Ubuntu :: SH Script - Print Remotely Through Dropbox

Feb 12, 2011

What I am trying to do is print remotely through dropbox. so I am having a sh script check a folder called PrintQueue in my Dropbox and whatever file is in there it prints

Here is the script
export PrintQueue="/root/Dropbox/PrintQueue";
'for PrintFile in $(/bin/ls -1 ${PrintQueue}) do
lpr -r ${PrintQueue}/${PrintFile};

Here is what the terminal says:
christoph@christoph-desktop:~$ sh dropprint.sh
dropprint.sh: 5: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting "do")

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Red Hat :: Can't Print Remotely From A Windows Workstation

Jan 30, 2010

I am having problems printing from a terminal emulator from a windows workstation to a red hat printserver. I am using a program called Termlite to connect to the red hat server to access the application I am trying to run.

All other applications can print properly on red hat machine except this particular application that I am running from Termlite.

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Ubuntu :: Remotely Wake On Lan - Remotely Turn On Computer

Jan 4, 2011

Does anyone know or recommend some software or a script to remotely power on a PC from standby to on, or even better from completely off?

I guess the completely OFF to ON is much more complicated - would probably require an extra piece of hardware(?)

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Networking :: Remotely Login To Remotely Display Data?

Jun 29, 2011

I'm not terribly new to Linux, but I am new to the forums, so hear me out! I am in the process of creating an electronic mapwall for our meteorology program, and have designed the computing system from scratch. I have two Linux Boxes, each with capabilities for 6 attached monitors...a total of 12 displays driven from two machines. My intention is to have one machine be the master...it has a touchpanel control. The inputs to the touchpanel will then trigger events for the both the master and the slave machine to display. Each of them has a specific IP address (DNS entry), and are not on a subnet.

Now...is there a way to remotely login to the slave machine and have it display on it's OWN monitors? The code is Java and which works on the master machine to animate directories of .gifs for each of the master's attached monitors. I will most likely have Java execute shell commands for the remote login (ssh), but I believe the answer lies somewhere in the X-configuration. Do I have the machines in an adverse configuration (creation of a subnet would be better)? Lots of questions...lots of desire...few answers!

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Ubuntu :: Printing Corrupted - Get Substituted / Print A Blank Space / Print A Box

Mar 23, 2011

Interesting problem: For the first time with Xubuntu 10.10 64bit, I am finding certain applications print corrupt. A varying amount of letters / numbers either get substituted/print a blank space/ print a box etc etc. This corruption seems to happen from a Pdf ( evince ) or Spreadheet ( Gnumeric ) Opening the same Pdf on another machine (ubuntu 10.10 32bit) prints perfectly. Opening the same .xls file on the original computer but using OOo Calc prints perfectly.

I guess I have ruled out any problems with the printer itself or the network JetDirect box. I have re-installed CUPS and evince and upgraded to the latest version of HPLIP but the problem appears unchanged.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Print PDF Files - Print Preview Shows A Blank Page

Jun 5, 2011

I cannot print pdf files. I have tried using okular and xpdf. The documents display in the program, but print preview shows a blank page. The printer then sends out blank pages. I have tried printing on 2 different printers using usb cables. Using terminal to process the commands shows error:

xxx@xxx:~$ xpdf
***** MediaBox = ll:0,0 ur:611.976,791.968
***** CropBox = ll:0,0 ur:611.976,791.968
***** Rotate = 0
Segmentation fault

Converting to .ps also is blank.

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Ubuntu :: Canon Mp470 Printer - 10.10 - Able To Print Black And White But Unable To Print Photos

Dec 26, 2010

My wife has a canon MP470 printer and running ubuntu 10.10. I am able to print black and white, but unable to print photos. I got it to work using another driver, but not the 'correct' one for this printer. I have searched a bit and don't see anything about ubuntu 10.10, just older versions. Or should I just network her to my printer....?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connected Via Usb File Goes To Print Que But Will Not Print ?

Aug 14, 2010

Just installed drivers for Lexmark pro200 - S500 series. However although it is recognised by the system and has a tick by its name, And tells me it is connected via usb file goes to print que but will not print. Also tells me it is Printing - localhost! is this correct?.

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Software :: CUPS - Print Jobs Shows Completed, But Page Doesn't Print?

Dec 6, 2008

I initially had a problem accessing the CUPS interface (see my other post) and got that resolved by adding the user "cupsys". Now, everything "looks" ok, and when I print a test page, it shows it as completed (in CUPS). However, the page never prints.
The printer is a Canon MP600 (using the canonmp600en.ppd file to configure it). Here's the output of my conf file.

# Show troubleshooting information in error_log.
LogLevel debug


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Software :: Firefox, Okular Don't Put Print Job On The Print Queue (silently)?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm running Kubuntu 10.10 with a Laserjet 5M printer. When I attempt to print a job from Firefox or from Okular, the job never gets onto the print queue. However, I can print test pages on the printer and also print from OpenOffice, so this seems to be app-dependent. I know the jobs aren't being queued because the job number doesn't increase (as shown by the jobs for the test pages). Both Firefox and Ocular give every indication that the print job has been processed correctly.

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Slackware :: CUPS Print Jobs Print 1st Page OK, But All Others Are Overwritten?

Feb 26, 2011

Not sure when CUPS started acting up. I have the latest 13.1 current software installed.The first page to print is always OK, but all succeeding pages are overwritten. The second page shows the first page on top of it, and the third shows the preceding pages on top of it - and so on. Has anyone else seen this problem?I guess the printer buffer is not getting flushed correctly. If my configurations were trashed in some way, I don't know where to look for a fix.

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General :: Print Multiple Independent Pages In One Print Job?

Mar 23, 2010

How can I combine multiple single page prints into a single print job? For example, using Firefox on Linux one can print a web page such that each sheet of paper has four pages printed upon it. I would like to combine several separate web pages so that for example, web-page-a, web-page-b and web-page-c (each less than one print page long) are printed on a single sheet of paper.

I would like to do this without having to use some form of image editor to combine and manage manually created temporary files.

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Ubuntu :: Printing - Print Job Shows The Printer Status As "idle" And The Print Queue Is Empty

Jul 15, 2011

Our one remaining problem seems to be printing. She has an HP OfficeJet 6500 USB printer. We have the computer conntected. Strangely, when I boot from the CD the printer shows up as installed even though I did nothing to install it. After having submitted a print job it shows the printer status as "idle" and the print queue is empty. I tried deleting that printer and re-installing. The installation went as one would expect. However the results are the same. I'm beginning to think that somehow the problem is related to the fact that we are operating from the live CD. getting this thing to print from the live CD.

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Ubuntu :: Dropbox Does Not Connect Automatically

Jun 19, 2010

This is a recent problem, may be about a week. Upon booting my computer, Dropbox does not connect to the internet. I have to stop dropbox from the top panel and run it again from the menu. Then only it connects.

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Ubuntu :: Script To Watch For Dropbox Changes?

Jun 24, 2010

I have a series of system usability bash scripts that I sync with dropbox (and share with other friends that I have set ubuntu up on) and then have those folders sym linked to ~/bin. The problem is, when I change something on one computer, the scripts lose executability on other computers. First, I guess I will ask, is there a way to stop this from happening?

Failing that, is there a way that I can have Dropbox's events monitored so that when something is updated, it runs a script on my Script folder adding 'chmod +x' to all the bash scripts. This is the simple nautilus-script that I am currently using to easily batch change the modes:

#token: nautilus-script
for FILE in *
chmod +x "$FILE"

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Ubuntu :: Safe To Install Dropbox In 10.04?

Aug 18, 2010

whether it's safe to install Dropbox in Ubuntu 10.04. It seems to be easy enough: [URL] and here for people who like me need to be held by the hand with simplest things: [URL] But as a newbie to ubuntu I've been burnt trying out seamless things that turn into tweaking nightmares that I can't manage. It would be useful to receive any prior warning as to how Dropbox cohabits with Gnome, Nautilus or anything relevant in Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: How To Completely Remove DropBox

Sep 27, 2010

Just need my own repository for storage away from the laptop....still have the deb on hand just in case I want to reinstall....

Here is my issue. I installed dropbox and removed it. I noticed in the first start of dropbox it installs a daemon called dropboxd. Is dropboxd removed when you uninstall? I uninstalled and purged. I just want to make sure the daemon is gone as well. Trying to be as tidy as possible. Less code rolling around the better.

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Ubuntu :: Dropbox Files Not Applying?

Nov 29, 2010

Ok I have used dropbox for a long time but never had an issue but since recently switching to Ubuntu it seems that when I download a file and drag it into my dropbox the file shows in dropbox but it doesn't seem to be applying ...after dragging it into dropbox in the upper right hand corner of the file there is a blue circle with two white arrows in it while all existing files that I out into dropbox prior to using Ubuntu are there and accessible and have a green checkmark in the upper right hand corner..

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OpenSUSE :: Does Any One Use Dropbox?

Jan 27, 2010

I was wondering if anyone has dropbox working on their machine. I have dropbox on my Win7 and my Ubuntu machines. There is no Opensuse package available on their site.

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Ubuntu :: Synchronise Folders / FTP (alternative For Dropbox)?

Aug 31, 2010

I'm using a computer, and 2 notebooks. All off them have dropbox installed to synchronize my files, but i want more space. Luckily i have an FTP server at home, with more then enough space, and a lot off bandwith, but here it is: How do i synchronize a folder on my desktop/notebook with FTP?

All i want is a simple program that runs in the background, detects file changes, and upload it to the FTP. When a newer version is detected on the FTP, it should download it. When i delete a file localy, it should be deleted on the FTP, and delete it on the other workstations to. This way, every file is stored localy, so i can use it, whether i have internet access or not, and when i have internet access, it synchronizes everything.

On my desktop i run Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit, on my notebooks i run 9.04 x86. I can use the command line (once or twice), but after that, i want the process to run automated (like dropbox). Is there anything like that available? I've heard about rsync, but that doesn't seem to be automated. All the solutions i've seen so far, don't give me the same options and easy-to-use-interface as Dropbox. This question has been around for 2 or 3 years on the internet now, so i suppose there would be a nice simple program around about now.

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Ubuntu :: One - Dropbox - Email Address Is Already In Use On The Server?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a Dropbox account and trying to sign-up to Ubuntu One. The Ubuntu One sign-up does not like my email address for some reason(?). It is that my email address is already in use on the server?

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Ubuntu :: Dropbox Changed Nautilus Apperance

Apr 20, 2011

I just installed Dropbox.When install completed the appearance of nautilus changed. It looks atrocious - like a 1990s Apple O/S.I guess I shall have to uninstall Dropbox. Last time I tried using it on Ubuntu a year or so ago, I binned it because it stopped working.I just tried changing the Appearnce settings. That's not made any difference. It's doesn't seem to be merely a colour theme that's changed. The actual icons are different. Everything's been squared off. Nautilus icons have lost their nice rounded edges.This might seem minor but it matters. And assuming Dropbox is the cause of this, what else is it making a mess of?

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Ubuntu :: Dropbox Lost A Lot Of Files / What To Get Them Back?

Apr 23, 2011

I had everything backed up so it is no great disaster, but drop box lost a lot of my files. Some of the folders with missing files now have thumbs.db in them, but when you go to the dropbox site, you don't even see that.

I had thought about using dropbox as my main backup solution. That would be a big mistake.

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Fedora :: Dropbox Does Not Unpack?

Jun 20, 2011

I am trying some time now to get drobox going. After resolving problems with the repo-file it is now downloading fine then stops unpacking by 97 %. I tried using threads which tell that it is selinux which does not give permissions for the install. Trying to block selinux during the installation has not worked out. Is there a way to get it going it is something I do need every day?

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OpenSUSE :: How To Install Dropbox In 11.4 64-bit

Apr 23, 2011

I have a new install of OpenSuse 64-bit. I've stumbled around blindly and seem to have installed Dropbox using dropbox-lnx.x86_64-1.1.24.tar.gz. It apparently worked because I was able to enter successfully my Dropbox log-on information.

I have no idea what to do next. There's no indication of any synchronisation in Dolphin. Dropbox installation in Ubuntu/Mint is a no-brainer but this has me stumped.

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Debian :: Can Not Get Dropbox To Work?

May 7, 2010

It simply does not sync.Running debian squeeze with Gnome.I have tried updating to the latest testing version. dropbox-lnx.x86-0.6.491.tar.gz

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General :: Using Dropbox With Mutt

Oct 28, 2010

Have you used dropbox to sync your mail dirs? Was it a disaster? ... ? I have been using dropbox to sync across three ubuntu machines (two with 9.04, one with 10.04) and a windows vista machine, for about six months. I've seen a couple of oddities but am basically very happy with it. I pay for their 50GB store.

For email I use mutt and download (fetchmail) separately onto two of the ubuntu machines, outside the dropbox folders. It's a bit irritating maintaining two different mail dirs, but it does make for more security. I'm now thinking about putting the mail dirs into the dropbox folder. But if something then goes wrong with the syncing, it will be serious.

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Ubuntu Security :: Encrypted Home Folder And DropBox

Mar 9, 2010

I just installed 9.10 on my laptop and selected the option for home folder encryption. I am running DropBox and placed the DropBox folder on my desktop (meaning it should be encrypted when I am logged out.) So I have two questions:
1) Shouldn't this setup cause my DropBox files on the server to be encrypted? Apparently they are not because they appear as unencrypted text using the DropBox Web interface.
2) If they were encrypted on the server (which doesn't appear to be the case right now), how would it be possible to share them with another client unless the encryption on both clients were set up identically?

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Ubuntu :: Use Dropbox But This Doesn't Syncs Automatically New Files

Apr 9, 2010

I would like to get a recommendation to get a backup program under Linux.

I use dropbox, but this doesnt syncs automatically new files created on my local folders. So if I copy this in with a Backup program I can get a fully automated online backup system.

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Ubuntu :: Set Up A Specific Folder On Box That Can Treat As Own Personal Dropbox?

Oct 3, 2010

how difficult it would be to set up a specific folder on my box that I can treat as my own personal dropbox. That way I can access the folder and whatever is inside of it by hitting my external IP, or domain, etc. It'd also be nice to upload to that specific folder on my box too. This is speaking from externally to the LAN.

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