Ubuntu Servers :: Getting Mailman Initial Apache Config?

Mar 23, 2010

I've installed mailman on 9.10, using apt-get, have apache2 setup already. However I'm getting 403 forbidden issues when trying to access [URL] I may have mucked something up as initially i jumped straight in and created a virtualhost and played around with the URL redirects. but as far as I can see, it's back to its default and it's still not working... When I try to access the page, in my apache error.log, i get this:


[Wed Mar 24 02:36:37 2010] [error] [client] attempt to invoke directory as script: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/mailman/

I've tried check_perms, it does give this error:


root@babel:/etc/apache2# check_perms
/var/lib/mailman/templates bad group (has: root, expected list)
/var/lib/mailman/bin bad group (has: root, expected list)
/var/lib/mailman/cgi-bin bad group (has: root, expected list)


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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Multiple Ports Config?

Mar 28, 2010

I have several sites running on a local server. Currently, they're all running on port 80. I need one particular site (and ONLY that site) to also accept connections on port 81.

If I browse to the server IP x.x.x.x:80 directly, Apache's behaviour of showing the default site should work as usual. But, if I browse to IP x.x.x.x:81, it should show a different site (the one that should be accepting both :80 and :81). This part is very important.

I was hoping something like the following would work, but it didn't Currently x.x.x.x:81 still shows what I've called myport80defaultsite.com below.

Listen 80
Listen 81
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName myport80defaultsite.com


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Ubuntu Servers :: Modify Apache IPv4 Configuration To IPv6 Config?

Feb 25, 2011

I want to modify apache IPv4 configuration to IPv6 configOn both windows and ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Webdav + Nautilus = Forbidden - DON'T Have "Options Indexes" In Apache Config File When Try To Access Via Firefox

Feb 20, 2010

I've installed webdav on my server and I can access it fine through cadaver. However, when I try to access it via nautilus, I get Forbidden. It is NOT secured (SSL). When I try to access it via firefox, I get an error since I DO NOT have "Options Indexes" in my apache config file. If I add this option in, then I can browse the root direction and webdav folder via firefox, but still not from nautilus. what other information you need. I've googled and searched the forums for awhile, but not "solutions" I found have worked for me. I want the webdav folder to just be a single folder within the direction, so this is how I have my config file setup:


As a side-note...when I included "Option Indexes", it allowed me to view the passwd.dav file from firefox!That doesn't seem very good...

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Security :: SSH Config - What's To Stop The MIM From Making A Substitution Of Keys During The Initial Exchange

Oct 20, 2010

Ive been running ssh to log into server for long time. Recently a x-win app reported that it suspects a man in the middle attack (MiMA), so I want to tighten this up, but it seems to me if there is a MiM, then the initial key exchange is vulnerable to a substitution. This is on solaris, but since its a basic concept I'm ot getting, it shouldnt matter,

Here's the gist of what I read:

- create users key pair,
- enable host authentication (ssh_config file on client and sshd_config file on remote host)
- start an ssh session and accept the remote hosts key (and I assume the remote host will take client users key and store some where)


1. What's to stop the MIM from making a substitution of keys during the initial exchange?? Shouldn't the keys be initially transfered in a more secure fashion??

2. Does the server just accept new keys from any existing user who want to create an ssh session? So if some one knows a username and password (such as the owner of an application they know is running) couldn't they just create their own keypair and have the server accept them?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Config - Change / Add From The Default OpenSSH Config Files To Get Tunnelling To Work?

Jul 10, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu Server 11.04 with OpenSSH, trying to create an ssh tunnel (for web traffic) to it from my (also Ubuntu) laptop. This is the command I'm using to create the tunnel:

Code: ssh -ND localhost:8080 george@ I had it all working on a virtual machine.. which was deleted What settings/lines do I need to change/add from the default OpenSSH config files to get tunnelling to work? I've Googled and AllowTcpForwarding is set to yes, as is X11Forwarding.. but it still doesn't work. Chrome can connect to the server, but says the connection was closed before any data was sent.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Initial Network Setup For In Windows Group

Jun 22, 2010

I have 3 windows computers and just bought linux server. All of them are currently connected to switch. There is also Wireless AP connected to switch and ADSL router connected to switch (yeah, I know its possible to buy a 3in1 but this was bought piecemeal). ADSL is doing the DHCP and I'm not using any other advanced services.

Now, I want to route everything over the linux server. I got the 3 LAN cards for him (one for wireless, one for LAN and one for ADSL) but when I connect everything this way its not working (surprise surprise). I'm following Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control HOWTO but its surprisingly sparse on the topic of network setup and i dont know how to proceed now. Since the server will be a choke point I presume I need to setup DHCP server on him? First question is: can I use same netmask on all of these subnets? Ubuntu DHCP server guide uses both static and DHCP and am not sure if I should also use static on some routes or is it ok to use DHCP on all.

Also, when I was installing ubuntu server only one LAN card was used (eth2) so ifconfig shows only lo and eth2, but when I do ifconfig eth0 up and ifconfig eth1 up it doesnt look like its working. Anyway, hope somebody has some tips to point me in the right direction, primarily DHCP server setup and if I missed any steps...

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Ubuntu Servers :: After Initial Reboot - Network Interfaces Can't Be Found

Feb 10, 2011

Last night I created a fresh install of Ubuntu Server 10.10. I was working through a tutorial to set up a development server for home use, and everything worked perfectly. I was able to install OpenSSH, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (and Vim) with no problems. I was also able to use "ifconfig" to determine the network address of the server and I was able to view web pages on the server from another machine on my home network, using a browser. So, everything was "peachy". [By the way: The server is connected to the router using a CAT5 cable. This is a WIRED connection] I shut the Ubuntu server down at the end of the night and, now that I have rebooted this morning, I have apparently lost the network interface. I cannot ping anything from the server. If I run ifconfig, only the "lo" configuration is listed, with the address.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Opportunity To Install The Additional Software During The Initial Setup

Aug 7, 2010

This is my first server installation. I am intending to make this a basic web server for educational purposes. I have installed this server in VirtualBox, everything seemed to go fine besides the fact that I accidentally hit the enter button when I was at the opportunity to install the additional software during the initial setup. I figured that it was no big deal as I could just use aptitude to get what I needed later. My first step was to get LAMP setup. Heres where it started to seem to go wrong: I installed Apache2, however, it seems that I am unable to test it (no browser).

-bash: http://localhost/: No such file or directory

I then proceeded to install php5 again I have ran into trouble when trying to open through GEDIT.

oliver@DrDoak:~$ sudo gedit /var/www/testphp.php
sudo: gedit: command not found

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Fedora Servers :: Creating The Initial Device Nodes?

Sep 16, 2009

I'm putting a server together and have run into a boot up problem. (I thought about putting this in the server forum, but it might be a more generic problem that others have seen and know how to rectify.) The install seems to have gone just fine. I have the /boot partition on an internal IDE drive. The rest of that drive and another are mirrored in a Raid0 configuration (using the Linux software to do that) for data storage. The swap partition is a part of the Raid5 SCSI array that also has the / (root) partition on it.

After installation it would not finish the booting process. I suspected that GRUB didn't like all the Raid arrays and such, but it seems to be fine. I can say that because the machine will boot into rescue mode with the GUI splash screen and I have access to the whole directory tree. I have already searched on-line and following prudent advice, ran the yum update while in the chroot /mnt/sysimage mode. That only took overnight to download and most of this morning to complete. Still no dice. Used vim to delete the rhgb quiet commands in the grub.conf file so I could see where the kernel seems to be hanging.

So right after the "Creating initial device nodes" is a line about my generic PS2 wheel mouse. So I tried a USB mouse. Got more output so tried swapping out to a USB keyboard. Got a little further with more information about input devices, but still stops. Also, I tried a PCI video card just to make sure the onboard video wasn't the problem - no change. So, if someone in the Fedora community knows what loads up or is configured right after the mouse and keyboard, I might be able to figure out what's causing the computer to hang during the boot process.

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Server :: Checking The Apache Config?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm not all fluent in apache, so bare with me. I inherited this environment months ago, and I am still learning the strangeness of things in it.Here are two of my config files on all my web servers:

<IfModule mod_cache.c>
<IfModule mod_disk_cache.c>
CacheRoot /var/cache/apache2/mod_disk_cache/


Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't these files configure the same settings, and don't they conflict? And if the conflict, which file gets the final say? And if one file overrides the other, can I just remove the one that loses?

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OpenSUSE :: Apache Config File And PHPMyAdmin

Apr 18, 2011

I am just configuring my PC for learning php. If I install phpMyAdmin from rpm, it works however if I download it manually and put in /home/user/public_html/phpMyAdmin and then browse [URL], I just see a blank page. What is the reason?

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General :: Create A Config File For Apache

Mar 31, 2011

Create a config file for Apache and this what I need to put and modify to meets my settings

NameVirtualHost *:9091
<VirtualHost *:9091>
DocumentRoot /var/www/trac/my_project
ServerName my_server_name


Do I simply add this within the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

if not how would I go about doing this

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Server :: Add A Second Vhost To Once Working Apache Config

Mar 17, 2011

I am trying to add a second vhost to my once working apache config. Now I have things really bollixed up and cannot access anything. I am getting a error 400. The access log shows this: - - [17/Mar/2011:11:24:41 -0400] "GET /" 400 951 - - [17/Mar/2011:11:24:41 -0400] "GET /" 400 951 "-" "-"

I have a default (I think) httpd.conf file and put all my config stuff in files in vhosts.d. I have 3 files there:


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Ubuntu Servers :: Debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat Is Locked By Another Process

Jun 15, 2011

I recentled upgraded all the packages on my server and now I have an issue where I can't get any thing to install or uninstall do to errors, This is what I get:

praetorian@praetorian:~$ ps ax | grep dpkg
7330 pts/1 Ss+ 0:00 /usr/bin/dpkg --status-fd 21 --configure bind9 cups cups-bsd
7331 pts/1 S+ 0:00 /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend /var/lib/dpkg/info/bind9.postinst configure 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2


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Fedora Networking :: Config The Httpd Apache Server To Upload Files

Jan 6, 2011

my task is to store the data to a file at server sent via HTTP POST, i written suitable cgi script in C, but the PROBLEM is that i can't complete the task, I guess i require server permission to do so, how to configure server or how to get access right from server to store data to a file.

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Debian Configuration :: Apache Config - Restrict The Access To Local Web Server By IP Address?

Jul 29, 2010

I want to restrict the access to my local web server by IP address. Im in a LAN (192.168.200.xx) so i have this:


But when i try to connect from it says i don't have permission to access

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Ubuntu Servers :: Creating Virtual Apache Servers?

May 3, 2010

I have Webmin installed on an Ubuntu server. I currently have a successful apache server running on port 80, however I want to create a virtual host on port 81. When I try I go to servers->Apache Webserver-> Create Virtual Host I change the port to 81 and the document root to /var/port81www then I click create. How ever when I goto (local ip, I know I have to port forward but its not even working local) it does not work.

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Fedora :: Mailing List - Mailman Or Majordomo?

Oct 9, 2010

I've got a general question : I am using F13 for servers... I planned to use a mailing list now.

1) Which one would you recommend ? Mailman or Majordomo ?
2) I am looking for the possibility to get feedback of the mailing list.. ( Who opened, how many times..etc... )

Does Mailman provide this kind of info? (I didn't find anything on this during my first research). If not, which additional software can do it?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Mailman Off-track After Upgrading To 11.3?

Jul 26, 2010

Mailman seems to work (the Web interface actually, I could add a subscriber as admin), but when someone tries to subsribe alone, I get this error :

admin(17420): [----- Mailman Version: 2.1.11 -----]
admin(17420): [----- Traceback ------]
admin(17420): Traceback (most recent call last):
admin(17420): File "/usr/lib/mailman/scripts/driver", line 101, in run_main
admin(17420): main()


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Software :: Restricting Mailman Users From Posting?

Aug 9, 2010

I have a few small lists created in mailman, and I want users to be able to receive, but not post. Where do you find this setting?

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Red Hat :: Email To Mailman List Got Rejected By Postfix

Jan 22, 2011

mailman configured with postfix & dovecot on the same server. Postfix & dovecot configured using iredmail script. This situation is possibly caused by dovecot LDA but I do not know how to configure it to recognize mailman lists I'm using RHEL 5.5

Here's my configs:



alias_database = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases, hash:/etc/mailman/aliases
allow_min_user = no
biff = no


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General :: Creating Mailman Mailing Lists On OpenSUSE?

Jan 30, 2011

how to create a mailing list using the 'newlist' command in /var/local/mailman/. I sucessfully create the list and i receive a confirmation message but after adding members to the list, none of them receives mail sent to list.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Config Sendmail In 10.10

Apr 17, 2011

I want config ubuntu to send mail with sendmail. Any manual for cinfig sendmail in Ubuntu.

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Server :: Config Apache Server To List Php, C/c++, Java Files As Regular Txt On Website?

Feb 2, 2011

I try to config my apache server to list all my files: c/c++, php, java files, like the txt file on my server,

e.g /var/www/mydomain/pub

i want to dump all my c/c++, php, java file under the pub directory and I can access it from my domain name,

if I dump txt file, I have no problem to view it, but when I dump c/c++ or php files under pub directory, then I can't view it like regular txt file,

Q: is there anyway I can configure my apache server to view all the c/C++, php, java file as like txt file?

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Server :: Config Apache Server To List Php / C/c++ / Java Files As Regular Txt On Website?

Feb 23, 2011

config my apache server to list all my files: c/c++, php, java files, like the txt file on my server, e.g /var/www/mydomain/pub i want to dump all my c/c++, php, java file under the pub directory and I can access it from my domain name, if I dump txt file, I have no problem to view it, but when I dump c/c++ or php files under pub directory, then I can't view it like regular txt file, Q: is there anyway I can configure my apache server to view all the c/C++, php, java file as like txt file?

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Ubuntu Servers :: New User Looking For Drive Config

Feb 4, 2010

I'm planning to take a custom-built machine presently running Windows Home Server and convert it to a Ubuntu server to support the same backup functionality, but also allow me to support other server functions as well (WHS is great for backups and as a file server, but that's about it). The machine has two 1TB 7200 RPM drives. As the primary use for the machine is backups of files stored on the server as well as on the local PCs, I'd like to configure the box to support redundancy across both drives - So if one fails, I still have my data. What would be the recommended configuration of the drives to support this? I plan on using Bacula for the backups (clients and server).

I'll assume the disk format won't be NTFS.If one of the drives fail and its the boot drive, how easy is it to recover the data from the other drive? Just want to make sure there isn't some form of security that would prevent me from reading the data.

I'm new to Linux with only a bit of Unix experience, but I figure I have to start somewhere (and I have a bit of technical expertise, just with the Windows platform) This will also let me start playing with the LAMP stack.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Config Bind DNS With MySQL?

Jul 15, 2010

I have searched some about Bind9 and have it installed in my server. Now I'm looking for a Tools like mysqlBind and I found unxsBind is the next version of mysqlBind (These tools help you config BIND DNS with MySQL). But the issue is: I don't know how to Install it in Ubuntu - there just say how to install with Centos.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Config Dyndns With Ipv6

Mar 10, 2011

I have just installed dyndns in my local ubuntu server runing on apache...I dont have static Ip's so I have to use ipv6 ip's

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall The FTP Servers They Won't Start Because The Config Files Are Gone?

Mar 31, 2010

I built out a headless VMWare v2.0.2 Server. I managed to work all that out but now I'm having some trouble getting my virtual machines on the server. I installed both proftpd and vsftpd but neither server lets me log in. 'Login Failed' is always returned (using the only account on the machine - created during the install).

So I decided to install samba, but samba chokes on large files. I tried over and over again to copy a 10GB VMDK file over samba and it gets to 5% or so and suddenly tells me there is a network problem and dies (which there is no network problem as these machines are all on the same subnet plugged into the same gigabit switch).

So now I'm back to FTP. Unfortunately when I ran apt-get remove proftpd, it didn't remove any of the config files (/etc/proftpd/*) so I manually deleted them. Now when I try to reinstall the FTP servers they won't start because the config files are gone. What's the apt-get syntax to completely uninstall these servers as if they had never been installed so I can start clean? I really don't want to have to do a complete system re-install just to fix 300KB FTP servers.

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