Ubuntu Servers :: Installing 11.04 On PowerEdge 860?

Aug 18, 2011

I've just installed 11.03 Server 64 on a Dell PowerEdge 860. Installation went fine, the only thing out of the ordinary that I saw was it did the install on sdb and not sda. I was prompted for reboot as expected, but on reboot I never see grub (installed to /sdb as the default). There's no screen output and the server just hangs.There's a SAS1068 Raid Controller with two HD's attached to it. I've run Dell Hardware diagnostics and they all come back fine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing 10.10 64bit On Poweredge T105?

Apr 1, 2011

I see the T105 is supposedly 100% certified but for the life of me I can get past go with the setup. I get to the first setup screen (after choosing the language) and I select the install option... the screen goes blank and nothing happens. The DVD stops working the whole things just sits there.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Dell PowerEdge 2850 Graphics?

Jan 8, 2010

I have been trying to convert our backup web server, Dell PowerEdge 2850, from Windows 2003 to Ubuntu.The box had been hosting a couple of web sites for the past 4 years. It was light stuff, PHP/Joomla on Apache 2 and DotNetNuke on IIS. There was also Apache Tomcat on there. Recently, we also added Subversion and TeamCity for version control plus continuous integration. All of the .NET stuff has been moved over to another server that we acquired. Right now I am trying to get Sun Glassfish 3 and Alfresco WCM to run on Windows on the old server, but it is a major pain in the butt. I could use OpenSolaris, except there are a couple things that are easier in Ubuntu. The box must also be able to run FreeNX properly so that my boss, who is a GUI guy, will be able to log in to a desktop. That leaves Ubuntu, since I am somewhat familiar with it.

I was able to get FreeNX, Glassfish and Alfresco (up to a point) to run using a Turnkey Linux image. The problem is the server is proving to be difficult. I tried starting with the desktop 9.1 CD that I downloaded; however, there is massive graphics corruption on the desktop. It'll boot fine to the Gnome desktop, but the system will become really slow and the windows disappear, leaving just a border. Switching to another VT shows blurry, shaky text. I suspect there is an issue with the graphics driver, but I can't even type in any commands to find out what is going on.

I also downloaded 9.04 Server edition and it installed fine with no shaky text. How hard would it be to build on top of that for XWindows and FreeNX to work? Why is the text shaking in the first place?

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Fedora Servers :: FC8 Dell Poweredge Crashes Almost Daily?

Jan 5, 2009

I have a Dell Poweredge, 6 months old, running Fedora core 8. I have 2GB RAM and 500Gb SATA HD. I am running 3 VMWare machines. Two Win2003 Servers and 1 XP Pro. My server crashes almost daily. It doesn't actually reboot, it just freezes. It got to the point where I had to get a device that automatically reboots the server when it can't ping the server anymore. /var/log/messages has no entries that indicates the server crashed. It just stops at the point where it dies. The windows VMWare server also have no errors in the event log to indicate a problem.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Disk Usage Rising On Dell Poweredge 1900?

Feb 16, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 8.04LTS x64 on a Dell Poweredge 1900 with a Perc 5i RAID Controller. There are 3 500Gb SAS drives in a RAID 5 configuration. The Kernel is Linux dtpfs 2.6.24-27-server #1 SMP Wed Jan 27 23:39:33 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux Approximately once every 1 - 2 months I have a problem where the disk usage starts to rise for no apparent reason. When I run df the usage grows steadily over 2-3 days from 26% to 100%. At this point Samba reports that the disks are full. Baobab does not report the additional usage and the tape backup ignores the 'extra' usage and just backs up what was previously there. When I reboot the machine the usage is set back to normal and we can continue.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Eth0 Nic Copper Link Is Down Dell R210 Poweredge?

Aug 1, 2010

i have a server dell poweredge r210 i got this message. [78:384501] bnx2: eth0 NIC Copper Link is Down.

administrador@ubuntu:~$ ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr b8:ac:6f:86:2b:aa
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::baac:6fff:fe86:2baa/64 Scope:Link


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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Support For Dell Poweredge T610 Servers?

Sep 9, 2010

I am planning to do a critical installation on a Dell Poweredge T610 server. Has anyone faced any problems installing CentOS on this server.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Servers Reboot Without Any Reason (Dell Poweredge)

Dec 9, 2010

we have 22 servers Dell (20 Poweredge R210 + 2 Poweredge R310) with CentOS 5.5 x86_64 (kernel 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5). Half of these are on different rack. During the day, some server reboot without any reason and the messages log file had no evidence of what happened.

From /var/log/messages:
Dec 8 14:10:02 hadoop011 snmpd[3029]: Received SNMP packet(s) from UDP: []:50825
Dec 8 14:10:02 hadoop011 snmpd[3029]: Connection from UDP: []:50825
Dec 8 14:15:26 hadoop011 syslogd 1.4.1: restart.


Some minutes after the reboot, messages log this error: Dec 8 14:18:14 hadoop011 Server Administrator: Instrumentation Service EventID: 1404 Memory device status is critical Memory device location: DIMM_A3 Possible memory module event cause:Multi bit error encountered.

Is it possible that 20% (circa) of 60 memory bank are broken? By the way, memory bank have Lifetime warranty from Kingston. If I reboot again the server affected by this error, the error disappear from messages log file and from OpenManage Web interface.

Is it possible that is a CentOS bug? I had search some relative bugs on Bugzilla but without any results.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 Dell Poweredge 2600 Server Locks Up At 94% On Detecting Network Hardware?

Oct 31, 2010

So basically what I am trying to do is install Ubuntu 10.04 on a Dell Poweredge 2600 server. Right now I dont care wither I get the server version or the desktop version, I just need to get it on their. this is what I have run into. When installing the regular Ubuntu 10.04 desktop for 32bit, the server just locks up on the very first ubuntu install screen and the keyboard lights just start blinking non stop. When I use the server version, the server get to the Detecting Network Hardware and locks up at 94% and the keyboard will also start blinking nonstop. I have looked all over for an answer to this problem and have yet to find one. This guy figured out how to make it work but he never mentioned what version he was using. [URL]..

On this server I have 6 HDs, 5 of them are RAID 0 with 1 Hot Spare. I have also tried using the ubuntu-10.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent and still had the same problem. I have spent the last 3 days searching all over google and the forum to an answer but had no luck.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Radeonfb On A Dell PowerEdge 2800 - Screen Stays Black After Grub

Jul 11, 2011

Ubuntu Server 11.04 64bit seems to work fine on my Dell - most of the time at least. Sometimes upon boot, the screen stays black after grub. If it does boot correctly, I can find the following in dmesg:


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Ubuntu Servers :: Dell PowerEdge R610 - 9.10 - Megasas: Failed To Copy Out To User Sense Data?

Mar 16, 2010

After kernel upgrade to latest version I get a lot of failure messages in syslog and dmesg:

Mar 16 22:50:30 s6 kernel: [515925.148335] megasas: Failed to copy out to user sense data
Mar 16 23:07:57 s6 kernel: [516970.118242] megasas: Failed to copy out to user sense data


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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install On Dell Poweredge 2550?

Feb 1, 2010

I am trying to install ubuntu server 9.10 on two dell poweredge 2550 servers that I have at work and I can't get the install to complete on either. I saw some posts somewhere saying that it could be bad memory in the computers so I even put brand new memory in each, which needed upgraded anyway but the install still fails.The install usually hangs when trying to detect network drivers and it also hangs on some other file (I forget now). I remember I had an older version of linux on one of them before. The install says the file is corrupted on the cd. I have burned multiple cd's in different drives on different computers using the lowest speed on all of them, and all install attempts fail. I can even take the exact same cd's and install in vmware on my mac so I know for a fact the cd's are fine. What makes me more confused is that I can install windows server 2003 without a hitch on both the servers I am trying to install Ubuntu on.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dell Poweredge 2650 Install?

Feb 12, 2010

I am trying to install ubuntu 8.04 general desktop flavour in dell poweredge 2650, but it is not working..doesnt ubuntu 8.04 supports installation in a dell poweredge 2650..if not so thn what can be done for that..any other latest version which does so??

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound - SB Audigy 2 ZS / Dell PowerEdge 830

Sep 25, 2010

I have a Dell PowerEdge 830 Dual Pentium on which I installed 10.04. I have installed (slotted in) an SB Audigy 2 ZS card, from another PC, but it doesn't appear to be working. The donor PC suffered a graphics card failure that killed the motherboard. I can't tell whether the sound card is actually faulty. Did the sound card ought to work without any 'fiddling'?

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Ubuntu :: Dell PowerEdge 1750 Freq Out Of Range

May 27, 2011

Just now did a clean install of Ubuntu 11.04 into Dell PowerEdge 1750 using KVM console and 15" monitor. When booting into Ubuntu, the monitor went "frequency out of range". After reading Ubuntu forum someone suggested holding left shift while Grub is loading, it wouldn't even budge.

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CentOS 5 :: Install On PowerEdge 2450?

Jul 15, 2010

I am trying to install CentOS 5.5 on a older Dell PowerEdge 2450. Is there any reason the install would fail? It does load the initial install screen but when I hit enter, it simply goes to a blank screen with a blinking cursor ( I want to say that it says to me "What are you doing Dave?"), but I won't. It just sits there on this screen.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Server (64 Bit) And RAID On Dell Poweredge 2850

Oct 15, 2010

I just got my new server today (a Dell Poweredge 2850), and I'm trying to install the latest version of Ubuntu on it, however it fails to detect my hard drives. They are in a raid array (raid 1 I believe). I've never worked with a raid array before, and I'm wondering, is there anything special I have to do to install Ubuntu on one?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Getting Raid PowerEdge SC 1430?

Feb 5, 2010

A friend of mine gave me an old Dell PowerEdge SC 1430 Tower Server. It has three hard-drives in it, that are about 160 GB each. The system had a Promise FastTrak TX1430 Raid card in it, and I am not sure. Would that be a hardware RAID, or would you consider that a BIOS Raid?In any event, have the very latest OpenSuse 11.2 install DVD.I can boot from the DVD, do a fresh install and the system starts where I can sign on as the user. When I look at the starting parition, it has /dev/sda /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc ... each being a hard drive. These are just listed under the hard-drives, not under RAID.

The problem is that when I cold shut-down the machine, and restart from a power-up, the system comes up and cannot find the boot disk. So, Obviously I am doing something wrong.I am used to having 1 or 2 drives in a machine, just SATA drives, and no raid at all. I have no experience installing Linux on a machine with RAID, again not sure if this is BIOS or Hardware RAID.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Not Seeing All RAM On Dell PowerEdge 2650?

Oct 25, 2009

I have two Dell PowerEdge 2650 servers. One is a dual Xeon 3GHz with 4GB of RAM (4 x 1GB sticks). The other is a single Xeon 2.4GHz with 3GB of RAM (2 x 512MB and 2 x 1Gb sticks).

Both are running 32 bit CentOS 5.3. Both are running the same kernel (vmlinuz-2.6.18-164.el5). I've even diff'ed the two kernels to ensure that they are in fact identical. The only parameters being passed to the kernel via the grub config are "ro root=/dev/sda2"

The BIOS shows 4GB detected on the 4GB server and 3Gb detected on the 3GB server on boot.

Dell OpenManage for the 4GB server shows "Total Installed Capacity 4096 MB, Available to the OS 3804 MB", as I would expect. However, OpenManage for the 3GB server shows "Total Installed Capacity 3072 MB, Available to the OS 1011 MB". (i.e. it is only seeing the first 1Gb of memory).

cat /proc/meminfo confirms the above; the 4GB server shows "MemTotal: 3895980 kB", but the 3GB server shows "MemTotal: 1035024 kB"

I installed the lshw utility, and on the 3GB server it shows all 4 memory sticks, the full 3GB:

description: System Memory
physical id: 1000
slot: System board or motherboard


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SUSE :: Network Configuration SLES11 On Dell Poweredge

May 14, 2010

So I've got a Dell Poweredge R410 with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 installed and my boss wants me to configure it like this:
Eth0 - No IP address (on general tab, activation set to "never")
Eth1 - No IP address (on general tab, activation set to "never")
Eth2 - No IP address (on general tab, activation set to "never")
Eth3 - No IP address (on general tab, activation set to "never")
bond0 - eth0, eth1, eth2, eth3 selected (Activation set to "On boot") No IP Address
bridge0 - bond0 selected (Activation set to "On boot"). IP, subnet and hostname defined.

The DNS and routing has all been set correctly. The problem is when I set the network configuration as above I cannot connect to the network I'm unable to ping the gateway. I only have 1 cable connected and it's plugged into eth0 but apparently this doesn't matter. If I delete the bond and bridge and instead apply the settings to eth0 it connects no problem but my boss wants to use load balancing and states that that setup should work.

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Networking :: BCM5708 On Dell Poweredge 2970 And 2.6.35 Kernel?

Dec 6, 2010

I have a problem with my network interfaces on Dell poweredge server. I have two broadcom 5708 Gigabit network cards and they were working fine with my old kernel (2.6.18). recently, i have updated the kernel to 2.6.35(actually installed a new distribution Ubuntu 10.10) Since then, I have problem connecting to my server, the output of ifconfig shows that both NIC`s are working and assigned IP, i can connect to the system from both local machines and through internet. but sometimes suddenly the connection through internet is disconnected (some times to one NIC and sometimes to both!).

here is the result of:
$ethtool -i eth#
driver: bnx2
version: 2.0.15
firmware-version: 5.2.7 bc 5.0.4 ipms 1.6.0
bus-info: 0000:06:00.0

I was wondering if anyone here has had the same problem before and can share a solution with me?

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CentOS 5 :: Poweredge 6450: No Drives Showing On Setup?

Apr 4, 2009

I want to change one of our poweredge 6450 servers over to Linux, specifically CentOS, however, I cannot seem to install the operating system. When I boot to setup, go through the first couple of pages and then go to the page that asks you where to install CentOS, no drives are shown in the list, and I can't continue. I'm guessing there are missing drivers for the SCSI controller or something along that lines, but I'm not sure, and I can't find any answers on Google either.

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CentOS 5 :: Unable To Install On Dell Poweredge 1950

Mar 11, 2010

I am having issues installing Centos on a Dell Poweredge 1950. I have tried 5.3 and 5.4, and the text only install. The error I get is when I select what keyboard layout to use. An error window pops up and says "Assertion ((C * heads + H) * sector + S == A) at dos.c:624 in function probe_partition_for_geom() failed " I can click ignore and cancel but it instantly pops back up. I have tried to look up the error but can't find any information on it.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: No Link Lights On Any Nic Poweredge 4400

Aug 24, 2010

I'm running a Poweredge 4400 with a 3com card and an intel card covered under e100.
I'm using centos 5.5 in its default server config coming from gentoo.

I have no link on either of the two interfaces, ever. The card initialises with ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready and then falls back to half duplex but still with no connection.

I have manipulated most of the general settings that can be changed with ethtool.
Set to manual configuration with 100/full duplex

The cards are recognized alone and together. I have setup static interfaces with no problems. The ping to the local interface such that:

nic =

we get back route times and all is well

no route...

I have tried several different cables verified good other connections. I have verified the ports I am connecting to work correctly. I have manually shut down the onboard nic (in bios) and tried the 3com card alone. I have tried pci=routeirq, thinking there might be an irq issue.

If this was just the one card, I would install another and move on, but both nics are acting in exactly the same way.

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CentOS 5 :: Installation Fails On DELL PowerEdge 1850?

Dec 10, 2010

I was trying several times to install Centos 5.4 32bit via DVD or netinstall method. Installations stops at setp where is formating disk and always at 12%. No error messages only can't format logical volume and please reboot server. Also deleted and create fresh RAID 1 array, but not helping.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Dell Poweredge 850 Server 64bit

Jul 12, 2011

I am looking at getting a Dell Poweredge 850 Pent4 3.6GHz 64bit with two 160Gig SATA drives and I was wondering if anyone has installed Centos on one of these servers or has anyone had any issues installing Centos on these servers.

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General :: Debian Etch And PowerEdge T110 Module Required

Mar 16, 2010

Is it possible to use modules from Debian Lenny version into Debian Etch version. I'm able to install Lenny on a Dell Power Edge T110 but when I want to install Debian Etch on the same machine I always get the message "No common CD-ROM drive was detected. The system was able to start up with the CD and begin the installation but stop at this message. I think the problem comes from the SATA controller Intel Corporation Ibex Peak. Is there a way to use the Lenny modules into Etch.

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General :: Why Can't Boot A Dell Poweredge 2950 With Any Tools Distro

Jun 15, 2011

I have been trying to do some testing with server cloning and partitioning and hit some walls. The server is question is a Dell PowerEdge 2950 and the Distro's I have tried are :-

Parted Magic 6.2 & 6.2

The problem is a little strange is that the console appears to keep reporting either unreadable sectors on sr0 for clonezilla till SQUASHFS fails to load/locate and it panic's or in the case of Parted Magic.. copying files to RAM ..cp: read error: Input/output error

Mounting pmagic-6.2.sqfs... mount: wrong fstype, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so Mounting //sqfs_disk/pmagic-6.2.sqfs failed.

type "exit" to reboot the computer

Now the only problem here is I can't check the log's or dmesg the thing because it freezes the KVM and as I am offsite I have no spares with me Parted Magic does boot on a number of other servers like the R900 but will not boot at all here, I have tried safemode and disabling various other flag's but I must be missing something.

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Hardware :: Dell PowerEdge T100 Support Pcie Hotplug?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm having trouble getting a PCIe device to show up in lspci using pcie hotplug.

After booting the system I load the pciehp module, I then plug-in my PCIe card. After that I do an lspci, but I don't see my PCIe card. When I cold boot with the PCIe card installed the system sees it fine, i.e. it show up in lspci.

Does anyone know of an easy way to figure out if my hardware even supports pcie hotplug?

When I load the hotplug module I just do a modprobe pciehp. Is this all I need to do prior to plugging-in my pcie card?

I will try running pciehp with debugging turn on to see if that gives me any additional info.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: No Network Activity Dell PowerEdge 1950?

Mar 12, 2010

I have a Dell PowerEdge 1950 with Centos 5.4 installed. I am having an issue where there is no network activity on any of the NIC's.(Broadcom and Intel).

I have read that this might be somewhat common but have not found any solutions. I am unable to ping anything internal or external. Has anyone encountered this problem and have a potential fix?

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