Ubuntu Security :: Protected Secondary Log Files - Permission To Modify

Mar 19, 2010

Is it possible to somehow setup a secondary group of log files that log every action taken on the server where your average user wouldn't know that they're being logged. Perhaps if a hacker got in and messed around or something you'd be able to see what they did, but they wouldn't have permission to modify the file.

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Security :: How To Modify Ftp Files Permission?

May 18, 2010

I have a ftponly user "rom" in my box. This is used by our vendor to send files through ftp. When they send files the ownership of files are all the same as user name group created in this machine.But our application engineers use another user name "deb" to process these file. But as the owner of these file are "rom", they cannot process with their user. Manually they modify the user name and group and then they able to process.The group ID of the two users are different and its application dependent.how should the ownership will be modified automatically or is there any workaround or script to modify the ownership of these file for application user's?

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Server :: Apache Does Not Have Permission To Modify Files In User Directory - SVN

Mar 30, 2010

I recently started using SVN with Apache for my web development, although I find it really annoying that I have to issue two SVN commands (one local, one remote) to update my web site. I have been looking into SVN post-commit hooks to solve this problem. The only problem is that apache does not have permission to modify files in my user directory... So here is how everything is setup. I am running Slackware 13 full install. There have been no installations overriding any of the default installs.


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Ubuntu Security :: Accessing Password Protected Ext3 Files?

Jul 31, 2010

I have a drive that originally was used with a Linksys Network Storage Link (NSLU2), then stopped working with it. Now I'm trying to get the files off the drive. When I USB connect the drive to Ubuntu, I can see the files, but I'm unable to open them or copy them. The error message is: "Error Opening File: Permission Denied". I did have permissions set on the NSLU2. So far I'm not able to find a way to get around the permissions issue in Ubuntu.

I have used apps like EASEUS Data Recovery and Recover My Files. It appears that they are finding the files and are able to access them, so I know it can be done. I don't mind spending some $, but these apps are taking a *long* time to run. If I could properly access the files in Ubuntu long enough to copy the files, I think I'd be all set.

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Ubuntu Security :: Set Permissions Like Windows - User Can Delete Files But Can't Modify

Jul 16, 2011

look at this : Uploaded with ImageShack.us how can set permissions in linux like this? I want one user can delete files but can't modify them and ... in linux i have 3 group to assign read write and execute them. is ntfs flexible than linux file system?

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Ubuntu :: Secondary Hd Permission Denied On All Executes?

Jun 7, 2011

I completely switched to Ubuntu 6 months ago. I kept my secondary sata hd as ntfs for a while but started having permission problems. I switched it to ext4 and that worked for a while but then it started having permission problems again. Specifically, I can't execute anything on that hd drive. I converted it to ext2 and it still didn't help. I have 2 executable modules that I moved up to the root directory to make this simple and they look like this:

tom@tom-desktop:/media/sda1$ ls -l
total 3088
-rwxr-xr-x 1 tom tom 3099451 2011-04-23 16:36 bochs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 tom tom 26064 2010-09-11 08:48 bzip2


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Ubuntu Security :: Wordpress Permission To Write To Files?

Nov 9, 2010

I am having difficulties assigning permission for wordpress to write files. I am having problems with the permalink within wordpress and I think it might be because of the level of permission wordpress has. Currently on my system I need to set permission to 777 in order for wordpress to write to the .htaccess file.

I am running my website on a Ubuntu machine. Version 10.10 Apache2 2.2.4

However, when I leave the permission level set to 777 I still cannot get the permalink to point to the corrent page......See my discussion on this here. [URL]

I think what I need to do is change wordpress to use a user permission or a group permission and not "everyone". I would rather have wordpress setup to login as a specific user before it can write over a file.

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Ubuntu Security :: Dont Seem To Be Able To Get Permission To Move Files Though?

May 19, 2011

Just installed Lubuntu on my lappy having had Ubuntu 10.04 in the past and liked it. I dont seem to be able to get permission to move files though?I open LXTerminal and have tried the commands:Sudo nautilusgksudo nautilus
gksu nautilusBut still I cant drag drivers into the driver folder? (/usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers)

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Security :: Module - Copy ELF Or BIN Files From The Filesystem - Get Permission Denied

Mar 17, 2010

Whenever i copy ELF or BIN files from the filesystem of linux i must get permission denied. For this case i have gone through the linux security module but didn't get much help regarding the permission denied only in case of copy of ELF and BIN files from filesystem. how can i proceed in this. WORK DONE:

1. Downloaded linux-


1. compile the kernel with some modifications in linux security module to get the desired results but this time i am unaware of that.

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Debian Hardware :: Cannot Access Secondary GPU - Permission Denied (GTX 950M)

Jan 29, 2016

Distro: Debian 8 Xfce
GPU: NVIDIA GTX 950M (hybrid with my 4th gen intel i7 I believe)
BIOS: Megatrends version 2.15.1236

New Debian/Linux (in general) user here! I've done a lot of google self-aid and have yet to yield any successful results. I currently just did a fresh install and followed ONLY the steps listed on the Wiki for Bumblebee [URL] .... Scrolling down to the common issues, I also amended the /etc/bumblebee/xorg.conf.nvidia file with a "Screen" section:

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Default Screen"
Device "DiscreteNvidia"

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Ubuntu Servers :: Modify Permission On Jail User?

Dec 3, 2010

Does anyone know how to modify permission on jail user. current jail user added to its /home/jail/*

How can I assign jail user(s) enough permission to access /opt, /var, or any other directories other than /home/jail/* ?

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Security :: Use Protected Password In Script?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a bash script that will unencrypt a file, use the unencrypted file for a very short time and then delete the unencrypted file. The problem is that my password is in clear text


Obviously this isn't so secure, but I need the script to be non-interactive. How do I hash, encrypt or otherwise make secure the password for the openssl command? I know that the openssl can protect passwords, e.g.:

openssl passwd -crypt "password"

But can I use this protected password in my script?

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Ubuntu Security :: Make Grub2 Of 10.04 Password Protected?

Sep 11, 2010

I was trying to make my grub2 password enabled. So I went through several blogs and forums(every thing has same way). What I do is I add following line this the /etc/00_header file


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Ubuntu Security :: SSH: Require Password Protected Keys

Mar 11, 2011

How can I configure my SSH server (OpenSSH on Debian 5) so that it requires public key authentication *and that the keys are password protected*?

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Programming :: Displaying The Contents Of Buffers In A Protected And Non-protected Critical Section?

Nov 19, 2010

I have this project for my operating systems class and I have put together the basic flow chart to aid me in writing the program. I know how to use pipes as a buffer to hold info. I know how to create a binary semaphore. But what I dont know is this:

How to "use a delay adjustment parameter K in the critical section to adjust the speed of the display process to show that without semaphore protection the displayed contents of the buffer are randomly interleaved."

First off, I am definitely not asking anyone to give me the solution. But I do need some guidance. So I figure there will be an if statement with two options:

1. If true, use semaphore protection to enter/exit critical section

2. If false, no semaphore protection -- this is where the contents of the buffer should be interleaved.

Now does that mean that as each child process enters the non-protected critical section, it should "sleep" for a randomized time? I mean, will this allow my output to be interleaved?

So lets say my command line looks like this:

what happens to the 100? Is it randomized using rand and srand and passed as a parameter to sleep() inside the critcal section?

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Fedora Security :: Setup Protected Web Directories On Server F8 32bit

Dec 19, 2009

I am trying to set up Protected Web Directories on my server Fedora8 32bit I have webmin 1.5 and there is Protected Web Directories option, so I follow instructions and setting up all what is asked, in dir what I need to protect shows up 2 files:


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Security :: Create A Password Protected Directory In USB Disk Drive?

Feb 23, 2011

I use ubuntu 10.04 as my OS. Im in the look for a good and simple application in order to password protect a folder or two on my portable hard drive. I really dont need high levels of encryptions but I wouldnt mind if the usage is not so complicated.

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Ubuntu :: Opening Password-protected Zip Files ?

Mar 27, 2010

I switched from Windows XP to Ubuntu, I zipped a large number of important files, giving them a CIA-grade password. Is there a WinZip clone available for Ubuntu that will enable me to open those password-protected files? Or can I only do the unzipping on another Windows machine?

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Ubuntu :: Crack Protected Rar Files - Forgot The Password

May 31, 2011

I have a rar file that is password protected and that i forgot the password (no clue at all!). How can i extrar the files on the rar. I'm using ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Open Rar File Which Has Password Protected Files In It

Jun 12, 2011

i have a rar file. it has a file with password. when i tried to extract it failed because it has a password protected file. how to do it

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: DVD Ripper For Video Files (Not Copyright Protected)

Jan 14, 2010

I'm looking for the best way to pull some video files off of DVDs onto the desktop. These are not copyright protected. I don't want a program that plays the movie and then make a duplicate like most windows programs these are TOO slow. Also if I could shrink and change the format that would be a huge bonus.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Postfix Rejecting Password Protected Zip Files?

Mar 25, 2011

I recently set up a machine with Ubuntu 10.4 LTS to help to replace an aging VAX mailserver that was the DMZ mailserver for the company I work for. I set up a default install of postfix (via apt-get) to function as a DMZ border device that routes between two internal mailservers based on subdomain aliasing via internal DNS.

The problem is that although I have installed no anti-spam or anti-virus options, mail sent to this machine from any outside source containing a password-protected zip file is being rejected with error:

552 Password protected zip file found inside of the email

At first I'd thought that possibly it was the sending mailserver issuing this error, but after further testing I found that no matter the source, any password protected zip file is immediately rejected. Being as we're in a HIPAA-sensitive environment, this has been relied upon as a backup for people to do one time encrypted file sends via email. The file in question is relatively small, and I do not have any quotas on, and the same test file sent two ways (one encrypted zip and one non-encrypted zip) caused the encrypted zip only to fail.

As stated before, I do not use any type of antivirus or antispam measures, no header or body checks have been put in place, and in the course of trying to troubleshoot this problem, have probably opened my server up more than is strictly wise. I really need to enable this feature as being unable to take encrypted zips puts the entire migration at risk.

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Ubuntu :: Missing All Files On Secondary Drives?

Jan 28, 2010

My system is setup like this: 1 250 gb HDD, with a 20 gig partition for /, 200 gigs for /home and the rest is a swap file. I also have a 1 TB (ext3) and 1.5TB (ext4) hard drive that are also installed, mounted to /Shared_1TB and /Shared_15TBI just installed Ubuntu 9.10 and everything seemed to be fine. I installed all the updates, install the Nvidia proprietary drivers and got my HDMI audio working. I went to try and play a video to see what would happen.... there are no files in /Shared_1TB. It is totally blank. I tried making myself the owner, and while this worked it didn't help anything. I tried unmounting and remounted, however it kept saying it was busy and wouldn't remount it. At this point I was a little panicked, so I threw in a LiveCD and low and behold once I mount it in the LiveCD all my files are there.

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Ubuntu Security :: Modify The Iptables Rules In Any Way?

Jul 9, 2011

what do the following two commands do? Do they modify the iptables rules in any way?

sudo /sbin/iptables -L -n
sudo /sbin/ip6tables -L -n

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General :: Delete Protected Windows Executable Files Via System?

Oct 26, 2009

I use Ubuntu 9.04 exclusively on my own machines, but I have a couple of flash drives that got infected by some corrupt windows executable (*.exe) files, probably by somebody's trojan (they are Cruzer 4GB so came with installed fancy programs that I dont need but didnt remove and Windows keeps installing unwanted ini files and other trash every time I use them in somebody elses machine or in an internet cafe). I deleted quite a few files, but some are stubborn.
$ sudo chmod +w-X doesnt seem to work. How do I unprotect and remove them? The filesystem is vFAT.

I suspect the files were created by some kind of a trojan as my work requires my flash to be pretty promiscuous.
When I 've backed up all the good files I need, I'd be happy to reformat the flash drives as straight vanilla data storage and retrieval, provided I can still use them on a variety of machines running MS windows as well as on my Linux machines. Any guidance on reformatting?

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Ubuntu Security :: Modify The Firewall To Let In Certain Ip Addresses But Lock Others Out?

Jan 12, 2010

how do i modify the ubuntu firewall to let in certain ip addresses but lock others out.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Retrieving Files From A Secondary Reiser Disk

Oct 19, 2010

I've been running various releases of Suse Linux on my home PC for about 6 years (currently running Suse 11.2). The old hard disk in that machine is starting to experience read errors, so I bought a new disk to put into the PC which otherwise works fine.

So I figure now is a good time to give Ubuntu a try. I plan to install the KDE version of ubuntu on the new drive, but once that's finished I will want to mount the old disk and copy as much as I can off of it onto the new disk (JPEGs, old documents, stuff under my home directory.

The old disk uses Reiser. I have read various threads concerning problems with mounting Reiser FS disks under ubuntu, but many of them are old so it's not clear to me what the current status of support for Reiser in ubuntu is.

I am planning to do the following:

1) Remove the old disk from the PC, put the new disk in its place.

2) Install kubuntu on the new disk.

3) Put the old disk back into the machine along with the new one with the old one being the slave/secondary disk so that when I power up the machine, it will be running ubuntu off of the new disk.

At this point I will want to mount the old disk so I can then start copying files off of it.

What do I need to do to mount the old disk, keeping in mind it uses the Reiser file system?

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Software :: Lucid Puppy 5.1 Hangs When Opening Password-protected Rar Files

Oct 22, 2010

I'm using xarchive and I have unrar-3.7.8.pet installed. Normal rar files open without problem. Tried opening a password-encrypted rar file and it hangs everytime.

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Server :: Modify Sources.list To Improve Security?

May 30, 2011

I've got an amazon EC2 instance running Natty 11.04. I want to harden this server and make sure it's very secure as I ultimately will be handling sensitive data. I'm wondering what should be in /etc/apt/sources.list. Can anyone comment on these contents? Or, better yet, recommend a good secure sources.list file?


## Note, this file is written by cloud-init on first boot of an instance
## modifications made here will not survive a re-bundle.
## if you wish to make changes you can:


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Ubuntu :: Modify Number Of Recent Files In Gedit ?

Apr 27, 2010

Is it possible to change the number of files that are displayed by the recent files list in gedit? Running Ubuntu 9.04x64. Gedit says it's 2.26.1

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