Ubuntu Networking :: Desperate Now - Samba Update Has Made NAS Unusable?

May 31, 2010

I have had a good look round the forums but cannot come up with anything quite like this and the problem prevents me from using my NAS box and stuff is starting to stack up on my main PC now...

I have a Dell desktop running Ubuntu 9.04, a Shuttle running Mythbuntu 9.10 and a Netgear ReadyNAS Duo, all of which worked fine until this problem started. I have done nothing to any config files nor have I modified any settings from the outset, as far as I can remember I have just used everything as it came. This problem probably started a month or so back when update manager suggested a Samba update on both PC's which I accepted. I don't fire up my NAS box more than once or twice a month to back all my photos, music, video etc. so it was a while before I did (following the update) I could see the NAS and the Shuttle from the Dell but couldn't browse them I just got the error message 'Unable to mount location. Failed to retrieve share list from server' which I gather is all too common. I have searched around a bit on these forums and have tried a few things in the command line to gather information and I found something that worried me rather a lot. From Dell:

geoff@geoff-dell:~$ findsmb


I haven't done any updates on the NAS box firmware so it can't be that and now I don't even see the shares in filemanager. What on earth is going on??? I know there are many other threads similar to this but but I am hoping that the slight difference might make this more obvious to solve. I forgot to mention that now I don't even see the shares in filedmanager - another thing that happened all by itself!

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Ubuntu :: Install Made One Of My Partitions Unusable

Nov 25, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 9.04 and later it got updated to 10.04 via automatic upgrades.

Previously, I having Windows. My HDD had 3 partitions. I installed Ubuntu in the C drive of Windows partition, left D drive as it was (in NTFS, because it had crucial data), and wanted to extract some part of E to be used as Swap. I marked E to be used as swap, but it took all of the drive as swap space, and later when I corrected it so that it takes only 2 Gigs and went ahead with the install, it made that partition unusable.

Maybe because it doesn't allow more than 4 physical partitions.

I am attaching two screenshots of Disk Utility results and Disk Part too.

Disk Utility Report:

GParted view:

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Server :: Uninstalling LAMP Components - Various Config Files And Made The Setup Unusable

Mar 22, 2011

I am slowly learning Linux by bringing up a server. Using tasksel, I installed the LAMP-server, which went fine. Now, however, I have mucked about with various config files and made the setup unusable. I'd like to do uninstall all of the LAMP packages and do a clean (and more thoughtful) install. Here's the problem: tasksel returns an "aptitude failed (100)" error. I have search various forums and all of the help related to this error (which I can't actually find *explained* anywhere) is related to installing packages. I tried them anyway, without success. man pages and the stack of manuals I have don't seem to be of much help either.

- describe what the error message means?
- a way to remove the packages or the config files by hand?

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General :: Samba Windows Share \ Made 2 Users?

Jan 9, 2011

want to made 2 users in samba by which windows machine we access share, say user1 has read,execute permission, user2 has read write delete update full permission. we have done user1 configuration as premia user. we need your guideline for user2

we change the smb.conf file
# less /etc/samba/smb.conf


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Fedora X86/64bit :: 14 Completely Unusable; Probably Because Kernel Update

May 24, 2011

My main systems runs Fedora 14 x64 with the latest updates (I can't check anymore, but I believe it has the .13.91 x64 kernel). Since this afternoon it became unsuable. First, Opera Browser crashed and the crash report app of the browser showed up. Clicking one of the options there resulted to X crash, if I understood what really went on. No input, mouse or kb, I couldn't go to tty etc. I had to do a hard reset. Next boot proceeded normally up to the point that GNOME desktop is fully loaded. ABRT began reporting numerous kernel oops.
Rebooted again (noticed that init.d fails, so hard reset again) and tried past two kernel versions, same results.
Yum crashes and so does everything. I tried to revert all recent updates with yum history, but yum crashed.

Last update was May 22, and it updated kmod-nvidia.


uname -a
Linux innovator #1 SMP Tue May 3 13:23:06 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
initial crash
Package: kernel


before the reboot Opera 11.11 had crashed and it's own bug report tool came up. Clicking the "do not report this error now" option probably crashed X, because the screen went black and no input was possible (no mouse or keybord, so I couldn't go to tty either. Had to do a hard reset) Bug Reports:Kernel oops report was uploaded

One of the numerous crashes
Package: kernel
Latest Crash:Τρι 24 Μάι 2011 09:19:56 μμ


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OpenSUSE :: Firefox 3.6 Be Made Available As An Update?

Feb 15, 2010

will firefox 3.6 be made available as an update? If not is there anything special I need to know before installing it myself i.e. will flash still work?

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Software :: Latest Ubuntu 9.10 Update Made Videos Choppy?

May 5, 2010

I have a ton of .avi files. Ever since my last ubuntu online update, they can't play at full screen even though they played fine last week. I tried reinstalling mplayer. No difference. Same problem with xine.

They freeze for about 1/2 second at at time and chop their way along. Not even viewable. But, they look fine in mini-mode.

I have 4 gb ddr3, a quad core, 2.83 gzh intel and an ati 4850 / 512 mb video card. CPU on gkrellm shows < 10%. I think I still have the proprietary ati drivers because I can still move my applications around the screen instantaneously. I have tried xv, gl and gl2 under mplayer -> prefs -> video. All are the same.

Everything works perfectly if I reboot to xp. Where does one begin to debug this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba No Longer Working - Caused By Update?

Mar 3, 2010

I think an update or something has killed Samba on my Karmic box. it can see Windows shares OK, but it no longer appears on the Windows network.I have not changed my smb.conf for months, so something else has been modified.Looking in the logs I can see the following in "log.winbindd-idmap" after restarting Samba


[2010/03/03 10:07:20, 0] winbindd/idmap.c:201(smb_register_idmap_alloc)
idmap_alloc module tdb already registered!
[2010/03/03 10:07:20, 0] winbindd/idmap.c:149(smb_register_idmap)


All other networking seems fine (internet, Synergy+ etc) it's just sharing out to the Windows network that is broken.

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Fedora :: Software Update Made NVidia Crash

Nov 6, 2009

I've had a working desktop even running compiz just before I updated today. Anyway, after the reboot which was required after my update, I got a notification in the boot message which says:

Checking for module nvidia.ko: [FAILED]
nvidia.ko for kernel 2.6.30-9-96.fc11.x86_64 was not found. [WARNING]
The nvidia driver will not be enabled until one is found. [WARNING]

I continued logging in and got a white screen (most likely brought by compiz without the nvidia drivers). I hit terminal and disabled compiz then tried to see how nvidia is doing. Here's what I got from nvidia-xconfig:

Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".
Backed up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'
New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'
and finally here's what /etc/X11/xorg.conf contains: .....

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-panel Is At 100% And Completely Unusable Rendering Gnome Unusable

Nov 19, 2010

I recently bought a second monitor and I had this set up perfectly fine with two panels on my primary display and one on my secondary. I've now gone away for the weekend (leaving the monitor) and I went to turn on my laptop and it didn't work.

When I login to a gnome session (or indeed a failsafe gnome session) I just got two horizontal white bars (where the panels would be). I switch to a terminal, login and run top and see that gnome-panel is on 100%. Running 'killall gnome-panel' does nothing (tried a few times).

I've had to install xfce4 just to type this message. Is there any way I can 'reset' gnome-panel or any other fix? Or even a workaround would be nice. I'm on 9.10 by the way. I am going to upgrade at some point but its not really an option yet.

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Fedora :: Prevent Yum Update From Undoing Changes Made To Files In /etc/init.d?

Dec 27, 2009

One of my machines is a desktop with a WIFI connection. This machine is not configured to use NetworkManager; instead, it still does things the old way via /etc/sysconfig config files.

Problem: this WIFI connection requires wpa_supplicant. By default, F11 brings up the network at priority 10 and wpa_supplicant at priority 23. So dhclient fails its initial attempt to obtain an IP for wlan0 (it will retry and succeed but by then it's too late). This causes other network-related startup tasks to fail. For example, ntpdate fails. This is problematic for systems with faulty CMOS clock batteries since ntpd will reject updates if the clock skew exceeds some threshhold (so ntpdate is usually used to preset the clock).

The workaround is easy enough: add "Required-Start: wpa_supplicant" dependency to the init stanza in /etc/init.d/network and let chkconfig figure out how to rearrange the priorities. This ensures that wlan0 is actually capable of sending a DHCP request when dhclient starts.

This works fine...until yum update decides to replace the scripts in /etc/init.d and, consequently, things go back to the old, broken startup priorities.

So my question: Can yum be told to not change files in /etc/init.d that have been modified by the administrator? Or to at least not overwrite the LSB-style init stanza in those files?

Alternatively, is there a better way to do this that's not vulnerable to updates? I tried playing with the modprobe.conf "install" option to pre-start wpa_supplicant before wlan0 comes up but that has so far been unsuccessful.

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Networking :: Samba Update - Cannot Mount Network Shares Using Script

May 13, 2010

I've, for years, been using a little script, as user, to mount network shares, like this:
mount.cifs //server/Data ~/Data -o username=robertw
Previously it used to be smbmount, but that changed. Anyway, the latest updates have stopped me be able to run this as a user. I tried running it as root and that just won't let me get access to the shares, tells me permission denied. I thought I'd try using fstab. This gives varying degrees of success.

Here are two of the entries:
//server/CAD /mnt/CAD cifs credentials=/etc/samba/auth.server.robertw 0 0
//server/Data /mnt/Data cifs credentials=/etc/samba/auth.server.robertw 0 0
The auth.server.robertw clearly shows my correct username and password.

Now, I can't get into the /mnt/Data directory at all, just says permission denied and I can only read from, but not write to, the /mnt/CAD directory. My /mnt directory is like this.
drwxr-xr-x 20 500 505 0 2010-05-11 06:21 CAD/
drwxr-x--x 170 500 501 0 2010-04-09 23:18 Data/
I'm on Mandriva 2010 if that's important.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Unable To Get Update Or Download Any Native Programs. But Able To Access File From Samba?

Jul 4, 2010

Unable to get update or download any native programs. But able to access file from Samba

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Ubuntu :: Desperate To Delete Strange Email?

Feb 19, 2010

Somebody has sent me an email that crashes Evolution. When I click on the email, that's it - I have to end the Evolution process and go back in again. Definitely can't double click it, or right-click to delete or simply delete. It just freezes. I can't see any of the text of the email, but I can see that there is a .tiff attachment. I've poked around in the .evolution/ folders and can't find the right thing to delete to get rid of this specific email.

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Ubuntu :: Desperate With Wifi Connection-broadcom?

Mar 8, 2011

Been all over the net looking for some helpful solution to geting the wifi connection working.tried several and no go...ethernet connection is fine. does anyone have a sure fire way to get this running...quite a noob with ubuntu and have managed to find the "additional drivers" with both the B43 and the STA and tried to activate them but didnt help.was into "synapticP manager" and did the search for the B43-fwcutter etc and that didnt help...was into the "terminal" with a command to download updated drivers etc...cant recall the command right now..but that didnt work.when i go into the network connections... for wired I have "auto etho" and under wireless there is nothing. HP Mini 210-1000 Ubuntu 10.10. I have puppy linux on a pen drive and it is able to find and activate both ethernet and wireless odd that ubuntu is having all this grief

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Ubuntu Installation :: PLEASE HELP DESPERATE Adobe Flash Download Help!!!

Jun 30, 2010

i do believe i have the ubuntu 8.04, and i have the intel atom processor/dell mini 9. i've been trying at least a yr to download and search how to download flash. recently i saw that when i searched flash in the synaptic package manager flash-nonfree or something like that showed up....then i deleted it completely because i got scared. then i read that we were suppose to select that to download it, but when i researched that in my add/remove application it wasnt there. i don't know what to do?! ive been trying forever. also when i try to go to the adobe flash website idk which to chose. the tar.gz or the version for 8.04 plus, but when i click 8.04 and try to download it, it says wrong architecture i836!! i've tried forever. how can i download it? PLEASE HELP(: sorry if this is confusing. idk how to download anything, i'm a ubuntu n00b.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Desperate: Upgrade From 10.4 64-bit To 10.10 - Won't Boot From Raid

Dec 2, 2010

I upgraded my Dell T3500 from lucid64 to maverick64. The system cannot boot the current image becuase it gives up waiting for root device. it gives something like:

Code: ---udevd-work[175]: '/sbin/modprobe -bv pci: v00008086d00002822sv00001028s00000293bc01sc04i00' unexpected exit with status 0x0009 ALRT! /dev/mapper/isw_bbfcjjefaj_ARRAY01 does not exist. dropping to a shell! at which point it drops to busybox at the (initramfs) prompt. I cannot boot this kernel in either normal or recovery mode (ubuntu 10.10, Kernel 2.6.35-23-generic)

however, if I select the previous kernel in grub, (2.6.32-26) it will boot fine. This is my main production machine and it hosts my Project Management software for my team.

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Ubuntu :: Desperate Need Of Help Creating Windows Startup Disk

Jun 20, 2011

I have the windows 7 install iso but no windows computers! startup disk creator only lets me use ubuntu variants. I have a mac and ubuntu 10.10, and i have so far found no way to write an ISO to a disk without paid windows applications like ultra ISO, its driving e ******* crazy, every time i want to write an ISO to a USB stick i need windows! and now i have a virus (trust windows)! Why can we only write .iso files to a disk in this world?

Can someone please point me in the direction of modern civilisation, were i can write an ISO to a pendrive for FREE with linux or macoh and i forgot to mention, im a sensible human being, so i dont have a disk drive - im not booting to the mac

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Desperate To Get Video Import Working In 1104?

Jun 1, 2011

I have been trying to get video import to work on Xubuntu 1104 for nearly 2 weeks without success. All I am trying to do is to drag video from my Sony Digital 8 Handycam via firewire onto my PC for safekeeping and editing.

- Installed Kino, then found it did not work because of a permissions error. Used gksudo to get around that then found it was giving me a firewire error..raw 1394 kernel not loaded or failure to. Did a load of research and de-blacklisted the ohci drivers. Also installed dvgrab to make sure this aspect worked ok

- Used the list command to determine that the PC could see the firewire card, all OK

- Went back, using gksudo, etc to drag the video files in, same error as before

- Went onto the Kino website [URL].. (seems not to be updated that much) and , again, de blacklisted the firewire drivers

- Went to the Ubuntu website and found this.[URL]...but none of that worked for me.

- Searched through the Ubuntu help forums, not yet found a solution that works for me. Installed Ubuntu studio to see if that worked, no joy. I am now at a complete dead end. I am simply trying to find a piece of software that plugs in, works first time without issues, and allows me to initiate video imports as outlined above. Is anyone able to help me resolve this problem please?

My only other option, if I can't solve this, would be to install a copy of Windows 7 on my machine and use e.g a Pinnacle product to solve the problem. That would be a major failure as I much prefer to do this using my current set-up.

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Fedora Networking :: Wifi Unusable But Working In Windows - Intel 2915ABG

Sep 7, 2009

When I log in to linx and connect to my University's public wifi, it disconnects or if it stays connected, I cannot ping anything or load any webpages. But when loggod in to windows I can write this message now. Signal strength is 28% Can anything be done to still use wifi in linux and not have to log in to windows?

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CentOS 5 :: Update Samba At Least To Samba 3.0.37?

Jun 7, 2010

I had installed Centos 5.4 , then upgraded to 5.5 hoping that new version has samba 3.5.x. However the updated Centos 64-bit 5.5 also has Samba 3.0.33-3.28.el5.

How can I update samba at least to Samba 3.0.37 ? The reason is, there seems to be security concerns on samba website, and I wish, at least update to latest 3.0.x .

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CentOS 5 Networking :: DNS Requests Go To Localhost When Made By Apache / Php

Oct 7, 2009

I'm running wordpress and have gone to the painstaking effort of setting up the ftp server on my 5.3 machine so it can do its own updates and download plugins. However, I've found that if I try to download anything, I get a "unable to resolve host..." error from the script. If I watch Iptraf while making the request, I see all the port 53 requests going to Pings are too.

However, if I ssh in, I can ping and wget and whatever I want all day long and all the DNS requests to go the router (Clarkconnect 3.2 gateway machine). The web browser in the terminal works fine too. What is it about the php scripts that is causing them to misdirect pings and dns requests? I've never seen anything like it and can't find anything on the web about it either.


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Networking :: When Logon On Samba Domain The Windows XP Does Not Load Profiles From Samba?

Jan 3, 2011

I have update my linux server from mandriva 9 to mandriva 2010

I was working using samba 2.2.8 and now I have samba 3.5.3.I have transfer all passwd and smbpasswd to new linux.I have convert smbpasswd to tdbsam

when i am using win xp to logon on samba domain the windows XP does not load profiles from samba. I think that the problem is NTUSER.DAT storing in /home/user/profile

The same profile is working using samba 2.2.8 but not working in samba 3.5.3..

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Fedora Networking :: Unknown Samba Password - Use Samba For File Sharing Like On A Windows Home Network

Jul 17, 2010

I want to use samba for file sharing like on a Windows home network. Actually they are all Linux machines but nfs is too complicated. On my host machine I installed samba and system-config-samba. I created a new share for /home, check marked writable and visible and put access to everybody. For preferences-->server settings--> security the "authentication mode" is set to user, encrypt passwords is no, and guest account is no guest account. Under preferences-->samba users I added myself as a user with the same windows user name as my Linux user name and the same password.

My client is a virtualbox fedora (used for testing purposes but actual clients will be real computers on my home network). I entered the address smb:// When asked for the user name and password I put my regular user name and password since that was what I set in samba users. However, the password dialog keeps coming up and won't let met into my own computer. If I quit it says something like access is denied. How can I get my home network back? I liked this feature when my home computers ran XP but I switched them to Fedora 12.

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Networking :: Samba Configuration - Cannot Mount Samba Share

Apr 26, 2011

Start>Run>\ gives me "The specified network password is not correct." It lists my domain as "ANTEC" which is the name of my computer, though I've changed the workgroup to WELLS. I've run:

setsebool -P samba_domain_controller on

Trying to connect to samba locally gives me this:


[tedward@hp-firegate ~]$ smbclient // -Utedafur
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE


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Ubuntu :: Samba Error During System Update

Aug 4, 2011

Errors were encountered while processing:

I've tried removing it from /usr/bin...tried deleting every vestige of samba on my system. Even when I attempted to sudu apt-get remove samba, the same error showed up.

How to completely removing samba so that I do not have those annoying error messages every update?

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Fedora Servers :: Samba Is Not Working After An Update?

Apr 8, 2009

I've been running a F10 based Samba Server a few months without trouble. Now, after an update, samba is not working any more. When I try to start it manually, it reports the following error:

[root@hawkeye ~]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start
Starting SMB services: /bin/bash: line 1: 3403 Aborted (core dumped) smbd -D [FAILED]
[root@hawkeye ~]#

I've re/installed all samba packages and configure the smb server again from scratch but the problem was not solved. My samba packages are:

[root@hawkeye samba]# rpm -q --all | grep samba


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OpenSUSE :: Samba Broken After Update To 11.4 (64bits)

Mar 12, 2011

After the update, the smb daemon will not start:
jarfx:/etc/init.d # ./smb start
Starting Samba SMB daemon [2011/03/12 09:04:08, 0] lib/fault.c:250(dump_core_setup)
Unable to setup corepath for smbd: Permission denied
[2011/03/12 09:04:08, 0] smbd/server.c:1134(main)
smbd version 3.5.7-1.17.1-2505-SUSE-SL11.4-x86_64 started.
Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2010
[2011/03/12 09:04:08.069212, 0] passdb/secrets.c:73(secrets_init)
Failed to open /etc/samba/secrets.tdb
[2011/03/12 09:04:08.070086, 0] passdb/secrets.c:73(secrets_init)
Failed to open /etc/samba/secrets.tdb
[2011/03/12 09:04:08.070189, 0] smbd/server.c:1234(main)
ERROR: smbd can not open secrets.tdb

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Software :: Samba On Lucid After Recent Update?

Feb 12, 2010

Followed this [URL] And all was fine. yesterday, I notced I had not updated things for awhile. Now I just get the windows network icon, and nothing within.

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Server :: Samba Domain (PDC) - Could Not Update ICEAuthority

Feb 1, 2011

I'm configuring a classroom based on Linux (just Linux, without Windows) with user mobility. What I want is that any student will use its own 'username/password' on whatever computer getting its own data and without having to define every user on every computer. As far as Samba is very useful, even when I don't need Windows support I decided to base the solution on Samba. Right now I still have some problems and the solution doesn't work in my test environment. I defined a PDC (Samba 3.5 Domain Controller) on a Fedora 13 with 'homes', starting nmb and smb and it seems to work. On a Ubuntu 10.10 Workstation I built a Samba 'Domain Member Server' starting nmb, smb and winbind.

First question: should I define 'homes' on this server or not? I assumed 'not' as the 'homes' you have to use are the ones defined on the PDC, not on the DMS.
Second question: does winbind run just on DMS? Not on the PDC too?

I defined the DMS 'machine' and some domain users on the PDC and I could 'join' the DMS to the PDC without any problem (join rpc ...) From the workstation I can use smbclient seeing a domain with two servers, one of which is the controller. I can connect to the home shares using the domain users which are authorized by the PDC. On the DMS I paid attention on nsswitch.conf and pam file running 'pam-auth-update'. So 'webinfo -u' provides a list of users on the domain, local users and domain users. The problem arrives when I try to connect from the session login screen on the workstation to 'mydomainmyuser'. PDC validates the user, if the password is right, and I get connected but not to my PDC homes.

Instead I get some errors starting with:
'could not update ICEAuthoriy file /home/mydomain/myuser/.ICEAuthority'
It seems I'm in an empty space in an open but useless session which I can close later on.

Hereafter you will see the short smb.conf reported by testparm:
workgroup = TESO-DOM
server string = Samba Server Version %v
interfaces = lo, wlan0
bind interfaces only = Yes .....

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