Ubuntu Networking :: Make Connect Vpn Without Password?

Jul 19, 2011

I want to make a vpn connection with no password but I can't.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 - When Connect Internet Via Wifi - Input Password - Make My Computer Slow To Halt

Jun 28, 2011

My Netbook is ASUS EeePc HA900, I already use Ubuntu 10.04 is ok, nothing problems, then I upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10, it is still Ok. But when I upgrade to ubuntu 11.04, it have problems with Wifi, when I connect Internet via Wifi, just input the Password, it make my computer slow to halt, and have to turn the power off to shutdown the computer.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can See Router But Will Not Connect Keeps Asking For Password

Nov 20, 2010

new to ubuntu and having difficultly connecting to my wireless router.It can see the router but will not connect keeps asking for password.usb adapter is working 100% as i can connect with it using xp 64bit.

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Ubuntu Networking :: ASUS PCE-N13 Won't Connect - Keeps Asking For Password

Jun 16, 2011

I've been debugging for a few days and can't get this to work.

I've tried all of the following suggestions:


Some possibly relevant command line output:

$ sudo ifconfig
eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr bc:ae:c5:68:8b:a2
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::beae:c5ff:fe68:8ba2/64 Scope:Link


(I'm connected to an ethernet port which connects to my laptop which grabs the wireless, currently.)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To WIFI With Correct Password?

Mar 29, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 on my eee pc 901, as mentioned above, I been trying to connect to my home WIFI(WPA enable) yet it keep asking for password,

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To A Windows Share Without A Password?

May 22, 2010

I'm wondering if I can get an answer to this oneI'm pretty new to Ubuntu, been using it off and on for a few months now. Right now I'm using Lucid and I have no problem connecting to the other PC's in my house that run Windows 7, however when I try to access them it asks for a password. I disabled the password on the Windows PC, so is it possible to get into them without a pass? If so, how

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.4 - Password Entered But Cannot Connect To Wireless

Oct 31, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.4 Netbook Remix on a Dell Mini Netbook 9 (I think that's what it is.) I used to be able to connect to my wireless internet fine, but then my brother put a password on it. So there's a little box that comes up and tells me to enter a password now. I do, and it tries to load for a minute and then wants me to enter my password again. It just keeps going like this.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To My Wireless Network Without The Use Of An Admin Password?

Oct 18, 2010

Is there a way i can setup my computer so i can connect to my wireless network without the use of an admin password? i personally feel that it wouldn't be a security risk of any sort to not require a password to connect to an ecrypted wireless connection.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Card - Wont Connect It Just Keeps Asking Me For Password

Feb 18, 2011

I am running 10.10 and i have an asus N13 and it works BUT it will only connect to G networks i believe i have an Asus rtn16 N router with WPA2 Aes encryption and it wont connect it just keeps asking me for password.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect After Using NDISWrapper / Make It Possible?

Jan 2, 2010

My wireless card (an Atheros AR928x) was not performing very well. At the suggestion of a friend I tried to use NDISWrapper (using the ndisgtk GUI interface) to see if a Windows driver would work better. I found the XP drivers online, tried several versions and, after none worked, I decided that I might as well settle with the crappy quality of the Linux driver and let it go. Sadly, that may not be possible.

I removed the drivers (again via ndisgtk) and now the laptop can't use the card at all. It won't detect any networks (even when just five feet from the router) and I'm not sure what's causing this. I've tried rebooting and rebooting into an older kernel. I checked lspci and it still recognizes the card.

Any idea what's up and how I could fix it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To Internet / Make It Possible?

Jun 16, 2010

I downloaded and installed Ubuntu 10.0.4 LST.

But it can not connect to the internet or LAN.

My nic card is: Inte(R) PRO/100 VE

How to configure it ?

NB: But the internet connection works fine when I run the ISO image from VMWare Player.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To Wireless / Make It Possible?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04, on an Asus EeePC 904HA. Yesterday, I was connecting to my wireless network, which has WPA2 security, just fine. Then, I disconnected randomly (I'm used to random disconnects, as I'm a great distance away from my router.) Usually, I just reconnect. I tried and tried, and I still can't. I've restarted my computer, gotten right next to the router, turned networking off and back on, and so on. Still, no luck.

You know, when you're conecting to a wireless network, there's the icon with the two grey circles that turn green and the blue swirl? They both turn green, like usual, and then they just go back to the two computers with the red "X". You know what I'm talking about. All other computers on my network work fine, so it's just my Asus.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To Wireless / Make It Possible?

May 27, 2011

I have installed xubuntu 11.04 and cannot connect to my wireless router - The computer picks up all the local signals, so it's working from that end. When I do try to connect wirelessly it tries for a bit and then tells me I am disconnected. The password is correct and the wireless is WPA-Personal TKIP Encrypted.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To Wifi Unless The Password Is Atleast 8 Characters Long?

Jan 20, 2011

When I need to type in the password to get on a wifi network, the "connect" button is grayed out and unclickable until I've typed in 8 characters for the password, making it impossible to connect to networks with shorter passwords. I'm not sure if this problem is unique to 10.10 or not, I've been using linux for a couple years now and I've never tried to connect to a network with such a short password before until last weekend, after my friend figured out how to change his password from the one his ISP set for him.

I'm running Xubuntu 10.10 on an IBM T42 laptop, here's the relevant hardware from the lspci command, 02:01.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82540EP Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Mobile) (rev 03) 02:02.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter (rev 04)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin N300 Keeps Asking For Wireless Password And Doesn't Connect?

Mar 9, 2011

I've just literally gone out this morning and bought the Belkin N300 Dual Band USB for my Deskstation running Maverick Meerkat. At first i put the stick in and nothing happened. So i went to System>admin>Windows wireless drivers and clicked on there. I put the CD in the drive that came with the dongle and found the drivers folder on the disk. I then installed the .inf file in the XP folder. It connected straight away as easy as that.

I'm really frustrated though as it loses conectivity and then asks me for my WAP password on connection, but then doesn't seem to connect. I unplug the dongle and then hit connect again and it connects.

If i use the same dongle on XP i have no problems what so ever, so i know its not a signal strength issue.

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Networking :: Way To Connect To A Cifs Share, And Only Being Prompted For One Password?

Jan 12, 2011

Trying to figure out if there is a way to connect to a cifs share, and only being prompted for one password? ie using the following:

sudo mount -t cifs //goanna/neddy -o username=neddy,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 /mnt/neddy
prompts twice for a password (sudo & the share password). Is there anyway to "catch" the sudo password for the connect? (Long shot!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To Wireless Network / Make It Possible?

Feb 12, 2010

I cannot connect to my wireless network. i have a Dell mini 9 with ubuntu. i lost my internet service for a couple of days. it was back on today but when i went to connect to the internet the screen on my computer reads "OFFLINE MODE" Web Browser is in offline mode and cnnot connect to the internet. How do i fix?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To Wicd's D-bus Interface / Make It Possible?

Mar 12, 2010

I've installed ubuntu 9.10 using a minimal install and started from there installing the rest of the things I needed.
I'm running KDE4.4 and Wicd 1.6.1.

Problem is, wicd worked fine, but I don't know what happened before I got this annoying problem.

After logging into KDE, wicd asks me for my password in order to connect to the network-device. After filling that in, I get the message code...

As you can see in the logging, internet is working fine. I manually have to start wicd-client and I get an extra wicd-icon in the taskbar showing me the signal strength as it should do.

I've been searching a lot, but can't find anything about this, except a lot of people having the same errormessage, but they have some errors in the wicd.log too.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Internet / Make It Possible?

Jul 29, 2010

I cant connect to the internet wirelessly or with a RJ45 connection. Last week my son came round and thought it was very call the internet worked fine then. Then he downloaded a programme called wireshark. Since the installation of that programme there has been no internet. Even the internet icon on the top bar has gone Aswell as the network manager section has vanished from the preferences menu. I have uninstalled wireshark thinking it will correct its self but havent had much luck. I am running Ubuntu 10.4 (lucid) Kenel Linux 2.6.32-generic GNOME 2.30.2

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To Server Via Wifi / Make It Possible?

Jul 30, 2010

I have a Synology home server at home. I have a laptop with Linux Mint 8 (Helena) installed. I can access my server's shared files using LAN through Places>Network>Windows Network>Workgroup>Server>Shared files. I can also access the files through a web browser. Samba is installed. The problem is when I use the wireless lan of my laptop, I cannot access the server and the files anymore locally even through a web browser.

I tried Connect to Server through Windows Share but what I get is "Could not display "smb://server/".".

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Keeps Disconnecting -how To Make It Connect

Nov 11, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 64bit on a 15' Dell Studio After doing an update my internal wireless will not connect to my wireless network. The card is on, I can see networks around me, but it will not connect to mine. It just acts like its connecting and then disconnects.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Bad Password - Error Message When Trying To Connect To WPA/WPA2 Wireless Network

Jul 5, 2011

I keep getting a "bad password" error message when trying to connect via wpa_supplicant to a wireless network (Apple Time Capsule WPA/WPA2 mixed).

Here's my wpa_supplicant.conf:


And the relevant line in the /etc/network/interfaces file:


The Time Capsule log contains the following error message--


So perhaps the password is somehow getting lost in translation from Ubuntu to the Time Capsule?

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Fedora Networking :: Connect To Internet In F11 Using BSNL BB(Username,Password Given)?

Oct 8, 2009

I have installed F11 and i found difficult toonnect to the internet where as in the windows its working fine. I am using BSNL Broad band connection.A username and the passwrod is given

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Driver Activated But I Still Can't Connect / Make It Possible?

Mar 24, 2010

It says "device not ready" ive read a lot of posts with problems that seem the same but i dont know which fix actually applies to me. im running karmic on an ppc with the b43-fwcutter driver.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Connect To Internet / Make It Possible?

Aug 7, 2010

I can not connect to internet using Fedora 9. But I can connect using Windows XP on the same machine. I have a ADSL modem & the modem is connected to the Ethernet Port of my Computer.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Karmic: Make A Bluetooth Device *not* Auto-connect?

Mar 5, 2010

I have a nifty new headset (a JawBone icon�the noise cancellation is incredible) and I've successfully connected it to my Karmic laptop (64 bit, for the off chance it makes a difference). The trouble is, I only occasionally want to connect it to my laptop; I mostly use it with my mobile 'phone.

The two devices fight over my new toy a lot, and invariably the laptop wins, contrary to what I want. It seems a pain to have to rediscover the headset every time I want to use VIOP or whatever, so is there a way to add a device to Karmic's Bluetooth list, but not have it connect whenever it sees it?

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Networking :: Unable To Connect To Remote Computer / Make It Possible?

Mar 25, 2010

I like to telnet from windows but unable to connect to the remote computer..

from windows i can ping the system its working

telnet service is on
from only i mentioned the windows IP...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect Adsl Modem / Cannot Create Dial-up Option Where Can Give Username And Password?

Apr 9, 2010

I use an atom based processor of 1.60 ghz on intel d945gclf board. My ram is a zion 1gb @ 533mhz. Hdd is from western digital 80gb @ 7200 rpm. I have a broadband(dsl) connection from bsnl dataone (a state owned telecom service provider). I connect to internet via a huawei wa1003a ethernet/usb/wireless modem which is provided by my service provider. I need a username and a password everytime i connect to internet via dial-up.

I was using windows xp service pack ii. It was nice and easy installing my modem on xp either via usb or ethernet. Both ways it was easy as i have both the drivers with me.Only and main problem was fighting viruses. I tried many free downloadable anti-virus software to protect my maching. Initially they were fine. But after few months they stopped taking regular updates and became non-functional. I also tried symantec corporate v.10. But it has its drawbacks also. It made my machine perform like a snail.I had previously heard about linux based operating systems. But never tried one. As i am an ameteur in using computers windows xp was suiting my needs. Recently i saw an article in the newspaper about ubuntu which is a free open source operating system. And most important to me it is virus free.But here is a problem also. I cannot connect to internet. My ubuntu 9.10 karmic koala is not identifying my modem and a network between my modem and my machine cannot be established. Also i cannot create a dial-up option where i can give username and password.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Make Connect To Freenx Server From Windows Using Nomachine Client?

Feb 24, 2010

I am not exactly newbie with GNU/Linux, but definitely new to SSH/NX stuffs. I followed the below tutorials for installing FreeNX so that I can access my desktop like TeamViewer in windows.


But I don't see the folder NX like the one mentioned here.Then edit the file /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg

I don't see a folder called NX to proceed. Also when I use nomachine client to connect from Windows, it couldn't connect and I get the below errors.

nxssh: <host-name>: no address associated with name.

how to make connect to freenx server from windows using nomachine client?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To Router Via WIFI "Bad Password"

Jul 14, 2011

I can't seem to get my wifi connection going on my laptop. The wired connection works fine, and the wifi seems to detect networks, but upon trying to connect I get "Bad password". Network at this location uses WPA2.

Upon lspci | grp "Network" I get

02:00.0 Network controller: Ralink corp. RT3090 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe
and on lshw -C network I get;
description: Wireless interface


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