Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless, Saying Connected But It Isn't?

Oct 30, 2010

After being a windows *** all my life I've finally taken the decision to start using Linux for real.

So I bought a entire new laptop for the task and it landed on a Acer eMachine 350.

Trouble here trouble there I finally came down to a ubuntu netbook edition, the latest one for the moment.

I had to use jockey-gtk to install drivers to my broadcom network card which took a while, but it now says I have a driver!

Trouble is, when I connect to my WLAN at home it says connected to Gustafsson(Network name) but my interface eth1 looks like this:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 88:ae:1d:5f:e8:b4
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::8aae:1dff:fe5f:e8b4/64 Scope:Link

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Not Staying Connected

Feb 18, 2010

My mom has ubuntu 8.04.2, and it does not stay connected on the wireless usb cards. I tried 2 different ones, 1 azio and 1 is something else. But both get connected, but they die out after awhile. I am at work typing this, so I will probably try to move my router up higher or something, but it is weird it cuts out like every 15-30 minutes, and it starts at like 4 bars.

She is running it out of a live DVD( I Know, you shouldnt use a DVD as your main OS) but she only needs the internet, and uses google docs to save stuff or a USB stick. Anyone know what might be the cause of this disturbance in the connection. It is a cable connection, and the main modem is in my room, and we got a netgear router( maybe the problem?). I tried the same exact system/live dvd environment at my work place and it held connection pretty good, but I believe it did disconnect a few times as well.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connected To Wireless But No Internet

Nov 7, 2010

Im using a laptop with a wireless card inside it is a Realtek RTL8187B network adaptor. I go to wireless connections in the toolbar at the top of the screen and click on my internet modem and it says its connected. So I go to firefox and it brings up google. I try and do a search and it says something and at the bottom of the page it displays a button that says "Try Again". Im booting ubuntu from the cd drive so its not installed on my computer what should i be trying?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connected But No Internet?

Jan 11, 2011

I have an old GX 159 Dell Desktop I tried to install Ubuntu 10.10 on it and it worked like charm the problem is when I connect my Alfa 1 wireless adapter and connect to the network it won't let me connect to the internet. Well I have been succeeded to connect to the weather center, but I can't update or open the Internet even if I have been able to open Hotmail.com after 2 minutes it won't open anything after that

Note: I didn't install the driver for adapter and I don't know how to do it because I tried before and I failed adding I used it on more than one distro. By the way it works perfect on Windows?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connected But No DHCP

Mar 6, 2011

I had the wrong WPA password.[/blush] It appeared to me that it was connected OK at the physical/datalink level but apparently that was not the case.I've set up an old PC with the latest Ubuntu desktop and am trying to set up wireless networking with a TP-Link TL-WN722N. It only came with Windows drivers but from a thread elsewhere I got it to where it finds my router and connects with the password. However, it doesn't pick up its IP details. The router is working fine wirelessly on my phone and wirefully on my other PC.

I've edited /etc/network/interfaces with "auto wlan0" and "iface wlan0 inet dhcp" but after restart the wlan0 interface has no IP details. Originally the interface had IPv6 details but I cleared that with ifconfig. Under the Network Connections Wireless tab it has "Auto" followed by the name of my wireless connection so it appears to have connected OK. Now when I click Edit for that connection nmame, the IPv6 tab says Ignore and IPv4 says Automatic (DHCP) but Addresses is greyed out and the other fields are all empty.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting Wireless Connected In Backtrack3?

Jun 7, 2011

i am running backtrack3 with vmware station in window 7. but the problem is when i enter iwconfig it does not show my alpha awus036h. it does not detect my alpha card. if anybody can help me regarding the same???
i have already tried to set it in vmware station menu bar vm=>removable devices to get my wireless but it showing a usb device connected... not showing my wireless..

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Not Staying Connected?

Sep 1, 2011

I have Hughesnet (which sucks by the way, don't get it, I hate contracts). The FAP states that i can only download 375MB or it shuts me down, however, from 2 to 7 AM you can download all you want. so naturally i use a download scheduler. The only problem is that at night when i shut my laptop lid it disconnects from my router.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network Detected But Not Getting Connected

Aug 15, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu 10.04 32 bit version(dual OS) on my 64 bit Pentium core2 duo 2.2GHz processor. Everything seems to be working fine except it's not getting connected to wireless network, although it's detected the network .It was working fine(got connected to wireless network) when I had installed the same OS via virtual machine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Auto Switch Wireless Off When Lan Connected?

Aug 21, 2010

I currently have a command line Ubuntu 9.10 installation.

I wish to be able to have either both wireless and wired connection working

For example: when LAN is connection the wireless is switched off, when LAN is disconnected the wireless comes up (WPA2)

I know that the Network Manager in Gnome does this auto switching for you but I need to know how to do this in command line only.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connected But Not At 'N' Rate (above 54Mbps)

Oct 14, 2010

I have a Linksys WUSB600N wireless adapter for my laptop which uses the rt2800usb drivers.My router:

Router Model: Linksys WRT150N v1.1
Firmware Version: DD-WRT v24-sp2 (07/22/09) mini - build 12548M NEWD Eko

The wireless usb adapter connects to my network, and the router is running on mixed mode, except that I cannot seem to get wireless 'n' connection speeds. Both are capable of wireless n. I check the connection info and it is always 54 Mbps. I have set the router wireless on N-only and I lose my connection.Is the standard driver for this usb adapter in Ubuntu 10.4 unable to utilize 'n' speeds?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10: Connected To My Wireless Network, But No Internet?

Nov 9, 2010

I upgraded to 10.10 the day it came out, and haven't had any problems with internet stuff. My wireless card works without any proprietary drivers. Last night, the computer stopped connecting to the internet. I am still connected to my wifi network, but I can't do anything online. I had assumed that my internet connection was just down in general, and tried resetting the computer, shutting down the computer and then turning it on again, and rebooting the modem, but then my Xbox connected, and my laptop running 10.04 connected, so I'm confused as to what is going in. Any ideas?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 Won't Stay Connected To Wireless Internet?

Dec 27, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 on a Dell Dimension 4700 desktop computer. I just upgraded to 10.10 from the previous version after getting my D-Link wireless adapter back after loaning it out. My internet now won't stay connected. I can connect when I firstrn on the computer, with after 2-5 minutes it drops the connection and gives me the "Wireless Network Authentication Required" prompt. It won't connect again without unplugging the adapter and plugging it back in.I borrowed a Belkin wirelss adapter to try it, and it does the exact same thing. PLEASE can someone help me, I really need the internet up on the computer(Also, when I first got the adapter-- while running the old version of Ubuntu-- it would not recognize or connect at all and I spent 4 hours messing with drivers and settings to get it to work, which it did flawlessly. Until I upgraded.)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connected To Wireless But Cannot Browse Or Ping

Feb 1, 2011

I have a edimax USB wireless and as soon as I plugged it in it worked i.e., it is able to connect to a wireless.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Internet Not Staying Connected?

Feb 22, 2011

I've had ubuntu installed for a bit now and I want to start using it as my main OS, but the wireless internet will not stay connected. It will connect at first and if I'm lucky it will stay connected for around 15 - 20 minutes. I have a toshiba laptop with an AtherosAR5007EG internal network card.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Says Wireless Is Connected But Cannot Find Server

Mar 1, 2011

Just installed ubuntu 10.04 on my Dell inspiron 1525 laptop. Everything got installed right, and I elected to select the sta driver rather than the B43 driver. After restarting, the b43 option disappeared. The wireless said it connected, but when i went to firefox it wouldn't load and said server not found. My wireless card is a bcm4312. Any ideas as to why this is not working?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Wireless Connected But No Internet Access

Aug 26, 2011

I have installed ubuntu 10.04 and STA wireless driver. I am using a wimax modem, the wireless is connected (have IP addresses) but I do not have access to the internet.I also have installed a windows XP as a guest OS (ubuntu is the host) on vmware. By using a bridged network connection, I am able to access internet. So I guess the problem is related to the ubuntu wireless driver.

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Fedora Networking :: Connected To Wireless But No Internet

Sep 3, 2011

I installed Fedora 15 today and after a few very long hours finally got the broadcom driver to work and my laptop is now connected to my router. Yay! But now when I try going to a website in firefox it says server not found. I can ping anything inside my network but when I try to ping outside the network, for example google, it says ping: unknown host google.com. So I thought it might be a DNS problem but the network settings point to the router for DNS so I'm not sure what else could be wrong. All of the other settings look correct.

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Networking :: Get Connected To A Wireless Network That Only Allows DHCP?

Jan 16, 2009

I have a WET54g bridge that I am trying to get connected to a wireless network that only allows DHCP. The idea behind it is that I would like to connect the Cat6 out of the bridge to a switch allowing multiple wired computers to connect to the wireless network. The bridge will easily connect to the network once I put the WEP key in, however, there is a kink after that. When I connect the Cat6 to my computer and request an IP for that computer, it self assigns. This tells me that it is not talking to the wireless network through the bridge.

I can not find which IP address the bridge was assigned so that I can talk to it. The sub net is which leaves quite a few possibilities. I know that the bridge is, however talking to the wireless network because the light is steady on the front of it which indicates just that. One other thing to stack on is that I know that there is a "splash page" which comes up when any computer connects. You click on the agreement and then you are allowed onto the network. How can I get my computer to talk through the bridge to the wireless network?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Shows As Connected But Won't Load Any Sites?

Jan 6, 2010

I'm new to Ubuntu and i set up my wireless myself and I think I may have put in wrong settings. I looked through the forum and found these commands to put in the terminal from other posts. Could someone please see if they can fathom what I've done wrong. I have an wG111v2 netgear usb which works fine in windows but is very sluggish on Ubuntu. It worked for a while but since i have deleted and reinstalled my wireless numerous times I now can't get iternet at all. I have Ubuntu 9.10 on my machine which I duel boot with winXP.

ayte@kaytesRocket:~$ sudo dhclient wlan0
[sudo] password for kayte:
There is already a pid file /var/run/dhclient.pid with pid 1927
killed old client process, removed PID file
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.1.2
Copyright 2004-2008 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connection Dropping Out But Still Showing It Is Still Connected?

Jan 20, 2010

as the titles states my wireless is dropping out but the networks manager is still saying i have a connection. the only way i have been able to be on the network every minute or so i have to manauly disconnect and reconnect to my wifi. under my windows 7 and vista installs the wireless card works fine now my card is a dlink dwa-547 and it uses the arthores chipset, it is encprtyed wifi, wpa2 aes on a n/g based network

peter@ubuntu:~$ sudo lshw -C network
description: Wireless interface
product: AR5008 Wireless Network Adapter


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connection Not Stay Connected For Long

Feb 8, 2010

When I turn on the computer, it connects to wireless automatically. That's good. But it doesn't stay connected very long. Especially if I turn on a p2p program or make a call through messenger. Then I get disconnected suddenly and if I want to connect again it doesn't work anymore. Network - You are now disconnected and that's it. Every time it happens I restart the system. I use an Acer Aspire 5738z laptop.

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Ubuntu Networking :: View Wireless Access Points Without Being Connected

Mar 21, 2010

Is there away to view wireless access points without being connected. I am having trouble getting connected to my wireless DSL modem. I have no problems connecting with Windows Vista. Just can not get Ubuntu 9.10 to connect. iwconfig says no associated with access point. I can connect with ethernet cable.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Recognise Mobile Wireless Connection... When It's Connected?

Apr 13, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10 working great. Installed Orange 515m as per fix shared on this and other forums; however while it works great at home, it will only 'connect' once at work - on subsequent attempts it connects, but browser etc behave as though they cannot find the modem and I cannot make further connections via gmail and Firefox. I had just made the swap from Win 7 to Ubuntu 9.10 for work as well as home, but I cannot be in the position of being unable to access my emails and so swapped my hard drive back to Win 7 drive today

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Does Not Work (gets Connected To Network Successfully)

Jun 10, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.04 from 9.10 and I ran into few issues.

Laptop - Dell Vostro 1520
OS - Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit

Issue - My wifi connects to the network properly and shows connection established. But I am not able to browse. I tried ping and I didn't got any response. But I was able to get response when I use ethernet (wired connection) and I am able to browse. No issues with wifi card as my wifi is working properly from Windows and with the same network. I did a complete update again before posting this and it is yet to be resolved. Here are the output of some commonly asked outputs with wifi enabled and connected:

1. sudo lshw -C network


description: Ethernet interface
product: RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller
vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Flash Drive Wireless Connected / No Internet

Dec 11, 2010

I have Ubuntu running from my flash drive. My wireless connection shows good connection to my router and other routers I have tried; however, when I open Firefox or chrome there is no internet connection.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Router Connected - Can Ping But No Internet

Mar 1, 2011

This morning my Ubuntu 10.10 Meerkat desktop suddenly lost internet connection, but stayed connected to my netgear router. After the usual "tried turning it off and on again" methods didn't work, I booted into my Win Vista partition to find that connected no problem. I have another Ubuntu netbook and a Windows 7 laptop in the house as well as an Android. These all connect fine. It appears to be just the desktop Ubuntu.

I can ping my router and log into it's UI via browser. I can also ssh to the box. My router does not do any filtering or blocking. I've tried disabling the firewall and changing the nameservers in /etc/network/interfaces and dhclient.conf as well as the network manager. The network card is a Belkin 54g but I can't remember the exact model no. it was bought years ago.

$ping www.google.com
PING www.l.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- www.l.google.com ping statistics ---
30 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 29004ms

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 * * *
...continues to...
30 * * *

When I do a restart of the networking service it spits out the error:
Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0
However, as I said the wireless itself works.

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:"haters gonna hate" .....

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Ubuntu Networking :: Eth1 Wireless Connected But Browser Says ERR_name_not_resolved

Apr 26, 2011

installed UB10.10 on a dell d800 laptop with a built in wireless.The eth1 wireless device/connection shows up on the little radio icon as connected .but the chrome browser says "ERR_name_not_resolved" when I enter a common url.What's the next step or hint for gaining full internet access ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Gnome Desktop Freezes Connected To A Wireless Lan?

Jun 21, 2011

I upgraded Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 on my IBM Thinkpad T41. [URL]... Since I did this, my gnome desktop freezes constantly after I connected to a wireless lan. It doesn't freeze immediately but a couple of minutes later. syslog gave me the hint that it could be a mistake in loading a module for my intel wireless card. syslog:

Jun 21 14:40:16 BlackBox pulseaudio[1508]: module-alsa-card.c: Failed to find a working profile.
Jun 21 14:40:16 BlackBox pulseaudio[1508]: module.c: Failed to load module "module-alsa-card" (argument: "device_id="29" name="platform-thinkpad_acpi" card_name="alsa_card.platform-thinkpad_acpi" tsched=yes ignore_dB=no card_properties="module-udev-detect.discovered=1""): initialization failed.
Jun 21 14:40:19 BlackBox NetworkManager[479]: <info> WiFi now disabled by radio killswitch
Jun 21 14:40:19 BlackBox NetworkManager[479]: <info> (eth1): device state change: 3 -> 2 (reason 0)
Jun 21 14:40:19 BlackBox NetworkManager[479]: <info> (eth1): deactivating device (reason: 0).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connected To Wireless Router, But Can't Connect To Internet?

Aug 2, 2011

I think something weird is going on. On a fresh installation of 11.04, I seem to be connected to my router just fine, but I can't reach the internet or anywhere else on my network. Anybody see my problem from what I've posted? The computer is only connected via wireless (so I don't know why eth0 would be connected as well). I can't think of what I'm missing...My system seems to be connected to my router on two interfaces. "ip addr" gives:

1: lo <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00


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Fedora Networking :: Can't Get Connected To Wireless Or The Wired Network

Apr 24, 2010

I have installed Linux for the first time on an old Gateway purchased from work. The system seems up and running, but I can't get connected to my wireless or the wired network. I have tried using the network manager, but it isn't working. I have tried reinstalling Fedora 12 I have the following LSUSB and LSCPI output.


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