Ubuntu Networking :: Rt2860 (rt3562sta.ko) Driver Spams Dmesg Constantly?

Mar 8, 2011

In order to get my Wireless card working Add-on: [URL]..The wlan card is working fine except I have a huge amount of logging info in dmesg/syslog


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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Use The Ralink RT2860 Driver 11.2 - (error: Invalid Driver Rt2860.inf)?

Feb 2, 2010

I had a problem with using ndiswrapper to install Windows driver on Netgear WN511TA wireless adapter card. Problem solved by replacing Netgear WN511TA with Airlink101 AWLC6080 PCMCIA wireless adapter to work in my triple-boot XP Pro/Ubuntu Karmic/openSUSE 11.2 Toshiba laptop and using the latest Linux driver version dated January 29, 2010 from Ralinktech site. I followed driver instruction in a Ubuntuforums tutorial (Howto: Ralink RT2860(m) PCI(e) RT2860...on Intrepid).

I am wondering if I can use the same Linux driver (RT2860sta) for openSUSE 11.2 on my triple-boot XP Pro/Karmic/openSUSE laptop, ie. copying over instead of building and compiling driver from source again, because I don't quite understand the build instruction given in the README file of Ralink's Linux driver file. Specifically, I don't know how to "define the GCC and LD (?) of the target machine, and define the compiler flags CFLAGS(?), modify your need (?)", etc. I already have gcc, cpp and make installed on the Ubuntu and openSUSE parts of my machine. I did try ndiswrapper in openSUSE but it doesn't work for the Windows version of the latest Ralink driver (error: invalid driver rt2860.inf).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Installing RT2860 Driver?

Jul 2, 2011

I've been snooping around on the forums for a couple of hours now looking for a straightforward guide to installing custom wireless drivers. I have a new Airlink101 AWLH6075 wireless card (and no ethernet connectivity.) The Linux drivers are the RT2860 Ralink drivers in a .tar, which I have on a different computer.

So -- I'm on Server (command-line only), 64-bit, no working internet. Btw, the wifi card works fine on my alternate boot of Windows. wlan0 (wlan1?) is not detected during installation.

So, I know I need to:
1. mount the usb drive I'm storing the file(s) on
2. put those files in my local Linux directory
3. somehow install them
4. (disable my old ethernet connection?)
5. enable my new wlan0 and set up dhcp and the WEP login.


I would greatly appreciate any help I can get with any of these things. I don't even know how to mount a USB stick in command-line... but obviously the internet connectivity (and thus driver installation) is the major issue here and I can find out most of the other stuff on my own.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: RT3562STA Driver Not Working With Suse 11.3?

Nov 6, 2010

I have a Rosewill RNX-N150pc wireless card that's been working great with Suse 11.2. But with 11.3, it's able to scan for my wireless network, and I see RX/TX packets moving, but DHCP isn't able to get an address. I've tried the 2010_0115_RT3562_RT3062_Linux_STA_V2.3.0.0 and 010_07_16_RT3062_Linux_STA_v2.4.0.0 drivers from the Rosewill site, and the rt3562sta-kmp-desktop- package from Suse, all with the same result. I've even tried forcing an IP address on the interface with 'ifconfig', so my current guess is that the WPA-PSK security isn't working.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Constantly On And Off Eee Pc Ath5k Driver?

May 23, 2010

Cannot get wireless to work. Hostapd.conf had nothing inserted in it so I put the following in which I found [URL]..So it connected right away and then disconnected after opening one of my tabs. I went back into hostapd.conf and it had erased all the info I put in there. Is there a way to keep it from deleting this info every time. Because it worked great for a brief second. Otherwise it just keeps going on, then going off. It stays off most of the time though. Right now this is what my iwconfig reads:


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General :: DMESG Does Not Display The Kernel Driver Function PRINTK Message

Apr 7, 2010

Kernel driver function was called via ioctl and returned success, but when I checked the kernel display buffer with dmesg the printk message was not there. Then when you do lsmod, the driver you were calling showed "used by zero". So it seems like the kernel driver was not accessed. In the kernel driver, I had many printk statements, but nothing printed in the buffer. if the driver get accessed and what could cause this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Find Wireless N Networks With RT2860

Feb 1, 2011

I went out and purchased a Sabrent PCI wireless 802.11n card with the RT2860 chipset because it was on the ubunutu compatibility list and has linux driver available from the manufacturer. I was impressed that the card worked in wireless G mode out of the box, which is a great start....

However, I can't find any wireless N networks. Dual booting I can find/use my N network, but in ubuntu I can only find my G network. This is somewhat frustrating because I bought this card and a new (read: expensive) Linksys E3000 router specifically to run a nice new N network...

I have downloaded, made, and installed (reboot) the latest driver from the manufacturer, but it still won't find any N networks. I found a few posts by searching here and google that alluded to changing this line: "HT_OpMode=1" (from 0 to 1) in the config file RT2860STA.dat located in /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA/ and a reboot. It didn't work for me.

Frankly all this rebooting is starting to **** me off ... I have spent most of last night trying to setup my 180$ wireless network and its still no better than the freebie DDWRT54g based wifi it replaced. I am frustrated, perhaps someone wiser in the ways of ubuntu and wireless N can shed some light on the situation....

I forgot to mention I am on Karmic Kola, amd64 with the standard gnome.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Asus Pce-n13, RaLink/RT2860 Not Active?

Feb 5, 2011

Just built a new computer and I think I somehow need to activate my wireless card to get it working.The hardware seems to show up. I get "Wireless Networks" in my network manager but it is grayed out and says disconnected. I think it is an easy fix I just cannot find it.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Rt2860 Kismet Power Always Says 0 How To Load Module?

Jun 26, 2010

I have a WS- something or other by gigabyte, it has the "ralink rt2860" chipset according to lspci.

It works well the only problem is in kismet or airodump-ng the power always shows as 0.

In the kismet.conf i had to set the source to rt2500, it does not seem to like rt2860 or rt2x00.

In airodump-ng it always says "chipset: ralink 2560pci" and "driver:rt2500"

Is there any way i can use the rt2x00 drivers, would they allow for more things ?

Whats funny is that network manager can see the signal strenght of all the sources.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ralink RT2860 Card Will Not Connect To WPA2 In Lucid

May 8, 2010

After installing Lucid, I noticed that my Ralink RT2860 card would not connect to my home network using WPA2 despite the network being visible and of good strength. So I followed the guide at [url] in order to install the newest Ralink drivers.

After installation, same issue. That is, the card will connect to my a/b/g/n network if I leave it unprotected, but it will not connect to the same network if switch it to WPA2. After being given the passphrase, the wireless icon on the indicator applet shows that it is trying to connect, but after awhile it fails. Does anyone know why the built-in driver and also the official Ralink driver are no good for WPA2 in Ubuntu 10.4 for my RT2860 card?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Rt2860 / Rt2860sta No Longer Works After Upgrade To Natty?

May 16, 2011

I recently upgraded my Zepto laptop to Natty (11.04), and unfortunately the wifi no longer worked. I have a WPA net, and the combination with a Ralink chip seems unfortunate - judging from the number of internet posts.After browsing loads of threads on the 'net I think I have found a solution for 11.04 - it will work out of the box in 11.10 !

1) Add "blacklist rt2800pci" to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

I think this makes the wifi stuff work as I can then do "iwlist wlan0 scan" and get reasonable output. But there is no integration with the Network Manager. So I have also done this (again, with inspiration from a few threads):

2) Edit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf - change the "managed=false" under "[ifupdown]" to "managed=true".

You may have to do a "service network-manager restart", restart or similar to get it going.It also seems I can suspend and get a wifi net connection upon wakeup.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless DL Very Slow - Ralink RT2860/Realtek RTL8111

Jun 30, 2011

My wireless download rate is absurdly low (0.3 mbps) compared to a faster upload rate (1.5 mbps). My girlfriend's laptop running windows gets much higher download rate (20+ mbps).

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Fedora Networking :: RT2860 Does Not Connect To WPA / WPA2 Network (F13)

May 30, 2010

I have a problem with my RT2860 in my Eee PC 901 running F13. It connected fine in F12 when I installed the akmod-rt2860 driver. I enter my WPA key, then it tries to connect, but the WPA key screen appears again saying that I may have typed in my WPA key incorrectly. However, I checked and it is the right WPA key.

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Security :: Server Is Sending Spams

Jun 29, 2010

Currently I'm having a problem with a box which keep sending spams all over the world. yesterday we upgraded some drupal modules (which can send email), and the spam quantity reduced. But still some spams keep on going out from our server. Some of them even have attachment.

Some of them sent using accounts that never exist at our server (e.g. strager@mydomain.com), and some of them are from 'nobody'. what to check, or where to look. I've check the MX-Records and there was no strange forwarders. Really stuck here...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Rt2860 Fails To Resume After Suspend (11.04, Natty Narwhal)

May 6, 2011

I've been happily using this lappie with LTS but wanted to try out 11.04. It looks great but wireless has been an issue:

1. No wireless during install
2. Had to manually blacklist the rt2860pci etc modules
3. Wireless still not resuming after suspend

05:00.0 Network controller: Ralink corp. RT2860
Subsystem: Ralink corp. Device 2790
Physical Slot: 0-2
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 18


The latter manual mod improved things slightly but still no cigar

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wg111v3 Constantly Droping Out (9.04,9.10,10.04)?

Apr 15, 2010

I am running 10.04 beta right now, on a hp a6740in , I have wireless usb adapter WG111v3 with me for connecting to my home network , It works perfect in windows but i am trying to get working it with Ubuntu since the past year. In 10.04 beta , It MAY connects for sometime and then drops out,trying to connect again and again, asking me to review the password each time.

I have also filed a bug about the same some 6-7 months month ago, but the ubuntu community seems busy with many other things. So i decided finally posting on the forum again , hoping to get a working solution this time(previous was when jaunty launched) This is the only thing that keeps me away from using ubuntu for my general day work, I have already searched through ubuntu forums but always end up with ndiswrapper thing which doesnt works.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Constantly Drops Out?

Sep 15, 2010

I have been running Ubuntu for 2 years and have not had a problem like this. Randomly one day my wireless dropped out. I can see other networks on my laptop, but they are all locked so i cant test and see if i can connect to them so i went to my friends house and was connect fine for over an hour.

Also my PS3 and my windows box connect to my router and internet just fine.

I then assumed that this was a hardware issue then with my wireless card on my laptop. So i called up lenovo and they sent me a new wireless card. I installed it and still had the same problem.

Lenovo t400
Intel 5300 Wireless
Ubuntu 10.4

I realixe i am not giving to much information, let me know what you need and i will provide it.

I tried buying a new router now and it worked great!!!..... for an hour. Now it is doing the same thing.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Constantly Disconnects?

Oct 4, 2010

I'm using an Acer Aspire One d250 running Netubuntu 10.04. The wireless connection to my router fails at random intervals and spends most of it's time trying to reconnect. It will occasionally ask me to input the password to the network, which is already entered in the dialog box, and clicking "connect" doesn't seem to make any difference. Also, when it is disconnected from the network, none of the other computers in the house, wired or wireless, are having any problems. If there is any more information I could provide,

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Timeouts Constantly Since 9.10 / Stop It To Do So?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm using the linksys wmp300n with ndiswrapper to connect to a belkin wireless router with a static ip ( The rest of the PCs in the house have .2, .4, and .5 only running windows XP and 7. This one won't stay connected during large file transfers within the network or over the internet in Ubuntu. I made a script to restart ndiswrapper but I have to do it every 2 or 3 min during a file transfer. I can't play online games at all. No ssh sessions for more than a few min... so on and so forth. None of these issues happen in Windows 7 but when it was first installed it had to do something with dhcp before it would stay connected. Windows wouldn't tell me what was going on though. code...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Download Speeds Drop Constantly

Mar 12, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 on a Dell inspiron 1520 with intel 3945abg wireless card. I am fairly new to linux and just installed it earlier in the day. Everything so far has been easy to setup and get running as well as the networking or so i though...

I can connect to my network and browse we pages just fine. However, when I download a file the speed starts high, drops down to around 50kbps and then works its way back up to around 1.3 mbps before dropping right back down. I tested a file on megaupload and it seems to bounce between 50kbps and 1.5mbps nonstop.

The driver i believe is the iwl3945 if that is the default driver. I have tried disabling ipv6 and that didnt seem to change anything. I've looked around on google and the forums and havent been able to find anything on how to fix this.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Light Constantly Blinking / Stop It?

Jul 30, 2010

I am new to Ubuntu and am confused on how to fix my flashing wireless light issue. After browsing Google people are recommending that I make a script and put it into a folder, but when I try to put the file in there I get an error of "Error moving file: Permission denied".

Code in script...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Router And The Modem Recognize Each Other But The Connection Drops Constantly

Sep 30, 2010

I'm running Lucid xubuntu. i have a netgear WG111v3 usb wireless card. The router and the modem recognize each other,. but the connection drops constantly.Other times it takes many tries to connect. There are 3 windows and one Xbox users in my house, all on the same router. When I spoke with 2 different people at Radio Shack, I was told that the software on the router is Windows based, so the Windows modems get top priority over Linux, hence the dropped signals. I was advised I could do One of three things:

1. Buy another router, one that specifically recognizes every operating system. That way, we all get equal bandwith.
2. Buy an antennae that boosts the signal.
3. Buy a booster for the signal that one cable end plugs into the router,then the device into a power outlet; the other in any power outlet, and then hardwire that to my ethernet card in my computer, so the signal stays constant. This is the output from the terminal:


Based on this information, what would be my best option. I can't run line all the way across the house to my computer; that would take 50-75 feet after winding it's way through the house. I don't use the ethernet card although it's still in the machine. Could it interfere with the signal?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Dell Studio XPS 435 MT - "network" Doesn't Appear Anywhere In The Dmesg Output

Jun 9, 2009

I just installed CentOS 5.2 on a Dell Studio XPS 435 MT, which is a fairly new machine (Intel Core i7) and I'm having trouble getting networking working. The word "network" doesn't appear anywhere in the dmesg output, so I can't even tell what hardware my machine has, or what drivers are missing. How do I tackle this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Light Constantly Blinking On Compaq Presario CQ60 Laptop

May 13, 2010

I have a Compaq Presario CQ60 laptop and have one of those wireless light indicators. For me the light glows orange when the wireless is OFF and blue when the wireless is ON. In Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) the light was always orange, even if the Wireless was on, but my wireless worked right out of the box so I was grateful for that, but since upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) I've noticed that my wireless light alternates between orange and blue frequently and sometimes flashes madly when wireless activity is occurring.

I was wondering if there is a fix for this as it can get quite annoying, the light sometimes stays blue for a while but will ultimately keep going back to orange and vice-versa, my friend who also has a Compaq Presario CQ61 (Revised model of mine) has his wireless light constantly blinking orange and blue no matter what.The wireless itself works fine, I can connect to any wireless connection and use it without having to install anything else, so it does work out of the box, which again, I'm grateful for.The wireless adapter is a Atheros AR5001 Wireless network adapter. Do I need to install additional packages or drivers to get the wireless adapter to work properly?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Lucid RC - Wifi Connectivity Dies After A Minute - Activity Light Flashes Constantly

Apr 28, 2010

I posted this on Launchpad under bug# 569445 and though I'm certain someone in our heroic development community will have a look at it eventually, maybe someone can help me here in the meantime, or at least provide some background info. Maybe a little reassurance that Ubuntu isn't broken for my Wifi is all I need.


Binary package hint: wireless-crda I do hope I've picked the right package for this. Investigators, feel free to email me with whatever bash commands you need me to find out more about the hardware. The problem is that wireless in Lucid is dying for me after about a minute or so, and the activity light on my netbook just flashes. The wireless monitor at the top of the screen still thinks it's connected. It's like it's out of sync or something.

This doesn't happen under Win7 on this hardware, nor does it happen to other devices in my house on the network. Also, I wasn't having this problem under Lucid Beta 1 I have an Acer Aspire (Olympic Variant) 1410 Win7 reports the adapter as Intel WiFi Link 1000 BGN The wireless router I'm using is a DLink DIR-628. The connection is OPEN.

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Slackware :: Can't Use Wireless In 13.1 - Chipset: Rt2860

May 13, 2010

I can't use my wireless card in slack 13.1 (slack64-current). Looking at the dmesg output I saw that the firmware was missing, so I download it from ralink website.After this I was able to up it with ifconfig. I also was able to see my network with wicd, but after connection I can only transfer very few packets and network becomes unresponsive, no traffic.In slack64 13.0 this same card works fine. I don't even need to install a firmware. how I can make this work in slackware64-current?

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Debian Hardware :: Rt2860 Does Not Work After Update?

Sep 4, 2010

I use a Ralink rt2860 wireless PCI-Card Debian Squeeze. It worked properly til the last update, since that I can not use any commands with iwpriv: biaaas:/home/biaaas# iwpriv wlan0 driverV wlan0 no private ioctls.

I reinstalled the firmware package und unloaded/loaded the rt2860sta module, but that didn't help. Also the settings in /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA are ignored. The card somehow works I can see neigboring WLan-networks (all at 2.4GHz), but I use 5GHz because there are too much networks around.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: RaLink RT2860 Not Working Out Of The Box In 11.3

Aug 10, 2010

Desktop PC with Trendnet TEW-642 PCI wireless N adapter (Ralink 2860 STA driver). Running openSUSE 11.3 X8_64 with KDE 4.4.4. Software Management and KNetwork Manager both identified rt2860STA as installed. However, KNetwork Manager's authentication window keeps popping up every few seconds and I cannot get wireless.

1) uname -r:



2) /sbin/lspci -nnk:


03:06.0 Network controller [0280]: RaLink RT2800 802.11n PCI [1814:0601]
Subsystem: RaLink Device [1814:2860]
Kernel driver in use: rt2860

3) dmesg:


[ 6.270671] rt2860sta: module is from the staging directory, the quality is unknown, you have been warned.
[ 6.275290] alloc irq_desc for 21 on node 0
[ 6.275294] alloc kstat_irqs on node 0


I have downloaded and extracted the latest rt2860.bin file from the Ralinktech website to Desktop but even as root I cannot copy it to /lib/firmware or replace the existing rt2860.bin file in /lib/firmware.

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Debian Hardware :: Sid Kernel 2.6.37 Rt2860 Wireless Not Working?

Feb 20, 2011

ubuntu --> debian --> ubuntu --> debian --> fedora --> ubuntu netbook remix --> kubuntu --> lubuntu --> arch --> debian testing --> ubuntu --> debian testing (with different GUI LXDE, GNOME, KDE, ENLIGHTENMENT) --> Linux Mint LMDE --> PCLINUXOS --> ubuntu (different GUI's again) --> Debian testing --> Debian Sid with APT pinning.

I still consider myself a linux newbie so if there is anything that seems misleading or incorrect please let me know.

Some history: Normally my wireless worked out of the box with ubuntu (2.6.35) with minor hiccups and few disconnect issues.
In debian testing (2.6.32) all i needed to do was install the firmware-ralink_0.27_all.deb package and it would work properly.Today I noticed that there was a kernel upgrade from 2.6.32-5 to 2.6.37-1 available in Sid. I upgraded the kernel everything works properly but my wireless would not connect. I use gnome with network manager. Network manager would list all available wireless networks but not be able to connect with wpa/wpa2 security. I noticed that network manager was using the rt2800 driver which does not work properly with my wireless card. It also seems that kernel 2.6.37 removed the rt2860sta driver reference from its "source".

When i was using Ubuntu Maverick with kernel 2.6.35 i noticed that network manager would use the rt2800 driver. Normally I would be able to connect but every so often or after the computer would "sleep" I would not be able to reconnect to a wireless network without rebooting. I found this post on the Ubuntu forums that describes how to compile the driver from source and problem solved: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1476007 I will for the most part, copy the steps that Sven6210 describes and modify for the debian kernel 2.6.37-1

Things needed before proceeding :

1.Gedit text editor program or alternative

2.Have gcc (The GNU C compiler) installed

3.These steps assume the system is configured with sudo, please make appropriate modifications tailored to your system.

4.Be not afraid of the command line.


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Debian Hardware :: RT2860 Wireless Card Not Working

Jun 1, 2011

I just installed Debian after I became fed up with Ubuntu. I'm trying to get my wireless card to work so I can move my computer back to it's proper place. Right now I have to put it right next to the router so the Ethernet cable can reach. Anyways, I've had trouble with this card before, so I did a quick google search. I found this: [URL]. I followed the instructions, and the thing at the top of the panel shows a list of wireless networks. When I try to connect to mine, it asks me for authentication. When I give it authentication, it idles for a while before asking me again.

Here's some system information:
uname -a
Linux max-pc 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Wed May 18 23:13:22 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux
lsmod | grep rt2860sta
rt2860sta 454573 1
crc_ccitt 1323 1 rt2860sta .....

From what I recall, when I used Ubuntu it was called ra0. Could this have something to do with it?

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