Ubuntu Security :: Unable To Install Dnspktflow?

Jan 14, 2010

i'm unable to install this features and does not know how to produce the output,

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Ubuntu Security :: Unable To Install Firefox 4 Authentication Key?

Mar 27, 2011

I have been unable to access the key file since installing Firefox 4 Tuesday. I have no authentication key for Firefox. [URL]

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Ubuntu Security :: Unable To Install Amanda On Any Computers Or Server And The Port Is Not Forwarded By Modem Or Router?

Nov 17, 2010

I did a port scan on my server from outside my network and saw that port 10080 AMANDA is open.Amanda isn't installed on any of my computers or my server and the port is not forwarded by my modem or router. So why is this port open and how can I close it?

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Security :: Unable To Use Windows To Change The Security Of The Samba Share?

Mar 19, 2010

I've got a samba share on a linux server, connecting to it with a windows 2k3 server via tools > map network drive. The goal is to be able to use windows to change the security of the samba share. The good news is it works! The bad news is it's not QUITE perfect:

The share is called /company. I started with the following to give everyone access to everything, set the owner of the share to administrator (my domain admin on the Windows domain), and set the group owner to domain users (group that everyone on the domain is part of):

chmod -R 777 /company
chown -R administrator /company
chgrp -R domain users /company

I then mapped the drive as a regular user, and of course, can access/modify/delete/rename/create anything I want. Then I picked a folder to lock down. Let's call it /company/myFolder. I did this on the Windows server by mapping the drive as administrator (the owner), right click > properties > security tab > advanced > highlight "domain users" and "everyone" and click edit > clear all (i.e. remove all access). Go back to Linux and


The only issue that remains is that I am able to rename/delete "myFolder" as a regular user. I thought this was coming from the "acl map full control = true" parameter in smb.conf, but I changed it to false and verified the change and it still happens. If I remove group and world write access to /company, I am no longer allowed to rename/delete myFolder, but then I can't create a new folder. If I add group write access back in I can create files but can also rename/delete folders within /company that have --- specified for group access. Any ideas what I need to tweak to make this right?

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Fedora Security :: Install Security Lab Menu On A Normal 13 Installation?

May 30, 2010

Is it possible to install security lab menu on a normal Fedora 13 installation? I don't want to use security spin.

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Ubuntu Security :: Unable To Add New User

Jul 30, 2010

I was apparently invaded this morning via my private FTP server. The invader logged in with my user name and apparently knew the password for the account,The system is Hardy LTS 8.04.4, fully updated. I have backups that pre-date the intrusion, stored on another system, so am not totally averse to reformatting and reloading everything -- although I'd like to avoid it if possible.The "passwords.txt" file contains only a few passwords for online forums, including this one; it does not include anything critical such as banking information. I'm most concerned about the implications of the ssh config data...

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Ubuntu Security :: Cfs Encryption Gives: RPC: Unable To Receive

Aug 3, 2010

I want to create an encrypted directory using the cfs package. So far I've only been able to create the top directory. When I want to attach an encrypted directory using

cattach directory1 directory2

get the following message in command line:

RPC: unable to receive

When i look into my /crypt directory, nothing was added there. I have no idea what could be the problem. I use Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

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Ubuntu Security :: Unable To Login Using Su Or Sudo?

Oct 18, 2010

At the terminal prompt, I can't login using su nor sudo. I can only login as root at the dialog level. How do I correct this?

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Ubuntu Security :: Unable To Download Updates?

Jul 29, 2011

Twice this week I've tried to download " Important security updates". Each time the response is:

W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/...u9.5_amd64.deb
404 Not Found [IP: 80]
W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/...u9.5_amd64.deb
404 Not Found [IP: 80]


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Ubuntu Security :: Unable To Ssh To Client When It Is Running Openvpn?

Apr 21, 2010

I have a virtual private server running ubuntu server edition that I have set up as an openvpn client. The problem I have is that the moment I turn on openvpn, I am no longer able to ssh into the machine. Is there a way to enable me to connect to it even when it is tunneling?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install Kubuntu 10.4 - Unable To Find A Medium Containing A Live File System

Aug 15, 2010

I cannot install Kubuntu (or Unbuntu) 10.4 on my husband's computer. I have spent 5 hours on this and cannot get anywhere. I am deeply frustrated. The iso I burned to CD is good (works on 2 other computers). His computer will not boot from USB, no matter what I do to the drive order in BIOS. After loading the blue screen with the Kubuntu logo on it (and the blue-white dots), the screen changes to black and shows the following text:

BusyBox v1.13.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu11) built-in shell (ash) (initrafs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system.

He really needs to get rid of WinXP. Kubuntu is what I have on my computer (and love it!). Here is some info about his computer:

OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Install Multi-Disc Game - Unable To Eject CD-RW / DVD RW Drive DBus Error

Apr 22, 2010

I'm trying to install The Sims 2 (which I'm aware currently does not run properly in wine anyway), using the multi-CD version. The installation goes normally, up until it comes time to switch from disc 1 to disc 2. The installer prompts me to insert disc 2, but it seems that Ubuntu still believes that the installer doesn't want me to open the drive, because, when I try to open it, it doesn't open, and a window pops up with the following message: Unable to eject CD-RW/DVD RW Drive DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending

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Security :: Unable To Decrypt Data?

May 6, 2010

I need to be able to decrypt data, like simple text files, that have been encrypted and base64 encoded with my public key.I need to use openssl so i do:

$cat encrypted | openssl enc -base64 -d > ./answer.txt

and i get exactly the same data as before the command was run. Am i right in thinking that i need to decode before decrypting? I tried decrypting, before i realized that i had to decode first,using this command:


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Ubuntu Security :: Unable To Access Internet Utilizing Laptop

Mar 12, 2010

To start off I do not have the ability to post in the Networking/Wireless thread. I attend DeVry university and in my school they recently rolled out "Bluesocket." Now that they have done this I am not able to access the internet utilizing my ubuntu laptop.I am able to connect to the network. When I open my web browser I am redirected to the "bluesocket" login page where I am able to successfully log in. The next step to accessing DeVry's internet service is to allow Bluesocket to do a scan using a Java applet. That scan is successful.

The results of the scan inform me that I am not being allowed to access the network resources because I don't have an antivirus or firewall program installed on my computer. I do not wish to have an antivirus or firewall program installed on my laptop to utilize DeVry's network resources. My question is what steps do I need to take to bypass/trick bluesocket?

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Ubuntu Security :: Unable To Block Icmp Requests Permanently

Apr 30, 2010

i've tried blocking ping requests with iptables.. and it didnt work Quote: iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP

also tried editing sysctl.conf.. which worked perfectly but after i restarted the system i was able to ping my ubuntu machine from my lappy here is what i added to sysctl.conf and then executed it with sysctl -p

Quote: net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all = 1 here is another atempt to block.. this one worked too... but again after the restart i was able to ping my machine.. Quote: echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all

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Ubuntu Security :: Unable To Set File Permissions (NTFS Volumes)

Oct 3, 2010

In Nautilus I select a directory on local NTFS volume. I'm logged in as root, right-click > Properties > Permissions and I set "Others" to "none". But it doesn't work. I want my friends & visitors to use and enjoy Ubuntu but without access to my NTFS volumes.

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Ubuntu Security :: UNABLE - Access Private Data Desktop

Oct 12, 2010

I have a seperate partition for my "/home" folder. Whenever I install a new distro I format my "/" folder.

This way I was able to access my old home data files since I install using a different username. Everything worked fine until last Sunday.

10.10, unlike other versions of ubuntu, has encrypted my old username in my home folder.

Then using this document [url]

I was able to mount my hard drive again. But all the file and folder names are like this.

Btw I don't remember selecting an option to encrypt my old home directory in the first place, what is this ?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot After Regular - Security Updates - Installed

Apr 22, 2011

A few weeks ago I did a WUBI 10.04 LTS install on a Windows XP desktop that went perfect. System ran great until this morning. I was prompted to install "Security Updates", which I allowed the system to do, but thereafter was unable to boot. What happens is at the point of selecting either Windows or Ubuntu for booting, and I choose Ubuntu, the computer goes right back into a re-boot process and brings me back to the Windows/Ubuntu boot selection prompt. It doesn't even bring me into the secondary boot level of asking which type of Ubuntu boot I want (generic, etc.). Is there a solution for this problem besides reinstalling Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Security :: Unable To Connect To Remote Host: Connection Refused

Jul 5, 2010

I am using TomCat6 with Ubuntu Server 9.10 x64. I successfully configured to iptables to redirect the port "443" to "8443" (Tomcat SSL), using this command:


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Ubuntu Security :: Unable To Mount Home Folder Encrypted With ECyptfs

Jan 30, 2011

After buying an IBM/Lenovo USB fingerprint reader model FP06 and installing Fingerprint GUI, have problems to mount my home folder encrypted with eCyptfs. I was using it since the first time i install Ubuntu 10.10 64 bits. After login from GDM, there are some ways to make it work:

1) open a terminal window and type ecryptfs-mount-private. This decrypt the home folder, but need to logout and login again to my personal preferences can be reached (bookmarks in nautilus, in firefox, etc). Each time the PC is rebooted, the same process is needed to made again.

2) before login in GDM, change to a tty1 terminal (ctrl-alt-F1) and login from here. The personal folder decrypt then without problems. Then change to GDM (ctrl-alt-F, login an everything works fine. What could be the fault from GDM to not mount the encrypted folder?

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Update Security Patch

Jun 28, 2010

My system is trying to install security update, but I get the following message: A package could not that allows the task to complete.
Details are as follows:
patch:libfreebl3-2258.noarch conflicts with libfreebl3-32bit.x86_64 < 3.12.6-3.1.1 provided by libfreebl3-32bit-3.12.6-2.pm.6.2.x86_64

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Security :: LADP User Unable To Login Via SSH?

Sep 15, 2010

My case is that, the LADP user connected could not login via SSH. This user could login in the system console. And all the other users could login within ssh. And I was wondering whether any one could suggest which place to check next. And here is the detail: I was using SUSE 11.3 when I met this error. PAM module is used, and the corresponding files in /etc/pam.d/ have all been updated. Here is what I've added:

yl-1:/etc/pam.d # fgrep ldap *pc
common-account-pc:account [default=bad success=ok user_unknown=ignore] pam_ldap.so


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General :: Unable To Install The USB_ModeSwitch - Unable To Connect Micromax 300G Modem In Debian

Jun 30, 2011

I couldn't connect my Micromax 300G modem in Debian Linux. From internet (in Windows Vista), I came across the information of USB_ModeSwitch and then I downloaded it. While going to install it, I came across the problem that TCL-interpreter is not available in Debian Linux. Then again I restarted my laptop in Windows Vista and connected my Micromax modem and from internet downloaded TCL8.5.10-src.tar.gz. But while going to install it, I came across the problem that " configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH " . Also as presently, I am unable to connect my modem therefore I am unable to issue the code:" apt-get update ".

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Ubuntu Security :: Unable To Deny Sudo Access To Regular User Account.

Dec 19, 2010

I made a Desktop User account. When I went on that account, it allowed me to execute sudo as if I was an administrator. I don't know what might be causing this. I do have ufw set up and blocking incoming connections. Do you guys know what might be at the root of this?Also, when I used sudo from the user account (which I shouldn't have been able to do), I provided the password for my admin account.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Unable To Pass WiFi - WEP Security In 11.2

May 4, 2010

The wifi is not working for me. The scan detects the wifi signal but fails to connect. The wifi I have requires WEP authentication, even if I give the right passphrase it fails to connect. The problem is happening in SUSE 11.2 installed in HP dv7-3065dx laptop.

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Networking :: Unable To Ssh Without Dropping Firewall Security On Dsl Modem?

Apr 22, 2011

I have a home network with a linux dhcp server and a couple of clients. The Internet comes from a dsl modem with a different subnet than my wireless router. The network works fine and I have no problems, but I now need to ssh to a work computer and the only way I can do that is if I drop the security in my dsl modem. So I thought all I need to do is use port forwarding on my dsl modem, but it won't let me because it is on a different subnet. I tried putting the dsl modem on the same subnet, but that did not work and made it so I could not access anything.

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Security :: Unable To Find Any Ldap.conf Parameter

May 28, 2010

I am unable to find any ldap.conf parameter or pam.d/system-auth setting from where i can restrict the LDAP users having uidNumber less than a particular number, say 500 to login into the system.I am using OpenLDAP server and tried pam_max_uid 500 in ldap.conf but it didn't work.

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Security :: Unable To Upload File Via Browser To The Server?

Feb 12, 2010

One of my user wants to be able to upload file via browser to the server. For that, i need to grant apache read and write access to a folder. How much secure is allowing apache to grant complete read and write access to a folder ?

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Server :: Unable To Update Microsoft Security Essentials

Feb 4, 2011

i am facing another problem with Squid Server The Ip's that pass through Squid are unable to update microsoft security Essentials Windows 7 O.S they are maintaining in their PC.

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Security :: Warning: PHP Startup: Suhosin: Unable To Initialize Module

Oct 6, 2009

Trying to install the Suhosin module with the php 5.2.9 c5-testing repo...it won't run with the php 5.2.9 testing build (there isn't an updated suhosin package against the 5.2.9 build)

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: suhosin: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20050922, debug=0, thread-safety=0
PHP compiled with module API=20060613, debug=0, thread-safety=0

What's the best way to handle this from an admin best practices standpoint? I want to do everything possible to keep the suhosin module tracked by yum for future updating etc. Is it best to try to find a suhosin rpm that is built for 5.2.9 and install it with yum localinstall? If not, if I build the module myself, what's the best path to keeping yum/rpm in the loop on this install for future updating via yum?

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