Ubuntu Networking :: Why Getting Inconsistent Wireless Access

Jul 18, 2011

Currently I have a HP G62 Laptop and it's been great but recently I've started getting really inconsistent wireless access. When I boot up the computer - it will connect to the wireless and work for awhile but 10-15 minutes later, websites stop loading entirely so I have to restart to get it to reconnect. If I don't restart and disconnect/reconnect... it doesn't do anything, it shows it trying to connect and then a weird "hiccup" happens and it tries again until it finally decides that it cannot connect. I'm running the latest version of Ubuntu I believe.

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Debian :: Wireless Connection Is Unstable / Inconsistent

Jan 8, 2010

My wireless card works most of the time, however with prolonged usage results in a temporary halt in functionality. I am not sure how to go about diagnosing or solving the problem, and I do not know what information I should be providing.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Bluetooth Inconsistent After 10.10 Upgrade

Oct 11, 2010

So, after the upgrade to 10.10, my bluetooth devices keep cutting in and out, and my Jabra bt125 won't connect to this computer. The Jabra won't even show up on btscanner or bluewho, but it will connect to my phone. The phone connects, but quickly disconnects. When left alone, the two will connect again! A friend's other headset connected, but had the same problems as the phone. That was an LG HBM-210. The signal was good for up to a minute, then down for at least a minute, over and over. Before the upgrade everything worked perfectly. What happened, or what did I forget to do? Might I have removed something critical when I switched Maverick 64-bit to the lubuntu package, and tried to remove some redundancies?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless: Can't Associate With Access Point In Kde, Wireless In Gnome Works Fine?

Apr 30, 2010

one of these "WiFi works in Gnome, not in KDE" threads, but I have been all over google and hundreds of threads across different sites and can't figure this one out.As mentioned, wireless is peachy in Gnome, unfortunately I like KDE and I'm more productive using it (when I have internet). Wired network works fine in KDE, and my network card

03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless WiFi Link 5100
Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device 1201


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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Get Wireless Access

Apr 11, 2011

Just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my Vostro 1520, replacing a non-functional Vista OS.

I'm currently connected via ethernet cable but would really prefer not to have to be.

My Network Manager Applet 0.8.1 when moused over displays "networking disabled". Left-click yields "No network devices are available". Right-clicking shows the option to enable networking but it's blacked out.

lshw -c net yields the following:


WARNING: you should run this program as super-user.
description: Ethernet interface
product: RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller
vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Access LAN Shares While Over Wireless?

May 5, 2010

My university has a central leased line that is split into wired and wireless. While plugged into the wired network i can access all the windows shares. However when on the wireless network, i cant access the wired shares. Windows laptops can however access them, but directly entering the share name ( \share-name)

I am using Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wireless Internet Access?

Sep 17, 2010

I cant connect to the internet with my wireless( or my lan for that matter, but i mainly want to use my wireless). I am going to follow the ticket provided by one of the sticky threads [URL]

1.Machine Brand and Model
Actually i am using a computer i built myself using following components
AMD Phenom II x4 965 CPU
ASRock 890FX Mobo


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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up Wireless Access Point?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a Sonicwall access point, which I am able to set up through the interface, but after that I am unable to achieve a connection through my wireless card. I have a good understanding of everything involved, but really have no hands on experience when it comes to networking.


00:00.0 Host bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 735 Host (rev 01)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] Virtual PCI-to-PCI bridge (AGP)


Also, I should have mentioned that @ the interface for the Sonicwall it said that "no DNS server had been specified", but I set it up for DHCP, and I thought my ISP is using PPPoE (which I also thought used DHCP).

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Internet Access Via New Wireless Setup?

Feb 10, 2010

Running Ubuntu 9.10 Ive just got my wireless connection working after first having got the wired eth0 connection working.

With the wired connection I could SSH into my server through my firewall/router (via a forward). I can run up VNC, from there firefox, browse the web - all is well.

I have now setup the wireless connection, using a static IP, and I can likewise SSH into my server. I can run up VNC. I can ping my router. I can log onto it via VNC. I can browse to my router. But I cant browse the internet.

But I cant ping google.com. The reason is there is no host lookup service. Nslookup eventually says no servers could be reached.

So specifically, if I ping www.google.com Im told "unknown host". If I do an NSlookup on it I get timeout, no servers could be reached. However if I ping I get responses.

I see no relevant entries in my firewall log.

Unfortunately I cant traceroute because the package isnt found - and of course I cant install it because I have no internet !

Strangely (to me at least !) if I then tunnel through SSH and browse the web, I have no problems. It works ? I know I am browsing through my SSH tunnel because whatsmyip gives the IP of my router at home, not where Ive SSHd in from. I can surf just fine.

why I cant do host lookups any more (and this did work with my wired connection, but whether its related to my change to wireless, or static IPs or both I cant be sure - it certainly appeared to happen at the same time). And, more to the point, what I need to look for/do to rectify it ?

As a bonus Id be interested in why I can SSH and browse via tunnelling but not direct from my server (via VNC). Just for interests sake !

if config reports :

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:90:4b:27:ae:17
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::290:4bff:fe27:ae17/64 Scope:Link


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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Connect To Wireless Access Point

Mar 25, 2010

i've finish install driver for my wireless adapter and the result like this:

rapc0d@rapc0d-laptop:~$ iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To Wireless Access Point

Apr 15, 2010

I just installed the wicd network manager and when i was setting it up it said it couldn't find the ip address so when i input the address its saying it can't connect to a wireless access point. I am using wireless that has worked with the default network manager but will not work with this one.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To To Access Wireless Adaptor

Apr 16, 2010

I set up an older computer with Ubuntu 9.10 and tried to get my Linksys AE1000 Wireless N adapter to work. My first mistake was not checking in advance to see if this adapter would work, but I have taken the leap and I am intent on making it work. I ran lsusb and it gives me a device number (13b1:002f) so I know it can be seen and I have also installed indisgtk the GUI for Wirless drivers. I have tried some suggestions from other posts to no avail.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access Wireless Router Or Internet

Apr 18, 2010

I have a dual-boot desktop with Windows 7 and Ubuntu.Problem: Linux does not recognize my D-Link DWA-131 Wireless N USB Adapter. So, I can't access my wireless router or the internet.D-Link has a Linux driver for the DWA-131 posted on their website URL...that includes a readme file with long, strange, convoluted instructions on how to install the driver.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Access Wireless Router Via Ip Address?

Aug 24, 2010

us robotics router, trying to access, worked on windows xp, just switched to lucidi have tried using both firefox and chrome, neither will access my router

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 Will Not Connect To Wireless N Access Points

Oct 7, 2010

I have wireless G and N access points in my house. The N network is set to allow only N connections. I have a Lenovo laptop with a Intel Wireless N chip in it, and after one of the 10.10 updates it stopped connecting to my N access point. The G access point works just fine.

The logs for the Wireless N access point alway show "Bas Password." I am having the same problem with either NetworkManager or wicd.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Help Setting Up Wireless Access Point

Nov 7, 2010

I'm trying to set up a wireless access point and router using Ubuntu 10.10. My machine has an Atheros AR5001X+ PCI card, and eth0 is connected to an ADSL modem.After literally days and days of going in circles, I'm hoping that somebody here can help get me on track.This sort of works, though I had to go through some other contortions to get the madwifi driver to finally compile on my machine.At this point, I can see and connect to the WAP, but nothing more. When I try "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart",

I also have a second problem, which is that I want to use WebMin to manage this server, but I cannot figure out how to get the ADSL client module configured -- RP-PPPoE version 3. It seems to expect to work with pppoe-start, pppoe-stop, and pppoe-status, but when I try to run pppoe-status it says "Link is down", even though my ppp connection is actually working.Is is possible to use the WebMin ADSL client module with Ubuntu? I spent a lot of time trying to get pppoe-start, stop, etc. working but it was a complete mess and never seemed to behave. Finally, I just put the ppp startup commands into the /etc/network/interfaces file and that worked, but now the pppoe-* commands no longer seem to function.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Access Home Wireless Network

Nov 11, 2010

So I finally successfully installed Ubuntu 10.10, but I can't access my home wireless network. I dual booted with Windows 7, and it detects my local wireless network, asks for the key and connects correctly. In Ubuntu, I have to plug in an ethernet cable to access the internet (like I am now). Ubuntu doesn't detect the network, and I tried "Create New Wireless Network..." up the top right, but it doesn't connect.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless - Will Not Connect To Any Access Point

Nov 30, 2010

I installed it alongside Win XP, using Wubi, and it seems I use Ubuntu 10.04.Everything worked out as expected, and my wired internet connection works like a dream.However:My wireless connection seem a little buggy.I can see all networks (except WPA2) so even if I want to fix the WPA2 problem, I'd rather just open my network for now.

So my network is now open, I see it in the NetworkManager list, and as i try to connect, the following happens:The wireless symbol start flashing. From here it keeps flashing, untill it gives up.I use RT2870 drivers, and D-Link DWA-140 USB wireless adapter.

It goes without saying I am a freshman regarding Linux, so if anyone knows what to do, and cares to take the time to tell me, please do tell me in a detailed manner.I do know the basics of the Terminal, and yes, I do know how to copy/paste commands I find linux way more satisfying than Windows so far ... And thanks in advance for giving away your time More info can be given upon request (You might have to explain how to find that specific info)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connection But No Internet Access?

Dec 6, 2010

I had been happily using a wireless connection for about two weeks. The connection then went down for a few days. Since it came back up, I can connect to the network, but cannot access the internet. Other users of the network can both connect to the network, and access the internet, though people have experienced the same problem as me the last time the network went down (they could connect to the network but not access the internet). I have tried deleting and re-starting the connection, to no avail. I have looked around the forums, but haven't found anything that can help: do any of you have any suggestions? I am malarial and at the end of tether.It is not a problem with Ipv6, which is set to ignore, as it was in the past when the connection workedI am running Ubuntu 10.10 on an X61 Thinkpad. Below is the output of iwconfig, route -n, lspci, and what happens when I ping other network

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1d:72:9e:09:8f


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Ubuntu Networking :: Compaq 110 Cannot 'see' Any Wireless Access Points

Dec 11, 2010

Installed 10.10 maverick on my compaq mini 110, activated the restricted STA driver... But under the networking drop down it shows wireless as enabled but I cannot actually see any networks, there should be about a half a dozen to see. Works fine under windows. Before the restricted drivers are activated ifconfig shows eth0 and after eth0 and eth1 but when I do iwscan eth0 or eth1 it tells me this action is not supported! I have tried reinstalling from cli but no difference?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Create Wireless Access Point

Feb 12, 2011

I'm going to be working in an office with no wifi and no 3g signal but my laptop will be connected to the web via a wired network.Any way I can use the wifi card in my ubuntu laptop to create a wireless access point so my phone can connect? Would have to be easily selected and deselected as I'd then want to use wifi to connect to the internet at home.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Access Internet Using Firefox When Wireless

May 3, 2011

I just loaded Ubuntu 11.04 onto Acer Aspire 5100 computer. I can access the internet through Firefox when I connect ethernet lan cable but it doesn't work when I use wireless connection. Although I do get the indicator in top right that says my wireless connection was established. Why I can't access internet with Firefox in wireless mode? I tried toggling the wireless switch in front of Acer but that didn't work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use Wireless With Certain Access Points

May 11, 2011

I am having trouble connecting to 1 particular wireless hotspot. It used to work in Ubuntu 10.10, but after upgrading to Ubuntu 11.04 it sees the Access Point, tries to connect but never succeeds. I can however still connect to my home router. Both use WPA2, both have a good signal. I have an ASUS UL30a laptop with a (output from lspci): Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01) NIC I was thinking of installing the linux-modules-backport-net package?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting To Wireless Network - But No Access

Aug 7, 2011

I have a fairly new install of 10.04 on a Dell laptop (about a week). Everything was running well, connecting wirelessly to the interneet through my home router (WPA/WPA2). Today, for some reason, I lost my connection to the internet. The network manager tells me I'm connected to my router, but all the lines on the wifi indicator are gray and there is no internet access. I reinstalled the 2 sets of packets for my BCN4312 (bcmwl-kernel-source and b43-fwcutter ), but no change.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Wireless Connected But No Internet Access

Aug 26, 2011

I have installed ubuntu 10.04 and STA wireless driver. I am using a wimax modem, the wireless is connected (have IP addresses) but I do not have access to the internet.I also have installed a windows XP as a guest OS (ubuntu is the host) on vmware. By using a bridged network connection, I am able to access internet. So I guess the problem is related to the ubuntu wireless driver.

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Ubuntu Networking :: With Encrypted Wireless Connection Not Able To Access Internet

Jan 26, 2010

With Encrypted Wireless Connection Not Able to Access Internet - no pings, internet browsing, etc. However, without encryption I am able to browse the internet. I need encryption ..

I am pasting diagnostics collected by shell procedure collectNWdata.sh..

collectNWData.sh V0.6.2.0 (Rev: 1.193, Build: 2010/01/20 21:22:30 UTC)
--- Which type of your network connection should be tested?
--- (2) Wireless connection (WLAN)
--- What's the type of networktopology?


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Ubuntu Networking :: View Wireless Access Points Without Being Connected

Mar 21, 2010

Is there away to view wireless access points without being connected. I am having trouble getting connected to my wireless DSL modem. I have no problems connecting with Windows Vista. Just can not get Ubuntu 9.10 to connect. iwconfig says no associated with access point. I can connect with ethernet cable.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Config Of A Wireless-N USB Adapter And Access Internet

Apr 13, 2010

I spent $70 on a brand-new Wireless-N adapter for my Ubuntu computer in hopes that I could get it to connect to the main router in the house and get me internet access. However, the driver install CD is designed for Windows and thus will not run. I have tried to get it to set up, but it takes no action when plugged in and I am still without access to the internet. what I can do to get my computer connected and save me from having wasted $70?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Create Wireless Access Point For IPhone

Apr 14, 2010

I'd like to create a wireless network so that I can connect my iPhone to the internet. I made a new network, the iPhone sees the network and apparently connects, but Safari doesn't work. It doesn't work with the default settings, and I don't know what to put in the fields. Could anyone give me a small tutorial?

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Ubuntu Networking :: KDE Wallet Service Keeps Asking For Password To Allow Wireless Access?

Aug 19, 2010

At boot up, the KDE Wallet Service keeps asking for my password to allow wireless access! How can I stop this? I want wireless access to be allowed permanently.

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