Ubuntu Servers :: Sharing A HDD Through FTP?

Jan 16, 2010

I installed ubuntu 9.10 on a spare computer for misc. backups through ftp. I successfully setup up ftp and logged as an account from the server. Also I mounted the larger hardrive to a folder in my home directory.I am able to successfully write and read to the partition in which the operating system is installed through ftp, but I am only able to read from the larger HDD through ftp.Does anyone know how I can become able to write to the mounted drive through ftp?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba Sharing Not Showing Up

Apr 16, 2010

For some reason SAMBA is not showing up

writeable = yes
read only = no
path = /var/www
force group = nogroup
force user = nobody
guest only = yes
public = yes
create mode = 777
directory mode = 777

I can see Ubuntu on the LAN, but nothing being seen under it. What is wrong with it? /var/www has been chmod already, and set to 777

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Ubuntu Servers :: Used For Sharing Files Between Companies?

Nov 17, 2010

I wanted to see if anyone knew of a system that can be used for sharing files between companies? What I am looking for is a web based system that will allow an engineer to upload drawings or CAD models and put them in a "mailbox" for someone at another company. Here are the requirements I need:

1. Any type of file can be uploaded with no restrictions of file size (needs to be able to handle several GB of CAD data).

2. Only the person who the files are intended for can see or download the files.

3. A record of all transactions (uploads & downloads) must be kept.

Basically, I need a web based mailbox system that can handle huge files. Anyone know of such a beast?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Internet Connection Sharing In LAN?

Dec 6, 2010

What can you recommend software to link sharing, and priority services such as VoIP, email, web, ftp others. The only thing I got it [URL], but it is not developed since 2008 ri do not know if it works.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Internet Connection Sharing

Jan 20, 2011

I have discussed sharing an internet connection with my neighbor so we can both save money. We both have multiple computers connected to consumer grade routers. I've tinkered with WDS configurations but it was very unreliable and cumbersome to manage for reasons I won't get in to here. I'm thinking of getting my ubuntu server box to connect to my neighbor's wifi (via a USB wifi adapter) and share the connection through my router to my own subnet, (wired and wireless).

Can anyone shed some light on how I can best accomplish this?I can see a number of hurdles with this, maybe there are some I have yet to discover:Getting the USB wireless adapter to connect and stay that way via commandline.Configuring ICS from the USB connection to ethernet out to my router.Probably moving DHCP duty from my router to my server.Getting it all to work reliably well.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Sharing External USB Drives?

May 1, 2011

Just moved my Mac Server to Ubuntu Server 10.10. I have two external USB drives that need to be shared on the network and be available on the internet for sensitive file transfer. What would be the most secure way to do it ? Some users are mobile and some not. The mobile users can access the network through a vpn running on that same server. The server is serving DNS and Proxy as well. I thought about creating a SAMBA share but the two disks are 1TB each. Then I went for proftpd but after reading some doc, it appears not very secure.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mysql Sharing Database To Windows Xp?

Jun 10, 2011

i have installed mysql in ubuntu server 10.04 and want to access the database from windows xp.

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Ubuntu Servers :: File Sharing And Permission (Three Hard Drives)

Apr 17, 2010

Here's the background.
1x Windows Vista laptop (laptop1)
1x Windows 7 laptop (laptop2)
1x Mac laptop (laptop 3)

I am running Ubuntu server with 3 hard drives. I have Webmin installed. So far, I have the three laptops being able to connect to samba and accessing /home/insert_user_here. All laptop users have access to my /media/data2 (photographs, videos). That's all good. At first, I couldn't get other users but laptop 3 to access /media/sdb1, but I fixed that by changing permission to 755 so I guess everyone can access this. Atm, I want to only allow laptop #3 to connect to /media/sdd1 (be able to read/write/etc.) while laptop 1 and 2 can't even see the files. Also, laptop 1 and 2 can't seem to read and write through file share.

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Ubuntu Servers :: LAN Setup - Basic File And Printer Sharing?

May 31, 2010

I am trying to set up a LAN with some basic file and printer sharing, as well as either a VPN or FTP server. I am setting up a server for an office with about 4 computers and one remote computer at a home office. I would like the server to back up a selected group of folders on all of the computers as well as share some printers between them all as well. If all of the other computers are windows computers will Ubuntu work for something like this? I would also like to host a website and e-mail server as well if the server is not loaded down too much. I know I can get windows server to work, but I would like to use something else if possible.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba Home Directory Sharing In Different Location?

Sep 29, 2010

I have 10.04 and have samba running.

Samba is remotely administered with webmin and aim to setup home directory sharing. I am however having some trouble getting this to work.

I was of the understanding that home directory sharing allows me to create a user in ubuntu, which samba will then pickup and offer it up as a share.

My smb.conf looks like this..

#======================= Global Settings =======================
unix extensions = no
share modes = no
security = user


Essentially I've found this works providing I give the samba user a password after it is automatically created using the 'Configure automatic Unix and Samba user synchronisation' option in webmin.

However if I move the location of this home folder off the main drive i.e. /home/username I get turned away at attempted login.

I've tried specifying the path in [homes] using the path = /media/discarray, but this seems to break authentication somehow.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Address Book Sharing In Outlook Via Server

Nov 6, 2010

Is there a way to synchronize the address book in Outlook when the user works on multiple windows computer, and the server in the internal network runs under Linux ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Terminal Server Over Internet (RDP?) & File Sharing

Dec 16, 2010

my laptop seems to have a bad HDD, and I was thinking of trying to make it a "thin client." However since it is a laptop obviously I want to take it places. Is it possible to make a terminal server and "thin client" connect through the internet and not just LAN?The reason I quote thin client is because in my mind I am still going to need to use some HDD so I can connect to the internet and find my server.

To make things easier to read refer to the above as "question 1" and the velow as "question2" Thank you. And sorry for the inconvience. These topics I felt were to similar to make separate topics.I also have another question, the files I have on my server can be accessed by anyone on the network(added a second HDD and network shared it) how can I make it so that the LAN clients have to "login" (or it uses their computers login info to send them to only their files? And if that is possible can we expand it to allow me to use those logins through the internet?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup With 3 Workstations - File / Printer Sharing

Dec 17, 2010

I'm going to be setting up our company with a in office server in the next few days. I wanted to use ubuntu as my servers OS but after reading some of the documentations I come to realize there is no X server in the server OS. I am OK with doing everything in terminal but would prefer to do some things in a graphic interface. Am I able to install the Xfree86 and be able to configure some stuff through that? Also the machine I am building for the server is not a true server machine just a really fast computer with lots of memory and space. The specs are a 3.1 AMD 64bit processor, 16gig ram, 2x 1TB hdd 7200rpm sata.

If the X server isn't a possibility on the server OS, I have read you can install all the server repositories on the Desktop Editions. Would that be a better option for me? Here is what I would like the server to do. I am going to be running quick books on the server with 1 workstation that is dedicated to it. We have 3 workstations and 3 users. We also would like to implement a Shared filing system and print server. Eventually when our current contract with our web host expires we would like to migrate the base website (not the ecom side) to this server.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Sharing An Encfs Non Public Folder With Samba?

Jun 7, 2011

I've been trying to share a folder with samba. This folder is the decrypted version of an encfs encrypted folder. Mounting the decrypted folder on the server is done automatically on login using gnome-encfs. Exposing the folder locally works like a charm. Now where I get stuck is trying to access the samba share from a client (even with smbclient on the server itself). I can see the share with smbclient -L:

tijm64@tijm64-HTPC:~$ smbclient -L
Enter tijm64's password:
Domain=[TIJM64] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.4.7]


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Fedora Servers :: File And Priter Sharing ?

Jan 16, 2009

I have problem with defining priter server...with two other computers that use windows ...i want to to a file and priter sharing how do i do it?

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CentOS 5 :: Sharing A Disk Array Between Two Or More Servers

May 5, 2011

I have a couple of Centos servers, each connected to the Internet using its Static IP address. They are in the same physical rack. Is there a way I an get them to share a disk array. The disk array could be on one of the servers, or it could be separate SAN array.

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Ubuntu Servers :: DHCP Connection Sharing - Connected To The Internet Via Wireless?

Dec 29, 2010

I did search, but could not find a solution.Right I've installed Ubuntu Server 10.10 on an old machine, installed fine and the system is running. I have a windows 7 desktop that is connected to the internet via wireless. The desktop then has an ethernet connection which is shared to the ubuntu server. The network looks like this.

Modem > Router > Desktop > Switch > Ubuntu Server My problem here is that there appears to be no connection from the server to the desktop. The server cannot connect to the internet.

When i ifconfig the ubuntu machine shows.eth0 link encap:Ethernetinet address: Bcast: Mask However on the windows desktop (the machine sharing the internet) these are the details for the connection to ubuntu server.ip mask

is this a dhcp problem? is my server configured wrong?

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Fedora Servers :: Sharing Printer With Windows 7 Laptop?

Jul 2, 2010

I've checked the forums for a guide to sharing my printer with a laptop and cannot find any entries that are specific to my configuration. [URl]... My printer is connected to a desktop running Fedora 13. I also have a laptop running Windows 7. There was one web entry that spoke about "Windows Vista 7" that didn't match my configuration. [URL].. Is there a "how to" out there that I can follow to make this work? I am not a well-experienced user, so the more detailed (and accurate) the steps, the better!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Client PC Sharing Key With Access Files / If Not File Sharing?

Jul 7, 2011

Im using WPA with a TKIP pre-shared key...Can a client pc im sharing my key with access my files if im not file sharing? Router config?

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Ubuntu Servers :: WebDAV Best Option For Internet Wide "samba-like" File Sharing?

Sep 14, 2010

What is the best option for Internet wide "samba-like" file sharing? WebDAV?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Installing File Sharing Using EBox - Failed To Enable: "root Command /usr/share//ebox-samba/ebox-samba-enable Failed"

Sep 27, 2010

Installing file sharing using eBox and get the following error:


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Ubuntu :: Sharing A Folder With Vnc?

Feb 28, 2010

I have a VNC connection with my pc, I have made a folder with permissions to share,it is on a separate drive. When i try to copy a file from laptop to the folder there is no paste option on remote pc ( on local lan )

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Ubuntu :: How To Set Permissions And Sharing

Jul 24, 2010

I have 4 hard-drives in my tower.Hard-drive 1 contains all the system files.

hdd 2 contains all music
hdd 3 contains video
hdd 4 contains misc data

The root of the system "/" is on drive 1, and I used fstab to mount hdd 2 - 4 under /storage/music /storage/video and /storage/misc I want /storage/misc to be readable and writable by people on the LAN. The other 2, I would like to be "read" only.

what should I set the permission of /storage to and what should i put /storage/misc to.If I put /storage/misc to 777 (chmod 777 -R /storage/misc), will people ever be able to go up the "tree" and ever get access to "/"?

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Ubuntu :: File Sharing Over WAN?

Jan 2, 2011

I have a Server Computer with a 2.0 TB RAID on it. I want to be able to access and modify the files on it from any computer remotely.Is what I am looking for an "SSH Tunnel" to fileshare over the Internet? If this is what I want, please help me find the resources for doing this. I dont even know where to begin!I am running Ubuntu 10.10.I am not looking for remote computing. I cannot guarantee that the remote computer I am on will have Ubuntu on it. I want the files to show up like they would over normal SMB/SAMBA networking. I just want to be on any computer in the world, enter in an IP address, enter a password, connect, and be able to access my files.

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Ubuntu :: Sharing Webcam To Windows?

Jan 3, 2010

I have a netbook with an intergrated webcam running Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 I'm looking for a way to share the camera to a windows desktop computer to use the webcam as if I had plugged in a USB webcam. I want to do this because Windows has some really great software for Webcams but runs horribly on the netbook.

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Ubuntu :: Sharing Folders Between Users?

Feb 14, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.10 desktop. I set up my main user- admin and loaded the folders of files I would be working on and the relevant additional programs. Now, I would like to set up a second user so that someone else can use the computer with access to many of my files and folders, but not all, which would defeat having a second user. I have set sharing preferences for all of my folders. I have giving most rights to my second user. Yet the second user cannot even see ANY of my folders when they sign-in.

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Ubuntu :: Web Based File Sharing App

May 7, 2010

I'm looking for a web based file sharing application. I would like my clients to login and have access to their files only, and no other files.Integration with Wordpress would be nice.

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Ubuntu :: Network Sharing To Windows?

May 9, 2010

I am using 10.4 desktop and currently got everything setup the way i like it, but when sharing my network folder I can see the folders and everything seems fine then when i click to access the files it gives me an error message of not having permission to the folders. I tried going into the basic permissions tab in folder properties like you normally would with ntfs permission sharing in windows (don't know if thats how things work in Ubuntu but i gave it a try) and nothing would change when trying to change read/write permissions or read only permissions.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 - Ics - Sharing With Xbox 360 ?

May 18, 2010

Ive got my laptop hindered up to my xbox 360 it has windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04. i realy want to get rid of windows and the only reason i keep it around is because ics sharing works realy well for connecting to xbox live.

I recently discovered that you can (ics) with ubuntu which is awesome only problem is
i cant figure out how to set it up to stop it having moderate NAT so i can play games that require an open NAT. its probably due to the ports not being fowarded properly or somthing and/or the face that my xbox needs a static ip placed out side the routers firewall on the DMZ setting .

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sharing Change Between 9.10 And 10.04

May 20, 2010

I have a MediaGate MG35 which allows me to play movies and things via my network from my computer. This worked fine with Vista, but when I upgraded to Windows 7 the samba sharing changed and my MediaGate was no longer able to gain access to my shares on 7. My solution was using VirtualBox with Ubuntu. This worked fine on 9.10. I did this by creating a folder in my /media folder called windows-share, giving it a share called movies with Guest access. and then adding the following line in the rc.local file to mount the windows share though VirtualBox:

mount -t vboxsf movies /media/windows-share/

(movies being the name I gave the shared folder in VirtualBox) So I had to do was start the VirtualBox and everything was setup without me having to do anything. This then allowed me to get to my movies saved in windows with my MediaGate. This worked great. I've now got Ubuntu 10.04 on a new VirtualBox. I've set up everything the same, but when I try to access the shared folder, it doesn't work. If I try to access it with windows, it says that the share is not accessible or I don't have access. This ONLY happens to the folder that has been mounted to, any other folder I share works fine.

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