Ubuntu Security :: Wiping RAM At Each Shut Down?

Jun 3, 2010

Is there a handy program that wipes my RAM at each shut down to prevent RAM attacks and recovering passphrases? Is this even possible? I have a truecrypt volume and have read that it is vulnerable to these RAM attacks.

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Ubuntu Security :: Program Is Not Responding When Shut Down?

Jul 3, 2010

last night when i turned off my comp there was this box saying that "Unknown" program is not responding.i included a screenshot. just wondering if i should be suspicious.

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Security :: Diagnosing Reason Of Server Shut Down

Apr 3, 2010

There is a server which was installed 3 days back. It got Cent OS 5.4 64 Bit with 4 GB RAM. Apache, MySQL, PHP and vsFTPd were installed using yum.Server was on the network and approx 100 visitors were on the website. All of sudden server got down. It stopping responding ping. Server guys told that server got down and after a request submission, they restarted server. However reason of the problem is still unknown. I logged in to shell via SSH and checked /var/log/messages file, but didn't find any record which indicate cause of system shutdown. However dates in this file aren't in chronological order.

Is there any way or log file to check for the exact reason, why system got down. One reason could be hardware fault (for that I am going to ask hosting company to run diagnostics). Other reason could be a software/os bug. Is there any tool / log file to check and diagnose the cause.

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Security :: SME 7.4 - Can Shut Off Windows Vista Firewall

Mar 3, 2010

If I am using SME server as a gateway/firewall/private server can I turn off Vista Firewall? At the moment there is only one computer hooked up. Soon there will be two. Main computer is running Vista, Absolute and Xubuntu, the other one when I hook it up will have XP and Xubuntu.

Cable Modem>SME 7.4>Linksys workgroup switch>computer(s)

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Running F11 I586 On Laptop / System Shut Off (not A Normal OS Shut Down, But A Sudden Power Off Without Warning)?

Oct 13, 2009

Offlate I installed F11 i586 on my laptop. F11 shares the hard disk with Vista Home Premium 32-bit. The problem is that when running F11 (or even Ubuntu), my system shut off suddenly(not a normal OS shut down, but a sudden power off without any warning). This could have been a hardware trouble(heating) but it doesn't happen with Vista.
Machine specifications:
Maker: Toshiba
Model: Satellite L305D-S5881
AMD Turion X2 Dual Core Mobile Processor RM-70
3072 MB 800 MHz SDRAM
I don't want to open up my machine unnecessarily, if it isn't a hardware issue.
I am not sure how to verify the bit length of the machine and the OS and does it create a compatibility issue ?
Your advise would be highly appreciated.


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Fedora :: Wanted To Shut Down The System.waited But Not Going To Shut Down?

Nov 20, 2009

I installed Fedora 12 and after I wantd to shut down the system. I waited but fedora not going to shut down. I got black screen with Power Down

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Ubuntu :: Wiping HDD Without Having To Run Or Install

Oct 17, 2010

I have an Ubuntu 10.04 live CD it works I would like to know how I could wipe the HDD, but there are some complications. It doesn't run the live CD because of something on the HDD so I'd like to be able to wipe the HDD without having to run or install Ubuntu i can get up a command line thing though by pressing Esc from the graphic setup. By the way I can get to the setup screen with the options install run scan for defects etc but when i click on install or run it stops after a while.

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Ubuntu :: Benefits Of Wiping Out Windows?

Feb 10, 2010

What are the benefits of wiping out windows and have your system running on linux only?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Way To Downgrade Back To 9.10 Without Wiping Hd

Mar 14, 2010

I upgraded from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04. I was wondering if there was a way to downgrade back to 9.10 without wiping the hd. 10.04 has to many problumes right now

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Ubuntu :: Adobe CS3 Wiping Out / Destroying Grub

Jul 27, 2010

I have an Asus Eee 1000H with win7 installed dual booting with the NBremix. I installed Adobe CS3 to the win7 side and everytime I run CS3 it wipes out grub causing me to use the live-stick and re-install grub.

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Ubuntu :: Any Benefit To Wiping Hard Drive?

Sep 17, 2010

Because I install/uninstall a fair few operating systems, I occasionally run Kill Disk off Hirens Boot CD to clean my drive.Being a 500GB Drive this takes about 12 hours.Is there any benefit to doing this? ie. drive longevity, speed, etc

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Ubuntu :: Wiping Hard Drive Clean?

Sep 23, 2010

My laptop has had it, so I am getting a new net book instead. So with my old laptop, I am giving it to a charity who refurb them and send them overseas.Not that I do not trust them, but they say they wipe the hard drive to US Department of Defense standard 5220.22M. But I would feel a lot happier if I did it myself first, so how do I go about doing it? I have tried using wipe but as it was a tar file I got stuck trying to use the tar file.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Wiping Out Handbrake Settings?

Oct 25, 2010

Somehow I've messed up something in Handbrake that causes queued items to not run. I'd like to wipe out my settings and start over. What file/directory are these stored in?

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Ubuntu :: Wiping A Hard Drive With A Mounted Partition?

Dec 22, 2010

What happens when you wipe a hard drive which has a partition that is mounted? I was using ubuntu 9.10 live CD but I had one partition on a hard drive mounted. Then, I started to wipe the entire hard drive with random characters using dd. Only later I realized that I hadn't unmounted that partition. what could have happened? Could the Live CD have been damaged?

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Ubuntu :: Wiping Free Space On A Fat32 Partition?

Apr 8, 2011

I'd like to wipe free space on a fat 32 partition, momentary by doing


cat /dev/urandom >garbage

That stops each time the file is 4GB big, as this is the maximum supported filesize for fat32 partitions. So I redo the command, only writing now to "garbage2" or so.Is there any more elegant way to do that? Maybe by script which automatically generates new file names, until the disc is full?

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall Without Wiping My Personal Data Files ?

May 3, 2011

How do I reinstall Ubuntu without wiping my personal data files?

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Fedora :: Completely Wiping The Hard Drive?

Jul 20, 2010

Laptop has a fault and needs to go back to dell. I have no idea what they may or may not do it; regardless I want to completely wipe the hard drive (and then put windows back on to keep them happy).

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Fedora :: How To Reinstall F12 Without Wiping Out Home Directory

Mar 18, 2010

I'm having trouble since I installed the newest kernel update. I only have one desktop. I unistalled compiz. Then I get the message 'you don't appear to have a window manager installed' I reinstalled compiz, but it gives me a misty screen, with the cube desktop. How do I set compiz to a default setting? Plain and simple? Where is the config file? This may have started when I clicked a box 'enable indirect rendering' just to see what happened. I have an nvidia 9200 card on an Asus laptop.Failing that, how do I reinstall Fed 12 without wiping out my home directory?

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General :: Install Fedora Without Wiping Drives?

Jun 23, 2010

I have Debian installed and I want to install Fedora. Is there a way to install Fedora without erasing the drives? I have my /home directory that don't want erased, plus several GB of files stored in other partitions as well as other drives.

If not, then is there a fast and easy way to back up everything?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Doesn't See Any Wireless Card - (driver) With Wiping Vista?

Jul 8, 2010

I just bought a netbook, HP DV2-1039WM, which comes with Vista. I wiped the hard drive and installed Ubuntu 9.10. A problem has arisen in that it doesn't see any wireless card. There is a button on the side with an indicator light that is used to enable/disable wireless. The light is amber and, according to the manual, it is supposed to be blue when wireless is working. The manual just says "push the button" to turn it on, which doesn't do anything.

I recently installed a dual boot on my desktop with Windows 7/Ubuntu, which doesn't have any problems. Are there driver/hardware issues with the setup I am trying on this netbook? The HP website only has drivers for windows OSes listed. Theoretically, I could reinstall windows and/or do a dual-boot, but I'd rather just keep only Ubuntu on it if possible.

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Fedora :: Restore After Mistakenly Wiping The Boot Partition?

Jan 22, 2010

I did a fresh install of Ubuntu Karmic on a separate partition the other day, and mistakenly formatted the dedicated boot partition. This has left the boot entry in Fedora's fstab incorrect, and - obviously - removed the initrd and vmlinuz images for Fedora from the boot partition. Is there any way to reinstate these? Someone on the Ubuntu forums recommended chrooting into the Fedora partition, but I'm not sure I understand how that works. It's my own stupid fault for formatting the boot partition, but we live and learn!

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General :: Slackware Installation, Wiping Clean Windows Pc?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a bootable flashdrive for the complete slackware distribution, and I want to install it on my dell dimension 2400, which has Windows XP and some useless files. I don't want to run Windows anymore on that PC, just Linux & Linux-based software. How do I get rid of what's on there now, including Windows, and at what stage?

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Software :: Python Script To Use For Wiping Hard Drives?

Jun 18, 2011

I wrote a little python script for myself to use for wiping hard drives since I find myself doing it a lot lately, and I thought I'd share it with you guys. Here's the source code, just copy and paste it into a text file, mark it as executable and enjoy. Forums won't let me attach .py files.

#!/usr/bin/env python
#Killdisk 11.6.18 - June 18th 2011
#Author: Marcus Dean Adams (marcusdean.adams@gmail.com)
#Imports OS functions


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General :: Save The Output To A Log File Without Wiping The Previous Contents?

Jul 25, 2010

For example, I run a program called "luck" and it outputs a sentence like "good luck". Then "./luck -> logfile" will save the output content to logfile.But when I run another program called "hello" and it outputs a sentence lie " Hello world".Then "./hello-> logfile" will save the output content to logfile and wipe the previous contents.Is is possible to keep both sentences in the logfile? Just like

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Ubuntu :: Can't Shut Down UU 9.10

Jan 31, 2010

I have a Dell Latitude D610, installed Ubuntu 9.10 with wubi and Win XP professional. I had only one problem booting which was fixed immediately by meierfra, but now the Ubuntu won't shut down. The final message is "ubuntu 9.10 login", then the screen freezes.Oddly when I restart from Ubuntu it shuts down enough to reboot into either Windows or back into Ubuntu. To shut down from Ubuntu I'm now holding down the start switch until the machine stops. effective but inelegant.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Will Not Shut Down?

Mar 15, 2011

I have posted this before but still have no answer here it is again. I am using ubuntu 10.10 dual booting with microsoft windows. windows will shut down computer on command ubuntu will not shut down computer no matter what is tried.I have a HP Pavillion Elite HPE using GNOME 2.32.0 (ubuntu 2010-09-27
kernel is linux 2.6.35-25 generic-pae platform is i686 cpu is AMD Phenom IIx6 1045 problem solved trouble was a LAN setting in the setup or bios section.

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Ubuntu :: 9.04 - Laptop Too Hot And Has To Shut Down

Jan 5, 2010

Recently I built a new computer, making my old laptop redundant, so I thought I'd turn it into a portable studio computer with linux. I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 with the low latency kernal and the ubuntustudio audio packages. And while the system still has many other kinks I need to work out, my main issue is heat. Even when I'm running the official Ubuntu kernal rather than real-time one, I'll use the laptop for basic browsing and messaging.

Suddenly Ubuntu crashes with a warning saying that my laptop is too hot and has to shut down. The only way I've found around this is to run the laptop from cold with an external fan blow right onto the computer. I can still hear the fan working and airflow is totally unrestricted. If it helps, the laptop is 4 years old and is a Acer Ferrari 4000. I never had these issues running XP on it for the past 3 1/2 years and I'm relatively new to running a Linux system.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Hangs On Shut Down

Jan 12, 2010

I was so pleased with Ubuntu (9.10) on my desktop that I installed it on my laptop, too. However, on the laptop (but not on the desktop) I cannot shut down properly. I get a black screen with the following text:

Ubuntu 9.10 (my computer name) ttyl (my computer name) login: (flashing cursor)

On one occasion I got:

Ubuntu 9.10 (my computer name) ttyl (my computer name) login: init: usplash main process (10187) killed by TERM signal

In either case it hangs there and does not completely shut down.

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Ubuntu :: 'Shut Down' App On Panel Gone?

Mar 15, 2010

And I can't find it on the panel apps list:

It was there when I logged on this morning, it's not there now, instead replaced by '15, 16:54' (no that's not the time, it's to the left of my clock right where the session button normally is). There's a shut down button in the apps list but it's not the same as the original that was there...

EDIT: and now it's back. And in fact it WAS the time, it was the 15 (date) and time. Dunno what made it crash. A log out and it's back on.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Shut Down Computer With GUI?

Mar 17, 2010

OK, so basically my problem is that I can't log out, shut down, or restart my computer through the GUI. The thing is, it used to work. Note: this started happening right after I put in the lock / logout widget, but it's really a pain to have to go through the Kickoff menu to lock the screen each time, and leaving my files, online accounts, and what's on my screen open to anyone who wants to snoop is not an option. I may have to just suck it up and lock the screen the old-fashioned way, but only as a last resort.

Configuration: An older Gateway (idk the exact specs) desktop machine with Windows XP and Kubuntu 9.10 Karmic (dual-boot)

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