Ubuntu Security :: Wordpress Permission To Write To Files?

Nov 9, 2010

I am having difficulties assigning permission for wordpress to write files. I am having problems with the permalink within wordpress and I think it might be because of the level of permission wordpress has. Currently on my system I need to set permission to 777 in order for wordpress to write to the .htaccess file.

I am running my website on a Ubuntu machine. Version 10.10 Apache2 2.2.4

However, when I leave the permission level set to 777 I still cannot get the permalink to point to the corrent page......See my discussion on this here. [URL]

I think what I need to do is change wordpress to use a user permission or a group permission and not "everyone". I would rather have wordpress setup to login as a specific user before it can write over a file.

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Ubuntu Security :: Write Permission To Mounted File System?

Feb 1, 2010

I just found that I could perform write operation using a normal user account to a file system I mounted with the commands as followed:

sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/disk/

This is the corresponding entry in the output of "mount" command:
/dev/sda1 on /mnt/disk type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096)

As far as I remember, when using a normal user account, I had to use "sudo" to perform any write operations (mkdir, rm, etc) to a device mounted using "sudo". But now it seems to be changed.

Do I remember wrong, or did Karmic have any updates change this setting? (I never manually changed user settings, except that I added a root user, but I never used it.)

OS: Karmic(up2dated)
Kernel: Linux stephen-laptop 2.6.31-17-generic #54-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 10 16:20:31 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

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Ubuntu Servers :: Running Php Files Without Setting Read / Write Permission?

Jun 26, 2010

On an Apache2 server someone else setup, I have a folder with drwx--x--x permission and the php file can still write in the folder. But on my own setup, I need to set the same folder to drwx--x-wx. Inside the folder, I have a index.php that runs just by setting rwx--x--x but on my own setup, I need to allow read permission for others/group before it can run: rwxr-xr-x (or else I get a blank page). I tried changing the folder and files to root but it's the same.

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Software :: Unable To Write Privileges On Wordpress Theme Directory?

May 22, 2011

I can't make write changes to .php files in my Wordpress editor, although I have already chmod -R 777 the directory. here is what ls -al says:


[root@localhost ~]# ls -al /usr/share/wordpress/wp-content/themes/purple-swirl/
total 12
drwxrwxrwx. 3 root root 4096 May 21 17:10 .
drwxrwxrwx. 4 root root 4096 May 21 17:10 ..


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Security :: How To Modify Ftp Files Permission?

May 18, 2010

I have a ftponly user "rom" in my box. This is used by our vendor to send files through ftp. When they send files the ownership of files are all the same as user name group created in this machine.But our application engineers use another user name "deb" to process these file. But as the owner of these file are "rom", they cannot process with their user. Manually they modify the user name and group and then they able to process.The group ID of the two users are different and its application dependent.how should the ownership will be modified automatically or is there any workaround or script to modify the ownership of these file for application user's?

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Ubuntu Security :: Dont Seem To Be Able To Get Permission To Move Files Though?

May 19, 2011

Just installed Lubuntu on my lappy having had Ubuntu 10.04 in the past and liked it. I dont seem to be able to get permission to move files though?I open LXTerminal and have tried the commands:Sudo nautilusgksudo nautilus
gksu nautilusBut still I cant drag drivers into the driver folder? (/usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers)

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Ubuntu Security :: Protected Secondary Log Files - Permission To Modify

Mar 19, 2010

Is it possible to somehow setup a secondary group of log files that log every action taken on the server where your average user wouldn't know that they're being logged. Perhaps if a hacker got in and messed around or something you'd be able to see what they did, but they wouldn't have permission to modify the file.

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Security :: Module - Copy ELF Or BIN Files From The Filesystem - Get Permission Denied

Mar 17, 2010

Whenever i copy ELF or BIN files from the filesystem of linux i must get permission denied. For this case i have gone through the linux security module but didn't get much help regarding the permission denied only in case of copy of ELF and BIN files from filesystem. how can i proceed in this. WORK DONE:

1. Downloaded linux-


1. compile the kernel with some modifications in linux security module to get the desired results but this time i am unaware of that.

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Ubuntu Security :: Read/write Access To MP3 Files In /usr/Music?

May 2, 2011

I had to reinstall Ubuntu (Natty) on a brand new computer and while installing I setup the datas partition to be mounted in /usr but now I can't have access to files I put in there even if I setup the group/user permission! I can accezz /usr/Music but all files are locked

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Wordpress To Work With Lighttpd And Wordpress Hostname

Jun 27, 2010

I'm trying to get wordpress to work with lighttpd and my home test server... <name>.dnsalias.org as my IP is not static... When I install wordpress ( via apt-get ) and set it up through install script like this:

bash /usr/share/doc/wordpress/examples/setup-mysql -n wordpress <name>.dnsalias.org It is accessible from outside of my network but not from local one where the sever ip is From outside it is using correctly domain <name>.dnsalias.org but from inside when I try to use ip from other pc on net it will not work..a s it still using <name>.dnsalias.org in all links... Also I would like to have it in <name>.dnsalias.org/wordpress as I have another test site in <name>.dnsalias.org/<test_Site> which by thee way works from inside and outside of my network.... its just wordpress ...

I have followed this guide: [URL] but its for apache... I spend whole night searching for some solution and now I'm dead tired and you are my last hope ...( ....Obi Wan Kenobi ) So does someone running wordpress in setup like I described above, if yes

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Ubuntu Servers :: Security - Creating A Photoblog On Wordpress

Feb 5, 2010

I am interested in creating a photoblog on Wordpress. Before I jump in I thought it would be wise to ask a few questions here first rather than getting into trouble and then firing absurd questions left and right. I am not very experienced regarding servers but not afraid either I was reading How-to's online reagarding installing Wordpress on Linux [url] and few questions came to mind :

1) Like any other server, does the computer that will run Wordpress have to be up and running for 24/7?

2) Since I will install Wordpress on a desktop, should I be concerned about my machine being compromised? I am not an expert on internet security so this is a big concern of mine.

3) Is it a good idea to install Wordpress on a personal desktop at all? Does running Wordpress from a different partition of the hard drive (if it is possible) help at all.

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Security :: Group Write Access For Newly Created Files / Directories Without Changing Umask

Apr 3, 2009

I have several directories, each owned by root and a group of the same name,By setting the sgid bit, I made sure that newly created files and directories are owned by the correct group, and that directories have the sgid bit set too.On each newly created directory or file, the permissions are set to 755. This is because this is the default umask, and I cannot change a users umask. I actually only want files created below a particular directory to have group write access, inheriting this behaviour to newly created directories properly.I'm not on samba or NFS, I have to do this for SSH users.The filesystem is ext3.I started to fool around with ACLs, but couldn't find what I was looking for.

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Ubuntu :: Get Write Permission To A Directory?

Feb 21, 2010

I tried to read the File Permissions page on the wiki and my eyes glazed over after about three sentences. I've got a folder called /var/www/pics that I just want to be able to save image files to. My only other choice as I understand it is to save them to my home folder, then use a "sudo mv" command to copy files to that directory. How do I give my account permissions to save a file in that directory?

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Ubuntu :: Permission To Write INSIDE A Directory?

Mar 9, 2010

How do I use "chmod" command so that it allows me to write a file inside a certain directory ? This directory has permissions in the formdrwxr-xr-xOnce I try to write a file there, it says "Permission denied" ! Don't advise to use "sudo", since the file is created by some executable program compiled from a source code. If I was creating the file myself, I wouldn't have gone to this forum.

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Ubuntu :: No Write Permission On Pendrive After Automount

Aug 14, 2011

cat /etc/fstab
ps -A
ls -al /media/

My problem:
When plugging in a pen drive it will be automounted, but only root (who owns it) has write access to it. Other users only have write access. (Neither my user, nor an unmodified test user)

My aim:
I want to be able to write on my pendrive without any additional manual work after plugging it in (iirc that is default on a standard ubuntu install).

Possible causes:
I once had a time where I wanted everthing to be minimal. Might be, that I removed something in connection with my problem. I reinstalled everything that came to my mind and could be connected to that problem w/o success. I merely removed stuff than editing stuff (never touched /etc/fstab or /etc/udev/rules.d/*). S
So I think I am missing some kind of service, that manages my (user?) permissions or so.

I use:
Ubuntu 10.04 (initially a kubuntu but I remove nearly everything Qt/KDE stuff) fluxbox (but most gnome services are active).

I tried/checked:
check my automount setting[1] - did not change the behaviour
media_automount - is checked
media_automount_open - is checked
usbmount - is installedntfs-config - did not help (even after reboot)
manual mount[2] - worked, but i don't want to do that everytime I plug in a pendrive
gksudo users-admin (made sure that amongs others the following entries are checked)
Access external storage devices automatically
Administer the system
Mount user-space filesystems (FUSE)

I didn't try:
chmod - seems to be only used for ext* fs
edit /etc/fstab - seems not to be supposed for such variable things like pendrives
- changing file systems for same pendrive
- different number of pen drives
- every pendrive needs its own fstab entry
udev rules - I was told to write some, but I am reluctant because- I never did that before (so I also didn't mess them up)

Additional info:
benedict@box:~$ cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).....

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Debian :: Np Permission To Write To Certain Folders?

Apr 7, 2010

why can't I copy files to my plugins folder for IceWeasel ?? I'm using Debian (Lenny I think) for PPC & I'm getting I don't have permision to write to the directory when I'm logged in as admin?

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General :: Write A Shell Script Which Will Simultaneously Collect OS User Information And Write In An Individual Text Files?

Feb 17, 2010

I want to write a shell script which will simultaneously collect OS user information and write in an individual text files.Can anyone tell me the syntax of the script.N.B. The user name will be mentioned in an array within the shell script.

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Ubuntu :: No Write Permission Even Though User Is Member Of Folder Group?

Oct 29, 2010

I'm having an odd problem (although I'm probably missing something obvious to a non-semi-newbie):I have a directory used for samba shares which is owned by user fred, a system user which the windows clients on my network authenticate with to access the shares. I, roger, want to access the directories without having to put my 'sudo boots' on every time, so I made the directory group users and added roger to that group, and changed the file/folder modes from 0755 to 0775.However I still do not have write permissions inside the directory; I still seem to be considered 'other' and hence only have read and execute.

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Fedora Servers :: Samba - No Write Permission

Jul 25, 2011

I just have installed Fedora 15 to use it for multimedia server. I have installed also samba. Now I'm trying to access it from another PC (Windows 7) and I have no write access.

[root@echo mnt]# ls -l
total 12
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Jan 1 2006 boot


i just read whole internet (i have spend over 6h for reading and testing a lot of options and nothing...)

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OpenSUSE Network :: NFS Permission Denied When Trying To Write?

Jun 29, 2010

i have client and server PCs, both with openSuse 11.2.

on the server side, i have mounted HD partition to /vmshare dir. relevant line in /etc/fstab reads:

/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD3200AAJS-07B4A0_WD-WCAT16493946-part2 /vmshare reiserfs user,acl 1 2
i want to export /vmshare dir via nfs. i have configured it through yast and resulting line in /etc/exports reads:
/vmshare *(rw,root_squash,sync,no_subtree_check,crossmnt)
the permissions for this directory is drwxrwxr-x root vmshare.

i can successfully mount the exported dir on client side, i can move between directories and list contents, but i can't write into it (not even as a root). on the server side, i can write to the directory only as root. the vmshare group is created on both machines with same gid as well as all users have same uids. firewalls are down.y.

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General :: File Permission. Write And Execute Only?

Jan 11, 2011

Is there any use if a file has only write and execute permission and not read permission?

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General :: Remove Group Write Permission?

Oct 22, 2010

How would i write a command that can find all the objects under the etc directory that have group write permission enabled and have not been accessed in the last X days. This is what i got from internet souce but i m not able to modify it according to my distribution. find /etc -perm -0070 -a -mtime +X ! -type l?print Here is the exact statement from link i m referring to.


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General :: No Write Permission To Store Packages

Dec 31, 2010

I have tried to 'makepkg -s' easy-e17 in a few different places, but to no avail. I get the error:
ERROR: You do not have write permission to store packages in /bin/easy-e17.

Though, I also get this error for any other directory I try in. When trying with 'sudo' I am told that it is a "bad idea." I have never used makepkg before, so whatever is wrong might be obvious; I have never "fine-tined" my makepkg.conf before, either. Probably not relevant, but just in case: easy-e17 is a group of files from the Arch User Repository for installing Enlightenment (DR17). Perhaps there is something I need to install in order to make packages from the AUR? Or does that sound ridiculous? I wouldn't know.

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Server :: Write Permission For Users On NFS Folder?

Dec 28, 2010

I have setup a NFS server and this the content of /etc/exports at the server with IP A.B.C.D1 is:/home/shared A.B.C.D2(rw,no_root_squash)Problem is, only the root at A.B.C.D1 and A.B.C.D2 can write to that folder.

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CentOS 5 :: Ftp Access And Write Permission On Www Subdirs

Apr 24, 2011

Which ways are creating an ftp account (not root or special) eg. with proftpd, where logging in with that ftp, user can access and write given www subdirs content.

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Security :: Write A Shell Script Setup Security Policies?

Feb 3, 2010

Is there a way to delete files on the commandline that uses the KDE-Wastebin?It appears that I never ever need the KDE4 Wastebin for files that I deleted through Konqueror or Dolphin. It is only when I delete files on the konsole with rm that I wish I could undelete them. It always happens like that, mostly by being in the wrong directory or using a wildcard when I should not have. (I don't have any erroneous deleted file right now, and I do have plenty of backups, but I just wonder whether there is something better than rm to use generally on the commandline.)

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Ubuntu :: Edit Options To Force Mounting With Write Permission To User?

Dec 29, 2010

I am digging the forum through and cannot find the answer. My problem is, the usb hard drive when plugged in get automatically mounted what is great. Unfortunately I get only read permissions, while need write too.There are no any entries in fstab, so I do not know what does handle automounting and how to edit options to force mounting with write permission to user (root obviously can write). Are they hald options or any other app does this? Where to edit them? The drive is not permanently ON, just switch it when need, so it has to work every time I put it on.

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Debian Configuration :: No Write Permission For Users In Media?

May 1, 2011

jeff@optiplex:/media$ ls -l

total 124
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Apr 7 14:46 cdrom -> cdrom0
drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 7 14:46 cdrom0


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Ext4 External USB HD No Write Permission?

Apr 29, 2010

I switched a external 500GB usb HD from FAT to ext4, because the box it's on no longer has windows.It mounts fine and I can read it - but not write.I have some inkling as to what to do, but prefer your opinions first.

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General :: Group Control - Read & Write Permission ?

Dec 21, 2010

I have a file the owner is root:root ( mode is 644 ), I want to release read & write permission to a non root user ( eg. admin_usr ), I tried to create a specific group ( eg. ADM ) and release it to root user and admin_usr ( by adding this users to ADM in /etc/group ) , but it is not work, if preserve the file mode to 644 , is it ok? how to do it if I want to have read & write permission in my case ?

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