch on order as well. So basically I'm asking for opinions now, in preparation for making some adjustments to my network and servers.

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Networking :: Making A Home Router ?

Dec 20, 2010

After seeing a few articles on making a home router I thought "I'll have a go at that" as I've spare bits and bobs lying around. Now apart form some iffy wireless cards one major problem sprung to mind. Clearly there will be 2 NIC - 1 in and in my case one out. And that one has to be wireless. But I've yet to find a ready built one (is Smoothwall or the like) that will allow me to do this with a wireless network card in the machine.

Firstly is it doable as all the traffic in my house is wireless. Secondly are there any ready built distros that will handle it for me.

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Networking :: Network Setup - Router - Wireless Router Card ?

Apr 24, 2010

I'm having trouble getting my network set up the way that I want it/had it. You see, when I first set up my network, I just had my cable modem going directly to my standard wired router (A D-Link DI-604), which had DHCP,and was connected to all of the computers on my network. I had one switch hooked up to one of the ports of the router, but this was a regular switch, and it would not try to assign IP addresses, it would just pass through the DHCP info as I wanted.

Now however, my network setup has changed. My room mate and I both got laptops, and we decided that we wanted to have wireless access so we didn't have to constantly plug in to the router.

Now my network is set up like this: The modem is hooked up to the router(DI-604), which is hooked up on the LAN side to our computers, our switch (which is hooked up to 3 more computers), and to a wireless router card (A Gigabyte GN-BC01).

The wireless router card has two jacks for ethernet. One for WAN, and one for LAN. The LAN side we have plugged only into the computer in which the card is installed.

Now the problem is this: The wireless router card comes with DHCP by default, and it's assigning addresses to the laptops and to the computer hat it's in, and worse, the IP addresses are on a different subnet than that of the main dlink router. The Main (dlink) router assigns addresses from (itself) to, while the wireless router card assigns addresses from to (itself).

Because of this, I cannot access services on the wireless network from my wired network or vice versa. The first thing I tried was setting the card to assign addresses from to, however it just said "internal error" when I tried to do this. I decided that this may be because it sees that it was being assigned an address on it's WAN side on the same subnet. So the next thing I tried was disabling DHCP and setting the "LAN IP Address" to, hoping that the DHCP would just go through the card, like a switch. I would have set the LAN IP address to be assigned by DHCP, but this was not an option, so I decided that'd be the best thing to set it to.

Once again however, setting the LAN ip address to an address on the same subnet as that of the IP assigned to it's WAN side caused it to report an "internal error". I verified that this was the issue by setting the LAN address to several other private IP addresses to test (I.E.,,

My question then really is: How do I set up both routers so that I can access services and computers from each network from the other network. Should I set them with different subnets and set the gateway on the wireless network to the main router? To the wireless router card? Should I put them on the same subnet? Will it know how to communicate?

Here is a link to (picture) my network diagram. Network Diagram

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Fedora Servers :: Samba Shows Up Is Router And Home Network

Aug 4, 2011

Linux and have a western digital server (my book world edition) I can access it with Ubuntu 11.04, just by downloading Samba and then by clicking on network and the server shows up, but with Fedora 15, after I have installed Samba, I click on network and all that shows up is my router?

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Networking :: Install Mrtg On A Client Computer In Network And Measure The Network's Router Traffic

Sep 4, 2009

I wanted to know if i can install mrtg on a client computer in network and measure the network's router traffic.i know that it can be installed on the server.

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Networking :: Making Network Between Host And Guest

Mar 5, 2009

I have rhel5 as host and guest is xp and rhel5, how will I make a network between them.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Making Sure Two Network Cards Each Have The Correct IP Addresses?

Nov 2, 2010

I've got two NICs connected to two different routers, and on different subnets of course. Each is set for static IP. But somehow I must have mixed up the connections at some point, so the NICs don't always have the IP addresses I expect. I think there may also be a mixup with different ways of setting the network addresses. When I click the Network Icon on the Desktop, I see that each NIC has both addresses as options. The /etc/network/interfaces file has some information about eth0, but all commented out, so there must be another place the addresses get set. And I just discovered that eth0 and eth1 aren't physical but virtual. I guess eth0 is the first one that is set.

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Networking :: Network Configuration: Server - Router Vs Router-server

Aug 14, 2010

I am thinking of moving the router behind a server and connecting the server directly to the internet via a modem. Are there any security issues related to doing this? or other things I should be aware of. Iptables are implemented on the server blocking access on unused ports.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Will Not Find My Router / Network

Jun 27, 2010

I'm trying to get online on my laptop, I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 (Side by side with Windows 7.) I'm looking over the networking help files, as well as the troubleshooting and nothing seems to be working. [URL]. From this troubleshooting guide it tells me to open the terminal and type the command "sudo lshw -C network" and when I do, it asks me for my password but when I try to type it, nothing comes up. So I run it without typing sudo. It says "*-network DISABLED" which in the troubleshooting guide means that my router is off, but I'm clearly online on this computer as of right now.

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Networking :: Connect To Multiple Ssh Servers Behind Router ?

Jan 14, 2011

I have 5 linux ssh servers at my office that are behind a router. How do I connect to any one specific server from outside the LAN? Do I have to port forward the router giving each machine it's own port? That seems clunky.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network Card For Router?

Jan 14, 2010

I am running ubuntu server x64 as a router. I currently have 2 LAN cards, eth0 and eth1. and I want to add wireless capabilites to the machine.I was wondering if any of you know which card I could use?I want it to be supported in ubuntu server and it must be n-draft, as it is to replace a Edimax n-draft router.

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Fedora Servers :: Networking - Hooked Up Directly To Router

Apr 17, 2009

I am starting to hate using NetworkManager instead of the good old "network" option. This is my problem. I have a modem I got from my ISP. My F10 server is hooked up directly to this router, and gets a static IP address of: (Hypothetical ip). I then have a wireless router on my network, that connects directly to my isp's modem, and gets a static IP address aswell. Attached to the wireless router are all of the desktops in my house.

I have more than one network card in my server, so I want to plug my server into my router so I can share files. Whenever I do this, I get DNS issues. My postfix cannot receive email, but it can send it. Once the local interface is disconnected, I regain the ability to recieve email from postfix. I am so confused. This is my first encounter using NetworkManager. I just switched from CentOS.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Router Dont Asign An Ip Adress To Box No Network At All?

Jan 14, 2010

just installed ubuntu in 1 of my boxes is an old compaq presario v2000. Is running dual boot with XP, the problem is i dont have internet connection(wireless and wired) with Ubuntu but i do with XP. I read like hundreds of posts from diferent forums and i wrote all crazy commands in terminal but aint working. I tried directly trough the modem (motorolla 2210)and with the router(netgear wgr614) via wired and wireless and aint working either. For some reason ubuntu doesnt request an ip adress from the router or the router dont asign an ip adress to my linux box.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - Wireless Network Manager Cannot Find My Router

Feb 8, 2010

To start off I have a Rosewill rnx-n2x wireless adapter and a Dlink 4500 router. The problem is, the wireless network manager detects every wireless router in the neighborhood, except mine. I see this persons, and this persons, but no "My router Not yours". I even tried doing the hidden network setup and still nothing.

I have read that the rnx n2x isnt supported by linux, although I've seen solutions to make it work (which didn't work, mkdir command kept getting denied during make) link to what I'm talking about: [URL]. What I don't get though, is that if the rnx n2x isnt supported by linux, wouldn't I not be getting my neighbors connections to begin with?

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Networking :: NAT Router Says Target Network Inaccessible?

Jun 2, 2011

I can't get even a simple NAT router setup to work. The network topology is dirt-simple:

ISP gateway X.Y.Z.65 ->
Linux NAT router box X.Y.Z.108 (eth1) and (eth0) ->
Windows Vista laptop
I'm running Debian "squeeze" - plain vanilla install with Gnome.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Share Files On Windows Based Router And Network?

Jun 14, 2010

I have a Linksys router configured via Windows 7 and have to other PC's using Ubunto, and would like to share folders on the 2 Linux boxes with the Windows Laptop. I can see the windows network through the Linux machines but not vice-versa. I also have a Konica 1400W printer connected to the Linux box but can't get the W7 laptop to find it.Sharing message box states I haven't installed the correct sharing packages, but cant find them

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Or Router Suddenly Stopped Working

Nov 25, 2010

Right so yesterday my internet worked fine. Today - no connection at all. The light for my cable on the router doesn't even show up. I originally had indicator-network installed, so when the internet first stopped working, I tried a few other options such as tethering to my phone via usb and bluetooth (which I have successfully used in the past). However, these didn't work, and I figured that as connman is still in beta, maybe that was why. So I reinstalled network-manager and network-manager-gnome via a usb stick, uninstalled indicator-network, and rebooted the computer. Still no internet.

When I click on the applet, it says "No network devices are available". This is odd, as I definitely have a network device... it is part of the motherboard. So I thought I'd do the SMARTlan test or whatever it's called. It's part of my BIOS, so I ran that and it returned results that I (kinda) expected: when the cable wasn't plugged in, it returned one set of results. When it was only plugged into my computer (and not the router), it returned another set of results. And when it was plugged into both my computer and the router, it returned a third set of results. So that leads me to believe the cable itself is fine.

And when I move the cable to a different port on the router, nothing changes. The corresponding light still doesn't come on. Network-manager, telling there are no network devices. The BIOS can see the ethernet port and the cable. And the router is functioning perfectly for my parents' computer and my ps3. And I have checked the cable to my computer for physical damage - it follows the same path as the one to my ps3, and on top of that, nothing physical can possibly have happened to it in the last day. This happened once before, except I don't think the network devices were lost.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up Network Firewall Using A Netgear DG834G Router

Jan 12, 2011

could set up a firewall on my linux machine? I have is to connect my router wired to the linux machine and then from the linux machine to my main computer, and obviously routing the internet connection through the linux box as a firewall. I use a Netgear DG834G router

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Networking :: Adding Wireless Router To An Existing Network

Dec 22, 2010

I have an existing network that connects to the 'net via a Linux-based firewall. That system has two ethernet interfaces: one to the DSL modem and the other to the internal switch. Future plans were for adding a second "internal" interface with the idea of moving servers into that (think DMZ). But while I was planning for that, the missus has decided she wants to pick up a Windows laptop and would like to be able to use it wirelessly at home. I have access to a (free!) Netgear WGR614L and was hoping it would work. Unfortunately, I'm unsure how to add the wireless capability to our network.


Is it best -- or even possible -- to use one the wireless router for this?

Is it possible to merely hang the Netgear router off the internal switch and set it up for the wireless users? Or...

Would I need to add another ethernet interface to the firewall and hang the router off that? The address of this new interface would act as the default route for the wireless users. Then I'd need to (I assume) add more rules to the iptables configuration to deal with the new network. (I sort of like this option -- it it's actually feasible -- as I can easily shut down any wireless access by logging into the firewall and stopping the interface connecting the wireless router.)

I've taken a look at the setup guide on the CD that came with the router and it assumes that you have a modem connecting your PC to the internet. The instructions have you placing the wireless router between the modem and that PC. For our network, that would have the wireless access coming into the "dirty" side of the firewall. (Not what I would like.)

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Networking :: Layer 2 Switch - VLAN Router To Network

May 15, 2009

Our ISP provides us with Layer 2 hardware (Modem?/Switch? (Hatteras)) for our leased line and internet access. I have been told that I should set up a VLAN capable router to separate the internet traffic from the internal traffic. I found that linux is capable of VLAN routing. Nice!

I have setup opensuse 10.3 put in two NICs and did the following
vconfig add eth0 10
vconfig add eth0 20
ifconfig public.ip.add.ress netmask eth0.10 up
ifconfig netmask eth0.20 up

Plugged this NIC into the HATTERAS hardware (with a straight cable), and thought that this way I should be able to ping the public gateway or any ip out on the internet. My ISP is telling me that I should create a VLAN trunk to be able to 'use the internet', but as I understand in linux if I create any number of VLANs on one NIC they are already trunked. I also got the info, that the traffic is tagged, and I can separate the traffic reading the tags. I already read that some NICs are not able to VLAN because they are not able to handle the increased packet size.

Also that the MTU setting is important (dono' the exact value though, only that its important). I thought that a linux machine can act as a router and firewall in such a case, because proprietary switches/routers use linux as embedded os. This is my first meeting with VLAN so if this whole post does not make any sense or you think that I just need to RTFM more then tell me! I also have some (3) Dlink 3226 Layer2 switches around, but I think it would be waste to use a 24 port switch on this subject.

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Networking :: Multible Network Interfaces, Router Settings?

Nov 19, 2010

I have a Debian machine up and running with tree network interfaces. This is what i want it to work with.

eth0 = dhclient from ISP (external)
eth1 = acting as dhcpserver with iptables, for sharing eth0 to "int network A)
eth2 = dhclient to connect to an netgear router that has similar ip adress suffix as eth0


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Networking :: Spurious Network Traffic From ATT U-Verse Router?

Aug 9, 2010

In my "computer room" I have an ATT U-Verse TV decoder box and my computer connected to a Netgear Switch. The third port on the switch connects to the ATT router. I've just noticed that when I power on the U-Verse TV box I start getting a lot (200-250 KiB/s) of received packets on my Debian Lenny machine as shown in the System Monitor app. I don't show any outgoing traffic in response. That explains why the lights on the switch are blinking at the same rate for both devices. So, what, if anything, is this telling me? Is this normal, or is the ATT router spamming my Linux machine for some reason? Is this a potential problem?

Added: Or is this just telling me that the NetGear FS-105 is not actually an ethernet switch?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Insert Another Wired Network Card Into The Router-connected Computer

Sep 25, 2010

Would it be possible to insert another wired network card into the router-connected computer, share the internet connection and be able to transfer files between the two?

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Networking :: WPA2 Network - Ndiswrapper Wireless - Ubuntu 9.04 - Reset Router To Get Online

Apr 1, 2010

I've been having a network problem that I've been able to temporarily solve by rebooting the router, but even that can be shaky at times, and it can sometimes disturb others' internet activites, so I'd really like to tackle this while I can. I had an old thread about this, but it's ancient history by now, and plus which, I've got a bit more Linux experience and patience than I did before.

The basic problem is that NetworkManager will associate and connect to my home wireless network, but a) it won't let me ping the router or anywhere else ("Destination Host Unreachable"), and b) the connection lasts for maybe a couple minutes at most. If I reset the router, however, 9 times out of 10 it will associate and connect successfully and I can get online, but I have to run a constant ping to the router with a 10-second interval, otherwise it drops the connection, unless I'm doing a lot of other heavy network activity.

ping (the router):


I've tried wpa_supplicant, but this is what I get (it's apparently unsuccessful...? ESSID/MAC addresses censored where necessary):


The last prompt line is included because I cancelled it myself; it didn't abort on its own. If left unmonitored, it basically keeps doing this over and over, with no visible network activity at all.

With NetworkManager, I can keep selecting the network's ESSID over and over, and it seems to reconnect, but I still can't ping out anywhere. I'm using a Netgear WN111v1 wireless adapter with ndiswrapper and the Windows drivers. I have no idea what the chipset is, and I doubt that Linux drivers exist for it, even if I knew what it was. The router is using WPA2 security (hence my trying wpa_supplicant)



ifconfig wlan0 (while connected; IP/MAC addresses censored where needed):


ifconfig wlan0 (while not connected; IP/MAC addresses censored where needed):



I only include this for format checking purposes. The commented out "psk" is the actual text passphrase, while the uncommented one is (presumably) a hex representation of the same key. Is this correct? I've never done this with wpa_supplicant before, I've only used NetworkManager (which is a pain in the @$$ because it requires X to run, and so it disconnects any time I log out/back in ).

Is there any hope of getting my wireless connection permanently working, so that I don't have to reset the router every time I need to reboot or log out/back in?

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Networking :: Fedora 13 - Wireless Network - Incorrect For Connection To Router

Nov 1, 2010

I changed the network setting and caused a problem of wireless network. After I completely reinstall the OS of Fedora 13, the wireless network is still incorrect for connection to router.

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Networking :: Netgear N300 Wireless Router Into Existing Network

Dec 29, 2010

I have a client that has a basic network that uses comcast cable. He bought a NETGEAR N300 wireless router which has a 192,.168.3.X network and he attempted to add it to his 10.10.10.X network and all is fine. He laptops and such can get to the internet fine. The issue is he cannot get to any of his devices on his 10.X network. I have looked at his comcast router which is controlling his 10.X network to see if I can add addition routing to his 192.X network. but didnt see anything. I also am not to familiar with the N300 wireless router. I was going to have the wireless DHCP turned off and some get it to pull the DHCP stuff from the comcast side but dont see any area to do this.

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Networking :: Building System Router - Can't Access Computers On Other Side Of Network / Fix It?

May 20, 2009

I have built a linux router with a pc having two network cards. I am running ubuntu 8.10.

I have enabled forwarding on the router. One network ( connected to eth0 and another ( is connected to eth1.

The interfaces have addresses and

On any side side of the network, I can ping both interfaces on the router.

However when I ping a machine on the other side of the network, I get 100% packet loss.

I have not touched iptables on the router or any machines.

What I am doing wrong?

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Networking :: Most Common Method To Route Network Traffic As A Router/proxy

Apr 22, 2011

I am using Debian 5 and I have some networking experience, however I want to learn to do this the best way possible. I have a Debian box with two nics and I want to connect that to a switch and use my Debian box as a router basically, as well as having a firewall setup within that too.

Should I use iptables to set up nat or the route command or what? I just want to know the group of tools to use in order to set up my network. Network diagram: Internet <------> Debian Box <----> switch <----> hosts I found some guides but they are for linux 2.4 and i'm not sure if they are right.

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Networking :: Wireless Network Connection - Router - Won't Connect Fast - Automatic

May 26, 2009

My computer takes a while to connect to my Linksys N router.

It used to connect in a snap of your finger automatically.

Now it does not.

Yes I have tried manual configuration, and double checking the password, ssid, protocols, and security type.

WPA2 personal is the security type.

There are maybe 4 different ways I know how to connect. The most annoying thing is when this box pops up saying to type in a password for the network connection.. and keeps popping up even when everything is right.

All I need is a reliable, easy, and automatic program to connect me to the internet, maybe even before I log into my system.

Linux Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition is my system. Brilliant system.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - Catalyst Control Center (Overscan Adjustments)

Jan 4, 2011

I've got 10.10 up and running like a champ. Haven't done much in it, but all was well. After a little while I went in to turn the cool effects on, and it told me I needed a driver for my ATI card so I said go for it. It ended up putting Catalyst Control Center in for me. That's all fine and dandy except on the windows side I can get into an area that allows me to adjust overscan and turn it off (its a slider for under and overscan).

This version wont seem to let me do that, so now I'm stuck with either NOT a full screen, or no ability to have fun graphic effects. While your here, how can I change the data files which I think ubuntu refers to as your /home folder (documents pictures etc) to a different location? Windows7 and Ubuntu need to see the files in the same places so I don't have to have two working sets of files.

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