Ubuntu :: Program To Monitor Changes To Files?

May 9, 2011

Any program that can monitor changes to files? I've had an issue for a while now where files will simply disappear. Specifically, FLAC files that are loaded into Rhythmbox. Once I've found the files in the Trash bin, but I've just noticed several that appear to have been missing for some time, as they were not in the Trash. Basically, I'd like something that will log the non-read activities of a given directory or directories.

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Ubuntu :: Program To Monitor Bandwidth Usage?

Jul 28, 2010

I live in the boonies, so I have satellite internet. It's not too bad, but I'm restricted to 200 mb's of download per day.

I'm looking for an app that will keep track of my usage, so I don't go over 200. I was using "System Monitor", but it's a little buggy, so I'd like to try something else.

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Ubuntu :: Temperature Monitor And Fan Controller Program?

Feb 2, 2011

I installed ubuntu for the first time tonight and to put it simply everything is very confusing. I have been looking at different forums and everyone is installing programs in code and tbh i have no idea how to and i was wondering is there a program available that lets me monitor my CPU temp & alter fan speeds?

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Ubuntu :: Unused Program In The System Monitor?

Feb 11, 2011

I wondering does the evolution-alarm-notify and evolution-data-server-1.4 would remove from the system monitor or just leave them alone. I didn't want to touch them that would cause system diseaster, can you please confirm for both if say yes to remove that will be good safe.. I am running older version of Ubuntu 5.10 on my lappy.

My firefox browser takes too much memory that runs very slowest and I need to cut down the both program list above or what I need to remove some other program in the system monitor.

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Ubuntu :: GUI Program To Calibrate A Monitor With Instructions?

May 18, 2011

I have a macbook pro with an Nvidia 9600m gt card. default colors look nothing like they do on my mac. I would like to calibrate the colors. How would one do this in Ubuntu? I have looked around and seen Xgamma, Argyll, and display calibrator. These programs do not work, mainly the display calibrator gui. I see Nvidia xserver has a color correction function, and that looks good. However, how do you use it? I can tweak colors but they end up looking incorrect still.

I am looking for a detailed step by step tutorial about how to calibrate a monitor, which are aimed at newbies who don't have much prior knowledge. On the mac it was incredibly simple; anything like this on Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Terminal Command Or Program To Shutdown Monitor?

Mar 6, 2010

I use Rapidshare a lot to download files and wanted a simple terminal command or program that would shutdown my monitor so I don't have to manually do it.

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Ubuntu :: Start Program (that Lacks --display Flag) On Second Monitor?

Oct 12, 2010

I was thinking to do my music producing completely on linux and found a plethora of good tools for it. The thing is I have two monitors and instead of launching manually every little app each time I feel creative, I want to make a script that launches all my favorite apps.

So long I have written this little bash script:


#Start my audio programs for music production
(qjackctl --start)&
(hydrogen --nosplash)&
sleep 1

So what it does is that it starts the jack server, then hydrogen and lastly ardour2. The thing is that I want hydrogen to start in the second monitor but don't know how. I have devilspie but I didn't have any luck on finding some command to choose display. I am aware of the --display flag that some programs have like firefox but hydrogen doesn't have it. Btw I use a different X server on each screen. is there a universal way to launch ANY kind of program on a specific display?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Finding A Program That Converts AVI Files To VOB Files?

May 23, 2011

Is there a program for Ubuntu that converts AVI files to VOB files? This is the only type of file that will burn to a DVD and successfully play on my DVD player. I can use DVD Flick on Windows but I'm sure this can't be the only way. There has to be a way to get VOB files on an Ubuntu operating system.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi - Program Could Monitor - How Much Data Each Person Is Using/downloading

Sep 1, 2011

I have my system connected to a sky wifi box (LAN connection) for my broadband, I also have about 4 tenants connected too, via wireless.

I was wondering if there were a program that i could run on my system that could monitor, or that i could use that would tell me how much data each person is using/downloading and what websites they were viewing etc..

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Ubuntu Networking :: Program \ Use To Monitor The Number Of Computers That Are Connected To Network And Block Them?

Feb 1, 2011

i have recently had a house mate move in and he is using my wireless network, even though i asked him not to give out the network key to his friends either he has or they have hacked my network and are using it when they come over, is there a program i can use to monitor the number of computers that are connected to my network and block them, or is there a way i can just wee what is going on. They seem to just connect and i don't want to have to change the password particularly because that involves changing it on multiple devices.

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OpenSUSE :: Created A Tab To Look That The Physical Memory In The System? Monitor Program?

May 11, 2010

I have a system with 1 GB RAM. I'm running KDE 4. I created a tab to look that the Physical Memory in the System Monitor program, which I assume appears to look at the same stats that "top" looks at. In that Physical Memory tab I have 3 tables: Used Memory, Free Memory, and Application Memory.The Used Memory table shows that the system is using .94 of .98 GiBytes. The Free Memory table shows that the system has .5 GiBytes of RAM free.

However the Application Memory shows that only 339 M-Bytes of RAM is being used.Note that "top" shows the same info.So where is the other .6 GiBytes of RAM that the Used Memory table shows as being used?If I look at the process table which is supposed to encompass all of the processes running, including the ones for the OS, then it appears to add up to the 339 M-Bytes being used in the Application Memory table. Is the rest of the memory being held in reserve by the OS to be used as needed? If so, then why when another application is opened the Free Memory goes down instead of staying constant?I also noticed this memory "black hole" when I was running 11.0 on a system with 4 GB of RAM. The OS appeared to "take up" a large chunk of memory that was NOT being used by any applications and making it "disappear" - meaning that the applications were using about 1.3 GiBytes of RAM and Free Memory was showing only .7 GiBytes instead of the over 2 GB of RAM that should be free.

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Software :: Finding A Program To Monitor Hard Drive Access?

Jun 11, 2011

I've been looking for a program to easily monitor hard drive access,what I am finding doesn't seem to do what I (and others) want. Does Linux have a program to show me what is writing to the hard drive and where, in real-time? It seems gamin doesn't present the info in a human-usable form and loggedfs needs fuse, which I am not sure is available now. Something with a gui would be nice, but I am not sure Linux has such a program, like Windows does. Other threads here indicate that there are not many choices and strace needs a path, which I don't know yet.

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Software :: Program To Monitor A Directory And Execute A Script On A Change In Dir?

Oct 27, 2010

What is the best program to use to monitor a directory and execute a script when a new file is dropped in the directory? I've searched Google and just can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I would like to execute a shell script after a .CSV file is moved to a certain directory to generate a chart of the data contained in that file. I've got the script, now I only need to know how to execute it when a new CSV file is dropped into the directory. The Linux Distribution is RHEL 5.

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Ubuntu :: Program To Open Rar Files For 9.04?

Jan 9, 2010

I am lookin for a program to open rar files for ubuntu 9.04, I have been haveing trouble locating one.

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Ubuntu :: Program Files Won't Open?

Apr 27, 2010

I have both Windows and Ubuntu on my laptop and I need to access the windows program files via Ubuntu (windows don't start). The problem is that the program files folder appears to be empty. Is there any way to retrieve data from ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Installing WoW - 'Program Files'?

Jun 6, 2010

I've just installed Ubuntu on my laptop. This is the first time I've ever dealt with linux, and was very much a spur of the moment thing (probably not ideal, I know). My laptop is only small and does not have a disc drive.I would like to install World of Warcraft onto my laptop. Usually my plan of action would be to pop the files under Program Files onto an external hard drive, then copy them over and voila.I'm not 100% sure what the Ubuntu equivalent is to Program Files. Google search suggests usr/bin, but it requires permission to move files there and I'm really not sure how to go about doing this.

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Ubuntu :: Program To Rename Many Files At Once?

Nov 8, 2010

I guess the title says it all. I'm looking for a program that will rename a massive amount of files at once. JPGs specifically, or PNGs. More specifically,I'm creating a stopmotion movie. Using the program StopMotion. And for that, all you pictures, or frames, have to be named 001.jpg 002.jpg and so on. I've got about 300 or so images, and they're all named the default thing that my camera names them, you know, like DSCIM8520 or whatever. I'm looking for maybe a command line program or GUI is fine too, that will do this for me.

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Programming :: Monitor A Folder For New / Change Files?

Aug 30, 2010

how I can monitor a folder and get the name of newly created files or files that their size is changing? (in Perl or Linux shell script)

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Ubuntu :: Can't I Use Cbr Files In Any Comic Reader Program?

Feb 26, 2010

I've read a few things on this forum that people can read their .cbr's but those posts were back in 2005. Is there a known problem with cbr and karmic? If not how do I fix this? I'm way behind on my comic reading since I moved to ubuntu and I need to catch up!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cant Edit Raw Files With Any Program?

Apr 15, 2010

I haven't put this in the forums for any of the separate programs, because im having the same problem in all of them, im thinking maybe its a problem elsewhere?I recently got a Canon DSLR. It can save in Raw format, I use this function. Canons Raw format is "Whatever.CR2"F spot viewer and all editor programs see then and 'preview' them with no problem. The images appear to have no problem until you load them into GIMP (with UFRAW) UFRAW standalone, RAWStudio etc.

They load, but only as a small vertical rectangle. Often very purple in colour.I thought maybe it was something wrong with just the way it looked, so I just loaded one, went save as (a jpeg) and then loaded it up, it loaded as a small picture of the same purple-haze bar.Have I done something wrong? I googled it, downloaded UFRaw, even Ubuntu studio, same problem before and after studio installation. All these programs claim to read raw images.Just as an example, In RawStudio:I load up the folder of raw images. I can see all the images clearly with no problems in the preview slider up top. I can scroll through them and see them all no problem. When I click on one, it loads in the editing box as some weird bar (always vertical in orientation) often faintly resembling part of the photo but with seriously acid trip colours. Eg massive purple hazes, green everything etc.

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Ubuntu :: Program To Recover Deleted Files

Jul 6, 2010

Deleted a whole bunch of files, I have backed it up but it was from about 2 weeks ago and as I had added loads of stuff in the meantime I urgently need to recover the files.Ubuntu 9.10. Any and every file recovery program you know please.Preferably one that allows me to recover an entire directory, not just individual files, but it'll be fine if that is it.

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Ubuntu :: Restrict A Certain Program From Accessing Certain Files

Jul 28, 2010

Everytime I start Rhythmbox it starts to scan my USB HardDrive (which contains 50,000+ files) for media. I searched around, and it seems that there is nothing one can do stop that using any Rhythmbox options, switches, etc. Is there a way to prevent a process (in this case Rhythmbox)from using a certain resource (the path to my USB Drive)? I'm thinking APPArmor or SELinux may be the way to do it.

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Ubuntu :: Program That Finds Oldest Files?

Sep 22, 2010

got a whole lot of video files spread among 100's of folders, wondering if Linux has a program that can scan the modification and view dates of them all, and just display what's been accessed most recently.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unpacking RAR Files - No Associated Program?

Oct 23, 2010

I have just installed mythbuntu and my drivers for the tv card are in a compressed .rar folder. I have installed rar and unrar from the synaptic repository. Still when I click on it, it has no program associated with rar files. When I search the drop down menu for applications I can't find it there either. What can I do?

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Ubuntu :: Find The Folder With Program Files In It?

Jun 15, 2011

how do I find the folder with my program files in it

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Ubuntu :: Program Cannot Create Files/folders?

Jul 1, 2011

I am running the new Natty install of Ubuntu. I always seem to have this particular problem, particularly with any ubuntu/kubuntu installs, but not other distros.

Basically, I'm trying to run a program -- a text-based game server. The server needs to be able to create new folders and write and delete files within its own directories in order to work.

However, no matter what I try to set in permissions, the program always spits out errors saying it was denied. I have set the directories so that any user/program can write/delete in them, and it still doesn't work.

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Ubuntu :: Program Available That Enables One To Work With PDF Files?

Sep 8, 2010

a program available that enables one to work with PDF files on Ubuntu?

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General :: Unix Tool To Monitor Too Many Open Files?

Aug 13, 2011

I'm looking for a tool which can monitor whether a process is near limit of maximum open files.

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Programming :: Monitor When Files Are Copied To Another Volume And Log The Date?

Jul 29, 2010

I'm pretty sure I'm in over my head with this one. Here's the situation: My practice has been, after downloading and making changes to files, to use a certain GUI cataloging app to move them to categorized sub-folders inside one "umbrella" folder, then copy them to (what are in most cases) identically-named sub-folders in another one on the same HD. Emulation of this process on the command-line would look like:

cp holytrousers.jpg /home/metoo/Pictures/fancypants/
mv holytrousers.jpg /home/me/Pictures/pants/

This was in anticipation of making a "twin" of the second, now bigger, "umbrella" folder on anexternal HD and continuing the practice. At some point I intended to get rid of the original 2nd "parent folder" and just keep the first one on the drive with my OS install, using the twin on the backup folder as I'd been doing when it was on that same drive.

I'm very close (a matter of 2 to 3 weeks, it looks like) to getting a backup/external drive in a reasonably-reliable external enclosure. With the backup, originally the "twin" of the bigger "umbrella" folder and its sub-directories, on that other drive, I also anticipate that I will likely go at least a few days between backing up any new files to it.

For the sake of argument, let's say I gave the external the name "tuxs_twin". Is there any way to monitor copying activity from /Pictures/ on the boot HD to /media/tuxs_twin/Pictures/ and log the dates and times, then have something running that checks the log every so many hours and puts up a reminder dialog saying /tuxs_twin/Pictures/ hasn't had any new files copied to it since date X at time Y? I hope this was clear enough. If not, I'll try to break it down further when I know which details are confusing folks.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Access The .exe's What Files Launch A Program?

Feb 27, 2010

I'm completely new to the Linux OS. It is very foreign to me, i'm very used to the way windows does everything, including how windows does installation. I know that Linux doesn't understand .exe files like windows does... which is part of the problem. I have a linux zip file of a program (Jgrasp) that I want to install. I unzipped it into my home file and then wanted to run the program, but I have no idea what to do next. How the heck do I run the program if i can't access the .exe's what files launch a program in linux?Also how do i get it to recognize the JDK files?

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