Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Install Anything On Work Computer

Feb 9, 2010

I want to connect to my home desktop running 9.10 from work. All I want access to is the terminal. Also I can not install anything on my work computer. So will need to do something via dos or telnet. I'm a newbie to this so I have no idea whether it's possible.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cant Get File Sharing To Work From Any Computer?

Oct 27, 2010

Ok Ive tried soooo many tutorials and been through sooo many forums but I cant get my file sharing to work from any computer. Ive got a - Ubuntu 10.04(64bit) desktop to use as a home web/file server, wired.(BEN-SERVER)- Vista(32bit) laptop, wireless.(BEN-LAPTOP)- Windows 7(64bit) desktop, wireless.(BEN-LAVIE)- EchoLife HG520s ADSL2 wireless modem.

At the moment...In Ubuntu network browswer it only displays BEN-LAPTOP.But trying to browse BEN-LAPTOP I get "Unable to mount location Failed to retrieve share list from server".Vista only displays BEN-LAVIE and browsing gives me "Windows cannot access \BEN-LAVIE"And Windows 7 doesn't display any.Previously I was able to share between Windows 7 and Ubuntu but I don't know what I did but it stopped working. I have since reinstalled Ubuntu and tried again from scratch but no luck

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Networking :: Use Ssh / Scp Between One Computer At Home And Another At Work?

Oct 15, 2010

I would like to use ssh / scp between one computer at home and another at work. I can do it from home to work, but not the opposite. I think my home IP address starts with 82., is that ok? The one at work starts with 130. Here some terminal commands i launched (I cannot fully understand them). I also used a site of the internet provider, first to add rules (eg allow this and that IP address), then to disabled the firewall. The /etc/ssh/sshd_config of the two computers are the same.


sudo apt-get install ssh openssh-server
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 22 -j ACCEPT


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OpenSUSE Install :: Will 11.2 Gnome Work On Computer

Oct 29, 2009

I have an older Dell Inspiron 7500 laptop w/

Intel Pentium III
512 MB RAM
3.8 gig memory free

Will opensuse 11.2 gnome work on this computer? I don't need to use compiz or fancy stuff.

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Networking :: Ethernet Connection Only Work When Restart/boot Up Computer

Feb 23, 2011

I'm currently running Fedora 13, after I updated the kernel to 2.6.34, I have to run (as a superuser) "service NetworkManager start" in order to start my network manager, is there are way I can run this on startup?

Also my ethernet connection seems to only work when I restart/boot up my computer, when I wake my computer up from being asleep, the ethernet stops working.

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Networking :: New Install Of Centos 5.5 Will Not Work On Net Work With Fixed IP Or DHCP

Jan 12, 2011

I am trying to set up an unused machine as a web server for my students.

I originaly tried with Redhat 9 and had the same problems. I am using an HP Pentium 4 system with 2 network cards.

1) The built in Realtek RTL8139 configured as eth0.

2) An add in Broadcom BCM5782 Gigabit card that was added I presume when the built in card failed (we have a number of machines like this around the school), configured as eth1.

I did not realize the second card was installed when I had Red hat 9 on the system, but I discovered it after installing centos 5.5. I have tried to configure the system to use DHCP with and without getting the DNS from the provider, and both ways the system complains that there is no connection, check the cable, so it will not activate the device.

When I configure the device to use a fixed IP, I can configure the device, but I can't ping anything on the network other than myself. I suppose it is possible that both network cards have failed, but I get green link lights with both cards, when I connect them to my router, so I am at a loss as to why neither board seems to work. I don't have a spare network card to slide in because the computer takes a special mini card. Is there an easy way to test the board to see if the board is a problem?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Install Program X On Computer 1?

Jan 6, 2010

Is it possible for two computers to access the same program from 1 system at the same time using remote x apps? In other words can a system have two instances of a program running and being utilized by two different computers remotely?

For example lets say I install Program X on Computer 1. I ssh into Computer 1 from Computer 2 and use remote x apps to use Program X. Is it possible for Computer 3 to ssh into Computer 1 and use Program X at the same time using it for a completely different task?

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Install Wireless Adapter Onto Computer

Jul 8, 2011

Was wondering if anyone had a idea on how to install this wireless adapter onto a computer thats running Ubuntu. I don't have access to a direct connection so that won't work. So I need a way that I could install it without internet, I do have access to another computer that i could get files off of if needed.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Install Netgear WG111v2 Driver On 9.4 Computer?

Jan 1, 2010

I have been trying to install my Netgear WG111v2 Driver on my Ubuntu 9.4 computer but everything I have tried has failed. I have looked online and found instruction but it did not work.

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Ubuntu :: Install Windows Xp On Computer In Virtual Machine - Watch Netflix On Computer

Jun 30, 2010

so here's my problem. I am trying to install windows xp on my computer in virtual machine so i can watch netflix on my computer. The disk will not start up, if I restart and try to boot from load i just sits there and says boot from cd. The disk drive plays music cd's fine, so i dont really know what the issue is.

I dont know that much aboutut ubuntu. a tech friend put it on hard drive he gave me after mine crashed. also i should ad that i took the disk to someone else's house that haswidnows installed and the disk worked just fine, so its not a disk problem

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Ubuntu Networking :: Assigned Computer A's Static Ip To Computer C Without Changing Dhcp Setting?

Aug 18, 2010

I set up a dhcp server in the lan and assigned static ips to two computers, computer A and B, according to their mac address. Everything was running fine. But when I turned off computer A, connected computer C to the network, and assigned computer A's static ip to computer C without changing dhcp setting. Computer C was able to access the internet. When I turned on computer A, dhcp couldn't assign an ip address to it, and computer C showed an error message of ip conflict and failed to use internet. I wonder if dhcp server is able to prevent other computer from using the same static ip that is already assigned to a computer according to its mac address.

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Ubuntu Networking :: One Computer Sees Network, The Other Computer Doesnt?

Nov 11, 2010

My wifes networked computer connected to the network just fine when it was Win XP. Now that Ive converted it to 10.04 (completely) it can see the network, but it just wont connect to it. I had no problem converting my computer to Ubuntu and it sees the network and accesses it great. Files, folders and hard drives are all shared. So, one computer connects great, the other does not.**I dont know what to do at this point.Here is the layout:My Comp (10.04) ---------......Main Network Comp (XP)Wife Comp (10.04) -------/The main network computer is XP as it has software on it we need that does not work in Wine. The main computer will have to stay XP. I cannot get my wifes computer to connect to the main system, although mine connects just fine. I dont know what the problem is. Her computer sees the network, but when trying to connect, it times out and says unable to connect.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Computer Finding The Name Of Another Computer Under DHCP?

Sep 10, 2010

I have two Linux computers and one small home router with DHCP functionality. I configured the router with the "dynamic DHCP" setting, ie, the static DHCP with MAC-Address was not used. Before that, I used the manual IP configuration, defining the two computers' names in the /etc/hosts file.

Example: comp2 comp3

Now, with DHCP, the above example is no longer appropriate, because the DHCP server is supposed to tell the computer what IP number it will receive. However, I am missing something, because I haven't figured it out yet how to make one computer know the other computer's name. Is it that I haven't installed a name-finding package? Is there a simple way to accomplish this (one computer finding the other computers' names)?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Move HD To New PC - Can't Access Computer From Other Computer

Sep 21, 2010

I have ubuntu server installed on a pc. The motherboard died, so I switched the HD to another computer. Everything is fine except the network. I cannot access this computer from other computer (while it was possible before). I looked at the interfaces and everything seems fine. The nic itselft seems to work too.

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Networking :: How To Find Ip Address Of Other Computer In LAN Network From Own Computer?

Jun 7, 2010

i want to find ip address of other computer which are connected in LAN..suppose ther are 5 compter in LAN and i want to find ip of all remaining 4 computer using my computer only in command or any other way is ther....

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Networking :: How To View Computer On Windows Computer?

Jan 1, 2010

I downloaded the vnc 4.1 on my linux computer which is running Ubuntu I'm not sure how to view it on a windows computer. I really have no idea what i'm doing so can anyone that answers please add as much detail as possible.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Don't Work - Never Go To Sleep

Aug 4, 2010

The question is instead of shotgunning the problem should I start with replacing the hard drive or the motherboard or the processor. Is there a way to tell what is blown? The house took a direct hit and most electronics were fried. The main problem is that I set the computer to never go to sleep and it does every few minutes and I have to log back on quite often. Several games no longer play or just quit in the middle of the game and sends me back to the desktop. I haven't tried to do everything yet so I don't know of other problems. I don't have a lot of extra money so I only want to replace what I have to. The computer is a Dell Inspiron with 2.5 Gb processor and an Nvidia card ordered from Dell with Ubuntu 10.4 installed.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Wont Work On A Fresh Install

Jul 10, 2010

So i just intstalled ubutnu for the first time and the internet doesnt seem to be working, i am able to go on some majour websites such as google and gmail but others i am unable to visit.

I tried creating a blacklist-ipv6.conf file in the appropirate location

and i have even tried turining off ipv6 i forfox about config by chagning the value o true

but without any luck.

btw i tried pinging google and it works

my computer is connected to a t homehub and these are some screenshots i thought you might find useful.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless: Works On Live CD, Does Not Work After Install?

Jun 12, 2011

Per the HowTo post a Wireless Issue Sticky, I have included the information in the 10 steps below.Here is the description of my problem: I am getting back into Linux after purchasing a new PC (have not owned one personally for several months). I purchased an HP, as I've had personal success with them. It is an HP Pavilion g4 Notebook.When I booted the Live CD, I was pleased that wireless just worked.However, after installing, wireless does not work.The Additional Drivers Tool appears to recognize my wireless card;however, when I attempt to active the driver, I receive an "installation failed" dialog.ere are two screenshots:And here are the results of the file from the second screenshot:

2011-06-12 11:04:58,837 DEBUG: BroadcomWLHandler enabled(): kmod disabled, bcm43xx: blacklisted, b43: blacklisted, b43legacy: blacklisted


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Networking :: MySQL Error - Apt-get Install Don't Work

Apr 19, 2011

My OS is ubuntu and i'm having problems with MySQL:


tried apt-get --purge remove mysql-server and then apt-get install mysql-server but still dont work

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Networking :: Yum Install / Update And WGet Do Not Work

May 6, 2010

I have a CentOS 5 server running as a web server. The web services are okay. Ping, ssh work fine both ways. But when I try to wget or yum update or install, I get a timeout. The URLs are resolving properly. And there's no difference if IPtables is turned off or on.

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Ubuntu Security :: Boot Usb On Work Computer ?

Feb 11, 2010

I work in a retail store at which there is a computer set up in the corner for customers to browse the stores website on. The problem is that that is all it will let me do. I get board, and want to do other stuff. Once windows starts, it skips the logon on screen and once loaded the only thing that can be done on the computer is browse the stores website.

However, if I unplug the computer I can while its starting up get into BIOS. So here im wondering two things. 1) If I put in the USB, boot from it, and load ubuntu (even though I will only be able to use the default programs as theres no way I would want to install it on the work computer), will I get fired? In other words, is there a way if there monitoring the computers to know what im doing or because its a different OS will I be fine. 2) Alternatively, in BIOS there is an option to disable network administration.

For this my question is the same, if I disable it, do fun stuff on the computer all day, the re-enable it before I leave is there a high change of the network administration catching on to this or no.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Doesn't Work On Computer?

Jun 1, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't seem to work on my computer. When I install it (tried both CD, DVD and USB-stick) all I see is "Ubuntu" with a number of dots underneath, and after a while the screen turns black.I also tried the alternative ISO (with non-graphical interface), and that installation worked; I could partition the HD, enter username and password and it copied all files to the HD. But when it said it was finnished, and I rebooted the computer (without the installation media) "Ubuntu" shows on screen with a nuber of dots underneath, and after a while the screen turns black.The computer is new, has an i5-750 CPU, 4GB RAM and a XFX Radeon 5670 1GB graphics adapter and two identical HD:s, one with a working Windows 7 installation (disconnected when I try installing Ubuntu).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get The OpenGL SDK To Work On Computer?

Jan 11, 2011

EDIT: I got it to work. It turns out that mesa-common-dev works with my nVidia drivers.

I'm new here, and to Linux/Ubuntu in general, so I apologize if this is in the wrong section or something. Anyways, I'm trying to get the OpenGL SDK to work on my computer. I've already gotten gcc/++ and whatnot, and I'm fairly sure I've upgraded my graphics drivers to the most current possible. A quick check reveals that my graphics card is nVidia:


01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV41.8[GeForce Go 6800] (rev a2)So I assume that I need to get the nVidia OpenGL packages:


sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-dev

However, that nets me this error:


Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done

Package nvidia-glx-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source

E: Package 'nvidia-glx-dev' has no installation candidate

My only other thought is to apt-get mesa-common-dev, but I don't know if that will work with nVidia. (And this is a rather old computer, so the problem might just be one of obsoleteness, but it doesn't seem like so, from the error I'm getting).

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Fedora Networking :: Get KVM Static IP Bridging To Work On F10 Install?

Jan 29, 2009

I'm trying to get KVM static IP bridging to work on my Fedora 10 install. I've looked at the related posts on this subject and tried some of the suggestions without full success. I've used the virt-manager to create 2 Windows XP guests on the host (all on the same machine).I need to use static IP addressing on the 2 guests as well as the host.I need the guest VMs and host to be able to see each other as well as connect to the outside world. Using the script below I found in an earlier post, I get network connectivity with the 2 guest VMs but the host can't get out at all.


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Networking :: Install Mrtg On A Client Computer In Network And Measure The Network's Router Traffic

Sep 4, 2009

I wanted to know if i can install mrtg on a client computer in network and measure the network's router traffic.i know that it can be installed on the server.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Install Of Kubuntu On An Old Dell Dimension 2400 - Connection Does Not Work ?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a fresh install of Kubuntu on an old Dell Dimension 2400 that seems to be working perfectly except for the network connection. I have a wired network connection to a linksys router connected to a cable modem. This connection works on other devices.

Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0b:db:b6:cf:09


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Getting 720p Movies To Work On Old Computer?

May 12, 2010

I've a old desktop computer with the following specs cat /proc/cpuinfo

processor : 0
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 15
model : 1
model name : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.60GHz
stepping : 2


I have been able to start 720p videos but with considerable AV drift. When i forward the video the drift temporarily disappears and video starts drifting again. The problem is that the video is always slower than the audio. Framedropping removes the A-V lag but makes the video unwatchable.

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Ubuntu :: Using Server Or Desktop In Computer For Daily Work?

Aug 7, 2011

anyone of you using ubuntu server or desktop in your PC for your daily work? can you share how stable is it?

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Hardware :: USB Extension Does Not Work With New Computer?

Jul 9, 2009

I have been using a USB extension to hook up my USB modem to the old Pentium III. Worked fine for ages. But now whenever I connect any device to that extension (on a Core2Quad), the device remains unrecognized. Is it some kinda USB 1.1/2.0 clash?

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