Ubuntu :: Recovery After Reinstall ?

Nov 20, 2010

Is there any way to recover lost files after fresh install? I forgot to copy some files and i need to recover them. I've reinstalled Ubuntu 10.10 aaaaand... I need to recover them at all costs even if it involves losing all my current files..

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall Grub After XP Recovery?

Jun 25, 2010

How do you reinstall grub after XP recovery ? btw I only have the live cd on a usb.. not the live cd it self.

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Ubuntu :: Recovery Menu (in Recovery Mode) Does Not Work?

Aug 18, 2010

I've got a, as it seems to me, strange problem.I've inadvertently deleted my user from the group admin so I'm in the same situation of a lot of other users (read a lot of messages about it).My problem is that when restarted in recovery mode there is no way I can choose the 'drop to the root shell' or similar in the menu.The menu appears for a second and then I've got an empty screen. If I press a key I've been requested for a username and password that of course is not what I need.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstall The Games Package Or Reinstall The Update?

May 2, 2010

So I was messing around trying to uninstall Nibbles and reinstall since I have an issue starting that game and something happened and removed the submenu under Games called "Logic", which had another whole list of games.

Is it possible to reinstall the games package or reinstall the update?I'm thinking more of the lines of a system restore or something so back 2 days from today.

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General :: Retrieve/reinstall Grub Without Having To Reinstall Ubuntu?

Feb 4, 2011

how do I retrieve/reinstall Grub without having to reinstall Ubuntu?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Reinstall Windows 7 But Its A Pain To Reinstall All Programs?

Apr 29, 2010

I recently installed opensuse 11.2 on my laptop which also had windows vista and windows 7, i created a new partition and the installation went smoothly, after i went to boot back into windows 7 i got a blue screen of death, strangely vista boots perfectly.I could just reinstall windows 7 but its a pain to reinstall all my programs and such

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Ubuntu :: Can't Reinstall Grub After Reinstall Of Win 7

Dec 6, 2010

i have ubuntu 10.04 64 bit installed and configured and working sweet. I have reinstalled windows 7 and now i can't boot ubuntu i've tried easybcd to add ubuntu to win boot loader which failed and tried to follow the instructions to reinstall grub through a live cd which i am in at the moment. i go to a terminal and type sudo grub and it brings up the grub prompt. i have mounted all discs and entered the command find /boot/grub/stage1 and it keeps spitting this back at me Error 15: File not found

my hd is a 80gb with partions like this
/dev/sda1 105mb ntfs system reserved
/dev/sda2 45gb ntfs win 7 home premium 64 bit
/dev/sda3 34gb ext4 ubuntu 10.04 64 bit
/dev/sda4 1.5gb linux swap

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - How To Get Into Recovery Mode

May 1, 2010

How do I get int recovery mode in Ubuntu 10.04?

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Ubuntu :: How To Get Recovery Mode 10.04

Jun 17, 2010

ok so i have been haviung the same problem for a while now and it is starting to **** me off, with every distribution of ubuntu i am getting thuis stupid message when i log in it is ionoly every once i a while that i get it but saince i have upgraded to 220.04 cannot fix it. i could fix it befor pretty easily, the probklem is when i get t o the login screen i get this generic login menu whne i attept to login i get this message somethiung like power management is not installed correctly. like i said b4 it was easy to fix, all i would do is to go to the ubuntu recovery thing, which is apparently not available ion 10.04 it does not evn give me a choice which to boot how do i get to recover mode in ubuntu 10.04?

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Ubuntu :: Un Able To Go Into The Recovery System

Dec 6, 2010

When I have windows installed and I install linux on a seperate partition I get the choice in grub to go to either windows, linux or recovery system. But with ubuntu installed on it's own, grub doesn't show up, which can be a bit of a problem as I want to be able to go into the recovery system and try and trouble shoot my ubuntu.

I've looked at startup manager and it seems to be on, for the most part but I'm sure i'm missing something I could probably do in terminal to get this to work, I'm using ubuntu 10.10 is there anything I need to do in terminal to show up grub?

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Ubuntu :: How To Recovery Data

May 21, 2011

Anyone know how to recovery data? cuz I've del my file(film)

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Ubuntu :: How To Do Manual Recovery

May 16, 2011

Does anyone know how i can do a manual recovery?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get To Recovery Mode

May 4, 2010

recovering a partial upgrade to Lucid.

4 core Xeon , was running 64 bit 9.10.

Upgrading over the weekend, but it failed, and suggested running dpkg-reconfigure -a

I couldn't launch any terminal/xterm windows, and couldn't login via ssh (kicked me out with xmalloc failure) or through a virtual console (showed garbled characters)

So I had to reboot.

Now the boot process -- I've tried recovery mode for all othe kernels I've got installed, but all fail in the same way:

Begin: Starting AppArmor profiles...
bash: xmalloc: ../bash/locale.c:73: cannot allotate 225469542417 bytes (0 bytes allocated)
Failure: AppArmor profiles failed to load.


It looks like it might be a libc problem. At any rate, I'd like to get into a recovery console to restart the update.

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Ubuntu :: Password Recovery - Evolution ?

May 20, 2010

My wife uses Evolution e-mail on her machine. Tonight she tried to e-mail me a file but was unsuccessful. She was repeatedly asked for her SMTP password which she has forgotten. several tries using various "obvious" PWs failed. How can I recover her Evolution password?

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Ubuntu :: Live Usb Have Recovery Mode?

May 22, 2010

I run 9.10 from a live usb with persistece, and got /etc/sudoers awfully messed up. now i'm told to fix in through 'recovery mode', but i don't think live usb has one. is that true? what about my sudoers? is there another way to fix it?

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Ubuntu :: SDHC Data Recovery

May 30, 2010

Yesterday, my Windows 7 machine managed to somehow destroy a SD card with some pictures on it. Now, every time the card is inserted into a computer running windows, or the camera it came from, it asks to be reformatted. Obviously I would like to recover the pictures from the card.

I tried a scanning the card with a windows program "card recovery" and the program was able to scan the card and find the images on it. But I have to pay $40 to actually copy them from the card to the computer.

So I did some digging and tried to find a way to recover the data for free using my Ubuntu machine.

Some details about my hardware:
Running Ubuntu 9.04
SD card: 8Gb SDHC from PNY Optima
The camera was a Nikon D5000

What I have done so far: I used ddrescue to create an image of the card. However, at this point, most of the instructions I found only have you try and mount the image. Then I used the testdisk utility and the mmls utility from the SluethKit to try and find a partition on the SD card image that I could mount. Both of these programs failed to identify a partition on the card.

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Ubuntu :: Ctl Alt F1-6 And Recovery Mode (CLI) Don't Work?

Jul 19, 2010

Afraid I'm an utter newbie. I'm using 10.04 64 bit. I only noticed this after I tried to install the NVIDIA driver and all my ubuntu os'es blackscreened after restart. Because I couldn't even access recovery mode, I ended up reinstalling ubuntu, overwriting the old root.I thought the problem was due to the driver, but it's even now persisting. I can run the terminal (within X?) but if I try ctl alt <F1-6>, the screen just freezes until I do ctl alt F7. Furthermore, recovery mode still leaves a black screen after the initial loading text. I need it to work before I attempt reinstalling the NVIDIA drivers again, as I don't want to reinstall the OS and all the programs.

Sometimes it feels like I can do stuff in recovery mode, like Ctl Alt Delete or sudo shutdown, but sometimes not. Not sure if this is related, but grub also lists windows vista and windows recovery as the opposite they should be (I thought my windows was completely screwed until I tried windows recovery).

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Ubuntu :: File Recovery Using Livecd?

Jul 21, 2010

I did a search through the forums but couldn't find another post specific to mine so I hope I'm not repeating something old when I ask this...I'm currently using ubuntu livecd to recover files from a dead windows machine. And when I say dead I mean windows itself won't boot, after several attempts at troubleshooting. All hardware is tested and passed. BIOS is up to date. Ubuntu itself opens up and operates just fine, accessing all drives and peripherals.

My problem is this, I want to recover my music and photos from the hard drive before I restore and re-install Windows. Easy enough. But the hundreds of gigs of music and photos that were on my HD are missing when I file browse to them in ubuntu.Every other file on the HD is there, in tact, from windows system files to downloaded movies and tv shows. The "Music" and "Photos" folders on my drive are there, and inside each of them is only a few files from thousands that should be there.

Is there a function I am unaware of in ubuntu to show all contents of the drive? Surely a windows boot error wouldn't selectively delete only my music and photos...?

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Ubuntu :: Start NBR In Recovery Mode?

Nov 21, 2010

I have a HP mini 2133 with Ubuntu 10.04 NBR installed, but because the CMOS battery went flat and the date on the BIOS got reset to 1980, I now get a failure starting the machine (Superblock failure: Last mount time is in the future). I've already googled on this error, and the general advise seems to be "run fschk and let it complete", but my question is...I don't get a grub screen come up when Ubuntu boots, and Contrl/Alt/F* doesn't bring me to any login windows. So how do I interrupt the startup, and get to a login window before I get the mount error.

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Ubuntu :: Restore Windows 7 From Recovery?

Nov 25, 2010

I have a sony vaio netbook and installed ubuntu on it some months ago After some weeks windows 7 crashed and stopped booting I tried to recover it but still no success. When i bought it it had one partition only (plus the first one for windows recovery) When I installed ubuntu I partitioned my hard drive at my pleasure as you can see in attached image When I try to recover windows 7 it says it "can't find the windows partition or it's too small" Since 80 gb is not too small, i bet it can't recognized the partition anymore. Can anybody suggest a way to let it recognize my sda2 ? Does it have to have the "C:" label or "Windows something"? (I can only name it C without colons) Does it have to formatted FAT in a particular way ?

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Only Shows Recovery?

Dec 21, 2010

after messing around with plymouth manager to try and get a decent boot screen(for the 3 weeks i've had 10.10 installed, it's just been a plain text bootup) it seemed to have removed my main boot option without recovery. i'm still able to boot into recovery and pull up my graphical environment but i can't seem to figure out how to get my normal boot option back.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Enter Recovery Mode

Mar 31, 2011

I messed up my video drivers and now can't get into recovery mode. Pressing the shift key isn't working. All that happens is the splash screen appears in faded looking colors and then fades to white.

I've got an ASUS N61 laptop with an ATI Radeon 5730 graphics card. I just upgraded to 10.10 from 10.4 and was trying to install the open source video drivers. I must have messed something up and can't get to the terminal now.

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Ubuntu :: Recovery Mode Won't Even Boot?

Apr 6, 2011

I'm having a huge problem right now and I could use some help deciphering what's wrong.I can't get my system to boot (see signature) and even the recovery mode is buggered. henever I try to boot, all I get is a flashing underscore. This is the same for both the normal and recovery modes Kernels. I've run the boot info script from a live cd and I've attached it to this post.

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Ubuntu :: Documents Folder Recovery?

Apr 26, 2011

I have somehow 'disappeared' my Documents folder.I was working on an Open Office document, when I chose "File/Save As" this is the very unwelcome message that came up:/home/ray/documents does not exist. Looking in Places, sure enough it is gone! Looking in Trash the newest file / folder is April 17. Today is April 26.How I may have done this?I guess I'll find out how good my backups are..I need to hit the road for the rest of the day and may not see your responses until tomorrow.Ubuntu 10.10 on a Lenovo R61iEdit:Well, now I've really embarrassed myself. I did find the contents of /home/ray/documents. I'll have to put it down to 'mouse tripping' Earlier I had needed to empty out a USB drive so I could use it this afternoon.

1 - Using Nautilus I created a folder in /home/ray/documents called called "8G holder" to hold the contents of the 8GiB USB drive for the evening.2 - The new folder did not appear to be created, so I did it again.Moved all of the USB contents over, wiped the USB drive and set it aside for use.It now seems that through mouse tripping I some how renamed documents, to "8G holder", created a second folder named "8G holder" in the first one.So now my question is much simpler. It is OK to rename the top "8G holder" to "Documents" and expect all to return to normal?Given that Linux is case sensitive should the name be "documents" or "Documents" ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Will Only Run From Recovery Menu?

May 3, 2011

When installed everything is OK until approx 10 secs after log in and the desktop freezes, whether I run in Ubuntu or classic modes.having installed and re installed about 6 times now, with the same result have tried running in recovery mode - and found that if I choose Run in Failsafe graphic mode "failsafeX" in the Revovery Menu, then the system runs perfectly in Classic mode.Is there a set of commands that I can use in the terminal that will set the machine to run in FailsafeX mode rather than having to start via the Recovery Mode?

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Ubuntu :: Stuck In Recovery Terminal?

Jun 26, 2011

been running PCLinuxOS for a while and thought I'd check out Ubuntu, I LOVE IT! Only one problem. I recently installed it and after getting the entire thing loaded and setup I messed up on a sound driver. Went to the LOGIN SCREEN settings and selected RECOVERY like a DOPE! Now I'm stuck in a bootup login screen that always goes to a small white terminal in the upper left corner! I've tried EVERYTHING from the forums to get back to booting into the GUIo luck! Is there a way to reset the LOGIN SCREEN to boot to Ubuntu GUI from the terminal? I really don't want to reinstall and reconfigure this whole thing again

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Ubuntu :: Boot DVD For Data Recovery?

Jul 13, 2011

A friend's old Compaq Presario came with Windows XP. However, when it got buggy (without his knowledge or consent), his kids overwrote his OS by installing a warez edition of Windows 7 Ultimate. Unfortunately, that wiped out all his data, including photos of his late wife that he does not have backed up. I want to recover those if possible. I don't want to install anything because that may overwrite the photos if they're still there in some shape or form.

What I'm wondering is if there's a DVD-bootable distro of Linux specifically for data recovery. If I could boot to that, I could run its data recovery utilities without danger of putting anything on the hard drive. Once I've recovered the photos and backed them up to an external hard drive, I'm going to make his PC legal by installing Ubuntu. That's no problem. I'm very up to speed on that. What I need to learn is the best data recovery strategy via some type of bootable Linux. I suspect someone has written such a tool given how often people lose data due to viruses, accidental deletions, formats, etc.

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Ubuntu :: How To Enter Recovery Mode 11.04

Jul 22, 2011

Ubuntu cannot boot. says Starting system V runlevel compatibility [fail]it is after replacing xorg.I want to enter in recovery mode. But when i try escape it just enters bios. if i try holding shift it just does nothing.So how to enter recovery mode in ubuntu 11.04 i just cannot get to grub menu.

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Ubuntu :: Partition Without Losing Recovery?

Jul 25, 2011

This is my first post on Ubuntu, ive been testing/and dual booted then reverted back to windows this past year, and now have gone back to school for computer networking...so im SUPER interested,So - i want to install Ubuntu on my little Toshiba netbook that i drag everywhere with me, but im afraid to screw with it's partitions. I dont want to spend $$$ to get a larger than 8GB flash drive to create a recovery from the HDD partition that is installed on their, and they dont come with the backup/recovery disks, so i want to either leave that partition alone (in case i need to switch it back to windows down the road to sell it), or whatever.

I know i could just download windows to my PC, transfer the files to a flash drive, and put it on that way, but the recovery comes complete with drivers, etc which makes it a smoother and faster process. Oh, i cant make the recovery of windows b/c i need 7.xx GB of space, and my biggest flash drive is an 8GB which doesnt quite make it.SOOOOO - IF i install Ubuntu, will that recovery partition DEFINITELY be left alone? Or is there an easy way someone could suggest copying that partition without a 16GB drive? OR is there any way to use an external hard drive to copy that recovery partition on to?

I have only installed ubuntu once, maybe twice, but didnt care about partitions and wiped everything as requested by the install. (i reverted back because i couldnt navigate quickly installing and updating programs, but now have a windows laptop and want to be forced to learn linux on my netbook).any help is MUCH appreciated! I have an Ubuntu scratch that im dying to itch, but dont want to lose my windows recovery

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Only Boots Into Recovery?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a new (for me) computer (Its a Dell Dimension 9200) that I have put my hdd in with its Ubuntu install. The hdd works just fine when booted in my kpc shuttle but does not boot properly in the Dell. I can get a grub menu when I pull the power cord and then reboot. If I select recovery mode, I can get a graphical desktop with the failsafe graphics options or a command line. When I reboot after recovery mode, I do not get a grub menu (even if I press shift during boot) and all I get is a black screen with a blinking cursor. The monitors then go blank and act like they are no longer connected to the computer.

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