Ubuntu Networking :: How To Enable Loopback Connections

Aug 22, 2010

I run a webserver Apache2, php5, and MySQL. They are all set up correctly and I can access my website at [URL] I have, also installed, noip2 to update my IP address to no-ip.com for my domain name. Here's the problem: I can access my website through that domain name on other computers, both on internet and on the same network. But I cannot access it from my own computer (using the domain name instead of localhost). I need to be able to access the domain name on my computer because some pages on my website have been defined as the address to my domain name and not localhost. I cannot change this to localhost because if I do then people outside cannot work the webpages correctly. I had the same troubles on Windows before and I simply enabled loopback connections by typing in my private IP address along with the domain name into the Windows hosts file. I use version 10.04.

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Fedora Networking :: Wired Connections - Shutting Down Loopback Interface

Jun 22, 2010

I have a problem with my F13 and wired connections on my Acer TravelMate 2410. When I connect the inet cable it doesn't show it as connected. When I type ifconfig, it shows everything as it should. When I tried to bring up eth0 with ifup eth0, it said that the device is not managed by NetworkManager. I tried to restart nm with service network restart, but it gave this error:

Shutting down loopback interface: Error org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerSettings.InvalidConn ection: ifcfg file ;/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lo' unknown

The same error came up for eth0 and Wired_connection_1 (the connection I configured from NM )
When I typed nmcli dev list it gave me:

GENERAL.TYPE: 802-11-wireless
GENERAL.STATE: disconnected

GENERAL.TYPE: 802-3-ethernet
GENERAL.STATE: unavailable

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Debian :: How To Enable SSH On Server For Connections

Apr 12, 2010

I have installed Debian Lenny 5 and am trying to access the server via SSH port 22 but it keeps telling me : Connection refused .Any ideas how to enable this SSH on Debian server for connections ???

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Ubuntu Networking :: Loopback Interface Not On Startup?

Apr 20, 2010

I own an Ubuntu Server 9.04 on a remote dedicated server. Since a few days (?) the loopback interface is not 'up' on reboot : I only have eth0 (which works fine).Here is my /etc/networking/interfaces (did not change since server initialization):

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface


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OpenSUSE Network :: Enable IP Forwarding While NetworkManager Handle Internet Connections?

Jan 30, 2011

I want to share my WiFi internet connection over LAN, so I'm trying to set up IP forwarding. An old tutorial tells me to go to Network Settings in YaST to do this, but that applet says that NetworkManager is now handling all of that stuff.How do I enable IP forwarding while NetworkManager handles my internet connections?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up Work Loopback Server

Mar 24, 2010

I'm setting up a loopback server for work related testing. I have a small program that needs to be executed through telnet from about 200 IP's on the same network. On the server, I have to set a static ip, enable telnet login, and place my 2 program files in the appropriate folders so it will run. I have been on this for 2-3 days and haven't got far.

My /etc/Network/interfaces file is this...
Auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

The rest of terminal is filled up with these, and it states that the file only has 32 characters. I don't know if this is a privilege issue or not. I've read several threads on telnet, and lots of arguments about ssh, but I can't run ssh, so I need to enable telnet. There is not a security issue. I run a private network where the only valuable resource would probably be the text file with my IP address on it. Its also accessed by people that have very limited networking knowledge and no linux knowledge...

Set static IP
Setup telnet server...
Any takers?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Loopback Won't Work When Not Connected To Any Network?

May 6, 2010

I'm using Wordpress on Apache localy to keep a diary (it's convenient because of the tags).
When I'm connected to any network (be it wired or wireless) my Apache (and Wordpress, of course) works just fine. But as soon as I go offline, I can't access the web server neither through browser nor by telneting to the 80th port. Pinging localhost works just fine.Here is my ifconfig when offline and when online:Online:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:24:54:6f:07:aa


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Ubuntu Networking :: Nat Loopback - Get The Sever Viewable To Everyone Outside Of My Network ?

Sep 1, 2011

So I have an Ubuntu server setup but my modem from my ISP only has one ethernet port so I have to run my server behind a router. I have been able to get the sever viewable to everyone outside of my network but when someone is inside my network they have to view the server by the direct IP the web address doesnt work nor does the actual static IP. I believe this is something to do with my router not being able to loopback. It is a belkin N600 DB.

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Fedora Networking :: Loopback Mtu 16436 ?

Oct 12, 2010

Why does the loopback interface has such a high mtu? I get it that it needs to work out even large packets, which is logical but why this specific number? I can set the MTU even higher with the ip link command, so it's not a limitation of the variable used.

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Networking :: Pseudodevice And Loopback Device ?

Nov 22, 2010

The concepts of pseudodevice and loopback device ?

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Networking :: Communication Without Loopback Device

Jan 13, 2010

I have two ethernet card on my computer, I want to make a TCP or UDP communication between these two cards, so I disable loopback: #ifconfig lo down. but with out loopback I can't even ping an eth from another one. how should I do? I want traffic to really pass eth cards.

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Networking :: Ipv6 Loopback Configuration

Feb 15, 2011

I have a server application that uses loopback addresses to open servers on linux machine.

For IPv4 with one line of configuration I can open many servers according to the mask I use for example with I can open 254 servers.

How can I do the same for IPv6 ? I am able to add loopback interfaces but only for one host. Is it possible to add for a subnet ?

If not what is the max number of addresses that I can add ?

I also saw that it add the address only to loopback lo and I can add it to lo:3 for example.

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Ubuntu :: 2 Pptp Vpn Connections - When I Dial One Of My Vpn Connections, My Other Vpn Connections Be Disabled?

Feb 7, 2011

have a problem with my network-manager in ubuntu 10.10.when I dial one of my vpn connections, my other vpn connections be disabled and I can't use them!I tried to restart network-manager and gnome-panel, but it does't seem to solve this problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Added Some Loopback Ip's And Strange Behaviour Ensues?

Feb 7, 2010

I added the following lines to my /etc/rc.local file:

ifconfig lo:0 netmask
ifconfig lo:1 netmask


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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Tools Defaults To Loopback Interface

Jul 22, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 and I've been unable to access any type of Internet service besides web browsing. When I check on Network Tools, it's always set on Loopback Interface, regardless of whether I've just switched it to Ethernet Interface. I haven't been able to download system updates through Update Manager. I'm not very experienced with Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Networking :: All Wireless Stops Working If Loopback Is Enabled In Router?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm running a Source Dedicated Server on my Ubuntu laptop, and to connect to it via external IP from other computers in the network I need to enable loopback in my router.This was working fine, but then I disconnected my laptop for a few days, and when I came back the wireless stopped working on my Xbox. I reset the router to factory defaults, and then setup everything again. It was all working fine until I enabled loopback again and power cycled my router. Now every time I do that, the internet on Ubuntu stops working and the wireless on the Xbox stops working.

Edit: You can ignore this I guess. It seems I was actually DISABLING loopback by enabling that router option, which I guess caused this. Strange, because the first time enabling this option was the only way to get my external ip to work. Oh well, everything is fine now.

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Networking :: Pppd Nomagic To Stop Loopback Errors?

Oct 16, 2010

QUESTION: Where do I add "pppd nomagic" to stop analog modem loopback errors? (I am using Gnome PPP.)BACKGROUND INFO:I am using Ubuntu LTS 8.04 on a laptop and have an analog modem connected via USB serial cable. The 8.04 dialup and the analog modem work flawlessly.Modem disconnects when using Ubuntu LTS 10.04.1 Live USB:I am testing LTS 10.04.1 on a live USB drive that I purchased preinstalled from On-Disk.On the live USB drive, I am able to get a dialup connection with my ISP long enough to pull up a web page with the browser. However, the analog modem disconnects within minutes with exit codes 16 or 17.an pppd:16 The link was terminated by the modem hanging up.The PPP negotiation failed because serial loopback was detected.

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Networking :: Will Bringing Down Loopback Interface Make Whole Server To Go Down?

Dec 14, 2010

I have a client's linux server where someone added a script which sends spam mails from the server's local loopback address ( all my seniors worked on it and couldn't trace the script on the server this issue was going for a week, now I have an idea to bring down the loopback interface of that particular server(ya, that was not a permanent solution but just had an idea), but my support manager told that it will bring the whole server down(so far as i have learn't loopback address is used only for testing the NIC card's functionality), is that really bring the server down.?. How ever i tried this using a test machine all the connections works fine even after i bring down the loopback interface. As my client's server is a production server i can't test it there without clear knowledge, can any one help me out whether will it bring down the server or will it cause any side effects on it(i know that you guys are experts so i am asking it here)?

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Security :: Iptables State Module - Configuration Error / Not Enable Incoming Packets From Connections Initiated From Inside?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a server that I can only access via SSH (it's located far away) and I would like to secure it by blocking all ports except the ones that I need (which are HTTP and SSH). I still want to be able to make outgoing connections to enable software updates and other things.This is my iptables -L -n :

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
DROP tcp -- tcp dpts:1:21
DROP tcp -- tcp dpts:23:79
DROP tcp -- tcp dpts:81:65535

In my opinion, this should block all incoming packets except the ones on port 80 and 22, but allow responses to outgoing connections. But a wget http://google.com does not work, it can't establish the connection.

Maybe this is not the best style for iptables rules, but I want to be absolutely sure to not accidently lock myself out from SSH, so I chose not to configure a "block-everything rule".

Does this configuration not enable incoming packets from connections initiated from inside?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Slow System Due To Hostname Loopback Address?

Jan 12, 2010

New CentOS 5.4 system working fine. Sys admins came in and copied the hosts file from one of the servers down to my desktop and ever sincethen machine has been slow (progs take 10-20seconds to load). RunningGnome. Luckily I saved the old hosts file and copied it back and all is now well. But I'd like to understand why, particularly as I will need to change myhostname in the future.

As configured:
/etc/hosts (yes my hostname is "dummyName" that I will need to change later) dummyName localhost.localdomain localhost


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Add Extra Loopback Adapters Like Windows - For GNS3 Router Emulation

Mar 26, 2009

I have been searching the forums for quite a while, to add extra Loopback adapter in Centos 5.1, but no success! Could you please suggest me the steps? in Windows, it is quite easy to add as many adapters as you want. wondering, if this is even possible in Linux? I have to run GNS3/Dynamips for router emulation and bind those Loopback adapters to virtual routers!

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OpenSUSE Network :: Permanently Enable X Connections From All Machines On Local Network?

Jan 13, 2010

Does anyone know how to permanently enable X connections from all machines on my local network. I keep having to enter 'xhost +' to allow X connections.

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Ubuntu :: Deluge WebUI Enable / Re-enable Subsequently Unable To Re-enable It (doesn't Appear In The Side Panel Again)?

Feb 10, 2010

I recently installed Deluge 1.2.0 from the following PPA:[URL]I using this on two different Linux computers. One is running Linux Mint 8 and the other is running Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10. The first time on either computer when I enable WebUI in the Deluge GUI it works fine. However if I ever disable it in plugins section I am subsequently unable to re-enable it (doesn't appear in the side panel again). Rebooting or reinstalling Deluge seems to have no effect.Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Networking Connections Not Listed In Network Manager

Aug 23, 2010

Neither of my wired network connections are listed in the network manager applet. I know that networking seems to be functional since I can ping local devices on the network. I can't resolve DNS names however. I suppose this is because network manager usually handles DNS? I've posted the outputs of various configurations below.


# This file is installed into /etc/NetworkManager, and is loaded by
# NetworkManager by default. To override, specify: '--config file'
# during NM startup. This can be done by appending to DAEMON_OPTS in


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Security :: Policy That Limits Connections On Port - Encapsulates Total Sum Of All Connections From Hosts?

Jan 21, 2011

Is it fair to say that connLimit and hashlimit are very similiar on Linux i.e. while hashlimit caters to limits for groups of ports, they both set the connection rate limit per host? How in IPTables, do I configure a policy that limits connections on a port that encapsulates the total sum of all connections from all hosts? i.e. I do not want to allow more than 6000conn/minute for port range that is the sum of all connecting hosts?

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Fedora Installation :: Network Connections Is Inactive - Cannot Set Internet Connections

May 30, 2011

I recently installed Fedora 15 now, and during installation I set the internet connection manually, then did update and after reboot, the internet connection settings have been removed. Now I can not set because the network connection to the Internet Connection is inactive. I mention that before the update was functional internet connection.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connections Not Showing Up?

Jan 12, 2010

When I click on the network manager icon next to the date in the upper right corner of my screen, my network connections do not show up. I have added two DSL connections on my laptop (username & password) but it doesn't show up. Everyday I need to use

sudo pppoeconf
if I wish to connect to the internet.

Both these connections are added in the same way on my Desktop Computer and it shows up on the network manager. One of them is even the default which connects automatically on startup.

Because it's not working I assume network manager is not compatible with my laptop. Are there patches to install or other programs that can easily manage my internet connection?

I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 on a not-so-new laptop.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Missing Connections Tab In GUI?

Jul 27, 2010

I have recently installed lucid 10.04, and I am having difficulty accessing my wireless. Following instructions to install the drivers for my wireless card, I always run into a problem when I need to configure my card. When I go to system-administration-network, there is no connections tab listed. I can only access General, DNS and hosts.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Also Missing Connections Tab In GUI

Aug 15, 2010

Did ragemaw ever get that missing connections tab? Mine is missing too and furthermore wireshark cannot set up on any interfaces, because it cannot find them.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Opendns - All Connections Rather Than 1 By 1?

Nov 14, 2010

So I'm going to try out opendns as an internet filter. But I'm not doing it on a network/router, just on my local machine. Using ubuntu, I read that I need to select each connection and change the dns settings.Is there a way to generically add the dns settings so that if I connect to a new network I don't have to manually update it's settings?

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