Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To Yahoo Or Hulu.com?

Apr 1, 2011

I have 5 computers, 3 of them have windows XP Pro, 1 has Ubuntu 10.04, and the other has Windows 7 Ult.On all the machines except the windows 7 machine whenever I attempt to go to yahoo.com it says "waiting for l.yimg.com" and after awhile will load without any CSS at all. When the same machines (all except for the Windows 7 one) attempt to go to Hulu.com it can connect to the website just fine, but whenever it attempt to play a video, the ad will not play, and hulu is designed to not play the video if the ad does not play. I do not have any ad blocking addons installed at all. This occurs on both chrome and firefox. And lastly the oddest problem out of them all I think is that on the same machines I can play ..... videos fine, but if i log into an account, it will not play the video.... it just shows a "spinning wheel of death."

I can also ping www.yimg.com with no package loss.On all of the machines I have reinstalled the browser and updated to the newest flash player. On one of the windows XP machines I even tried a system restore too 2 months ago, but that did not work.This all started 2 days ago, all at the same time. I would say that it is my ISP's fault or my routers, but that wouldn't make sense since my Windows 7 machine can connect fine to all the websites.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Connect To Yahoo Messenger Via Pidgin

Mar 18, 2010

I can not connect to yahoo messenger via pidgin, why?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Connect To Yahoo In Empathy Or Pidgin

Nov 21, 2010

As of today I am unable to connect to Yahoo messenger in either Empathy or Pidgin. Empathy gives its generic "network error" and Pidgin says the account is disabled, and fails to connect when I click "re-enable." I've checked the obvious things such as username and password. I was able to connect through the web messenger so my credentials are good. Also tried swapping the server with the IP address and changing the character encoding as recommended here.

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Debian :: How To Connect Empathy To Yahoo

Apr 9, 2010

I want to try empathy in my Debian Squeeze to connect to my Yahoo Messenger. But I can't find how to add my yahoo account. All empathy shows only Jabber, Google Talk and People Nearby.

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Fedora :: Pidgin Can't Connect To Yahoo Messenger / Fix It?

Sep 25, 2009

My Pidgin will not connect to Yahoo messenger. I'm thinking this is down to the version. If I do an update will it correct this problem?

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General :: Pidgin 2.6.6 Unable To Connect To Yahoo On Fedora 13 / Fix It?

Jun 21, 2010

I installed pidgin 2.6.6 on fedora 13 and setup as following:
protocol: yahoo
pager server : scsa.msg.yahoo.com
port: 5050
file transfer server: filetransfer.msg.yahoo.com
file transfer port: 80
proxy: Use GNOME Proxy Setting

But I received the error:
Unable to connect to Yahoo

I tried the previous post about connecting to or changed port but still didn't work.

However I have another computer with linux FC4 and the pidgin 2.6.2 installed on FC 4 with same configuration works.

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Software :: Thunderbird Cannot Connect To Yahoo! Mail Anymore?

Jun 2, 2011

Recently, or more specifically, yesterday, Thunderbird started telling me that the IMAP Yahoo server does not accept my password encryption. I checked in the settings, and it says it is "Normal Password". I then change it to "Encrypted Password" and then change it back after it reloads and tells me the encryption is wrong. After I change it back, it works fine for about 10 minutes, after which it tells me the encryption is wrong, even though its on "Normal Password". Mad, I delete the account and start a new one. The account manager then tells me that my password is wrong, writing something like


Configuration could not be verified - is the username or password wrong?

Seeing as I tried to do this about 50 times, I doubt I typed my password in wrong 50 times. My other account, a Gmail one with IMAP as well, works just fine. Is the IMAP address of Yahoo different now?

PS: My firewall is off. I have also installed the WebMail and the Yahoo Webmail Thunderbird Extensions.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use Yahoo Messenger And Gtalk?

Mar 10, 2010

In ubuntu 9.04 version i am unable to use yahoo messenger and gtalk.i tried to install .exe file via wine.its installed successfully but after login its saying invalid login or password please retry(i've no doubt about my login id and password because simultaniously im using windows xp and it was working ).Same thing is happining for gtalk also.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Login Into My Yahoo Messenger / Fix It?

Apr 22, 2009

I have a problem with Internet messenger Pidgin 2.5.5-1.fc10 , i cannot login into my yahoo messenger
i always fin d this error Could not establish a connection with the serveronnection timed out.

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Networking :: Block IM Program Like Yahoo, Skype?

Oct 14, 2010

I want to block yahoo, skype IM program with a schedule.Just unblock from 10AM - 2PM and 3PM - 5PM everyday.I tried block from router, but it's not block completely and haven't schedule function.I found that a firewall (Iptables and ISA) can do that. Have anything else can? Can anyone give me some advises

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get Video Conference Software For 10.04 Compatible With Yahoo Messenger?

Jul 7, 2011

Can I get a video conference software for ubuntu 10.04 compatible with yahoo messenger

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Networking :: Can't Receive File In Yahoo Service With Pidgin

Jan 12, 2011

I can not receive file in yahoo service with pidgin !

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Networking :: Masqueraded Network Cant Login On Yahoo Mail Or Any Secured Sites

Apr 23, 2010

I am now very confused as to why i cant login on any secured sites since my firewall is setup to masquerade technique in iptables. Of course i can browse normally to any normal http connection. I attached my firewall script.

I setup squid on the same box and configured browser to use that proxy. All is well, i can browse and login both normal and secured sites (ie yahoo mail)

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Ubuntu :: How To Download Videos From Hulu

Mar 9, 2010

I use when I want to download a ..... video which is .....-dl, I wish there was a similar script or another method I could use so I can download hulu videos?I mean, making a script to download hulu and megaupload videos can't be that hard can it? I mean if you base it on the .....-dl script?Any idea on how I can download hulu videos?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Watch Anything On Hulu Using Mint 9

Nov 5, 2010

I can't seem to watch anything in Hulu. I'm using Mint 9.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Seem To Get Video's To Run On Hulu+

Sep 1, 2011

I can't seem to get the video's to run on hulu+.It shows the ads but when it gets to the actual show it just doesn't play. I'm running 11.04, any ideas?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Crashes When Try To Use Hulu In Fullscreen

May 21, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 and, when using Hulu, if I try and enter Fullscreen Mode, Firefox crashes to the desktop. Is this a known bug? Is there a fix for it? Any idea what could be causing it? I'm using fglrx for my integrated ATI card, by the way, but the standard open-source drivers made video choppy, and I had the same problem with Hulu.

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Ubuntu :: Random 'blocks' With Flash On Hulu On FF4?

Apr 2, 2011

I have some strange behavior with Flash content on FF4 on Hulu. I am using the latest Flashplayer ( On the hulu landing page, parts of the flash overlay disappear (or turn dark) and re-appear randomly. I tried taking screenshots of that happening, but the captured images do not contain any artifacts!

This does not happen on Chromium (12.0.722), and I could not verify this on Opera11 because Hulu would not load on it. Specs: Ubuntu 10.04 x86_64, Compiz, Firefox 4.0, Flash on Intel C2D w/Intel 4-series graphics.

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Fedora :: No Hulu.com / Get That To Work?

Apr 30, 2010

I am having trouble watching hulu.com on my 64 bit F12. The error message says:
We're sorry but we're unable to stream videos to your system.
This may be due to an Adobe software limitation
on 64 bit Linux systems

I wonder if there's a work around for this issue? I can view ..... without any problem.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Hulu Desktop Stopped Working ?

Mar 24, 2010

I'm wondering if anyone is having a similar problem as mine when running Hulu Desktop. The application starts fine, but when I try to select anything to watch, the green progress bar continually resets over and over again as it tries to buffer a video, and playback never starts as a result. This happens for low, medium, and high quality. Hulu Desktop was working perfectly fine a few months ago. I've always been running Ubuntu 9.10 (64-bit) with the latest 64-bit Flash pluggins, and didn't have a problem before. Running Hulu Desktop from the command line doesn't reveal any error messages either.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Firefox On Karmic Freezes With Hulu?

Apr 9, 2010

i've seen several posts on other forums about problems similar to this but no solutions that apply to me. i've got the latest updates for karmic that i installed this week. i'm using an ibm t60 thinkpad with 01:00.0 vga compatible controller: ati technologies inc m52 [mobility radeon x1300]. i have dual monitors and firefox 3.5.8.

when i attempt to watch a movie on hulu, it appears to work for a brief moment and then freezes and the browser window goes grey. i've left it sitting like that for over 15 minutes and eventually had to force quit it.i'm able to use the gnome desktop effects and have no problems viewing other multimedia, like videos, etc. i'm very new to ubuntu and linux in general. i'm a mac head and still love mac's but have grown very fond of ubuntu in a short amount of time.

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Ubuntu :: Hulu Desktop / Flash - Get Errors About How Video Not Available

Sep 26, 2010

I'm getting a strange error when I try to use Hulu desktop. When I start it, the following error pops up:

Hulu Desktop requires Flash Player 10.0.22 or higher, but this version of Flash is Please download and install the latest version, then restart Hulu Desktop I'm on a 64 bit machine, and have tried both the most up-to-date 64 bit version of flash, and the version installed using flashplugin-installer (which I understand is a wrapper around the 32 bit version). I've also tried using Hulu through my browser, but get errors about how the video is not available, regardless of the video.

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Ubuntu :: Can Not Stream Video On Hulu Anymore / Sort It?

Jan 19, 2010

I installed/updated my flash media drivers because i had poor quality video in fullscreen. now fullscreen looks great on ..... and other streaming sites. the only problem is that everytime i attempt to stream from hulu, i get "sorry, we are unable to stream this video. please check your internet connection and try again."

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Fedora :: Block IP To Access Hulu?

Aug 26, 2009

I live in Canada and would like to access sites like Hulu that only allow you to view the contents if you live in the US.

A Windows using friend of mine is able to access Hulu with a program called Hotspot Shield.

Is there a similar program that anyone knows about for Linux?

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Fedora :: Hulu Desktop Not Seeing Flash

Oct 10, 2009

I just installed the new Hulu Desktop for Linux in my 64 bit Fedora.When trying to start the program, it complains that flash is not installed and aborts.I have leigh's 64 bit flash plugin installed but guess that's not enough.

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Fedora :: Hulu Video Not Working / What To Do?

Jan 11, 2010

I'm using 64-bit F12 with the 64-bit Adobe flash plugin from leigh123linux's yum repo. For the last day or two, whenever trying to play a Hulu video in Fedora, I get the error "Sorry, we are unable to stream this video. Please check your Internet connection and try again." Previously it worked in Fedora, and it works normally in Windows on the same machine, so I'm guessing the problem is at Hulu's end. Are any other Fedora users seeing this?

Edit: Just checked a 32-bit F12 box with the Flash plugin from Adobe's yum repo and Hulu works on that. So this problem seems to be limited to 64-bit Fedora.

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Fedora :: Get The Hulu Desktop To Work On 12 64 Bit

Feb 13, 2010

I'm completely new at the whole linux thing and i thought I had most of it figured out until now. I'm trying to get the hulu desktop to work on fedora12 64 bit. I downloaded it through yum, but i now need to edit the file to find my flash-plugin. what is the default location for the libflash or whatever it is. i cant seem to locate it

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Slackware :: Hulu Stopped Working / Fix It?

Oct 22, 2010

I'm on Firefox 3.6.11 with Flash 10.2 d161 on Slackware 13.1 32-bit. Hulu stopped working sometime this past week. (Actually when it stopped working I was still on the previous versions of Firefox and Flash - I upgraded 3.6.10 to 3.6.11 to see if it would help.) Worked fine before that. I've tried Firefox safe-mode, disabling add-ons and using default theme and none of this matters. Flash works fine and Hulu worked fine before a week ago.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Get FlASH Install Correctly - Cannot View Shows On HULU

Feb 13, 2010

Cannot get FlASH install correctly so I can view shows on HULU. In the past I could but recently HULU request that I install FlASH. When I click on the link provided and run the install, the install appears to download but I still cannont view shows on HULU.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Hulu Desktop Video Doesn't Play Very Well?

Apr 12, 2010

When I used Hulu Desktop on my old integrated VGA video output, it played fairly well. Now I got a new video card and connected my monitor and installed the latest drivers and it doesn't play as well, it buffers and I don't know how to explain the rest.

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