Ubuntu Servers :: Change File Or Folder Permissions On A Separate Internal Drive In 10.10?

Jan 23, 2011

Every time I try to change file or folder permissions on a separate internal drive in ubuntu 10.10 desktop in sudo file manager, It sets it right back to the way it was before and doesn't save the permissions I want to change it to. The files aren't critical system files that are not even existent on this hard drive.

Its on a completely separate drive, Yet aren't I suppose to be in control of what gets changed to what? Instead of a Operating System doing something just for my safety? A simple AVI files permissions being changed shouldn't hurt anything. How to I stop ubuntu 10.10 from auto setting the permissions of my folders and files? Its really starting to me off right now. I've been looking around on google for Auto reset permissions for ubuntu, Haven't found one word about it. Yet I'm just going to assume someone might know how to resolve this? Or has dealed with this before.

I'm just trying to Forcefully set my folders on my separate drive all to 777 because they are all 775 and 755 and I can only access them with Write privileges if I run the SUDO file manager which I really hate having to do every so often I'm sure you can relate to how annoying it is to have to open up terminal and type something in to open a fully priviledged file manager.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How In World Can I Change Permissions Either On Drive Or Folder

Jul 10, 2011

I had an old windoz 2003 server running a few recreational web sites. I've grown tired of all the hacking attempts, FTP floods, etc. Ok.. I've grown tired of windoz period.When I set the server up, I had the operating system on one physical drive and stored all of the web files on a separate physical drive just in case I ever wanted to make some changes to the operating system.in my adventurous ways, I've dumped windoz and installed ubuntu 11, 32 bit server edition on this machine. It is running fine from what I see on the server side. The first problem I've noticed is when even attempting to navigate to localhost through the server's web browser, I get a permissions issue.

So... off to the drive where the httpd.conf file points to. This is the second physical drive. When checking permissions and attempting to change them to the correct ones for the folder, I can't change them. I've tried through the GUI and the terminal as root. Neither way will change the permissions.I've stepped back and checked the permissions on the physical drive the files are stored on. I am having the same issues with the drive itself. How in the world can I change the permissions either on the drive or the folder? Is there something I should do as far as the drive's mounting?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Change Folder / File Permissions On Entire HDD

Apr 17, 2010

I have two drives in my computer: a 160GB and an 80GB. The 80 holds Ubuntu, the home folder, etc. The 160 is for other files. I need to change the read-write permissions on the 160, but I can't. If I do it through the GUI (right-click>permissions) it just changes back instantly. If I do it through the command line (even with sudo), it has no effect.

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Change File/Folder Permissions?

Jul 7, 2010

I have two users: test1 and test2 When i logged in as test1, I can not change the ownership of a file to test1:test2 it says: Operation not permitted

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OpenSUSE Install :: Change Folder / File Permissions?

Jul 28, 2011

I've migrated to Suse from Mandriva. I installed all my backup folders/files to my "home" folder but they have come up locked. I remember in Mandriva to change the permissions I pressed Alt F2 and then entered a command. How do I do it in Suse?

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General :: Change Folder Permissions Without Changing The Permissions Of The Files Within The Folder?

Aug 11, 2010

How do I change folder permissions without changing the permissions of the files within the folder?

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General :: Linpus Lite - Change File / Folder Permissions?

Aug 19, 2010

I own an Acer Aspire One which has Linpus Lite installed. Last night I attempted to delete a couple of files only to find they are read only and that I cannot change the permissions by right clicking and changing the drop down menu from read only.

These aren't protected files or anything, they are files I've downloaded or created myself (one using the onboard web cam to test it).

I attempted to play with Terminal for a bit but as a newbie I got easily lost, not like I can fall back on command prompt knowledge from Windows!

I think it's somehow connected with the user which accesses these docs or tries to change the permissions. I also tried with an su- which meant I was using Terminal as root, however, I wasn't sure how I could then set the permissions for a particular file/folder within the file system.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Folder Permissions Automatically Set When Creating File

Apr 27, 2010

I have a little problem: I have a share folder on Ubuntu server: - Dump That folder is share with SAMBA and everyone can put files on it
My problem is the following: When someone create a folder, the folder permissions are automatically set with:
(let's take my username: Yann)

Owner: Yann
Group: Yann

Clearly that's wrong.. I want the Group to be auto set has "users" so everyone can access the folders on that share. Anyone know how to change this ? chmod and chown is getting a bit boring

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Change File Permissions On Server

Aug 25, 2010

I'm working on a remote Ubuntu 9.10 server, which is accessed via VPN. I installed Joomla, but had difficulty uploading new components, which I traced to a file permissions problem. I used FileZilla to FTP onto the site and tried to make the chmod changes I needed, but the commands kept failing. Eventually, I contacted the sys admin and told him I thought that there was an ownership problem with the directories. He checked and told me that I was logging in with exactly the same user name and password that he was using (it's not a live system currently) and that he could make chmod changes without any problems. Because all my attempts were still failing, he eventually did the following:

chown -R administrator:administrator /var/www

/var/www is where all the Joomla files are stored and Administrator is the user name.Now I find that when I run a chmod command in FileZilla, the server reports that it worked (see below):

Status:Retrieving directory listing...
Command:CWD /etc


However, if I go back and check the tmp folder permissions, I find that they are still set to 777.This still looks like an ownership problem to me, but I don't understand why the server seems to think that the chmod changes are working, when they aren't.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Separate The 2 Hosts And Access 2 Different Internal Test Sites?

Oct 7, 2010

I installed Apache2 and I added a second virtual host, now can i separate the 2 hosts and let them access 2 different internal test sites? For Example lets say"

User1 uses one IP
User2 uses second IP

How can I separate it in Apache2 and in the /var/www ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Terminal - File Permissions - Put In Folder Have Full Rights For Members In The Group "staff"?

Feb 1, 2011

Now I have set up a terminal server at work, with Ubuntu 10.04LTS and Free NX terminal server. All works great, over all expectations. But I have some file permission problems. In the home folder I have mad a folder where files that all users should have full access to is put. The problem is that when a user puts a file there, only that user have full access to that file, other users only have read rights. How can I make it so that all files put in this folder have full rights for members in the group "staff"?

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Ubuntu :: Change Permissions For File / Add These Lines Without Changing Permissions?

Oct 16, 2010

Finally I managed to install my printer/scanner drivers.The last thing I need to do is to add the following two lines to 40-libsane.rules (which is a read only file):# Brother scanners ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes".How can I change permissions for this file or add these lines without changing permissions?

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Fedora :: Change Nautilus To Default Ubuntu And Not Open Each Folder In Separate Window But Can't Go To Edit/Preferences?

Sep 20, 2009

I have just installed F11 and want to change Nautilus to default Ubuntu and not open each folder in separate window. But I can't go to Edit/Preferences.Nautilus keeps crashing and I get this report:Quote:

Distribution: Fedora release 11 (Leonidas)
Gnome Release: 2.26.3 2009-07-07 (Red Hat, Inc)
BugBuddy Version: 2.26.0


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Ubuntu :: Cant Change Folder Permissions?

Feb 7, 2011

Im new to these forums heres my story:Windows 7 on my acer extensa 5230e became corrupted so i installed linux Ubuntu 10.04 on a 320 gb external hdd. I have installed Mixxx and am trying to create my own skins for it. But whenever i try and paste the folder into the /usr/share/mixxx/skins folder it says that I dont have permission toam an administrator... or at least thats what it says i have trie chmod a+w it but it says operation denied: Code: chmod: changing permissions of `/usr/share/mixxx/skins'

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Change File Ownership On NTFS Drive?

May 25, 2011

process of migrating my server to Ubuntu Server 11.04 after my Server 2003 installation suffered a HDD failure. All my data is on an NTFS drive (not ideal but not much I can do about that). I can currently only read the disk as a user. root has ownership of everything on the disk. Whenever I try and change ownership of a file it doesn't bring up any errors but when running ls -l it shows that nothing has actually changed.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Change Permissions In Etc/pulse Folder?

Nov 26, 2010

I'm trying to (hopefully) fix my audio glitch.I'm trying to edit my /etc/pulse/default.pa.I tried:

sudo chmod 775 /etc/pulse


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Debian :: Cannot Log In After Folder Permissions Change

Apr 19, 2015

I have a Debian Wheezy 7 installation. When I turn it on it boots to the log in screen normally. However when I type in my username/password and try to login the screen briefly turns off for about one second and returns to the log in screen. I cannot log in.

This started happening immediately after I changed the owner and permissions for the "/tmp" folder and all of its contained files/directories. This is the only change I made to the system before the problem began. Immediately after I made the change, I rebooted the system and that's when the problem began.

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General :: Change Folder Permissions On USB?

Jan 6, 2011

I am having a USB disk.I want to change the permissions of folder on it from 700 to 755 (and all subdirectories in it)ls -l showstotal 26Quote:

drwxrwxrwx 2 tkmsr tkmsr 2048 2010-02-12 04:12 HPLAUNCHER
drwx------ 7 tkmsr tkmsr 4096 1970-01-01 05:30 vol1
drwx------ 1 tkmsr tkmsr 20480 2011-01-03 17:43 vol2


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Ubuntu Installation :: Folder Unreadable - Cannot Change Permissions

Jul 31, 2010

I've tried updating from 8 to 10 using updater and it failed. I'm currently running off a LIVE CD and want to back up my files to do a re-install. My problem is that some of my folders are showing as "unreadable", that I am "not the owner" and I cannot seem to change the permissions for them. I also cannot seem to copy them to back them up. Have I lost these folders? Is there any way to retrieve them?

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Ubuntu :: Need To Change Permissions For Boot Grub Folder

Aug 12, 2010

This is my 2nd time using my Ubuntu, I am using 9.10 because my laptop doesnt support 10.04 (need more RAM). So anyway I need to know a way to change it so I can edit files in there, I checked the properties and root has read only permissions how can I change this?

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Ubuntu :: Change Permissions Of Windows Shared Folder

Jan 31, 2011

I'm in an organization where each user has a Windows network username, and a central windows server with a folder for each user. I can access the folder using SAMBA and my (windows) network user name. I want to change the permissions (sharing settings) for my folder on this windows server - using only Ubuntu.

Had i been using windows I would simply right-click on the folder, go to permissions settings and add/modify users in the list.First of all, is it even possible to do this using Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Change Username To One That Have Permissions For The Folder?

Feb 9, 2011

So I'm trying to put together a birthday present for my girlfriend. Here's the background. She just got back from a semester abroad in Rome. She's having a hard time getting used to living in the states again, so I want to make her a photo album with all of her pictures from Italy and the rest of Europe. Its a surprise, so I can't just get them from her. I've got her Time Machine, which has all the photos on it (I'm 'debugging' it for her, she's not so tech savvy). I've found the pictures folder, but I don't have the permissions to access it.

So the question is, I have her username and password, what do I have to do in order to read the file with all the pictures in it? I'm not a crazy stalker, in case you were wondering, I just don't know how to change my username to one that have permissions for the folder.

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Ubuntu Security :: Change Permissions Of Folder's Content?

Feb 22, 2011

Recently I've tried installing Calibre from the Software Centre, but it seemed to be glitching as when I press Update Source, the 'In Progress' icon shows up, but when it finishes nothing changes - the Update Source button is still Should I report this?Anyways, I've installed Calibre from their website to .calibre in Home Folder. However, the folder is 'locked' as it requires root priveleges and I can't drop files there without being the admin. I'd like to reduce 'open as root' files to minimum, so I was wondering if there is a way to change the permissions of all the content in one operation, preferably using GUI, and not the terminal?

In addition I've noticed that other folders in my Home Folder like Pictures/Wallpapers require root privileges. This is really annoying as when I 'experiment' with Ubuntu I use Live CD to make sure I don't screw up the main system. When I do I can't open some files from hard disk because of those root inconsistencies

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Fedora Servers :: File Change Notification When Writing To Network Drive

Sep 8, 2009

I have a relatively common problem, but I don't seem to identify it's source. I have a SAMBA server on my LAN to which there are mapped a few shares as network drives in windows xp (as Y: ) and mounted as CIFS in linux [as /y]. The problem is that every time I save a file [either windows xp or linux] on the mapped drive / mounted folder, our IDEs alert us that the file changes right after the save. I am running SAMBA 3.3.2.

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Ubuntu :: Safely Change Permissions For Folder/all Subfolders & Files?

Apr 1, 2010

I just installed Karmic, but I can't copy an old user's home folder (/home/oldusername/) because everything is owned by root.I read but I'm concerned about messing up the system or the files in that old user's folder.So, how do I adjust the permissions of the files in /home/oldusername so that I can use openssh to copy them over my home network to my other computer? I have the ssh part figured out, but the files will not copy to the laptop due to permissions.

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Ubuntu :: Change File Permissions To Change Background Screen?

Feb 21, 2010

I'm new to Ubuntu Linux but have many years on windows platform. Please can someone help me with how to change the following items.

No.1 I would like to change the HORRIBLE!! YAK!! brown background color behind the word Ubuntu in the start up screen when the machine loads up (before the login). I have located the image file for this which I have found to be: /usr/share/images/xsplash/bg_2560x1600. jpg but the OS says that root is the owner and that I don't have permission to change this. So how can I change this for a color I do like.

No.2 I would also like to change the login dialogue screen style. I know this is possible but again I'm fumbling to see how I can do this. I have tried with the start up manager but every attempt fails, the settings don't take. Once again I suspect permissions are at the bottom of the problem?

No.3 Would like to have a colorful splash screen image on boot up, I've managed to remove the old one (small white 3 ring ubuntu logo on black background) but havent been able to install or replace with a new one. Its been incredibly frustrating, I'm feel sure I'm missing something simple here. Wondering if its permissions yet again?

Anyone who can offer help on any of the above, guidance or advise me would be much appreciated. Please bear in mind that I'm still very much feeling my way with Linux so keep it simple.

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Ubuntu :: Change Flash Drive Permissions

Aug 4, 2010

I just installed a usb card reader for my digi camera...how can I change the permissions from "root" to "user" so I can write to this flash drive?

It reads my pix just fine, but it won't let me write....

it is installed at /media/usb0

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Ubuntu :: No Permissions To Put Brushes File Into Folder?

Nov 23, 2010

I opened up my Gimp brushes folder so that I can put a brushes file into the folder. Would not let me do it. Said I am not the owner and do not have permission. I right clicked inside the folder, same thing permissions grayed out, not owner. No apparent option to log in or do anything to gain permission. What can I do?

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Ubuntu :: File Wont Delete On Separate Hard Drive?

Feb 15, 2010

I have a file on a separate hard drive and it wont allow me to delete it.how I navigate to it in the terminal so I can remove directory there? I plug my usb lead in and go /hoome/boo/Iomega_HDD (name of the hard drive)but I cant get there,it doesnt show up as a directory.

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Ubuntu :: File Permissions Of Shared Folder Using Virtualbox?

Feb 4, 2010

I am running ubuntu using VirtualBox on a Macbook Pro. I wanted to share my documents folder on the Mac in the virtual machine. I had no issues creating/mounting the share folder on ubuntu. However the file permissions for the shared folder are owned by root.


drwx------ 1 root root 1088 2010-02-04 10:18 Mac_Share/

I used the following command to mount the folder:


sudo mount -t vboxsf Share_Documents ~/Mac_Share/

I checked that the folder is mounted I can see what is there using

sudo ls Mac_Share/

How do I make the folder accessible to the user? Is there another -option needed to do this in the mount command?

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