Ubuntu Networking :: Getting Connected Using Prolink Phs 100

Jun 4, 2010

i m trying to get online using prolink phs 100 modem i have been reading forums and tried to configure my system but i cant install USB_MODESWITCH coz its a bz2 file.... i tried downloading .rpm file and tried to convert using alien..i was prompted i didnt had alien..

i downloaded alein .deb file and tried to install i was propmted dependency not satisfied... debhelper(>=3) i downloaded debhelper . deb file and tried installing i was again prompted dependency not satisfied... dpkg-dev(>=1.14.19) i need to get connect ubuntu...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Posts Discussing 'bout How To Install Prolink Modem?

Jun 19, 2010

I've read so many posts discussing 'bout how to install prolink modem. I've followed all the posts instructions, but still none of them could me to detect this modem. I've done all the steps explained in this link

[URL].. in which many people succeded by following those steps. i already installed the latest usb_modeswitch, wvdial, gnome-ppp and all the things explained on that link.

First of all, i do all the steps explained on that nmxlaxaman link n then i restart my laptop. After then, without modem being plugged, i check with lsusb command n return

Bus 007 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
Bus 006 Device 002: ID 046d:c052 Logitech, Inc.
Bus 006 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
Bus 005 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
Bus 004 Device 004: ID 0000:0000


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Use The Prolink Pixelview PV-BT878P+(FM.RC)

Jan 2, 2010

I have a TV card

Pixelview PV-BT878P+(FM.RC)

First I've done many things to make the audio works and still nothing until I give up and after rebooting my machine I found out that it works but what exactly made it work I've no idea.Unfortunately I had to change my system like formating everything and now i cannot make it work again, still good picture with no audio, I've tried every thing again you cold Imagen but still not working......

P.S.The is working with windows XP perfectly and i mad it work with ubuntu 9.10 once but i cannot do this again.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Prolink WN2001 Nano USB Wireless Adapter

Apr 18, 2011

Can it work under Suse?

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Networking :: How To Get Connected On Ubuntu

Jan 6, 2011

I have a wireless network that my PC connects to just fine. I did have to change my address to (Cisco router)

How can I do that with Ubuntu?

I will need very specific directions, because I don't normally use Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Is Not Connected?

Mar 23, 2010

WiFi on this laptop worked fine for a few months then went out; after a reinstall of ubuntu (since 9.xx had come out since then anyway) the wireless still refused to even see networks, let alone connect to them; under Wireless Networks in the NM, I just see a greyed out 'disconnected'. This got me to thinking that it may have just been a hardware issue, but I find that hard to believe. Anyway, here's the pertinent information:

Started off with an lshw command just to see if a network adapter is even listed as being connected: `lshw`

description: Wireless interface
product: PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection[code]....

As an addendum : I found this driver project but they claim to require a 2.6.8+ kernel; a quick `uname -r` shows that mine is 2.6.31, and an `apt-cache search linux-image` reveals that to be the highest available from repos; do Debian/Ubuntu distros not use more recent kernels or is this an Ubuntu-specific kernel naming scheme? If so, to what would it be comparable? I'm hesitant to try to install this and change my firmware if it's likely I'll be borking something.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connected To Router But No Web?

Jun 4, 2010

i'm connected to my 2wire 2701hg-b, but have no internet. when i plug in directly there's no prob, but wireless is a no-go.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connected But Can't Get On The Internet?

Aug 24, 2010

This is my second day with ubuntu on a dell mini 10v with broadcom wireless card. I hooked up to a wired connection and ubuntu installed the drivers for the broadcom card.When I put the cursor over the wireless icon on the desktop it shows the name of my wireless connection,active,and my ip address but when I open firefox I get a "server not found". I'm confused as what to put in the boxes for ssid,mode,bssid,mac address,and mtu under network connections. I've tried pretty much every conceivable method at my disposal,even went on my d-link router settings and nothing has worked.I do not have windows installed,using 10.4

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless, Saying Connected But It Isn't?

Oct 30, 2010

After being a windows *** all my life I've finally taken the decision to start using Linux for real.

So I bought a entire new laptop for the task and it landed on a Acer eMachine 350.

Trouble here trouble there I finally came down to a ubuntu netbook edition, the latest one for the moment.

I had to use jockey-gtk to install drivers to my broadcom network card which took a while, but it now says I have a driver!

Trouble is, when I connect to my WLAN at home it says connected to Gustafsson(Network name) but my interface eth1 looks like this:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 88:ae:1d:5f:e8:b4
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::8aae:1dff:fe5f:e8b4/64 Scope:Link

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connected But No Ping?

Feb 28, 2011

I'm having a problem with my computer connecting to a speficic wifi. The problem seems to be between my computer and this wifi, because I can connect to other networks and other computers can connect to this wifi. I do manage to get a connection, but I can't ping any website, I always get an unknown host error.I have managed to connect to this network only once: it wasn't pinging and then it eventually started working, but I don't recall doing anything that made it work.


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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 Won't Stay Connected

Mar 24, 2011

I am running a dual-boot with Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows 7 and I can't stay connected to the internet with Ubuntu, but Windows does. My router is a D-Link GamerLounge DGL-4500. I have wireless internet access for about 10 seconds but then it drops. Access to the router doesn't go away though. Other computers can connect to it just fine, and my computer (Toshiba Satellite A505) has connected to every other one I've tried on. I can still log in to it and change settings and all that, but I can't access the internet through it. I also can't ping the router.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connected To Wi-Fi But No Internet?

Jun 25, 2011

I can connect to my router but no web pages will load etc... I can connect my phone to the router and USB tether it to my laptop and everything works fine. I can also connect to my neighbors router and everything works fine.

I have tried put my routers IP in /etc/resolve.conf but to no avail. I also tried putting

Edit: Toshiba Sattelite A215 laptop (RS690 wireless card?) and a Linksys router.

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Networking :: Vpn Connected But Not Being Used?

Apr 15, 2010

I have managed to get vpn set up on my Debian Sid (I think). I want to use a different server from my default.IBut I am not using the vpn server instead of my usual one. Is there a way to make this happen?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connected (wired) To Internet?

Jan 8, 2010

I just got a new power supply in my old desktop, and installed ubuntu on it. I've got three NICs in there (for a later project), and when I connect my cable modem to any one of the NICs, then little connection triangle-spinny-thing in the upper-right tries to connect. But it never gets all the way connected.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connected But Not Loading Pages

Feb 13, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 in a dual boot Vista system (DELL INSPIRON 530). Everything was ok except the wireless network configuration. Afrer checking on the Internet I realized There was an issue with my network card (Broadcom BCM431. I first tried to install the drivers using Ndiswrapper with not succes. Finally, I was able to use the b43 driver by installing b43-fwcutter. Now the driver is shown and active in the Hardware Drivers Utilily. I am even connected to my Wireless Network. However, I cant load any website. I have checked the parameters in the network set up. I have even tried different options, like static or dinamic IP. But I cant load any website.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Not Staying Connected

Feb 18, 2010

My mom has ubuntu 8.04.2, and it does not stay connected on the wireless usb cards. I tried 2 different ones, 1 azio and 1 is something else. But both get connected, but they die out after awhile. I am at work typing this, so I will probably try to move my router up higher or something, but it is weird it cuts out like every 15-30 minutes, and it starts at like 4 bars.

She is running it out of a live DVD( I Know, you shouldnt use a DVD as your main OS) but she only needs the internet, and uses google docs to save stuff or a USB stick. Anyone know what might be the cause of this disturbance in the connection. It is a cable connection, and the main modem is in my room, and we got a netgear router( maybe the problem?). I tried the same exact system/live dvd environment at my work place and it held connection pretty good, but I believe it did disconnect a few times as well.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connected To Router But No Internet?

Feb 21, 2010

just installed Ubuntu Netbook remix on my acer aspire one, and come across a problem Ive never faced before. Im able to Connect to my router (and access it through the internal ip address) but as soon as i try access anything outside of my network there is nothing!

This i found odd as first i thought it might have just been my Routers problem, but seeing as all my other computers were connected to it with no problems (wired and wireless) I quickly traced the problem back to the laptop.

After this i decided to see if after a simple update would fix the problem. so i connected it up through the Ethernet port once again it connects to the router but no internet! I have tried everything in my knowledge, but with no success!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connected:but No Online Access?

Mar 8, 2010

i put a fresh install of 9.10 onto my laptop, i got online set up my network, and can see my other computers. when i open firefox, it wont connect to any website, what should i do?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Connected But Not Working

Mar 25, 2010

Often i have an active connection on the tree network with an internet dongle according networkmanager, but ping is not working and firefox and thunderbird also don't have a connection. Skype however is working at that time. (testcall to skype is working) My present solution is to disconnect and connect a couple of times again until i can ping a commonserver on the internet, and then everything is working normal. Many are stating networkmanager is buggy, is this a known bug and is it worked on or do i need to install another program. Has any of you an idea what could be going on and how to solve it, permanently. In the way it's automatically right when connecting.

My dongle is of type: Huawei E 1550 and often i have a normal connection.

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Ubuntu Networking :: View All Connected Devices?

May 18, 2010

Just wondering if there is a way to view all connected devices on my network?? Something similar to view network map in vista?? I know the places network but that only shows me my shares and I want to be able to see everything that is on there ie printers, routers, VOIP, other non-shared computers, etc...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Staying Connected To Wi-fi With Laptop?

Jun 4, 2010

I am relatively new to Ubuntu, and Linux, and I am having a problem with it that I was hoping to get fixed. Whenever I try to connect to my home wi-fi network, on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx, it keeps disconnecting and reconnecting...which makes it really hard to download various things. It works just fine whenever I used "shudders" Windows Vista but whenever I try to use it on Ubuntu, it won't work properly. The router I bought, to replace my old, broken one, was Linux compatible, or at least that's what it was advertised as. The laptop is an HP G70 and the method I used to download Ubuntu was the Windows Installer.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wlan Connected But Can't Go To Internet

Sep 2, 2010

I can connect my wlan card to router (gateway) ,but I can't go to internet, pinging my router (and everything else) also falied. Same problem was with knoppix but with help of others i solved it modifing etc/reslove.conf IP address to my gateway (nameserver). At ubuntu resolve.conf seems ok, as there is already IP address of my gateway?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connected To Router But Not Internet?

Sep 26, 2010

I am connected to my wireless network but can't connect to the internet. I have searched the ubuntu forums for solutions but none seem to work for me. I can post terminal outputs if required (I know that much).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connected To Internet But Cannot Browse?

Oct 14, 2010

I have installed ubuntu a few times in the past but if I've had to get messy with the command line I bailed. So given that I wanted to set up a home server/media center, I tried win server, but given research had told me that it is easier to accomplish all the features I wanted with Linux I decided the time had come to really see what I'd been missing out on. So what I am looking to accomplish is a full lamp stack, xbmc, samba, mail server, VMWare server, rtorrent, ftp, an probably a few others I have forgot because I can't get to my check list right now. Settled on ubuntu 10.10, had installed it a couple of times while it was still in beta, just to get a feel for it and get everything working so that when it was released I could do a fresh install knowing how to configure everything.

So on Sunday the time came. Everything was going fine until last night, I was installing roundtable webmail and all I came to download something and FireFox can't display any web pages, postfix can't deliver mail. The server can ping local machines but not google.com or another internet site, I can ssh into it an get a remote desktop session via various methods, both either over the local network, or internet. The website is getting served both locally or internet. I just cant seem to make any outbound connections to the outside world.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Stay Connected To The Internet

Oct 30, 2010

how to stay connected to the internet?

Here I have

br@ubuntu:~$ ifconfig -a
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1e:8c:2b:06:8d
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0


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Ubuntu Networking :: Connected To Wireless But No Internet

Nov 7, 2010

Im using a laptop with a wireless card inside it is a Realtek RTL8187B network adaptor. I go to wireless connections in the toolbar at the top of the screen and click on my internet modem and it says its connected. So I go to firefox and it brings up google. I try and do a search and it says something and at the bottom of the page it displays a button that says "Try Again". Im booting ubuntu from the cd drive so its not installed on my computer what should i be trying?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connected But No Internet?

Jan 11, 2011

I have an old GX 159 Dell Desktop I tried to install Ubuntu 10.10 on it and it worked like charm the problem is when I connect my Alfa 1 wireless adapter and connect to the network it won't let me connect to the internet. Well I have been succeeded to connect to the weather center, but I can't update or open the Internet even if I have been able to open Hotmail.com after 2 minutes it won't open anything after that

Note: I didn't install the driver for adapter and I don't know how to do it because I tried before and I failed adding I used it on more than one distro. By the way it works perfect on Windows?

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Ubuntu Networking :: BlueTooth: Paired But Not Connected

Feb 4, 2011

Trying to attach my Motorola Bravo (Android 2.1) phone to my Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS Laptop via Bluetooth. Can see the phone "pair" to it. But If I try to do the transfer of files, or browse (using the bluetooth applet), I can't see the phone.

Where are the configuration files for bluetooth in Lucid?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connected To Network But No Internet / Get That?

Feb 24, 2011

On the 25th of January, one of my computers randomly stopped being able to connect to the Internet. It was running a dual boot (Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS & Windows XP SP2), and is connected to the network via an ethernet cable (no wireless). According to the Network Manager, everything is working okay (there was no change from when I was able to access the Internet).

When I would use Firefox, I would get the message "Waiting for (page)...". However, this is not a Firefox only problem, as every program requiring Internet access (e.g. Evolution) is unable to connect to the Internet.

I compared the Internet settings to those of my father's Windows XP SP1 computer, which is able to connect to the Internet. There was no difference, except for the IP Address and Hardware Address. Because of this, I incorrectly deduced that either the actual Ethernet cable or the wall plug was faulty. I tried using a different cable and connecting to the Ethernet wall plug used by the aforementioned computer. Nothing changed. I was still unable to connect.

I didn't worry about it until Tuesday, when my other computer had exactly the same problem. It is running a triple boot between Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS, Ubuntu 9.04 and Windows XP SP2, and I am unable to obtain Internet access using any partition. As with the previous case, my computer showed no change in the Internet settings, and the computer also shows it as being connected to the network. It is also connected via an Ethernet cable.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connected But No DHCP

Mar 6, 2011

I had the wrong WPA password.[/blush] It appeared to me that it was connected OK at the physical/datalink level but apparently that was not the case.I've set up an old PC with the latest Ubuntu desktop and am trying to set up wireless networking with a TP-Link TL-WN722N. It only came with Windows drivers but from a thread elsewhere I got it to where it finds my router and connects with the password. However, it doesn't pick up its IP details. The router is working fine wirelessly on my phone and wirefully on my other PC.

I've edited /etc/network/interfaces with "auto wlan0" and "iface wlan0 inet dhcp" but after restart the wlan0 interface has no IP details. Originally the interface had IPv6 details but I cleared that with ifconfig. Under the Network Connections Wireless tab it has "Auto" followed by the name of my wireless connection so it appears to have connected OK. Now when I click Edit for that connection nmame, the IPv6 tab says Ignore and IPv4 says Automatic (DHCP) but Addresses is greyed out and the other fields are all empty.

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