Networking :: Use FTP Script Using While Loop?

Dec 1, 2010

how to use FTP script using while loop.

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General :: For Loop Or While Loop To Read The Fields Of A File?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a mytext file with month and year as two separate fields. likemytext fil

08 2010
09 2010
10 2010

I want to read the values of each field i.e., month and year into an awk script.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Out Of The Loop Wifi?

Aug 4, 2011

i know this is probably listed somewhere, but after several hours looking around, noone has this same issue.long story short, my girlfriends gateway laptop (bleh) had a hdd fail and crashed. best buy said shed have to wait ANOTHER week, after she had already been out a comp for 2 weeks, to get the factory install windows 7 disc. so she asked me to put ubuntu on it. finished it yesterday, updated etc. heres the issue.its a gateway nv55c w/ built in wifi card ( not sure on type) attempting to connect to a wrt54g linksys wifi router. it tries to connect, takes 3 mins then says disconnected.

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Ubuntu Networking :: NFS Mounting With Fstab > Loop On Shutdown

May 20, 2010

I have this configuration on my Ubuntu server:

1. Physical HDD1, mounted in /media/MYDATA
2. Physical HDD2, mounted in /media/MYDATA/MYMOVIES

This works, and has all my information. Unfortunately I can not use CIFS to get my data, because of a bug with wireless connection and umounting at shutdown. Until yesterday, I have no problem at all, mounting my NFS unit automatically in /media/MYDATA perfectly. But, when I go to /media/MYDATA/MYMOVIES in my laptops, filesystem is empty. I've included /media/MYMOVIES in the exports file (server) and in the fstab (client) worked!!

But...system does not shutdown at all. If I manually try to umount /media/MYDATA the message received is "resource busy". :/ so...I guess this is the problem. If I manually umount /media/MYDATA/MYMOVIES first, laptop shutdown perfectly.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba & SSH Endless Password Loop

Jun 15, 2010

Prior to Karmic I had samba working well. Karmic upgrade broke samba with an endless password loop when trying to connect to a samba server. I have not been able to get it working since, including after upgrade to Lucid. I've now encountered a similar problem attempting to login into an SSH server. Laptop to desktop, (Karmic to Lucid),ssh ok, reverse no joy. (sshd running on both).

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Samba Password Infinate Loop From Windows

Nov 12, 2009

I have just started a job as an IT tech, and have inherited a linux server running CEntOS 5.3 -- I have some experiance with linux, but am a little at sea. I'm using Webmin 1.490.The main use of the server is to samba share file space to windows clients, running XP.Everyone can happily connect to their home share, however the other shares have problems. One of the shares "staff" fails intermittently (to some staff members) and some of the other shares fail always.

The failure is that when a user tries to connect to the share, it pops up a username and password dialog (even if they just successfully viewed their home dir) then on entering correct details and clicking ok, the box refreshes with <domain><user name> (where braced values are replaced by literal values). If a user is connecting from outside via vpn (hosted though a different department's server) the domain is replaced by their computer name.If the password is re-entered, the same happens, in an infinite loop, and no access is ever given.When I say the staff share is intermittent, there likely is some pattern, but I haven't been able to work it out yet -- I think it may have something to do with how recently the account was set up, or physical location.

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Fedora :: Bash: While Loop Will Not End

Jan 9, 2010

This gives a selection menu where you choose an option, and it should continue. I have several of these as part of a much larger script, but something is wrong with this while loop.

if [ $VARIABLEINPUT == "1" ] ; then
echo -e "${YELLOW}How often would you like the automatic update and maintenance to occur after the installation?:
${RED}1)${WHITE} Hourly
${RED}2)${WHITE} Daily
${RED}3)${WHITE} Weekly
${RED}4)${WHITE} Monthly

A very simple loop that uses a variable from earlier in the script to adjust variables for later in the script. For some reason, this while loop will not end - I've noted where with echos.

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Ubuntu :: Get A Program To Loop?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a script that changes my background to a real-time satellite shot of the earth.

Heres the script code...

For some reason, it will not repeat after the set 300 seconds (5 minutes).
How do I get it to loop properly?

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Ubuntu :: GDM Flickers In A Loop?

Aug 9, 2010

I have received the ZaReason Teo netbook I have bought, all specs are here:I have had it for 3 days now and haven't really played around with it very much: I have installed a few apps (skype, synergy, dropbox, texlive) and I've been basically getting acquainted, and I'm generally satisfied. A couple of hours ago I came back from the office, turned on the computer again and.. gnome started to flicker in an impossible loop! In one second, it will go completely white, then I'll see the purple Ubuntu background, then the application bar on the top and then white again. I see for a tenth of a second two suspicious arrows in the top left corner.

I have taken pics and made a sequence of the loop to help you guys understand:this happens immediately after login. when it loads, as in when you get "Ubuntu" and the 5 bullet points below, it doesn't flicker.While the screen loops in the sequence, i can open a terminal (using Gnome DO) and do stuff. I have tried to stop GDM, using "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"What I then get is a command line interface where I can type something, but if I press ENTER nothing happens, it just goes to the next line. To restart the thing I need to press the power button off and on again. Here's the image of where I get. When I restart, it starts to loop again. I don't know what to do. While it loops I can enter commands in a terminal (thanks Gnome DO). I removed synergy but it didn't help either. As per now, it's really difficult and slow to interact with the machine, this really make it useless for anything I'd like to do with it.

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Ubuntu :: Loop On Login - 10.04.1 LTS

Sep 23, 2010

I am using Kubuntu. When I came back from the States -- where I stay for long while -- I had to update the system to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. So I did.

I have now a loop problem for the login process.

On a terminal I can read such a message about BASH :

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Ubuntu :: Loop A Script Until Hit The Esc Key?

Mar 7, 2011

So I was wondering is it possible to loop a script until i hit the Esc key? I have seen the do or while true thing. here is the script

sleep 5 &&


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General :: Cd Error From For Loop?

Nov 10, 2010

./ line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `cd'
./ line 3: `cd $f'


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Security :: Bash: Can't Su Within While Loop

Jul 18, 2010

I have a while loop in a file that looks like:


while IFS=":" read name script


Where I redirect the file into the loop, for some reason, I can't do an su when I redirect a file like that. I get the error, "su: must be run from a terminal." Why is this? How can I fix it?

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Software :: Scp Is Looping Without Being In A Loop?

Jun 18, 2010

I'm trying to execute some fairly simple code to transfer some files from one server to another.

$ cat
cd /cygdrive/g/directory/usr


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Programming :: Broken Do While Loop?

Feb 9, 2011

i can not figure out why my program does not terminate if i type n when i read loop unless it is the last if statement in my program ?

while [ "$loop" = y ] ; do
echo "what does baket mean: " ; read word
if [ "$word" = why ]


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Programming :: C++ Loop Windows ?

Oct 3, 2010

Here is my code


I just cant seem to understand loops. i havent put the loop in yet but what i would like is the user only to have 3 tries at guessing number then exit if wrong or it says "correct if right" tbh i dont even know if the above code is correct. i have tried several ways and position of the loops but each time is comes out wrong

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Programming :: Variable Is Gone At The End Of While Loop?

Mar 25, 2011

I have a directory file capturing script, the variable is fine with in the loop but gone after the loop is done:



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CentOS 5 :: No Permission To Look At /dev/loop#

May 18, 2009

I am renting a openvz hyperVM VPS

I have root access

when I run

mount -o loop image.iso /mnt/cd

mount: no permission to look at /dev/loop#

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General :: Syntax Error In If Loop?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a requirement to check the following conditions..If my folders are not A and B then list files in the directory else no listing the filesso my if loop is some thing like this.

if [ $dirName = "C" && $dirName != "A" && != "B" ] then
ls -la


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Ubuntu :: What Is Loop For In Command Line?

Aug 23, 2010

what does desktop manager do? What does $ do? what is loop for in command line? What is the best way to switch user? Using command line?

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Ubuntu :: Stuck In Loop After Upgrade

Sep 19, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.04 Netbook Remix.When I boot, it gets past the splash screen and to the desktop. Before it can load anything, it acts as if it is looping. The wallpaper loads, the screen blinks white and then it loads the wallpaper again... then a white screen, then the wallpaper.I've tried to bring up the terminal and can't do that. I've also rebooted in recovery mode which didn't help.I'm at a loss. I'm on a windoze machine now since I can't get on my netbook.

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Ubuntu :: Make A Loop With Xmacro?

Nov 24, 2010

i need to repeat a sequence of buttons in an infinite loop. I can't find the command to do that on xmacro.

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Ubuntu :: Stuck In A Log-in Screen Loop?

Dec 26, 2010

Not sure exactly how to describe it. I'll try to get a video for reference. The log-in screen comes up, I type in my password, hit enter, and the screen goes black and the log-in screen comes back up. I'm currently using a BackTrack installation (it sucks) and I'd like to go back to an OS that connects to the internet automatically, instead of me having to redo everything from a terminal upon startup

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Ubuntu :: Lost Variable Value Out Of Loop?

Jan 27, 2011

I really don't get this!! I must be doing something really foolish but i can't figure out what it is.



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Programming :: Variable Name Change In A Loop?

Apr 24, 2010

I am about to move my scripts to the next generation level, so I need some help I am stuck in varying my variable names in a loop. For example:

for user in ben dorothy mike pat
[ -r /home/$user ] && let "$user"check=1 || let "$user"check=0


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General :: Bash For Loop Not Working?

Apr 21, 2010

I have bash 4.0. I used the following for loop example, but all it outputs is "{1..10} instead of the actual numbers one through ten. why?

for a in {1..10}
echo -n "$a "

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General :: Using 'find' And 'grep' In A For Loop?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a server hosting 100+ websites. I need to quickly identify which websites are configured with a database. There are way too many to manually check every website for a PHP file with a database name. So, I created a list of all databases from MySQL and put them in a text file. I then exported the text file to a shell variable and used it in a for loop.

bash variable

DBLIST=`cat dblist.txt`
Example of $DBLIST

db1 db_testing2 database_clientname production words4cheap
for loop

for db in $DBLIST; do find . -type "f" -iname "*.php" -exec grep -i $db '{}' ; -print; done
Note: my find statement starts searching at . which is the directory that contains all of my websites and their data, each website is setup in a sub directory, identified by it's domain name.

Example: I'm in /var/www. Beneath /var/www are a list of directories:


However, this is taking too long (it's been running most of the day) and I was wondering if there wasn't an easier way to accomplish what I'm trying to achieve?

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General :: Cannot Add Fractions In Loop Using Bc In A Script?

Feb 11, 2010

i have tried a lot to add floating values in while loop using bc, but no sucess!!!

script is :
read a1
read a11


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General :: Shell Programming Using While Loop

Jun 28, 2010

I am trying to do some shell programs. I tried some sites regarding the while loop, they give the structure as:
while [ n1 -lt 500 ]
echo $((n1+100))

But the below code also worked for me:
while ((n1 > 500))
echo $((n1+100))
By using (( )) I could use while, for. But the documentations didnt follow this way. I mainly use this for datastructure programming.

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General :: Loop Detected When Resolving The Name From Dns?

Apr 26, 2010

The problem of loop detected when resolving the name from dns.Why the problem of loop detected comes when name is resolving from dns.

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