Ubuntu Servers :: The Users And Group Section Of EBox Doesn't Appear - Samba
Sep 20, 2010
In my ongoing hunt for a Samba GUI that is feature packed, well supported, easy to use, yet doesn't suck, I found myself tinkering with eBox. I have it installed and fired up but I'm a little confused. I can add a Samba share - okay great. But I sorta need to add users. Where on earth can I add users? The users and group section of eBox doesn't appear to be related to what I need, and I also cannot get into the access control section of the very share I just created.
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Sep 27, 2010
Installing file sharing using eBox and get the following error:
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May 20, 2010
I have Ubuntu server 10.04 joined to a domain using Likewise Open. I can login using my domain credentials and have added my domain account to the sudoers file. Now that I've got it joined to the domain I want to add some samba shares and have domain members use their accounts to access them. However, no matter what combination of my domain name and the domain user or group I use in the valid users field it won't let me in. What's the proper way of inputting a domain user or group in the valid user field?
This is the entry I'm using for the share:
path = /srv/testshare
valid users = @"Domain Name+Domain Group" (Have tried many things here)
public = no
writable = yes
printable = no
create mask = 0765
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Nov 23, 2010
If I want to add Windows & Mac users as Samba users, must I first add them all as Ubuntu users? If so, since none of the other users will actually be working on the Ubuntu Server, how do I disable the other non-admin users on the Ubuntu Server login screen. I am using Webmin to administer some server settings, and command line for others.
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May 4, 2010
I have server 9.04 and joined thru winbind to Windows Domain and subversion installed.Windows AD users can use their own credentials to join and everything is working fine.However the group svn which is used to access the repos in /etc/groups has some users.However I would like to add the domain users group to the svn group but the domain users contains Space. And /etc/groups does not happend to read the space any ideas on how to add "domain users" to the svn group in /etc/groups
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Jul 1, 2011
I have a box with about 30-40 users on it, and I need to prevent a certain group of users from using sudo at all. Is this even possible.
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Feb 20, 2010
This is the scenario: Active Directory Server = Squid/Dansguardian Proxy Server w/NTLM Auth = The Linux box has been integrated with AD and works fine. Users can authenticate automatically when login the AD or when they access the web through Basic authentication. That part is just fine.
But, when I add a new user, or change a users' primary group, I have to change the 'filtergroups' file in Dansguardian. I tried to make auto this process using the USERMAP and USERMAP2 scripts in [URL].. at the "Extras and Add Ons" section, but both scripts doesn't run properly in Ubuntu if they are not changed. I tried, following the instructions, but got a lot of syntax errors. So, I wrote a very simple script using 'net rpc' to retrieve all users according to the AD Security and Domain Groups. I created an output folder in dansguardian to dump the rpc outputs into files. And read the files to apply filtering groups.
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Mar 2, 2010
I've a few group shares setup with samba and a PDC (using windows 7 clients) and the home directory for each user gets mounted automatically. I've configured group shares and only members of the respective group have access to them, but my question is how do I tell samba to automount group shares based on the user group?
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Feb 15, 2011
I have a couple of user accounts where each member belongs to a group i have created: Each user access the share using their own user account credentials.
How can I configure Samba in a way so that each modification done on the share gets the owner of the user and my group instead of the user and the users own group? I would also like the access rights to be 770 to each modification.
In other words, today each modification by "userA" get the owner "userA.userA" and I would like it to be "userA.MyGroup" with "rwxrwx---" permissions.
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Oct 19, 2009
i want secondary users can able to change the files permissions of primary group?user MAC is having www as a primary and httpd as secondary group. But he want to change the file permissions (chmod) httpd group files. Is it possible or not? I think its not possible. If it`s possible then let me know how?
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Jul 18, 2010
I have two ubuntu 10.04 64-bit servers running samba (3.4.7) and openLDAP (2.4.21). The LDAP directory is successfully replicating between the two servers. These servers also serve as LDAP servers for sudo, pam, nss, and other services for a dozen servers without issues. The BDC samba is configured to use itself for LDAP. I connected to the BDC using the samba ldap credentials and verified I could a) see the Computer object b) read NTPassword and LMPassword. The workstations can authenticate to the domain successfully against the PDC. If a workstation boots and connects to the BDC, they login fails with:
[2010/07/18 11:46:23, 0] rpc_server/srv_netlog_nt.c:336(get_md4pw)
get_md4pw: Workstation MACHINENAME$: no account in domain
[2010/07/18 11:46:23, 0] rpc_server/srv_netlog_nt.c:584(_netr_ServerAuthenticate3)
_netr_ServerAuthenticate3: failed to get machine password for account MACHINENAME$: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
Successful authentication against the PDC shows:
[2010/07/18 11:59:20, 1] smbd/service.c:1063(make_connection_snum)
MACHINENAME ( connect to service netlogon initially as user username (uid=30000, gid=512) (pid 1727)
[2010/07/18 11:59:20, 1] smbd/service.c:1063(make_connection_snum)
MACHINENAME ( connect to service data initially as user nobody (uid=65534, gid=65534) (pid 1727) .....
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May 19, 2010
I have a number of users, categorised into various groups. I would like one of those groups ("developers") to be in the wheel group as well. I don't want to just copy the people from the developers group into wheel, because then when that group changes I'll have to change it in two places. Is there a way to specify that anyone in developers is in wheel, and have that be dynamic?
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Apr 24, 2010
When I try to add a user to samba (using the GNOME UI) in F12, after enter all the information and click OK.it will just hang for about 20 seconds, and then do nothing. Window is still there, I click OK again and same thing.heres the steps i followed:
1) click preferences, Samba Users...
2) click add user
3) select user "joe" (example) from drop down of users
4) enter "joe" windows user name
5) enter password for joe (same as user password)
6) click OK
7) hangs 20 seconds then nothing.window is still there.click OK again same thing no user added
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May 13, 2010
I just installed eBox on the Ubuntu server 10.version, server reports is successfully finished installation, but I received warning message Not Found
The requested URL /ebox was not found on this server. Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80
when I tried to open ebox web based panel in firefox on my laptop.
my Apache web server is running well, see,
It works!
This is the default web page for this server. The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.
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Feb 11, 2011
I've set up smbd 3.4.7 on 10.04x64 LTS server. I've set up a couple shares and I'm having problems blocking access to certain directories using native file permissions. There is one directory that has folders for each sales rep to store their current list of quoted clients, I only want sales people to be able to browse the directories owned by themselves. Everything seems to be set up correctly in terms of user groups and permissions on the filesystem.
Below is marina, a sales rep, and brian, a super user of sorts.
id marina:
uid=1011(marina) gid=1006(office) groups=1006(office),1005(sales)
id nick:
uid=1000(brian) gid=1006(office) groups=1006(office),118(admin),1001(full),1002(processing),1003(management),1004(it),1005(sales)
Below is the directory with all the sales reps folders.
ls -la:
total 60
drwxrwxr-x 15 root it 4096 2011-02-10 20:06 .
drwxr-x--- 9 root office 4096 2010-11-19 12:40 ..
drwxrwx--- 13 katya full 4096 2010-12-07 12:36 Katya
drwxrwx--- 18 lana full 4096 2011-02-08 17:09 Lana
drwxrwx--- 23 marina full 4096 2011-02-10 18:09 Marina
drwxrwx--- 4 mike full 4096 2011-02-01 12:42 Mike
With this setup marina only be able to browse her folder, but she can browse all folders and has full write access to all folders. This leads me to believe something is up with the smbd.conf file, which is below.
workgroup = COMTREAD
null passwords = no
server string = Root Server
dns proxy = no
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 1000
syslog = 0 .....
In this case the valid users directive would not work cause I am not making a share for each user. I had this on other shares like the db2 share. My windows box lagged heavily when I tried to access that share with an invalid user. How to deny users the ability to modify permissions I would also like to do that.
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Aug 19, 2011
I want to use samba in ubuntu.For samba users i make a user in my linux box like
# useradd smith
# useradd jone
These users can also login into my ubuntu system if they want. For samba I want to know that, is there any way to create separate valid list of samba users so that they may access files from windows xp.
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Sep 3, 2010
How can I set permissions for users within the share?
Example: I have a share called Programming and some user can create folders within it most others can not, can read the documents.
How do I set permissions?
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May 27, 2011
how to map all domain users form group Domain Users to local group users (and maybe some more)? Im using Ubuntu 10.04 x32. Its connected to my domain using Samba and Winbind, I can login using my domain credentials, automatically map user folder form DFS server, but I think that domain users have too much priviledges in the system and want to restrict them as much as possible
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Jul 3, 2010
this is a simple fix i hope. all i need is for someone to give me the terminal command to install a module onto ebox.
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Feb 19, 2010
I've installed Ubuntu Server 7.10 Gutsy and Webmin 1.500 on it. The thing that I want to do is: I want to share a folder an sub folders for windows users ( guest user) I should modify those folders from my ubuntu desktop 9.10 karmic they are all same folders. Is it possible? if yes how can i make it. you can tell from webmin or samba configuration file.
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Jun 28, 2009
script which can add a secondary group to all existing users except system users in linux.
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May 12, 2009
New fun from M$, we have started to test Win-7 on a few machines, and while it worked flawlessly in XP, Vista and Win-7 beta, logging on to the share (AD) from a Win-7 RC doesn't work.
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Apr 28, 2010
I am using eBox at my Ubuntu Studio laptop to manage the manage server application configuration, but in the firefox browser, I put the Ubuntu server 9.10 ip address into the firefox, but firefox can not connect the server, but I saw my Ubuntu server icon in the network of the studio admin menu. and I put command sudo ebox at the command line of the server, but the server says 'command not found'
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Jan 18, 2010
When I have different people log into our ftp and browse to the same folder, some people see the files inside, some don't. all the user accounts are in the same group, which has permission to this folder. but the one user who can see the files is the owner. how can i fix it so everyone in that group who's the owner of the folder can see the files?
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May 3, 2010
I have a DHCP server that I only mildly trust, but its nice because it is an eBox server (I use it for DNS, DHCP, and smtp relay for my internals). I want it to issue all addresses (simply because I like the way it displays its leases in the WebUI's dashboard), but I want a fail-safe too. I have another server that is strictly an Ubuntu Hardy server (I use it for openVPN and nothing else) so I would like it as my backup dhcp server. I figure I'll install all the dhcp stuff on it and just stop the service (to include a sudo crontab @reboot script to stop it when rebooted).
And simple use a sudo crontab script to ping the eBox every 5 minutes to make sure its live, and if not then start the dhcp server. My questions: If I put the entry in my sudo crontab will the script execute even if no session is currently running (its obviously a server so won't have anyone logged in except for administration)? Also since it is in the root crontab it will be able to start the init.d service without having to sudo it right (IE the script only needs to say "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start" not "sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start")?
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Jul 18, 2010
I upgraded my Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server to 10.04 LTS - rebooted and things ran good. I knew I had a few problems, but DHCP and DNS were booting up and working fine for me.I went to take a look at Webmin, but apparently that's been removed from support for Ubuntu 10.04 - so I thought, I'll use eBox. I realized that Ebox didn't have the network module turned on, so I tried to turn it on. I found out the installation was missing scriptaculous, so I got that and installed that and then turned on the network module.I then rebooted the machine - and now nothing. It hangs when I get to the load for Apache. I would like to disable the network module for eBox, but can't find documentation for how to do that from the command line - which I have to use because the damn box won't boot and I'm running from a Live CD.
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Sep 4, 2011
In other Linux distros I've used, new users are assigned to their own group (i.e. user 'joe', group 'joe') by default. To my surprise, when I create new users with my openSUSE 11.4, they are all assigned to the 'users' shared group by default.To test this, I created a new user called 'friends'. From my terminal, I can see how the new user files look like:
joe@linux:~> ls -l /home/friends/
total 40
drwxr-xr-x 2 friends users 4096 Sep 3 11:37 bin
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Feb 28, 2010
I have installed ubuntu 9.10 server with LAMP and SAMBA I have also added FMS (Flash Media Server). LAMP and SAMBA are running fine but FMS doesn't have all its functionality, it cant stream rttp.I have read that their may be a port/ip conflict between apache and fms but was wondering if anyone else had the same issues as me. I have also installed FMS with apache2 on my XP laptop to get the httpd.conf file and see how its set up, here it is.FMS / APACHE2 XP
# This is the main Apache server configuration file. It contains the
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Jun 6, 2010
Each time I boot I have to restart samba to see the shared printer on other windows machine. I tought it was the cups problem listed on the forum, but I'm not sure anymore if it's related!Could it be related to the service sequence? I don't know how to look at the service load sequence in ubuntu?
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Mar 27, 2011
I got ubuntu samba server on server 10.04 username:user1 , Home folder: /home/user1 This user connects from a macbook pro no problem. I followed the same steps to set up user2 username:user2 , Home folder: /home/user2 This user does not connect from windows vista. I have the correct ports open, 137-139 & 445, and can connect from the macintosh, but not vista. The error says that the username or password is in correct. If you need some log files or config files, just let me know where to go and they're all yours!
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