Ubuntu :: Rsync Deleted All The Data

Aug 14, 2010

I launched a script using rsync and the option -delete-before, however the destination folder was the wrong one. I noticed it only seconds after but it was still too late. In less than 5 sec rsync deleted over 200gb of data on my external hard drive... It is not in my Trash nor on the HDD trash but it's not possible that the data were ereased in less than 5 sec! (I dont know how rsync handle deletions.) I know I am really stupid but is there a way to get back all my data (mainly HD movies in mkv, mp4 and some avi)

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Ubuntu :: Rsync Log File With Data?

Jul 1, 2011

I have successfully backed up my files using a script to a remote server with a log file output.However the log file is appended each time.I wish to have a different log file each time with date and time and have yet to figure that part out.

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Ubuntu :: Backing Up Data Using Rsync Via SSH From Windows

Feb 19, 2011

I am backing up may data using Rsync via SSH. I am trying to find a solution that allows me to push my backups from windows and Ubuntu to a Ubuntu server. I don't like the solution that requires my windows machines to have shared drives. Not viable for laptop users that may piggyback on free wireless networks. I would also like a solution that has a GUI for the desktop user but not totally required. I will need a solution that allows me to restore files by date. I do a lot of changes to files on a daily basis and sometimes need an older copy of a file.

I love using Rsync as it is a very simple solution and extremely quick. The only thing I don't know how to do is recover different version of a file. It would be nice to see a visual representation of all the files and different dates of each file. I know I might be asking a little too much, but, it is after all, Linux.

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Server :: Keeps One Month Data - Rsync?

Jul 19, 2011

My rsync takes backup of everything from the differenct linux servers to my backup device which is 2 TB only .Since it takes almost full backup of source , it consumes space lot in the backupdevice. So i wanted to keep all my backup files of one month old latest files in backup device, it should remove all files more than one month data.

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Programming :: Where To Rsync Rollback Data

Apr 14, 2011

I've been given an old rsync script to update some data files on a few different servers... I am trying to understand what directory on the server it gets it's files as the way it seems to refer to the data on the server is:
Not sure what the "::Firstlogic" part with the two :: means.

Here is the entire script:
# Begin user-configurable options #
# Who can run this script
# From where we rsync the update data
# From where we rsync the rollback data
# Where updates will go
# How to do the rsync .....

# Here is where we do the "work".
splash# Check user and print warning
if [ "${rsync_test}" == "-n" ]; then
update_address_data# Test the monthly update
stop_address# Stop the address standardizer
update_address_data# Load the monthly update
clean_logs# Empty the old log files
start_address# Start the address standardizer

I have not tested this script yet but evidentialy it used to work. I just need to find out where to stick the files on random-server.fqdomain.net to test it out. The server it points to no longer has the files on them...

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Ubuntu :: Data Recovery - There's Nothing In My 'Deleted Items'?

Jan 8, 2011

I have somehow managed to eradicate all of my films and music...I was going to update my external HDD (typical) and so I highlighted everything and went to drag it. My finger kind of slipped while the cursor was in the the same folder and I got a message saying something like:"Source file is in this destination. Cannot move. Do what?"There's me thinking not much can go wrong at this point so I clicked "Skip all".Everything disappeared

The file system says there's still only 500GB free on my 1.5TB, so the files are there but I just can't see them.how I can get them back?There's nothing in my 'Deleted Items' and I had a play with scalpel and PhotoRec and I either couldn't get them to work or they said they'd take way more time than I have.

Edit: Where did that smiling devil come from? That's really not how I feel right now.

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Ubuntu :: Deleted Data On Windows Partition?

Jan 28, 2011

I just made a very stupid mistake, and in result I just deleted almost everything on my windows 7 partition. I followed this guide: [URL].. for how to access my windows partition from ubuntu and it worked, but then I decided to rm -r the whole thing thinking it was a copy. I have no restore disks or any other type of backup. I know this maybe be impossible, but is there any way to recover my data?

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Ubuntu :: Usb Stick Data Not Being Properly Deleted?

Mar 31, 2011

Has anybody noticed that delete in Ubuntu 10.10 is only compatible with Ubuntu. E.g. I have a usb stick with 2 movies on it. Delete them using ubuntu's Gui just right clicking files and move to thrash so the drive looks empty. then i physically remove the drive and put it into a windows xp machine and all the files are still on the stick just put into a folder called thrash.

I also reformatted the usb stick Fat32 inside ubuntu and when i put it into the windows machine the file names were still there. (The movies were currupt and unplayable in Windows.)But still its very strange I suppose i'll just have to Blow up my usb if i ever need to destroy the data on it.. Just let me know if this has happened to you guys before. (I had Bootable Backtrack 3 on one of my old usb's that I gave to a work colleague.

I know that deleting and reformatting only deletes the indexing info for the OS but i always thought that deleted files couldn't be accessed by the average computer user.

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Ubuntu :: How To Recover Data From Deleted Partition

May 22, 2011

I deleted an old ubuntu partition, I reinstalled Ubuntu but is there any software for Ubuntu or any other Linux operating systems that can recover my data?

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Ubuntu :: Recover Deleted Data Using Testdisk Tool?

Jul 28, 2010

I tried to recover deleted data using testdisk tool and now my partition table have some errors. Even though i have 3 partitions and 1 unallocated disk fdisk -l shows only 1 partition

vishnu@vishnu-laptop:~$ sudo fdisk -l
[sudo] password for vishnu:

WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.

Disk /dev/sda: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x68000000


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Ubuntu :: Recover Data From RAID 1 Where Partition Table Has Been Deleted?

Jan 12, 2010

I have 8.04 running mdadm raid 1. I selected the wrong drive in gparted and managed to hose my partition tables.

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Ubuntu :: Fixing A Deleted Partition Table / Data Recovery?

Jan 27, 2010

I erased my partition table. Can anyone recommend a good method of reconstructing it? And if this is impossible, can anyone recommend a good method of data recovery? I had an ntfs partition with windows 7 and a larger ext3 partition that ran Debian.

I'm running Test-disk on the SystemRescueCD at the moment (cross your fingers).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Over Windows And Deleted All The Other Partitions - Recover Data?

Oct 24, 2010

i specifically told ubuntu to install alongside my operation system (windows) and instead it installed over windows and deleted all the other partitions... i had 200gb of data that i completely lost is there anyway to recover this data?

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Ubuntu :: Data Finding That 9 Packages Were Made Available And 33 Unused Ones Were To Be Deleted?

May 30, 2011

As usual I was notified that there was an update available via the Update Manager which I duly accepted.I was then confronted with a popup which advised that there was a Distribution Upgrade and that it was to be a partial upgrade.

Finding that I would not go away I accepted the data finding that 9 packages were made available and 33 unused ones were to be deleted. As this is my first experience of this is it something I need worry about and if so what should I do about it?

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Networking :: Rsync Sending Data From The Client To The Server?

Jun 29, 2010

shed some light on what I am doing. I am wondering if I just havehings back to front.Server (MESH):Fedora 13Firewall ports open tcp 22(ssh), tcp 873(rsync)sshd service started

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General :: Rsync Only Getting One Folder Out Of 350GB Worth Of Data?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm trying to do an rsync from one RHEL box to another, but when I run it in verbose mode to see why its not working, all it does is show the root folder, then one folder in, then it stops. There are about a dozen folders under that root folder where the rsync starts, with about 350GB data spread between them. How can I tell why this isn't working? the same command is setup to run as a cron job, which was working.

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Debian :: Recovering Data From Deleted Partition

May 16, 2010

I was trying to delete a logical drive in windows xp and the damn disk management tool in windows not only deleted my other windows partition but also my linux /data ext3 partition. Now I have a unallocated space in place of these partitions. The data is still there but the entries in the partition table have been removed. So how do I recover my partition. I was trying to use the following tutorial. [URK]

I used the sudo parted /dev/sda -- and then rescue START END command and could get back the /data partition. But it gives me the following error while mounting the partition. mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda7, missing codepage or helper program or other error. In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so.

What does this mean. How to I fix this? Also when I try to recover my windows partition using parted it scans for a while and then does nothing. It doesnot ask for writing the lost partition in the partition table. What do I do?

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General :: Deleted Virtual Machine With Critical Data

Jan 18, 2011

I deleted by accident a folder containing a VMware server virtual machine, that contains most critical information. The host OS is CentOS 5.5, which I believe by default uses Ext3.I shut down the PC intermediately after noticing this.Is there any chance of recovering the files? Would they be able to mount to the same or another virtual machine?I need to get this information somehow, there are no backups.

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Security :: Traces Of Deleted Data On LUKS Filesystem ?

Apr 25, 2010

Recently, I started protecting all user-accessible filesystems on my Sidux desktop machine with LUKS. Before that, I would regularly erase traces of deleted data, and I wonder if this is still necessary.

It would be most valuable to me to be pointed towards a good introductory article on the underlying mechanics of LUKS and cryptsetup, as there are a few more minor questions to be answered. Unfortunately, I lack the necessary mathematic and cryptographic background to understand scientific papers.

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Software :: Deleted Virtual Machine With Critical Data

Jan 18, 2011

I deleted by accident a folder containing a VMware server virtual machine, that contains most critical information. The host OS is CentOS 5.5, which I believe by default uses Ext3.I shut down the PC intermediately after noticing this.Is there any chance of recovering the files? Would they be able to mount to the same or another virtual machine?I need to get this information somehow, there are no backups.Which software can I use?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wrongly Mkfs To /dev/sda1 Insted Of /dev/sdb1 Data Deleted?

Jun 6, 2011

I had a working Ubuntu 9.10 with Windows 7 installed, and i was writing an image of IPCOP [URL] to the USB drive incorrectly, i did mkfs on my primary partation i.e. /dev/sda1 now i am trapped in situation, i was trying to write and usb-hdd image of ipcop on USB Drive, while doing so, i have given following commands

1. mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1
2. e2label usb-pen
3. zcat filename > /dev/sda1

* now the stupid thing i have done, is given /sda1( My HDD ) instead of /sdb1 (USB Drive), it has successfully loaded IPCOP bootable on my primary drive, and my laptop is not working now.

Laptop Partation Info:
/dev/sda1 - NTFS (Windows 7 Prof)
/dev/sda2 - NTFS


now i want to get my partitions & data back, if anybody have idea about how to get rid of this situation. The good thing i have done, is that, i didn't tried to install anything on the drive after this happened, with hopes that i can get my data back i guess that it can be recovered but confusion is that, which data recovery software to use, and for linux or windows, as i had my data on NTFS filesystem and currently there is Free Space and EXT4 partition.

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Networking :: Rsync-like Use Of Rdesktop For Continual Load Of Data Files Off Windows?

Jul 19, 2011

Windows computer continually generates images (AutoGrabnnn). All downstream analysis on linux computer. I need analog of rsync bringing files over as they arise. rdesktop seems to be the approach. Is this already described somewhere to bypass much trial-and-error?

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General :: Deleted Root Directory - How To Recover System Data

Feb 27, 2010

I have accidentally ended up in deleting my root directory while I blindly fired command while watching movie.

I fired following command
#rm -rf ~/<SPACE>*.out
instead of this command
#rm -rf ~/*.out

Things already done:
1) Created /root directory relogged to get some of basic settings of gnome and Desktop.
2) Things went well now when I login my desktop ,gnome environment and other things looks to be working well only prompt on my terminal has changed. I can fix it any ways.

Things I want to ask:
1) I haven't studied much about contents of /root directory to best of my knowledge is it like other user's home directory with some basic configuration files for mostly required applications. SO my question is have I lost any thing important system file or something?
2) If I have lost any important configuration or system data how can I recover it without reinstalling whole system? (My opinion about this is, It is quite possible but to do so, as far as I know capabilities of linux. But I still want comments from experts before I try any things on it because I don't want to backup my whole HDD and reinstall the whole stuff again for me and also my sister's stuff in MS.)

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Security :: Secure Solution To Transfer Data Using Rsync Over Internet Between 2 System Server?

Jan 2, 2010

I'm looking for a most possible, secure solution to transfer data using rsync over Internet between 2 linux server.
I have 3 option: SSH, IPSEC and Kerberos.
Which one in your opinion should be most secure solution?

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Server Platforms :: Partition Table Deleted - Get My Data Back Safe Without Losing It ?

Mar 6, 2010

I've initialize a virtual disk and deleted the partition table didn't notice that i've done that to the wrong one, data still on the physical hard disks but....how I'll get my data back safe without losing it?

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Software :: Rsync Some Data From A Windows Machine To A Machine?

Apr 8, 2010

So I am trying to learn a little about Cygwin and rsync. I'd like to rsync some data from a Windows machine to a Linux machine. I've got Cygwin installed but I can't figure out how to tell Cygwin were rsync will be pulling the data from; basically, how to set the directories that I want to be rsnyc'd. I've googled and googled but I can't seem to find the answer to this exact question.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Advanced Rsync - Make The Rsync Set Or Keep The User And Group Affiliations?

Nov 17, 2010

Thought I'd post it here because it's more server related than desktop... I have a script that does:


This is used to sync my local development snapshot with the live web server. There has to be a more compact way of doing this? Can I combine some of the rsyncs? Can I make the rsync set or keep the user and group affiliations? Can I exclude .* yet include .htaccess?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Rsync Gmail / Run Rsync --recursive --times --perms --links --delete?

Jan 7, 2011

When I run rsync --recursive --times --perms --links --delete --exclude-from='Documents/exclude.txt' ./ /media/myusb/

where Documents/exclude.txt is

- /Downloads/
- /Desktop/books/

the files in those directories are still copied onto my USB.


I used fetchmail to download all my gmail emails. When I run rsync -ar --exclude-from='/home/xtheunknown0/Documents/exclude.txt' ./ /media/myusb/ I get the first image at url.

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Server :: Sync File Server Data Into Backup Server Machine By Command- Rsync -avu?

Jun 21, 2011

iam trying to sync file server data into backup server machine by command- rsync -avu path/of/data ipaddress-of-backup-server:/path/where/to/save after running it ask for root password and manually it is successful.but i want to make it automatic.for that i also tried cronjob and also generated authentication key but iam not successful in login automatically..anybody know how to authenticate root to login for storing data in backup server.

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Server :: Rsync Execution - With Crontab - Have Given Full Path To Rsync Too

Apr 12, 2011

I have a tiny shell script to rsync files between two servers and remove the source files.

This script works fine, when it has been initiated manually or even when the rsync command is executed on the command line.

But the same script doesn't work, when I try to automate it through crontab.

I am using 'abc' user to execute this rsync, instead of root, as root login to servers are restricted in all of our servers, by us.

As I mentioned earlier, manual execution works like charm!

When this rsync.sh is initiated through crontab, it runs the first command(chown abc.abc ...) perfectly without any issues. But the second line is not at all executed, and there is no log entry i can find at /mnt/xyz/folder/rsync.log.

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