Ubuntu One :: Microsoft / Amazon Cross-license Patent Portfolios?

Feb 23, 2010

The agreement gives Microsoft and Amazon access to each other's patent portfolio and includes a broad range of products and technology, including Amazon's Kindle electronic book reader.How does this affect Ubuntu One and the Ubuntu EC2 dominance? Amazon conspiracy to take down Microsoft? The other way around? Google?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Open Images Of US Patent

Aug 20, 2010

recently i shifted to Ubuntu.I been using US patent and trademark site in windows.but after shifting to Ubuntu I'm unable to view the images as it is asking for additional plug ins required for it.

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Software :: Need Open-source PDF Reader To Read Portfolios

Sep 22, 2010

I have a PDF file that is portfolio. That means that a single PDF file contains many PDF documents (for example my PDF portfolio has 130 PDF documents). When I open this portfolio with the evince program I get this message: For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat 9 or Adobe Reader 9, or later.

I downloaded and installed the Adobe Reader 9 and everything went ok. I could open the portfolio and read all the PDF documents. Now, I am wondering if there is an open-source PDF reader that can read portfolios.

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Ubuntu :: Can't See Amazon's Look Inside

Jun 22, 2010

I am not able to access Amazon's Look Inside - the facility to inspect a few pages of books. (I have never been able to do this.) I have tried both at work (via a direct connection to a high-speed backbone) and at home (via Sky ISP). I can see the cover of the book but nothing beyond that - it says the page has expired or is invalid. But using Firefox on WinXP, I can access Look Inside happily both at home and at work.

Does anyone else have this problem with Ubuntu? Amazon's technical people just sent me a load of flannel blaming my ISP, my software, etc. They say no one else has raised this.

If somebody could try it and let me know, I'd be grateful for the results. Am I missing a plug-in?

Lucid + Firefox 3.6.3 on both sites

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Ubuntu :: MS License Imposed On Me During Last Update?

Dec 4, 2010

I've just ran update manager to be presented with a pop-up window with Microsoft EULA for MS fonts intaller. I do not want to accept it, but the "back" button isn't working and the only other present button is "forward". I really doubt that one or two other PPA's that I have set up are trying to pull this, but I'll leave that option open until I get an answer.

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Ubuntu :: Recover XP License Key Running?

May 24, 2011

I have a hand-me-down laptop (Thinkpad T400, but this is an OS question, not a hardware question) that I plan to hand down once more to my mom, who is very Linux illiterate and wants to run Windows. The Thinkpad came with XP, but the license key has rubbed off. When I received the Thinkpad, it was running Ubuntu only, and I never bothered to investigate re-installing Windows. Basically, I want to recover the license key so I don't have to blow $150 or however much Windows 7 costs these days. Is it possible to recover the Windows XP license key in Linux after Windows has been wiped from the system?

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Ubuntu :: License Key For Sniffer / Belarc?

Jul 19, 2011

Got a laptop I'm working on, the motherboard is fried. So I am archiving the data from the hard drive using a USB to Sata adapter. Is there a program native to Linux that can locate software license keys on an external drive similar to how Belarc Advisor or License Crawler does from Windows? If not, I can slave the drive in a Windows machine, I just normally do data retrieval in linux so I can safely scan the data.

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Ubuntu :: Send An Object To Amazon S3?

Jan 16, 2011

I am looking for a way to send 2 large objects to a bucket I have on Amazon S3.

I am a bit of a noob when it comes to http requests, are there anything out there to make the process simpler?

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Ubuntu :: Set Up 10.10 In Order To Use Amazon Kindle?

Oct 11, 2010

how can i set up my ubuntu 10.10 in order to use amazon kindle?

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Ubuntu :: How To Accept Java License Agreement

Jan 30, 2010

I've been trying to install java, but whenever I get to the license agreement I can't select "Ok" stating I agree to the license.

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Ubuntu :: License - Use For Business After Downloading From The Site?

Jan 7, 2011

I want to know can I use ubuntu for my business after downloading it from the site? I am bit confused after seeing many threads on the internet.

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General :: Amazon Kindle Not Charging In Ubuntu?

May 31, 2011

I have a dual boot with Windows XP and Ubuntu 10.10. I connected my Amazon Kindle to an USB interface in XP and in Ubuntu. From XP everything works with no flaw. In Ubuntu the data exchange is perfect, but the device does not charge.

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Ubuntu :: Amazon Mp3 Downloader On 32bit System?

Feb 16, 2010

i can only get 64bit from amazon's site. I tried running windows version in wine but it failed to work.edit: due to a mislabeled CD, I had errantly installed the 64bit version of Ubuntu and had not known until I was told later in this thread.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Get Amazon Downloader To Work

Sep 15, 2010

using ubuntu 10.04 I have followed the instructions here: [URL] for installing the Amazon downloader. I was able to purchase and download the .amz file from amazon, but my system doesn't know what to do with it. IOWS, if I click on the .amz file from the file browser or from firefox, it is opened as a binary file in gedit. Unfortunately, I can't locate where the downloader executable was installed and don't know how to make a file association.

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Ubuntu :: Wireless Keyboard From Amazon Does Not Work With 10.10?

May 28, 2011

I have been using ubuntu for a while and LOVE everything about it - installed boxee and thought it would be a good idea to buy a wireless remote control so I did form Amazon


This mouse works fine but the keyboard does not function with ubuntu

I have even patched ubuntu 10.10 but it still does not work!!

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Debian :: Amazon.com MP3 Downloader

Feb 10, 2011

One of the few things that keeps me hanging onto my Windows partition is the Amazon.com MP3 Downloader.There's a way to download Debian 5, Ubuntu 9.04, OpenSUSE, and Fedora packages, but they've never worked in Debian-based distro's that I've used in the past (Ubuntu, Mint, Crunchbang).Has anyone found a way around this that I haven't found yet?

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Server :: 14 On Amazon EC2 EBS - Sshd ?

Feb 22, 2011

I've got Fedora 14 running on an EBS volume on Amazon EC2. I've created a few users and enabled port 22. When I set a password for these users, they can successfully ssh into the instance; even if they logout and login again....until:

If I reboot the machine, they can no longer ssh into the machine (permission denied). If I issue the passwd <user> command and change their passwords, they can login again....until I reboot the machine at which time they cannot login again until I change their passwords. The problem exists even from the machine. That is, if root attempts to ssh into using their username/password, the same problem/resolution exists.

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Ubuntu :: Conky Forecast Setup - Partner ID And License Key?

May 25, 2010

I'm trying to setup the conkyforecast.py and I need the Partner ID and the License Key for Xoap. Weather.com has yet to send them to me. How long does it usually take for them to send this information? It has been almost 24 hours since I registered.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Get Past Java License Agreement?

Jun 16, 2010

Ubuntu 10.4 -- I am trying to install Java into my browser following the instruction below. But I am stuck because when I get to the screen with the license agreement I hit enter and nothing happens. So I cannot agree to the license and cannot finish the installation. Can anyone get me out of this bind?sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fontsThe above command will download all the required packages and begins the installation, you�ll get a screen that contains the Sun Operating System Distributor License for Java and hit Enter to continue.You�ll see a dialog that asks you if you agree with the DLJ license terms

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Ubuntu Installation :: Msttcorefonts Errant License Response

Feb 5, 2011

Over the last week or so I ran into a problem that was caused by a mix of justifiable frustration with an Ubuntu distribution upgrade in combination with, well let's just be blunt about it: a dimly lit candle upstairs. Ubuntu decided that it was going to download 50 megabytes of font packages whether I wanted it to or not, so, when I came back to find the license requester waiting for my response, I thought it was referring to those fonts that I told it not to download, but which it downloaded anyway (steam, steam, steam!), so I rejected the license. Instead, it was referring to the MScoreFonts package (which I DID want). Upon discovering what I had done, I found out that, using the Software Center, I could download those packages all I wanted to and they would NEVER install properly because I would never again get re-presented with the option of accepting the license. Instead, I am simply reminded over and over again that I have rejected the license. Apparently, Software Center is a tad unforgiving of stupid mistakes.

The answer, my friends, is not blowing in the wind, but is contained in a readme file that gets left where the fonts would have been installed. To save you a little bit of time, here is what you need to do to get those fonts installed: Open a terminal and enter the following quoted command (without the quotes, of course): "sudo apt-get install --reinstall ttf-mscorefonts-installer" This will present you with a text-based requester to use the arrow keys to highlight the "<ok>" at the bottom and hit return, thus accepting the license. From this point the install should go smoothly. Regarding the frustration mentioned above: I am not Japanese; I don't know any Japanese; and no Japanese is going to be using my systems, so, no, I do NOT need that 50 megabyte Japanese font.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wine Cannot Check Out License File?

Jul 27, 2011

I am trying to run a program under wine which needs to use a license. The program is unable to check out the license file.

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General :: Tux Image With Parachute Under GPL Or CC License?

Apr 14, 2011

Has somebody a Tux image (PNG, GIF or JPEG) with parachute under GPL or CC license, of 180 pixels, yet I can resize other measures?

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General :: Kernel - Make Available The GNU License From The GUI Itself

Jan 13, 2010

I am developing a GUI program, and I use as OS the linux kernel (it is for an embedded device). I am wondering if I have to make available the GNU license from the GUI itself?

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Red Hat :: Check Installed License In RHEL 5.5?

Jul 8, 2010

I'm in charge of a full RHEL inventary for a client and some of their RHEL are licenced but they doesn't know the license key applied to those servers...There exists some way to check the installed (and unlicenced Servers) for RHEL 5.5?

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Ubuntu :: Which Graphics Card Company Has Drivers With Free License

Jul 30, 2010

We are going to buy notebooks for our company and as Nvidia graphic card drivers are proprietary I would like to avoid them and support a graphics card company that offers free open source license for their graphics card drivers. Are there any such companies? ATI?

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Ubuntu :: Parameter To Automatically Accept License Agreements Using Dpkg?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a tar of .deb files that contains all the packages I need to install on a new system. I know that by using


There are several packages, however, that require that I accept a license agreement. I have been unable to find a dpkg parameter that will make it automatically respond "yes" when it needs to. I know there is an apt-get parameter like this, and my understanding is that apt-get invokes dpkg, so I have to assume there is one for dpkg.

I've been through the man page (maybe I missed it) and searched around, but all the answers I find are for apt-get.

Is there a parameter for dpkg that will allow me to automatically accept license agreements?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Using The Amazon MP3 Downloader On 11.2?

Dec 1, 2009

has anyone been successful in using the Amazon MP3 downloader on 11.2? It does no longer work because it wants specific (old) versions of libboost*:

[krienke@bliss:~/tmp] 1001 > /usr/bin/amazonmp3
/usr/bin/amazonmp3: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_filesystem.so.1.36.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[krienke@bliss:~/tmp] 1002 > locate libboost_filesystem

I notified Amazon about this, and they said they do not know if or when there will be a running version of the MP3 downloader available and without it there is no way to download any MP3 from Amazon. They gave me back my money and recommended to buy elsewhere....

Does anyone know if installing the old version of libboost (from 11.1) will work? What else, aside from amazons downloader, does use libboost*? So what app might fail if I install the old version of libboost suitable for the downloader?

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General :: Download Amazon Mp3 To Fedora?

Nov 29, 2010

I have read some of the previous posts on banshee,etc but i am not smart enough to understand it. I downloaded the amazon mp3 downloader and tried to install it and it said "Failed to install file. Unknown error. Please refer to the detailed report and report in your distribution bugtracker. More details - could not do simulate: 1:amazonmp3-1.0.9-1.i686 requires libboost_iostreams.so.4

1:amazonmp3-1.0.9-1.i686 requires libcrypto.so.8
1:amazonmp3-1.0.9-1.i686 requires libboost_regex.so.4
1:amazonmp3-1.0.9-1.i686 requires libboost_system.so.4
1:amazonmp3-1.0.9-1.i686 requires libboost_filesystem.so.4
1:amazonmp3-1.0.9-1.i686 requires libboost_thread-mt.so.4
1:amazonmp3-1.0.9-1.i686 requires libboost_date_time.so.4
1:amazonmp3-1.0.9-1.i686 requires libboost_signals.so.4

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Server :: Signing Up To The Amazon EC2 Service With EBS?

Jan 9, 2011

I am interested in signing up to the Amazon EC2 service with EBS. I have never used a unmanaged vps before, but I know how to use the command line etc. There are some basic packs on there to use, with basic LAMP stacks. But I would like to ask about how do I:

Upgrade a lamp stack? - someone mentioned yum, but what is this? how easy is it to use? is it enough? secure the lamp stack? - assuming I have no idea of linux security, can you give me a list or something of things I need to consider so I can begin the search (or just cover the steps would be awesome!) My website just uses php and mysql, so thats all i'll need. If you have any other tips on this,

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Ubuntu :: Amazon Music Store Doesn't Show In Banshee 1.7.3?

Jul 27, 2010

I installed Banshee and upgraded it but I don't see the Amazon Music Store.

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