I'm trying to install Open Rocket : [URL]. I don't think I have java installed. I went to software center and tried to install "OpenJDK Java 6 runtime" and it says package dependencies cannot be resolved. I tried doing sudo apt-get install through terminal and it was dependent on a long list of things:
cant update give me this error Package dependencies cannot be resolved
This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.
and when i press in details i have this libgirepository1.0-1
When I try to install Acidrip I get this message: Package Dependencies Cannot Be Resolved.
Trying to install Acidrip from Synaptic I'm told: Could not intsall or upgrade package. With this additional information: Depends: mplayer but it is not going to be installed Depends: mencoder but it is not going to be installed
So, I try to install mplayer and get this message: Depends: mplayer-nogui but it is not going to be installed Depends: libx264-67 (>=1:0.svn20090502) but it is not installable
I try to install mplayer-nogui and get: Depends: libx264-67 (>=1:0.svn20090502) but it is not installable
Now I'm stuck in a point where I can go no further. I really like AcidRip and have been using it for more than two years through all of the upgrades until Lucid.
I've tried installing all of the non-free codecs, both audio and video with no result.
So I tried out Libreoffice and want to revert back to Openoffice for the time being. I uninstalled Libreoffice from ubuntu software center and now I can't reinstall openoffice from USC. i get this error:
" Package dependencies cannot be resolved: This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time. " does anyone have a way of fixing this? edit: i've tried sudo apt-get install openoffice.org in terminal but it didn't work as well (i'm total noob)
Last nights upgrade of java-1.6.0-openjdk- and java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin- prevent the loading of Ameritrades Command Center.Downgrading to version fixes the problem. I'll post the bugzilla number as soon as I get the chance to file it.
how do I uninstall Java? Tried with Synaptic and apt-get remove, but uninstalling sun-java6 automatically adds default-jre (openjdk) and uninstalling openJdk automatically installs sun-java ... but I don't want ANY Java on my machine - am I missing something? Already thought I maybe have a package that requires SOME kind of Java, but how do I find out?
I am trying to install the Matlab 7.5 compiled runtime for 64-bit Linux (MCRInstaller.75.glnxa64.bin) and keep getting a "No Java Runtime Environment(JRE) was found on this system." error message.
I understand the JRE is bundled with MCRInstaller and will self-compile/install. However, I don't have admin access, could this be the source of the problem? If so, how could I fix it (not sure how to direct it to install locally without going into the source code)?
I got around this error before, but stupid me didn't write down what I did and I forgot.
I use openSUSE 11.4 64 bits, KDE and FireFox 5.0. I regularly update. When trying to reach my bank, I get the following error: Code: icedteanp plugin error: Failed to run /usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk/jre/bin/java. For more detail rerun "firefox -g" in a terminal window. Is there anything I can do to remediate ? Does IcedTea everything that Java does?
update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so. update-alternatives: error: alternative /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so for mozilla-javaplugin.so not registered, not setting.
due to some issues i uninstalled openjdk shipped default on my opensuse 11.3 and installed jdk 1_6_21 from a .bin file. Its installed to usr/java/jdk.The mysql connector is also present in the same but running a java program that connects to mysql gives me the errorjava.sql.SQLException: Unknown initial character set index '192' received from server. Initial client character set can be forced via the 'characterEncoding' property.the code i tried is
import java.sql.*; import java.io.*; class mysql_conn_tester
I have both the openjdk-6-jre and sun-java6-jre versions of java installed on my Ubuntu Maverick desktop, with the sun version setup as the default. I was trying to load the web page,URL..., an amateur radio software defined receiver. I can load the page on Firefox run on XP in a VirtualBox machine, but when loaded on Firefox on my Maverick desktop, I wasn't getting any sound with openjdk, so I installed sun's and set it as the default. When I run 'java -version' from the command line, it reports the following:Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_22-b04)Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 17.1-b03, mixed mode)but on firefox, when loading the above page, it reports 'java version test applet 1.6.0_20' on the page. How do I get sun's version to run? I need to get the sound to work.
I try to install Adobe Flash player plugin 10 in ubuntu software center it shows error like this " Package dependicies cannot be resolved. and also i try install iptux that also not showing the installation option.
I'm having touble with a java web application. It's online learning through SEEK's skillport website and it uses JRE runtime environment to display the content. I have java installed for Ubuntu as per java.com's website instructions, and I can launch my web application, however it only displays the left half of the screen. The other half is just not there. I'm running Ubuntu 10.10, all updates applied. I've also tried installing OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9.2) but the same sypmtoms occur. Skillport's support centre only supports Suse Linux so they couldn't help me. I'm wondering if Java is the problem or maybe a browser issue? I've tried in Firefox as well as Google Chrome for linux - same result. Currently I'm having to boot into Windows so I can do my study. Everything else works fine in Ubuntu.
I thought java was opensourced, yet the Cisco ASDM (which is java based) is completely unuseable when using openjava. When I use the version from java.com, everything works as expected, including the browser plugin.
Much as I enjoy having openjdk available, some things just don't work with it. So for those things, I need to use the sun version of java. I currently have openjdk installed from F11 yum. I'd like to install the sun java rpm and be able to tell the alternatives(8) system to switch between the two as I need to. How to configure alternatives(8) to do that?
Is the OpenJDK web plugin the only option for java web plugins? I uninstalled it to run the Sun JDK Update 18, but now I can't find another web plugin.
see the released of Mozilla Firefox 3.6. However, it seems that Firefox 3.6 does not like current OpenJDK Java plugin installed by Fedora 12. (IT SUPPORTS NOW SEE SOLUTION BELOW) A little google turned out that in this release Firefox dropped the old Open Java Integration mechanism, which is currently being used by OpenJDK Java plugin. [Code] Now I have to manually install the JRE from Sun to get Java plugin in Firefox 3.6.
Is there any plan for OpenJDK to catch up with this change of Java plugin? I hope the Firefox 3.6 shipped with Fedora 13 could have OpenJDK Java plugin support.
Yes, OpenJDK did have plan for the new java plugin. Actually it arrived with IcedTea B17 (Alpha version, of course). However, the new plugin support is only enabled in Fedora 13 build config. Now our task is simple, upgrade the OpenJDK to Fedora 13 build in rawhide, like what we have done to Firefox.
Reboot your Firefox 3.6 and it's done. I have tested with Citrix java client and RuneScape. Citix works fine, but the RuneScape crashed with my Compiz. Switch off Compiz and the RuneScape works fine, too. It is not a big deal for me since I do not play RuneScape. So basically it WORKS.
I have fedora 13 64bit box. I have installed latest Sun JDk. But when I do: java -version I still got OpenJDK version. So I completely removed OpendJDK. But now when I do: java -version I get even older GNU java 1.5 something libgcj. So I completely removed that too but it was asking to remove bunch of dependent apps like OpenOffice Writer etc. Even though I need the writer, I let it go because I do not want ever to see the face of any GNU java on my linux. So everything related to GNU java is removed. Luckily I am able to start Eclipse and it works fine and start normally (apparently using the installed Sun JDK which is what I want). But now when I do java -version I get bash: /usr/bin/java: No such file or directoy
Now what I need to do so that when I open any terminal window and enter java -version I should get Sun JDK version? Sun JDK is installed in /usr/java/jdk1.6.021. I also have symlinks: /usr/java/latest and /usr/java/defaults pointing to sun jdk.
I have installed latest Sun JDk. But when I do: java -version I still got OpenJDK version. So I completely removed OpenJDK. But now when I do:
java -version I get even older GNU java 1.5 something libgcj. So I completely removed that too but it was asking to remove bunch of dependent apps like OpenOffice.org Writer etc. Even though I need the writer, I let it go because I do not want ever to see the face of any GNU java on my linux. So everything related to GNU java is removed. Luckily I am able to start Eclipse and it works fine and start normally (apparently using the installed Sun JDK which is what I want). But now when I run
java -version I get bash: /usr/bin/java: No such file or directory Now what I need to do so that when I open any terminal window and enter java -version I should get Sun JDK version? Sun JDK is installed in /usr/java/jdk1.6.021. I also have symlinks: /usr/java/latest and /usr/java/defaults pointing to sun jdk.
As suggested in the answer, I tried the alternatives command but it did nothing. I type the --display, nothing is shown, and --config does nothing.
The output of dpkg --get-selections | grep java on Karmic Koala is ca-certificates-javainstall java-commoninstall libaccess-bridge-javainstall libaccess-bridge-java-jniinstall sun-java6-bininstall sun-java6-jreinstall tzdata-javainstall
Yet when I go to a site like keepvid.com and enter a valid URL I get: Error: Please click here to download Java. If you already have Java, please restart your browser and try again. It appears you do not have Java installed or it is disabled on your system. You can get Java here. If you are still having difficulty with Java, check here for installing Java, or here for detailed instructions on enabling Java in your browser.
I downloaded Java into my home folder instead of downloading it in my usr folder because it wouldn't let me(even when I was root user). It is present in my home folder with its own directory, but I am unsure how to use it. I downloaded Java to try to play Minecraft, but when I open then .jar file with the directory nothing happens. The actual directory contains the following
folders:bin,javaws,lib,man,plugin,copyright,licens e,a read me file, thirdpartylicensereadme, and a welcome.html file. I don't like running Minecraft with OpenJDK because it lags tremendously and it won't close, and I heard the "real Java" runs it much better.Did I download it incorrectly, if so can you tell me how?
How do I configure Sun Java runtime to be the default. I'm trying to get rxtxSerial working and I think the problem might be that OpenJDK is my default...
Not sure why this isn't working: sudo update-alternatives --config java sudo: update-alternatives: command not found
I tried a lot but I can' t enable java in firefox. I' ve installed java jre 1.6.20, I created symbolic shorcut to .mozilla/plugins directory but it doesn' t work. By the way /plugins directory wasn' esixt and i created it in .mozilla dir. I use opensuse 11.2 and firefox 3.6.3.
AMD 64-bit quad core Scientific Linux 6.0 Firefox 3.6 Firefox is complaining that I need a java plugin. Apparently, it has to be installed manually. I managed to download jre-6u25-linux-x64.bin and saved it on my desktop. Then a ran jre-6u25-linux-x64.bin and it created a directory on my desktop called jre-6.0_25. Within the directory there the following subdirectories: bin, javaws, lib, man, and plugin.
Just did a fresh install of 8.04 on wifes laptop (Inspiron 1521) as it has been a nightmare getting things to work with it's hardware and 8.04 seems to have the least issues. Did the first section of the Comprehensive Multimedia and Video Howto stickied at the top of this forum, then dled minecraft to test things out. Heres the terminal readout