Ubuntu Security :: Hiding Files Without Showing Up When Ctrl+h Is Pressed
Jun 19, 2010
I want to be able to hide things so that they do not show up when show hidden files is pressed. Maybe something like a file that you can only get to by already knowing its location?
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Apr 4, 2011
Trying the various settings (and noticing ubuntu gnome users recently had the same exact OPPOSITE problem -- they can't SHOW hidden files in dolphin) to hide my hidden files in dolphin is not working. The settings are saved OK, but those damn (ending in tilde, ie "~") files do NOT ever hide! I even see the correct little green recycling symbol on them, indicating they're identified as such, but no actual hiding goes on..
Nautilus, which I've used before (but have grown tired of, and was looking forward to dolphin), also has a weird issue that seems to have appeared with FC13 (I'd been using FC12 'til now mostly because of this) - there's no way (AFAIK) to tell it to show the location; to see it, you have to click Go->Location each time. Previously I could set it to print out the whole file or server path and it would stay that way when I opened new windows.. This is on fresh install & update.. kernel is
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Jan 10, 2011
I want to prevent "^C" from echoing when Ctrl-C is pressed. I did "stty -echoctl" which some googling results suggested. Now it echos raw Ctrl-C characters instead of the string "^C". That's not any better since it displays some funny blocked hexadecimal in the terminal window.
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Jan 28, 2010
I am working on a script and I want it to detect if CTRL+C is pressed at any time during the script and have it not Break the script and display a message stating to use CTRL+Z instead. How can I do that?
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Mar 29, 2010
Is there a terminal program that shows what you pressed on the keyboard?There are these two keys to the right and left of the up arrow key that are "PageBack" and "PageForward" for Firefox, but Midori can't use these keys like that, in fact, I don't think it even knows they exist. Wondering if I can get their name or something.
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Mar 25, 2010
I haven't had Suse on my machine for a long time and am about to create a dual boot system. Suse 11.1 will be sharing XP Pro SP3. It's on an Acer Netbook 160GB / 2GB I have a partition which contains personal secrets and must remain hidden from prying eyes. I've been using Windows command prompt and the dishpart function to remove and assign said partition. (Mount/Unmount). The partition is effectively hidden from Windows and doesn't appear anywhere and can't be searched. Yes I know it can easily be found by those who are more technical-oriented but it's effectively hidden from those individuals who are nosey.
I've "messed" with Suse quite a few times before, each for a relatively short time getting a little use to the GUI yet still consider myself a novice. I've done a few things in Suse console before but am not extremely familiar or comfortable in it. So I'd like to install 11.1 again for a dual boot. I've freed up 15 gigs of unallocated disk space for Suse. I am planning to have that secret partition assigned and volume made active during Suse install. I'm not sure how Suse install handles unassigned NTFS HDD volumes- whether it's removed or not. How can I hide and show partitions once Suse is installed?
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May 10, 2011
Just wondering how can one go about hiding their IP or displaying a false IP in Linux. Is this possible? Its not that I have anything to hide or any such things, I just like my privacy and don't like the idea that some one can track my actions and my location.
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Oct 22, 2010
After stumbling across how to do this, then losing it and only after a long search finally re-discovering this little documented feature, I've decided it's likely worth posting.
Basic Concept of Hidden Files in Unix
In Linux filesystems, anything with a leading period (files or folders) is considered to be hidden and viewable only with an "all" option using whatever utility to list the files. Unfortunately, this may not be sufficient to clear the clutter in today's world.
KDE enhanced hidden file support, Why
As a Desktop that sits on top of Linux, KDE supports the basicLinux hidden files/folders convention using the leading period in applications like File Managers (eg Dolphin).
But, what about other files? An example of another file type a User won't likely want to list is the backup file that is created with a trailing tilde (~) whenever a document is modified. This would especially be true if files are dropped into the Folderview widget on the KDE Plasma Desktop, potentially up to half of all the space would be occupied by these undesirable files.
In KDE, you can now hide any definable filetype, re-claiming space and making file/folder listing more efficient.
KDE enhanced hidden file support, How
This feature seems to be hidden in a corner and not configurable in any main file management tool like Dolphin or the KDE management utilities and so far I haven't found it in Google, the KDE website or any other place.
It's only configurable in the KDE Folder Widget properties.
First, unlock widgets on your Desktop if necessary (Is unlocked by default).
1. Either rt-click in the open space of an existing Folder View Widget or add a new Widget to your desktop by
Rt-click desktop > Add Widgets > Folder View Widget (Drag to Desktop) > rt-click on empty space in new Folder View Widget >
2. After rt-clicking on the Folder View Widget, select Folder View Settings
3. Modify Location to point to one of the three location types... The Desktop folder itself, a pre-configured (by KDE) "Place" or a custom folder of your choice. The first choice is OK if you don't already have something else in mind and you just need one Folder View.
4. In the Navigation Pane on the left, click on "Filter."
5. In the top dropdown, select "Hide Files Matching"
6. In the bottom "File Types" input box (Not the middle box), type your pattern in my example the tilde (~), and you will see the backup file type already defined.
7. Make sure the backup file type is checked, and click "OK" which saves changes and closes the Folder Settings window.
8. Check your nandiwork. Drop a new file if needed into the Folder View Widget, modify the contents and save. Open your KDE File manager to the location of your Folder View Widget and list the contents. In both cases you should not see your backup files unless you select the option to view hidden files.
When you've finished modifying your Desktop's widgets, don't forget to lock the widgets to guard against accidental loss.
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Sep 12, 2010
I'm using zenity 2.28.0 in a bash script (under kde4) to select multiple files in a directory. It works fine, but always defaults to showing hidden files. How can I get it to hide hidden files by default?
I know about toggling them on and off with Ctrl-H, but I would prefer not to have to use that. I have my options set so that dolphin and konqueror do not show hidden files by default. I even tried adding shopt -u dotglob to my script. zenity invocation (extracted from a more complex statement): zenity --title "Select Print Files to Delete" --file-selection --multiple
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Jan 5, 2010
I have 3 layouts: USA, Russian and Hebrew. In Hebrew the W key is mapped to apostrophe, so Ctrl+W in Hebrew layout doesn't close tabs in Firefox. There is no workaround for it as I see by now, so I am trying to get it work this way:I want to map Ctrl+W in Hebrew layout(which is actually a Ctrl+') to be a Ctrl+w. Here is what I got from xmodmap:Code:$ xmodmap -pke | grep 25keycode 25 = w W Cyrillic_tse Cyrillic_TSE apostrophe WAs you can see, there are pairs for each layout, each pair tells what happens without and with the Shift key pressed.
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Dec 27, 2010
I am doing a project on rdesktop. My aim is to setup a write/copy protected session. I have made rdesktop connection between two Linux machines using Xrdp.Next I want to disable the ctrl+x,ctrl+v keys and the cut and copy option in mouse right click at client side
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Aug 19, 2009
i am using gcc 4.3i need to recognize ctrl+c,ctrl+l,ctrl+d in my C program without terminating the program when i get a ctrl+c...
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Feb 23, 2011
A few months ago I installed slack 13.1 on two completely different machines with very different hardware and of differnt age, they are not networked and I dont ssh to or from them.
The only things they have in common are, I installed the same version of slack, on the same day and they are both connected to the same router and modem.
They had been working fine for a few months. I have not installed any common programs on them, just what came with slack.
Last week, on the same day both computers started to freeze in X, no mouse or keyboard control, could not use ctrl+f1.. Etc. Then they would lockup while looking in the bios, not at boot but when i would go into the bios. Neither computer will restart if I use the reset button, No bios startup or antything unless I hold down the power button for a few seconds the push the power botton again.
Does this sound like I have been cracked or just a big coincedence(sp?)
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Sep 5, 2010
I can not copy/paste ctrl+C or ctrl+p from one folder to another with the mouse. i was trying to move an item to another folder.
I looked in the keyboard short cut and it was not there. i tried to add it and it put it in custom as disabled and I could not enable it.
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Nov 11, 2010
I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 x64 and already am really annoyed by Firefox, which freezes my mouse after changing a tab (with ctrl+tab, alt+#) or closing it (ctrl+w). After about one second, i can continue working as usual. Changing Tabs by just clicking on one does not freeze anything...Maybe some of you would think now if I am crazy because of complaining about such a little thing, but it is really annoying if you are used to work fluently with ff.Edit:I today noticed, that not only shortcuts in firefox, but all Hotkeys freeze my mouse for a second. For examle ctrl+c, ctrl+v, super+e or anything else.Do you have any Idea what causes this behaviour? Reinstalling ubuntu didn't change anything
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Nov 28, 2010
" Mark the start of the text with "v", "V" or CTRL-V. The character under the cursor will be used as the start.""With CTRL-V (blockwise Visual mode) the highlighted text will be a rectanglebetween start position and the cursor."I can mark the start with "v" or "V".But it doesn't work when I push ctrl+V.
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Oct 3, 2010
anyone has a clue why 'ctrl+a, k' nor 'ctrl+a, :kill' doesn't work for killing one of screen windows? Other screen's commands invoked with 'ctrl+a'seem to work.
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Jan 2, 2010
In Ubuntu 9.10 I cannot select multiple files using Ctrl+left mouse click. It can't be done in OpenOffice.org Writer as well. Can't select multiple words using that key combination.But it works fine with the desktop icons.
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Feb 3, 2010
I just spent a few days ripping out all the broken/buggy apps that are in the opensuse 11.2 official repos so I can finally get working software(openoffice, thunderbird, wine, eclipse, rubygems, rails, and a few others required getting the "official" versions from their respective websites to avoid strange behavior and outright broken functionality).
All of which makes updating more annoying and time-consuming. Why are opensuse packages so different anyway? Anyway, the last thing that I have noticed to fix is Konsole. For some really bizarre reason ctrl+z and ctrl+c do not work without a third keystroke: enter.Maybe this is something new with the KDE team, since they seem bent on making simple things that already work more complex, but given my experience with crappy packages in the suse repos, I am thinking this is the problem. I have looked over all the config settings that I can find and nothing fixes this affront to productivity.
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Mar 7, 2010
I've been using Kaggregator in KDE-PIM, which uses Konqueror as the browserto go to links from Kaggregator.Unfortunately, Konqueror no longer seems tobe able to Copy highlighted material with Ctrl C, the way we've done it forever.Is this a setting I've missed? Or is this a new "feature" in Konqueror?
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Sep 30, 2010
I'm running the firestarter firewall and its been showing the odd ssh attempt quite often. e.g. I've had 4 attempts today, 3 in the last 40mins. I realize that this may be nothing to serious but it's got me curious, aside from having a secure password (which I have) is there anything that else that I can do to ensure that my system is as secure as possible from ssh? I do use ssh within my home network so I don't want to disable it completely.
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Apr 27, 2011
i just installed Firestarter firewall and it is showing me 12 serious inbounds after an hour.Is it a serious matter ? What should i do ?
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Dec 17, 2010
Its showing like this type of log )t(t)e(e)x(x)(t)t(<Shift>)(<Shift>)^[[3;2~(KP.)^[[3;2~^[[3;(<Del>)(<Del>)(<Del>
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Dec 5, 2010
I'm trying to write a init.d script to daemonise a sagemath notebook server. Here's what I've done so far, I've copied /etc/init.d/single for the structure, and tried to use dtach to provide a handle to access the process. However, my main problem is issuing the signals to kill the process (Ctrl-C) from a bash script and exit dtach (Ctrl-`)
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Apr 7, 2010
I found LKL on my computer. I need to remove it. It isn't showing up in synaptic and i can't figure out how to remove it. SUDO apt-get remove lkl tells me this. E: Couldn't find package lkl. i can't find it with the search and with google.
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Feb 26, 2010
I am running Firestarter on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit. I have noticed several times that after closing all web apps (Firefox, Thunderbird) that some entries remain under the heading "Active connections" on the Firestarter "Status" tab. Often these show no source program. Currently I have 2 showing which show Firefox as the source. These persist after Firefox is shut down. I have verified that no Firfox process is running. And both of the IPs point to google.I have Disconnected eht0 and they still show. I have logged out and back in and they still show. I must reboot the machine to make these entries go away. Which makes me think perhaps this is a bug in Firestarter(?) Is there another way I can identify truly active connections?
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Mar 15, 2011
I know this post isn't strictly linux based, but since the system in question appears to be using Linux and I am as well I decided to post this here. In doing other network playing with Ubuntu Sever 10.10 I noticed that on all traceroutes I did to any IP the second hop from my house jumped through a connection on IP which I think should only be another dynamic IP Knology.net customer...
In scanning the IP I now know that its a Juniper Junos Router 9.2R1.10 (Probably running on some VMware based on googling?) Open ports show: 22 ssh openSSH 4.4 v. 1.99 23 telnet Openwall GNU/*/Linux telnetd
At first I thought this was just a legit Knology.net DNS server or something, but using such outdated versions and freeware... I feel suspiciously like this is something else. Also, why in the world would knology allow remote access to their mainframe equipment? Seems that if it were ever breached it would be beyond terrible for the ISP...
Finally, why can't people not SSH into my box from the outside if I have MAC address filtering on? Anyone know anything about this or am I just being paranoid? I'm a noob, so knowing too little about all this is probably more the problem?
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Jan 21, 2010
Is there something I need to do to access my files from vista? Maybe I'm not looking in the right place? I'm just sick and tired of windows and would like to eventually migrate to ubuntu.
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Mar 28, 2010
For months Ive been having problems with SWF files (Bloons tower defense 4 - online game) not showing / loading up. I have removed SWFDEC from my PC (Ubuntu)..
The game DOES go now
However - when I try 7move a piece (Put a new weapon on the sxcreen - The picture doesn't stay where I put it (& doesn't shoot the bloons...). I can press 'start' & the bloons do move around the screen - but I can't shoot them.
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Aug 29, 2010
I have an western digital elements external drive that is mounted on ubuntu 9.10. It mounts ok however when I go to a certain folder on the drive only some of the files show up. HOwever if I try to access it thru another program (xbmc file manager) all the files show up.
The files are there but I cannot view them. Also if I copy or move a file to that folder is dissappears but the file is still on the drive.
Any help. I also already hit show hidden files and nothing.
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