Ubuntu Networking :: "Connection Not Establishing" In Wireless?

Feb 15, 2011

My Acer Aspire One D260 netbook is not establishing the wireless network where I am using ubuntu netbook edition 10.10

how to solve the problem because it is working when I am using the net by connecting through the LAN wire.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Establishing A VPN Connection - Kubuntu 10.10 - 64 Bit

Apr 15, 2011

I have a problem with establishing a VPN connection, it's driving me nuts already. No matter what I try, which packages I (re)install, or how many configuration settings i change.. the result is always the same (see syslog at the end of this post). On the same machine, but on a different harddrive, I have installed Windows 7. The VPN connection works without any problems on this system.

I played already with KNetworkManager, NetworkManagerm, KVpn and so on. Further I re-installed each VPN- and network packages multiple times (eg KNetworkManager, NetworkManager, network-manager-pptp, pptp-linux). Further I tested almost every possible VPN configuration (PAP,CHAP,MSCHAP(v2),EAP,MPPE, stateful encryption, no password, BSD compression)... My syslog is as follow:

Apr 13 18:15:02 defcon-inc pppd[3721]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Apr 13 18:15:02 defcon-inc pppd[3721]: Connection terminated.
Apr 13 18:15:02 defcon-inc pptp[3731]: anon log[callmgr_main:pptp_callmgr.c:258]: Closing connection (shutdown)
Apr 13 18:15:02 defcon-inc pptp[3731]: anon log[ctrlp_rep:pptp_ctrl.c:251]: Sent control packet type is 12 'Call-Clear-Request'
Apr 13 18:15:02 defcon-inc pptp[3731]: anon log[call_callback:pptp_callmgr.c:79]: Closing connection (call state)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Updates Lead To Failure In Establishing A Wired Connection

May 21, 2010

One of the (many many) problems that I had with Ubuntu 10.4 was that I wasn't able to connect using a wired. It really came to me as a huge surprise, because that's a problem that I have never encountered. I had dealings with wireless-issues in the past. But never a wired connection failed. The thing is that we (in the dormitory where I live) had a network problem recently. A hardware piece got fried and we weren't able to replace it for about 3 weeks (go figure :X ). But in the past 3 days or so we're back online. The thing is - none of my neighbours (all of them are using Windows) has network issues now. Usually it was on the contrary - I was the one who had beautiful connection while they had to deal with a load of d@ng. That said - I made a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10. The problem got resolved and I was as happy as a chick during her first wedding night with Don Goivanni in her bed. BUT after I updated (note - update and NOT upgrade) my system, I was suddenly unable to use the wired connection. The strange thing is that the NM says that I am connected AND I even get some short bursts of network traffic (last for 2-3 seconds) but usually not enough to load even a simple web page. Ping always returns 100% loss no matter how long the package burst lasts. I have slept this night for about 3 hours looking for a solution. None has been found so far. I don't have WAPs at home so wired connection is the only way for me to use this modern thing called internet.

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Fedora Networking :: Establishing A Vpn Connection Using Vpnc / Error Failed To Bind To Address Already In Use?

Nov 24, 2010

I am having difficulties in establishing a vpn connection using vpnc (or NetworkManaager-vpnc).

As long as the openswan IPsec daemon is running, vpnc-helper quits with the error message


Failed to bind to Address already in use
[user@computer ...]# vpnc-helper --local--port 0

If I use NetworkManager-vpnc, then establishing the connection simply fails.
Using the --local-port 0 option does not change anything.

If I stop the ipsec service (service ipsec stop) then establishing the connectiong works, both with NetworkManager-vpnc and the console tool, but apparently the network traffic is not routed via the VPN - in my case this means that I cannot access hosts within the vpn and stuff.

Funny thing is - on my notebook from where I connect via WLAN, everything works fine. With Fedora 13 everything works fine, too.

Does anybody have an idea how to enforce that the vpn connection is actually used?

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General :: Windows - Establishing A VNC Connection Through A Firewall?

Jun 28, 2010

What's the best way to establish a VNC connection to a computer located behind a firewall/router, to which you don't have access? I have a home Linux computer on a Comcast connection, which explicitly blocks incoming requests, so I can't hit the IP directly, but I'd like to remote into it from an arbitrary Internet connection. How would I work around this?

I've witnessed some commercial products, such as one employed by Dell tech support, which appears to use a public web server, which you visit from the target computer in order to "expose" it to an incoming VNC connection. Is there anything similar that's free/cheap for personal use?

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Ubuntu :: Slow Download Speed - Establishing A Connection With The Tracker ?

Feb 11, 2010

I am currently using Ktorrent on Ubuntu9.10, the torrents either have a slow download speed or have trouble establishing a connection with the tracker. I have no such problems when I was using utorrent on Win XP.

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General :: Can't Open Webpages After Establishing A Dialup Connection / Fix It?

Aug 7, 2010

I have set up a dialup connection using my nokia N70 mobile.. The connection i think, is ok. but when i took a browser-epiphany or mozilla, i cannot open a webpage.. the browser tries to connect but times out.. It seems to be a problem in some settings(firewall, proxy or something) in debian, because im using the same phone to connect in windows XP.. I dont know how and where to check for the settings. code...

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General :: Error Establishing An Encrypted Connection To Login?

Apr 14, 2011

I am using Redhat 9 and get the message error establishing an encrypted connection to log in. Error code 8155. How can I correct this as I cant access sites to check my mail.

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Ubuntu Security :: Establishing A SOCKS Proxy Connection At An Internet Cafe

Aug 7, 2011

I've got my netbook set up so that I can run a SOCKS proxy via my desktop machine. This works fine at home, but I'm wondering what happens at an internet cafe with public wifi.

Specifically, the connection needs initially to be set up with an ordinary direct internet connection so that I can log in to the cafe's router. I'm concerned that when I then set the network proxy to SOCKS host, the router will cease to recognise me and will disconnect me. This particular detail doesn't seem to have been covered in any instructions that I've seen (maybe I haven't looked hard enough).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless - Lost It - 'wmaster0 No Wireless Extensions', But Then Refers To Wlan0 As The Wireless Connection

Mar 28, 2010

A friend who switched ISP's gave me his old Linksys WRT54-G wireless router. I went through the installation procedure and had a wireless connection up and running - smiley face. I had security set up for WPA, and decided to upgrade it to WPA2. Another smiley face. When I went to connect (had already done so successfully), I noticed it referred to my wireless as Linksys - I was expecting to see the SSID. So I started playing around in Network Manager and now I have things all effed up.

Don't know exactly what I did, but now I have no wireless. So I ran a few commands (lshw -C network, iwconfig, ifconfig, and iwlist scan), and looking at the results I see what appear to be inconsistencies in the output. I've posted them below, and make the following observations:

1. Under the lshw it refers to my wireless connection logical name as wmaster0, and has the correct MAC address, etc.

2. Under the iwconfig it says, 'wmaster0 no wireless extensions', but then refers to wlan0 as the wireless connection (although it does not seem to be running).

3. Under ifconfig I see both a wlan0 and a wlan0:avahi. The wlan0 has no IP, the wlan0:avahi does, but it is incorrect.


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General :: Mysql "Error Establishing A Database Connection"?

Aug 15, 2010

I am now using SLES11. My web server now error mysql. However, when I restart mysql using "rcmysql restart" the message display:

Restarting service MySQL
Shutting down service MySQL done
Starting service MySQL done

but when I start to access via browser using my name virtual host (url) the message display "Error establishing a database connection"

when I go to mysql using command "mysql" the message display"
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111)

After that I try to edit file mysql.sock but on the bottom of file display message (permission denied)

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Networking :: Ubuntu 9.10 - Establishing Tunnel Using Miredo Package

May 15, 2010

I am trying to establish a tunnel from my ubuntu machine 9.10 using miredo package. After installation I wanted to ping an ipv6 address and I get this error:
Address unreachable, destination unreachable
However, when I ping ipv6.google.com I have no problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network Connection Active But Still Not Internet Connection?

Jan 24, 2010

Its a case of ".... wireless network connection active but still not internet connection .."I am using WEP - 128 key ... Works when I connect directly using ethernet cable ... but not wireless (pci and wireless router)

ubuadmin@ubucomputer:~$ ifconfig

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:06:25:12:83:3b
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::206:25ff:fe12:833b/64 Scope:Link[code].....

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wireless Connection Despite Being Told Connection Active?

Jun 11, 2011

My problem is exactly the same as [URL]

but I am stuck at the last hurdle

here are the output of the command that helped to solve the case in the previous post:

ifconfig wlan0
wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1b:77:d2:59:55
inet6 addr: fe80::21b:77ff:fed2:5955/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0


I have also tried sudo dhclient but it hasn't helped and I am still unable to connect to the internet

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Fedora Networking :: 11 - Share My Internet Connection With Wireless Connection

Jun 21, 2009

I have installed Fedora 11 recently. I want to share my Internet connection.

I have e LAN connection eth0 which is connected to internet.

I have a Wireless connection wlan0.

I want to share my internet connection with wireless connection.

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Networking :: Use The Laptop With The Wireless Connection To Share The Internet Connection?

Feb 4, 2010

I have two linux laptops. Currently, I'm using both of them at work, side-by-side. Now the problem is, I'm connected to a wireless router, but the wireless only works on one of the laptops. So I'm stuck with one laptop that has no access to the internet. Both machines do, however, have working ethernet nic cards. So, I was wondering if I could use the laptop with the wireless connection to share the internet connection with my other linux machine and access the internet on both of them. Or as an alternative, just use the internet on the machine without wireless and be able to switch back and forth, that would increase my productivity like 30 fold.

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Fedora Networking :: Establishing Ssh And Vnc For Remote Control Via Android Phone?

Jul 31, 2011

i want to remote control my laptop with my phone via terminal

im trying to use this guide to connect my android phone to my fedora laptop via ssh and vnc, but the connectbot ssh connection is timed out


however, this guide assumes a running ssh and vnc server, which isn't trivial to me, i think i have established these, but i don't know how to test it

also i am not shure if my router and firewall configuration is correct, i disabled wan blocking but didn't enable remote config management on my rooter, is that correct?

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Fedora Networking :: Unstable Wireless Connection With Broadcom Onboard Wireless?

Dec 21, 2010

I am running FC13 on a Compaq Presario 2100 using a Broadcom BCM4306. I was able to get it running thanks to Fedora Unity Project. But It's a very unstable connection. I don't know what settings to adjust or enable or disable. It's not my router, this is the only wireless connection in the house that I have trouble with.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use Internet Connection From LAN To Share Internet Connection Through Wireless?

Jan 9, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10, and I would like to use my computer to share the internet connection from an ethernet port. For example, I would like to set up my computer as a wireless access point so I can create a network that other computers can connect to for internet.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wireless Connection With 10.04

Apr 30, 2010

Today installed Ubuntu 10.04. The problem is that I cannot connect to the internet, which was no problem with the previous version (9.10). I use WiFi for my internet connection. My network is shown in Ubuntu. However Ubuntu cannot connect to my network. After some time trying it says : wireless network disconnected

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Ubuntu Networking :: PS3 9.04 Wireless Connection?

Aug 19, 2010

I have recently installed Ubuntu V9.04 onto my the old (fatter) PS3 and I am trying to connect to my wireless home connection. But upon click the connection icon on the task bar, Wired network and wireless networks are grayed out from the options and the network connections box does not detect anything, not even my neighbors Wifi!

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Networking :: Ubuntu Connection By Wireless

Jan 3, 2010

My icon shows that the connection is good using wifi . However, I could not go online. What's wrong ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set Up Wireless Connection - Configure?

Jan 1, 2010

i just successfully downloaded and installed ubuntu koala (9.10 i think...) and its a great interface. i am just having extreme difficulty trying to set up the wireless connection. when i log back in osx, i am able to access the router and use the internet as i am doing now when i post in the forum. i am just trying to learn how to configure the wireless in ubuntu as well. have someone who has successful been able to connect wirelessly on an imac, or apple laptop in ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Setup Wireless Connection

Jan 13, 2010

I need to setting up my wireless connection on ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - Unable To Use The Wireless Connection

Jan 15, 2010

Everything else works fine on Ubuntu 9.10 except when I try to connect to the internet. I have wireless. It just keeps connecting nonstop and never connects. I don't know what to do. Please help me. What should I do? I'm using Acer Aspire 5534 with Windows 7.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connection On Startup?

Jan 25, 2010

I've got my wireless card working fine, the only thing is that I have to enter the following EVERY time I log in:

sudo iwconfig ra0 essid MYID

What can I do to bypass this step?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cant Get Wireless Connection To Work

Jan 28, 2010

I installed Ubuntu and I cant get my wireless connection to work. I found that I need ndiswrapper to update my drivers following the sticky post in here. However there is a problem, because I cant successfully run ndiswrapper on my system.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Low Wireless Connection Percentage?

Feb 3, 2010

My old PC has new life thanks to Ubuntu 9.1. However, a few small problems still remain:

1. D-Link wireless adapter: My wireless connection percentage never seems to get higher than 70%, even though the wireless router is right outside the door. And to top it off, I can see other neighbor's networks and the signal strength is higher! I am running ndiswrapper if that helps, and the connection is WPA/WPA2, speed of 130 Mb/s which is great, but can I improve the signal?

2. If I leave the computer on and come back after a while, the monitor is black, and I can see that the wireless connection is still going, but I can't seem to "wake up" the computer. I have messed with the settings, but have not attempted anything in the terminal. Can someone provide a simple fix? I would like to Suspend or Hibernate, but they don't work (meaning, I can wake up the computer). So I have resorted to simply logging off each time, which works.

3. Watching streaming video using RealPlayer, many times the screen freezes, and I am unable to navigate to anywhere else on the computer. Meaning, the mouse moves, but cannot open, close, change, do anything on the computer. Ctrl-Alt-Dlt doesn't even work to pop up anything. Is there a less abrupt way to Force Quit than holding down the power button on my computer and restarting the whole thing? I am sure that is not too good for the computer.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connection Disappeared?

Feb 19, 2010

I had no problems using my dell mini with ubuntu wireless UNTIL i did a direct connect into my home network to download some updates. Now the wireless connection option has disappeared and only shows a wired connection in "network". Does anyone know how to get it changed back. Terminal no longer shows an eth1 but lists eth0 as the wired connection on ifconfig.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wireless Network Connection Now At All?

Mar 5, 2010

Hi - I am new to Linux and Ubuntu so I have no idea how to fix or problem solve unfortunately I installed Ubuntu 9.10 from scratch recently on this laptop and all was good. I connected to my WIFI network no problem. It's WPA PSK encrypted, DHCP enabled. I just set it up in Network Manager and it was all fine. Then after a few days I installed a printer and some packages and updates via synaptics. The network connection started dropping after 20 mins or so. Only a reboot would restore it - auto connects at first, runs fine till it drops then never will reconnect. I posted on here, someone gave me some lines to put in a config file. I tried that. I didn't seem to help much, problem remained. Yesterday I checked for updates and there were a whole bunch so I just installed them all. Now I cannot connect at all. I have deleted and recreated the connection in Network Manager but it doesn't help. It tries to establish a connection but never achieves it. I am connecting to the internet now on the same laptop booted into Windows, so all the hardware is fine.

Can anyone who knows about ubuntu networking help? Do I need to do a complete reinstall? Seems a bit much, but it worked when I initially installed the OS. I want to like Ubuntu, but something as basic as connecting to the internet is pretty vital so reluctantly having to start using Windows again...

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