Ubuntu Servers :: Squido Hiding Real Ips?
Dec 4, 2010
I have installed squido into my ubuntu 8.04. It almost works perfectly but it wont hide my ip. When i go for an example to www.myip.is it shows my real ip & host but says that i connected into that website via my proxy. How i can hide my real ip with squido and use my server's ip as my ip.
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Mar 23, 2010
what the recommended way to set up real-time (or near real-time) folder synchronization among 2+ servers. I looked a rsync but that doesn't sound real-time and it looks like its something that you might put in a cron once an hour.
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Oct 16, 2010
I've installed an Ubuntu GNU/Linux 10.04 Server (Lucid Lynx) in a great computer, but with a small and old CRT monitor, that doesn't support much screen resolutions and frequencies. How can I do to make the system to use everytime traditional text mode (80x25 characters or compatibles)?
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Mar 25, 2010
I'm using a small "expect" script to automate password entry for some file copying.The automation works fine, but the "Password: " prompt still displays on the screen. How do I hide the prompts so the user doesn't see "Password: " on the console?Here's the relevant section of my script:
expect -c "spawn /usr/bin/scp -q $2 user@$1:$2
set timeout 60
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Jun 18, 2010
Ubuntu 10.04.When I click on any active windows on the low ubuntu's panel or when I click on minimazing icon I have this problem (attachment n1) but I want that it will be that in attachment n2. What can I do to repair it?
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May 5, 2011
I installed Minecraft and I want to hide the .JAR extension on the file on my desktop. I tried just renaming it and deleting the ".jar" from the name, but when I tried opening it, it opened as an archive, rather than an executable, even though I had the "Allow executing file as program." box checked off. What can I do to hide the extension?
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Apr 8, 2010
In viewing some web pages, the right hand dozen or so characters are hidden unless the left-right scroll bar is used. When Firefox 3.5.8 32 bit is expanded to full screen on a 1920 pixel wide monitor on Kubuntu 9.10, Firefox changes the word wrap so the new dozen or so characters are STILL hidden, forcing me to use the left-right scrool bar.
There no longer appears to be any Word Wrap option. I tried several solutions Googled, including userContent.css hacks and a couple of add-ins, but they all appear to apply only to the preformatted tag. This is not a "pre" issue. The text in question is not inside the preformatted text tag, and the site CSS is not under my control.
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Apr 21, 2010
Does this happen to anyone? Is there fix for it? The problem doesn't appear immediately but seems to develop some time after launching docky.Some relevant specs:
- Ubuntu 9.10
- GeForce GTX 285 with 195.36.15 drivers
- Compiz enabled
I've attached a picture of it hiding behind Firefox.
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Dec 15, 2010
I'm having some issues with my install of Ubuntu 10.10 onto a 8GB usb stick. I have completed the install and everything seems to be working perfectly booted on my Dell, except I am unable to see most of the free space on the drive...under "Places:Computer" I click the properties on the File System drive and it shows only 656MB of free space...
I made the mistake of forgetting to partition the drive before install; am I out of luck now? should I reformat, partition, and then install again? or is there extra space hiding somewhere I cant find? (I'm somewhat new to Ubuntu, so I'm not familiar with all the nooks and crannys yet!)
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Feb 19, 2011
I have an application installed under the directory /home/ubuntu/MyApplicationI have a symbolic link on the desktop to a launch.sh script inside the MyApplication directoryLaunch → /home/ubuntu/MyApplication/launch.shI have ubuntu(10.10) running on a usb flash drive. I want to allow other user's to run the application by using the link on the desktop but I want to keep the installation folder private. So the users can run the application but they are unable to view or copy the files inside the installation folder.
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Apr 18, 2011
I have dual boot PC with XP and U10.10. Is it possible to set up dual OS boot menu that it is hidden in a way that i can still choose to boot which OS i want from that hidden menu.Or even better, is it possible to set up automatic boot into XP in a way that boot menu isn't shown at all but that I can call boot menu via keystroke (like you call boot menu to go into the safe mode in XP options by pressing F?
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May 10, 2011
Just wondering how can one go about hiding their IP or displaying a false IP in Linux. Is this possible? Its not that I have anything to hide or any such things, I just like my privacy and don't like the idea that some one can track my actions and my location.
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Jun 21, 2011
I want to secure my internet connection by hiding my ip with another ip so I can log to my server with 2 ips . and when someone is tracing the "fake" ip it wont affect me .
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Jun 25, 2011
I installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop alongside WinXP. For some reason Grub hides my CD drive from WinXP but not Ubuntu. I can access the drive in Ubuntu, but it doesn't appear in WinXP at all.
I know there is a solution to this, but I can't remember what it is. Something to do with modifying grub.conf or something like that.
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Feb 3, 2010
I still have to dual boot with Windows (for now!) but having the various NTFS partitions show up in Nautilaus, etc. is a problem.Also I would like to share some data between Win7 and Ubuntu 9.10 but I cannot create any more partitions due to well know limitations. In my case I already have 3 primary Windows partitions that I want to keep and 1 primary Linux with ext4 and swap as logicals for Ubuntu. BTW my laptop had all 4 primaries used up an I got rid 1 for Ubuntu. I could get rid of more but really do not want to now.
I found many great ideas and suggestions here in the forums but could not find exactly what I was looking for so I cobbled together a couple of I ideas and I think I have a working solution.First to hide a Windows partition and protect it this works great when you add this line to fstab:
/dev/sda2 /Windows/sda2 ntfs-3g defaults,umask=777 0 0
Of course change your partition to the correct one and make sure the /Windows directories are created.I have used this many times and it works great except I want to have access to 1 or 2 directories without exposing the whole drive.I turned to symbolic links to help solve but when sda2 is "hidden" with the above there is a rights problem for my normal user. I could probably solve it with umask somehow but I just did this instead:
/dev/sda2 /Windows/sda2 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0
I found this allows me to access the directory but it is still hidden from Nautilaus. I am guessing it is because it is mounted in a location it does not normally look in.After this I created a symbolic link to the directories I want access like this:
ln -s /Windows/sda2/Temp /home/myuser/windir
Note I did not use sudo here because that was causing me rights problems at one time. This is permanent until you rm the windir file since symbolic links are just special files.
So now I can access windir in my home directory on the NTFS partition without me accidentally messing up my other Windows system files. If I try hard I can mess it up but this provides just enough protection for me. I can also drag the link to my desktop or the Naultilaus left nav pane and it acts like a regular directory.I sure there are a 100 ways to achieve what I wanted to do but thought I would share this method since it took me a while to figure it out.
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Feb 21, 2010
I just discovered View > "All message headers" in the Evolution email client and am quite concerned that all my out going emails contain my personal IP Address. I know that this is standard email protocol but i'm wondering if it is possible to hide or modify this header information? Or would i be better off using a webmail client?
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Apr 30, 2011
Unity won't auto hide itself when I open a program, and it gets in the way of things like Google Chrome. This seems to only happen when using Unity 3D, not 2D. I'm using the experimental NVIDIA Drivers, but the problem was also present when I used the proprietary drivers. I have an Acer Aspire 5630 with a GeForce Go 7300.
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Jun 12, 2011
While I think Unity has its many ups and downs, I found it usable enough to choose it as my default desktop, after some customization. Somewhere in tweaking the desktop with ccsm - or elsewhere - I did something boneheaded. Now when a new window opens at the top of the screen, its title bar is hidden under the Unity panel. I could just wipe everything out and start over, but I kinda like the way things work on my desktop - with this exception. Where I might look to figure out what is letting windows be placed all the way up under the panel.
I did try creating a new account and looking at ccsm config export and comparing it to mine, but did not see anything useful. The only thing I changed with respect to window placement/handling, AFAIK, is disabling maximization at the top of the screen (in 'Grid' module); restoring that did not help. The problem turns out to be caused by using a window type 'panel' in my conky config. Changing the window type to 'desktop' cured the problem. Did not dive any deeper to analyse exactly what conky 'panel' windows do to interfere with Compiz/Unity.
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Mar 25, 2010
I haven't had Suse on my machine for a long time and am about to create a dual boot system. Suse 11.1 will be sharing XP Pro SP3. It's on an Acer Netbook 160GB / 2GB I have a partition which contains personal secrets and must remain hidden from prying eyes. I've been using Windows command prompt and the dishpart function to remove and assign said partition. (Mount/Unmount). The partition is effectively hidden from Windows and doesn't appear anywhere and can't be searched. Yes I know it can easily be found by those who are more technical-oriented but it's effectively hidden from those individuals who are nosey.
I've "messed" with Suse quite a few times before, each for a relatively short time getting a little use to the GUI yet still consider myself a novice. I've done a few things in Suse console before but am not extremely familiar or comfortable in it. So I'd like to install 11.1 again for a dual boot. I've freed up 15 gigs of unallocated disk space for Suse. I am planning to have that secret partition assigned and volume made active during Suse install. I'm not sure how Suse install handles unassigned NTFS HDD volumes- whether it's removed or not. How can I hide and show partitions once Suse is installed?
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Oct 22, 2010
After stumbling across how to do this, then losing it and only after a long search finally re-discovering this little documented feature, I've decided it's likely worth posting.
Basic Concept of Hidden Files in Unix
In Linux filesystems, anything with a leading period (files or folders) is considered to be hidden and viewable only with an "all" option using whatever utility to list the files. Unfortunately, this may not be sufficient to clear the clutter in today's world.
KDE enhanced hidden file support, Why
As a Desktop that sits on top of Linux, KDE supports the basicLinux hidden files/folders convention using the leading period in applications like File Managers (eg Dolphin).
But, what about other files? An example of another file type a User won't likely want to list is the backup file that is created with a trailing tilde (~) whenever a document is modified. This would especially be true if files are dropped into the Folderview widget on the KDE Plasma Desktop, potentially up to half of all the space would be occupied by these undesirable files.
In KDE, you can now hide any definable filetype, re-claiming space and making file/folder listing more efficient.
KDE enhanced hidden file support, How
This feature seems to be hidden in a corner and not configurable in any main file management tool like Dolphin or the KDE management utilities and so far I haven't found it in Google, the KDE website or any other place.
It's only configurable in the KDE Folder Widget properties.
First, unlock widgets on your Desktop if necessary (Is unlocked by default).
1. Either rt-click in the open space of an existing Folder View Widget or add a new Widget to your desktop by
Rt-click desktop > Add Widgets > Folder View Widget (Drag to Desktop) > rt-click on empty space in new Folder View Widget >
2. After rt-clicking on the Folder View Widget, select Folder View Settings
3. Modify Location to point to one of the three location types... The Desktop folder itself, a pre-configured (by KDE) "Place" or a custom folder of your choice. The first choice is OK if you don't already have something else in mind and you just need one Folder View.
4. In the Navigation Pane on the left, click on "Filter."
5. In the top dropdown, select "Hide Files Matching"
6. In the bottom "File Types" input box (Not the middle box), type your pattern in my example the tilde (~), and you will see the backup file type already defined.
7. Make sure the backup file type is checked, and click "OK" which saves changes and closes the Folder Settings window.
8. Check your nandiwork. Drop a new file if needed into the Folder View Widget, modify the contents and save. Open your KDE File manager to the location of your Folder View Widget and list the contents. In both cases you should not see your backup files unless you select the option to view hidden files.
When you've finished modifying your Desktop's widgets, don't forget to lock the widgets to guard against accidental loss.
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Jun 4, 2010
I realized that Scrabble on Facebook is blocked to users outside of the US and Canada. Can someone help me hack this so I can play outside of the US.
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Jun 19, 2010
I want to be able to hide things so that they do not show up when show hidden files is pressed. Maybe something like a file that you can only get to by already knowing its location?
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Sep 3, 2010
I have the package "xvidcap" (Screen recorder) installed in Ubuntu, the problem I have is the version I have installed is an older version and there is a newer version avaliable, but I don't want to install the newer version as this breaks some functionality regarding screen capturing e.g. audio capturing. But each time I run Update Manager the package appears in the list to be upgraded.
Is there anyway to flag the package as do not upgrade or something to make it not appear in Update Manager or at least have it greyed out so the checkbox isn't automatically checked each time update manager is ran?
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Sep 13, 2010
I don't like the 'hide' array on the system tray. I never hide my icons there. There is an icon-by-icon setting to hide/show but this is a little laborious. However, there currently doesn't seem to be an easy way to show all icons, but, at the same, hide pop-up notifications after a short delay. How to implement this?
OpenSUSE 11.3 KDE 4
repos (STABLE): packman, oss, non-oss, updates, network, security
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Jun 24, 2011
I have searched far and wide but could not seem to find a way to prevent GDM from hiding the password field. I am the only user of my laptop, to login I first need to click the login name to show the password field and then I can enter the password. I would like to have the password field always visible and have focus.
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Mar 15, 2010
I currently have a UNIX script with a function that uses a username and password to connect to the database, retrieve some information and then exit. At the moment, am getting the username and password from a hidden plain text file and permission set to -r--------, i.e. read only to who own the file. The owner of the file is the same owner of the script. At the moment, am not too overly concern as the script works as it is but I want to know if anyone have a suggestion if there is any better way of achieving the same thing with some "form" of security, i.e., for example, masking the username/password.
Basically, I want to be able to mask or hide the username or password in some way. I've thought about encryting the password file, which is in plain text, using simple crypt command from which I retrieve the username and password but I need to decrypt it as well which is sort of similar to how it will be as it is now once it is decrypted. Is there anyway that I can get a username and password in some gibberish format and then translating them into something usable which can be passed on the next command that requires the username/password.
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Feb 1, 2011
While googling for soft link and hard link i found this part
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("some.hidden.file","w");
unlink("some.hidden.file"); /* deletes the filename part */
/* some.hidden.file no longer has a filename and is truely hidden */
fprintf(fp,"This data won't be found
"); /* access the data part */
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Mar 29, 2011
I have this simple code written in python:
import os
os.system("xterm -e 'ls /usr/lib'")
Is there anyway I can hide the xterm window that is opening ?
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May 9, 2010
I am running ubuntu 10.4 only .
I assume to make the boot menu appear I have to add an entry into 40_custom file. Not quiet sure how to make that entry, or if it has to be positioned a certain way.
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Jun 17, 2010
I have a problem with Cairo-dock not auto-hiding when my laptop wake up from hibernate. Anyone know a quick fix for this? Ubuntu 10.04 Cairo-dock with OpenGL
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