Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Control Outlook Via VPN

Oct 10, 2010

I have a HP Pavilion dv9700 with Ubuntu and Windows Vista (dual boot with Grub).For some reason when I connect to my computer at work (Windows XP machine) in Ubuntu mode, I'm unable to control Outlook 2007. I can activate outlook window, but I cannot browse/open e-mails or folders.When my laptop is in Windows Vista mode everything works fine. This is the only reason for me to still use Windows.

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CentOS 5 :: Unable To Use Outlook/thunderbird Behind Squid Proxy

Jan 7, 2010

I am not able to use outlook or any other email client on my computer(to access gmail account) I am also not able to forward port to my computer for a bit torrent client

I can access the internet using proxy settings

I have just installed CentOS 5 as a server with 2 NIC's for my home network.

My set up is something like this

adsl wireless router(static ip from ISP) - ( Cent os server ( - switch/hub - clients(windows XP/Vista,Linux)

the linux server acts as a Web Server,DHCP and Squid proxy server

Will installing an email server resolve my problem?

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Server :: Unable To Configure In Email Client (outlook 2007)?

May 28, 2011

I have configured the postix email server in Centos. Its working fine with Squirrel mail client. But If I configured in microsoft Outlook. it is working. with this post I have attached the error message. Please let me know solution.I am getting this error message while I check the SMTP authentication in outgoing server tab on outlook account setting configuration.If I send any email It will bounce and came to to inbox

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Software :: Unable To Receive Virtual Users Mails In Outlook

Mar 19, 2011

We are facing an issue with virtual users. We have configured postfix in Fedora 12. We are able to receive as well as send mails for the main domain users (i.e. example.com) but not able to receive virtual users mail (i.e. configured example2.com in main.cf and configured in virtual file as systems@example2.com useronly). We are receiving error message in outlook as 0x800CCC0F. Please guide us how to solve this issue.

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General :: Transparent Squid - Iptables Syntax And Unable To Use Outlook To Access SMTP And POP3

Feb 10, 2011

I've set up Ubuntu 9.04 (desktop) at home in a lab environment (workgroup rather than domain) and have configured Squid. Everything works fine but, when I took it to the next level and made the proxy transparent, my problems began. I can still access sites (having pointed the XP Pro client to the squid box as the DG) and the sites are logged in /var/log/squid/access.log but I am unable to use Outlook to access my SMTP and POP3. I guess that the setup is blocking ports 25 and 110 and I'll need to configure iptables to forward packets destined for these ports directly to the "real" DG, rather than the Squid box. Here's the set up:

A single NIC (eth0) on / 16 (static) ADSL router ("real" DG) on I executed iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128 My squid.conf:

acl all src all
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl localnet src RFC1918 possible internal network
acl localnet src RFC1918 possible internal network
acl mynet src

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Start An Openvpn-connection Via The "nmcli"-command To Control NetworkManager

Jun 4, 2011

As I reported in this bug:[URL].. root is not able to start an openvpn-connection via the "nmcli"-command to control NetworkManager, whereas my user does not run in any problems with this command. My error output when starting as root is as follows:

# nmcli con up id "my-openvpn"
Active connection state: unknown
Active connection path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/5
state: VPN connecting (need authentication) (2)
Error: Connection activation failed: no valid VPN secrets.

Does anybody know what to do about this strange behaviour? The vpn-secret seems to be stored in the gnome-keyring and in the /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/my-openvpn simultaneously. But root cannot access any of these. Why this is important? I'm trying to set up a dispatcher-script to automatically start openvpn on eth-connection. but this does throw the exact error from above (no valid vpn secrets..).


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Networking :: Iptables And Outlook Account Through Gmail?

Feb 15, 2010

Issue : Unable to use gmail account through outlook

What iptables rules that I should put in place This is my setup

Eth0 � 192.168.1.x - Connected to internet
Eth3 � � Local Lan
Pop.gmail.com � port 995
Smtp.gmail.com � port 465

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Networking :: Sending Emails Using Outlook On Client Machines?

Jun 20, 2009

i have problem in sending emails using outlook on my client machines i.e XP i am getting the error Relay access denied. i am using fedora 9 as our server. with dovecot and postfix and fetchmail.it was working fine previously .

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Networking :: Outlook Mail Sending / Receving With Iptables?

May 31, 2010

I am very new to linux. I have to build a netwrok for small lab and office setup. Setup as below I have a PC running with Centos 5.4 and has 4 NIC cards. eth0, eth1, eth2 and eth3.

eth0 --- Connected to DSL and getting the Public IP address using PPPoE.
eth1 --- statically configured on the interface
eth2 --- statically configured on the interface
eth3 --- statically configured on the interface


I am able to browse from all the hosts behind each nic cards. But mails from outlook not working (sending and receiving). I have configured gmail in the outlook with imap and smtp. I tried allowing the port 25 using follwoing command, iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT . let me know what should be done to access mails from outlook

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Find The Volume Control

Jun 28, 2010

I was just playing some .flv files on my laptop with Ubuntu Lucid. At the start they played okay but after playing a few of those files the next files stopped playing. I tried playing one which had played just two minutes ago and it could not play. So evidently the problem was not with the files. Since I was using VLC I got an error message saying that the file could not be opened. So I restarted the laptop and tried playing them again and they did work(play). But the problem now is that the volume control which is placed at the top panel was not there anymore. I right clicked and selected Add to Panel. I searched for Volume Control but could not find it.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Find The Gnome Control Center

Jan 16, 2010

Where is Gnome Control Center. I checked System, Preferences but it is not there

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Run Java JRE Control Panel Window

Dec 16, 2010

I am a bit green in Ubuntu Linux. I installed Java JRE and when I check using Java website I get the confirmation that it is indeed installed. I am unable to run the Java control panel window.

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OpenSUSE :: Virtualbox/vmware - Unable To Control Full Screen Mode In 11.3

Nov 1, 2010

I am using vmware and virtualbox for experimenting with different linux distros and for using windows... When I switch to full screen, the upper portion(about 50px from top) of system becomes unusable because I am not able to click with my mouse anywhere there. So ubuntu's top panel becomes unaccesible and for vmware, once it becomes full screen I am not able to minimize/restore/close it.

In full screen mode, looking at the mouse cursor, it seems to be controlled by guest system when in full screen but as soon as I move it to top of the screen, the host machine takes control of it and then I cannot access any top panels or vmware toolbar. Is there any solution to this problem... Please let me know if more information is needed from my side.I am using opensuse 11.3, KDE4.4.4, vmware 3.1.2/virtualbox 3.2.10. The problem is for both vmware and virtualbox.

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General :: Unable To Change A NVIDIA Control Panel To Adjust My RGB Settings

Jan 23, 2011

In a previous version of UBUNTU I was able to enter a NVIDIA control panel to adjust my RGB settings. Now I'd like to change it slightly but there doesn't seem to be a NVIDIA control panel. There used to be two of them. After installing the video driver, If I tried to go into UBUNTU video settings I would get a console message stating I now need to use NVIDIA control panel and would automatically open it for me.

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Fedora Networking :: Open The Network Device Control To Activate It But There Is No Network Ports In Network Device Control?

Jan 7, 2010

I just added a 2 port network card to a system that is running Fedora 11, but it is INACTIVE. I open the Network Device Control to activate it but there is no network ports in Network Device Control. It is empty.It looks like the system recognize the card and loaded correct driver.

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Ubuntu :: Control-c - Control-v - Copy And Paste Functions - Stopped Working

Jan 19, 2011

I don't know how this happened, but my keyboard copy and paste functions have stopped working. Oddly enough, I discovered that I can only copy and paste by using the third mouse button. Pressing down on the scroll wheel after highlighting text copies the text, pressing it again pastes it Ican still use the Edit-copy and Edit-paste menu functions.

I'm sure it has something to do with all the tinkering I have been doing with my desktop. I have been experimenting with CompizConfig and Cairo dock, changing my themes and things of this nature.

Ububtu 10.04.1
kernel 2.6.32-27 generic

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Fedora :: Lost Volume Control / Internet And Battery Indicator From Control Panel On F11

Jul 15, 2009

I feel little silly asking this, I accidently removed from my gnome panel my internet connection, volume control and battery indicator on F11. how can I add this back. It does not show up in the add to panel menu and the applications do not give you back the default feel.

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Hardware :: Control Cpu Fan Speed - No Fan Control With BIOS - Acpi - Lm-sensors

Dec 31, 2010

I cannot get any fan information from 'lm-sensors' or 'sensors', I tried to run 'pwmconfig' and got this:



But I have no tools to control the fan speed from 'acpi'. in particular '/proc/acpi/fan' is an empty directory.

There are no fan info/controls in BIOS either.

I believe the fans do not work as fast as they should and I am trying to find a way to fix this before the cpu cores are melted down from overheating.

Laptop information: HP Pavilion dv2500t


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Ubuntu Networking :: Using VNC To Control Vista?

Feb 15, 2010

My Linux box is eventually gunna sit in my AV setup, so I dont really want a keyboard and mouse hanging off of it once it's setup, so my plan is, the occasions i do need to tinker, to RDP/VNC to it from my Vista laptop.Now I've got the free version of RealVNC running on the Vista laptop and I can bring up the Linux desktop ok, and on first glance it seems ok, but quickly everything proves to not be ok. The mouse and keyboard dont work, say I click on something, nothing happens. However, if I close the VNC session and restart, the previous mouse click has then happened and visible in the VNC session. So it seems things arent updating properly.

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Debian :: Sound Not Card Configured - Error 'Volume Control Did Not Find Any Elements And/or Devices To Control" - Driver

Feb 8, 2011

Laptop is Dell Latitude C600/C500 with Pentium III 850Mhz, 256Kb L2 Cache, 256MB RAM, ATI M3 video card, HD 20005 MB and sound card is EES Maestro 3i. After trying to do something with Windows 2000 which was installed on the machine, I decided to put Linux without keeping windows on the machine. First I try with Xubuntu (latest version) which was working but slowly, then I found that Debian could work fine on that machine. I have installed latest version 5.08 and was surprised how goodly old machine can work. I solved problems with screen resolution (change from 800x600 to 1024x768) but I couldn't find solution how to fix problem with sound.

Actually I don't have sound on the machine. I looked for a linux driver for that sound card and Dell is only providing windows drivers. Then I found that I can solve the problem with ALSA drivers but I couldn't find the easy way (or any way at all) to install drivers and to get back the sound. When I click on 'Volume Control' (top right corner of the screen) I get the message: 'Volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured.'

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Networking :: Control Two Comps With One ?

Dec 21, 2009

Currently I have two separate running laptops on a home network.

The "remote" comp has slackware running on it. I would like to use my main comp to control both, by switching the control of main keyboard(and mouse) between the two comps quickly at will.

I currently have the remote comp running an ssh-server. Is it possible (and practical) to set this up using ssh?......similarly, what c++/c libs are available to build this kind of server?.....

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Networking :: Take Control Of A Ssh Client?

Oct 16, 2010

I want to connect two computers using ssh. One is at work, behind a firewall (which I have no access on it), and the other is mine, at home. I want to connect, from home, the one at work at night.

Obviously, the computer at work should be the server, and mine, the client. The point is that the firewall does not allow it, maybe blocking any SYN bit coming from outside of work.

Since I can establish communication when the client is at work and the server is at home, I can make the computer at work try connection periodically, and when I want, take control of the client. Do you know any way of doing that with ssh?

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Networking :: Traffic Control ?

Oct 19, 2010

How are packets treated that do not match any of the filters?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Control The Xubuntu Desktop From Kubuntu?

Jan 8, 2010

I have a computer with xubuntu 9.10 and a pc with kubuntu 9.10, and I need to operate on the xubuntu desktop from kubuntu. On KDE there are Krfb/krdc for the desktop, but what can i install on xubuntu to do this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: VNC Screen Freezes On Connect But Can Control

May 10, 2010

I have 2 computers with Ubuntu 10.04, when I VNC to the computer I want to control I get the first frame but no subsequent frames. However I can still control the computers mouse and action on anything I want to but I need to be in the same room to see the screen I am VNC'ing to, this sort of defeats the point of VNC as I would like to be able to control the computer from any room in the house.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Remote Desktop Control For Noobs?

May 27, 2010

I need to remotely control my parents' computers to tech support them.My parents use Windows (XP) while I use Linux (Sidux) intuitive application since this is my first attempt at this:

-preferably thru browser

TeamViewer and LogMeIn turn up in my search. Seems like these two are the most popular. How do they stack up to each other?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Control Internet Traffic Without Router?

Jul 27, 2010

I have a desktop, a laptop, & a wireless router. The router, unfortunately, doesn't support dd-wrt, tomato, etc firmware, but I would still like to prioritize voip/web browsing over bulk Internet traffic. I hope I can offload the router's missing QoS to my desktop.

Is it possible to have the laptop's connection go from the wall to the router to the desktop, where the desktop could perform the QoS of tomato, then continue on to the laptop? I'm a bit of a noob to networking (subnets?) but do well enough following good instructions.

As for the program that would do the QoS... Don't some Linux machines basically work as super-powered routers for businesses? So there must be some package but couldn't find one. The closest I got was wondershaper but it only shapes traffic for the computer on which it's installed; it might form part of the solution but falls short on its own. other devices should be able to access the Internet normally if the desktop is turned off, & work with other devices like a (jailbroken) iPod Touch.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Parental Control/web Content Filtering?

Jul 29, 2010

I work at a cybercafe and i am currently plagued by users who, despite the warning not to, continue to watch porn and use p2p software on my connection. I have done some preliminary research on how to filter the web content as well as to reduce the bandwidth used by p2p software on my network. I found that a solution that has worked for many with regard to web content control is danguardian + squid or privoxy in conjunction with a firewall like firehol or something of the sort. Others use an os like untangle or clear os and install it on a stand alone server. then others use open dns. although i would like the open dns solution, i will need to install a dns client, ddclient and i am a linux newbie so and ddclient requires some compiling or so, and i'm not yet into that. I am also currently not in the mood to dabble into untangle or clear os bcos it will cost me a lot do download the iso's. Internet access is costly over here.

Before i go ahead to implement the steps in any of the tutorials i have seen, i am wondering if such a measure will even help at all.You see, at my cafe, i use my server to share the connection to all my clients. I connect to the internet using a gsm modem. then i have two nic's. nic1 is set to share my connection and my router connects to that nic1. nic2 connects to my router using a static ip to enable communicate with my clients. If i implement something like dansguardian on my server, will it solve the problem for me, that is, do i have to also re-implement the steps i took to configure dansguardian on all the other pc's, that is, my clients?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Control Computer From Android Phone?

Aug 13, 2010

I like playing around in linux. I have Windows 7 Home Premium which does not have Remote access.I want to be able to control my computer from my android phone. Which verison would be best. I was going to try out Linux Mint 9.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Remote Control Of Windows Computer?

Apr 11, 2011

I have a very simple network of two computers. One is running ubuntu (Maverick) and the other running Windows (Vista).The two computers are networked satisfactorily but I wish to control the Vista computer from the ubuntu one.I have tried running UltraVNC on the Vista computer and the default VNC from ubuntu. However neither computer can see the other using VNC.

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