Ubuntu Networking :: How To Restart X11vnc
Sep 13, 2010How can I restart x11vnc service?
View 2 RepliesHow can I restart x11vnc service?
View 2 RepliesBy invoking x11vnc with the -gui tray option the TCL/TK GUI attempts to embed itself onto the system tray, but I encounter the error message "tail: cannot watch /tmp/x11vnc.tray.*", after the first settings dialog approved [clicked OK]. I believe that a package is still missing to be installed and this is not really a software bug. I use the XFCE version shipped along F15, and the GUI can be started but not as a docked-applet.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am a linux novice with root access to an Ubunutn 10 VM which i connect to via putty. I want to connect to it via a GUI from windows xp so I have tried installing x11vnc on the machine and used realvnc from the xp client I have tried to install x11vnc on the machine as follows
sudo apt-get install x11vnc vnc-java"
x11vnc -storepasswd
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 5900 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 5900 -j ACCEPT
This seems to load ok but removes the shell prompt. I presume the server has started and is listening on the ports so i used another putty window to reconnect to my machine and ran sockstat -l and xllvnc is listening on the 2 ports. I then downloaded realvnc windows client and entered the hostname to connect If i entered just the hostname or hostname:5900 i get a timeout error but if i enter hostname:5800 i get 'connection refused' error
I have looked around and haven't had a lot of luck finding any information on this. I could be blind...but I'm not sure, haha.
I do a lot of remote support for my clients (I do PC repairs and training). I have recently starting suggesting to some of my basic users that they give Ubuntu a try. So far it has been very well received and they are loving it. The problem I am running into is that some of them use laptops in multiple places, and some use routers that are not easily configured. In each case it makes port forwarding a large pain in the behind to allow for remote access.
I have started using the X11vnc reverse connection and it has been working well, except for the fact that it is using high quality color depth (24bit I think?). I know when starting the connection from my end I can set the color depth, but is there any way to set the depth of a reverse connection?
Also, I understand that using just vnc over the Internet is not secure. I need to look into a decent guide to set up SSH tunneling for this. I don't suppose anyone knows of a good guide for 10.04 and 10.10?
I want to access my desktop from my laptop over the internet, after a while I found this [URL] so I followed the instructions "Access your PC over the internet" and "Logging in from another Ubuntu PC". Everything goes well until I try to run the shell script and get this: laptopuser@123.456.7.890's password:
I tried my luck with the passphrase associated with the rsa key, with the password of the laptopuser@laptop and with the password of the desktopuser@desktop but I keep getting Permission Denied (publickey, password).
Using 10.04 and x11vnc I'm finding that upper case characters are being sent as lower case. I've tried multiple keyboard configurations with no success
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am working with Ubuntu for the first time since school and it was an intro class. I am trying to setup a file server for part of a school project. I installed x11vnc and am trying to set the password. However everywhere I look says the file would be located at ~/.vnc/passwd. However when I ls from the home directory .vnc does not exist. When I type out vncpasswd ~/.vnc/passwd I get returned a message The program 'vncpasswd' can be found in the following packages:
* tightvncserver
* vnc4server
how I can get this setup? Am I using old information that is no longer accurate or am i messing this up somewhere?
Im trying to get vnc working over ssh between my windows pc and ubuntu server 11.04 natty over the internet. I have setup everything and got it all running automatically at boot on ubuntu. From within the local network i can use ssvnc and connect from a 2003 server to the ubuntu machine fine. Remotely I can connect and verify password over ssh but after that it tries to start tightvnc and fails. The issues seem to be on the windows side establishing the local connection to the tunnel or something I'm not a guru and I apologize if this is a windows issue but i think its likely that its a networking problem i need to forward or open a port somewhere but i cant find any easy to understand instructions so far in getting this running
This is the output in the putty terminal after running ssvnc slightly modified ive taken out my real username and server address I use user@server:0 as the arguments for ssvnc
Looking up host "server"
Connecting to server-ip port 22
Server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.8p1 Debian-1ubuntu3
We claim version: SSH-2.0-PuTTY_Release_0.60
Using SSH protocol version 2
Does anyone have any ideas why the connection fails at the point of using the tunnel? is it a problem on the ubuntu or windows side?
I upgraded to Lucid yesterday. All of them solved, except this one: when I connect to my kubuntu PC from a Windows PC and launch x11vnc on the remote and TightVNC on the local, it keeps repainting the window making it unusable. Nothing gets printed to the log when the repaintings occur. Using -noxdamage or -nowf doesn't change a thing. -ncache doesn't work (I get an "ERROR: No active KDE sessions!").
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm creating a new thread based on this post by batagy:
So I have running x11vnc as service without any problem (running on Solaris 10 and SLES10 too). I'm using the x11vnc's inbuilt "user chooser" screen (that little black screen), these command line options:
x11vnc -inetd -unixpw -users unixpw= -display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xvnc.xdmcp -env X11VNC_CREATE_GEOM=1248x900 (plus a couple of other options that are not interesting here)
My question is related to the wanted VNC screen size. By default, I set the defauls screen size to 1248x900, as can be seen above.
Currently , when a user want to personalize his/her screen size to be started, he can do it this way: when the small black authentication window is appearing first, after his username, he's entering a colon, then specify the wanted resolution in this format: geom=1600x1200.
My question: is it possible somehow to set automatically the preferred screen size, without entering this ":geom=1600x1200" string in the authentication window? I mean to set it per user, without modifying the service options. I mean, for example setting the X11VNC_CREATE_GEOM or FD_GEOM variables in the user's home ".profile" for example?
I'm trying to set up x11vncto run at the login screen. This is so that the computer can be powered up remotely using Wake-On-LAN and then controlled remotely. I'm following this tuorial: [URL]I'm having some trouble whit the section about adding to the GDM config files. The tutorial asks me to add
#to get remote vnc to not die after login
it seems that there is no x11vnc slackbuild on sbo for 13.1. just wondering if there is something else people use to share the :0 desktop, or should i start looking into the 13.0 slackbuild
View 4 Replies View RelatedAt the moment I'm running Putty on a windows box at work to SSH in and tunnel port 5900, then I execute
x11vnc -xkb -ncache 10 -safer -localhost -nopw -once -display :0
from the shell.
I run ssvnc and tell it to connect to localhost, and we're good for remote desktop.
The next step is to push my luck and see if I can get streaming audio as well.
ssvnc is supposed to automate many of the required processes, making the use of a standalone ssh client like Putty redundant - it bundles a similar program, passing commands through ssh from its GUI
Under options/advanced it has a facility to 'Enable ESD/ARTSD' audio tunnelling and it bundles a windows-executable (using cygwin library) version of ESD, so it just needs some configuration.
When you click that option there's a documentation pane that says you can put
esddsp -s localhost:16001 gnome-session
in your ~/.xsession startup file but since I use my Lucid box for local sound as well I'm not sure that's ideal as I want to use JACK, etc. and it looks like this command would route all audio to network, all the time.
ssvnc suggests using "x11vnc -create" mode to start it up in a virtual X session through Xvfb but it doesn't really go into any more detail as to how you do this.
I've installed Xvfb through synaptic, and that's as far as I've gotten.
I'm using Ubuntu 10.04, and I'm trying to VNC into my Ubuntu box from my MBP. I can connect just fine, however, I am unable to register any mouse clicks or keyboard input on the resulting desktop. I'm launching it as follows: x11vnc -nomodtweak -scale 9/10 I can log in using my Windows box and UltraVNC and use input with no problem.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a virtual private server that I am trying to connect to using x11vnc. I ran this through ssh to setup gnome
sudo apt-get install gnome-core
sudo apt-get install gdm
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
I later ran sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to see if that would help.
#cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS
#sudo startx
Fatal server error:
xf860OpenConsole: Cannot open /dev/tty0 (No such file or directory)
I assume this is because it probably doesn't have a video card.
I have x11vnc server set up on my desktop PC. I can boot the computer and connect at the login screen if I want to. I can login to my computer as usual. But after about 1 minute of logging in, the computer logs off as if pressing Ctrl+Alt+Backspace and returns me to the login screen. This cycle repeats when I login and I have to kill the x11vnc process or remove the command from /etc/gdm/Init/Default.Have tried so many things now but the end result is the same. I have Ubuntu 10.10 fully updated and x11vnc 9.10-1 from the default repos. I am using the following command in the /etc/gdm/Init/Default file:
/usr/bin/x11vnc -rfbauth ~/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5901 -display :0 -forever -bg
I don't think it matters now whether I add KillInitClients=false into /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom or /etc/gdm/gdm.conf because of the x11vnc version I have. The manual says its not really needed. But I have tried this too with no better luck.The computer will still log me out after about a minute of logging in. It can be between 1 min to 1.5 mins.Running out of ideas and have tried the -noxfixes and -reopen commands.
Why does x11vnc crash out (or it may be gdm or x server?) after about a minute of logging in? If I am currently viewing my desktop through VNC viewer on another computer, it will still crash out after 1 min of log in, and lose the connection. I can reconnect through VNC again but I have to log back in to the remote computer and it will just log out after another minute.At last, in 2 days I have finally solved it. As simple as creating my own version. The x11vnc 9.10-1 version my default Ubuntu 10.10 repos is buggy. Here's my fix (I used this site):
1. Downloaded latest x11vnc dev build from above site (x11vnc-0.9.13-dev.tar.gz at time of posting)
2. Extract it
3. Open Terminal > sudo -s > enter admin password
4. cd LocationOfExtracted folder
trying to bond two 3G modems but I cant Im really new in this matther so I really This is the error that appears
ubu@ubu-AOD255E:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
* Reconfiguring network interfaces... Ignoring unknown interface ppp0=ppp0.
Using x11vnc server on Debian host, and TightVNC viewer client on Windows 7. All was working fine until a server host upgrade, from Wheezy to Jessie. Now, when I try to connect, TightVNC retrieves the certificate as normal, compares and accepts it, and starts stunnel. The next step would normally be to prompt for the VNC password.
Instead it gives an error:
ReadExact: Socket error while reading.
I'm guessing that some thing is missing or misconfigured after the Jessie upgrade, which broke many other things too, as Debian upgrades always seem to do. I have removed and reinstalled the x11vnc package, no effect.
The errors in the log file don't mean a lot to me.
The server is started with this command:
Code: Select allx11vnc -ssl -display :0 -usepw >>vnc-log 2>&1 &
If I start it up without the -ssl flag, and connect from the Windows system with a different client (Mobaxterm) it all goes well.
Relevant part (tail) of the server log file:
Code: Select allThe SSL VNC desktop is: myhost:0
19/01/2016 12:31:10 SSL: accept_openssl(OPENSSL_VNC)
19/01/2016 12:31:10 SSL: spawning helper process to handle:
19/01/2016 12:31:10 SSL: helper for peerport 51942 is pid 11193:
19/01/2016 12:31:10 connect_tcp: trying: 20000
[Code] ....
I want to run 1 instance of x11vnc at boot after gdm starts, itsa remote vnc server that will work without me first loggin in
Im just not sure where or how to start it when computer boots? i can run it on another tty and connect so its all setup but not sure what the "right" was is.
It didn't work. I plugged the cable back in, and it didn't auto-connect, and still says no connection is available after doing the CLI command.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any guide for openSUSE 11.3 or 11.4 to make x11vnc to start everytime the pc is rebooted, I have search the forum with no results
View 4 Replies View RelatedOpensuse 11.4 and Gnome
I cannot get x11vnc to start via ssh. I keep running in to this MIT magic cookie.
I have tried the -findauth and -auth guess but I am told .Xauthority is not set.
ps wwaux | grep auth which worked for me under KDE does not help.
I am using x11vnc so that I can export the active seesion :0
Before we use CentOS 4 and all work fine. We start x11vnc by ssh like root. And after this connect by client login in X screen. In CentOS 5 this way don't work. For connect we must login by local from keyboard, start x11vnc ssh by logined local user, and after this we may work, but can't change users.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have just finished the upgrade of the latest version and I'm at the point of my system restating.
My system automatically tried to restart but on the restart I got the 'terminal' view. It stopped when asking for my username (it never normally asks for this before the grub menu) and then password. I didn't get any further than that.
I now have on my screen (still in the terminal view before the grub menu)
"name@name-desktop:...$ "
I'm on my phone now so I don't actually have the symbol for before the dollar sign but your know what it is. The raised S on a 90 degree angle.
How come on x11vnc, with Fedora 12 PPC/x86/x64, my screen sizes can't be greater than 800 x 600, and they don't update when I change them in Displays. On my Ubuntu installations the x11vnc screen sizes update and can be basically any size selectable in Monitors.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLast night I was using my sony vaio vgn-nr38m online with no problems. I boot up this afternoon and it now says networking is disabled.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSorry if this is in the wrong group but its a bit of an odd one but I think comes under Server Support.. I've set up both x11vnc and freenx in an attempt to eliminate either as a cause for this issue. The problem is that when I log in with either, I can get into the desktop and run things from the menus but when I make the System menu active - the session hangs and you have to killall for the freenx or vnc processes.
I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me investigate this and hopefully fix it as I'm not sure where to look given that both types of remote connection seem to have the same issue.
I have a suspend problem in my laptop. Sometimes, when resuming from suspend, the network adapter is down (that is, the network does not work and the light of the network adapter is off). Restarting the network service doesn't work, because I think that the system forgot about the hardware, and probably the driver should be reloaded.Does anyone knows how to do that?(ps. /etc/init.d/networking restart does not work, because the hardware driver is not being recognized anymore).
View 5 Replies View Relateda few times a day I have to run sudo service smbd restart on my primary server to get samba working again.y working i mean being able to see the server in the workgroup and being able to type smb://phoenix/ and have a result. please help me troubleshoot this.env: server: 10.10 x64, clients: 10.10 32 & 64, 10.04, winxp all affected the same waylast time it occurred within 2 hours after a reboot. here's the config. I've been commenting out lines that I wasn't sure of in an attempt to troubleshoot this.
1 [global]
2 ; General server settings
i have installed dhcp,there i declared the subnet and network,i used command include "/etc/dhcpd.conf.jutu1"; to start and other files, but it show me this error when i want to restart the DHCP, if you need more information contact me, i have configured this file too jutu1, but it don't let me to restart dhcp from /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart, this show me this message