Ubuntu Multimedia :: Who Maintains The VFL2 Code

Jan 13, 2011

who maintains the VFL2 code? I'd like to work on some of it to enable usb3.0 controllers to handle more than 2 cameras on the bus, but I can't figure out who is actively maintaining it? The redhat mailing list seems dead.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Which Package Owns/maintains /etc/asound.conf

Jul 11, 2010

Which package owns/maintains /etc/asound.conf? I thought it would have been alsa-base, but I uninstalled alsa-base, and the file was still there.

I have a suspicion that I messed with my /etc/asound.conf file and I would like to regenerate it. I was thinking a simple reinstall of the package that owns this file.

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Programming :: Make A Program That Maintains A List Of Tags That Can Be Attached To A Set Of Files?

Jul 28, 2010

I want to make a program that maintains a list of tags that can be attached to a set of files. Store the tags in the files. The main problem is that there is no way to get a list of all the tags without reading each and every file. And also what if you have an unused tag? Have a file that contains tag "keys" and file list "values". This seems like it would be fast and effective, but what if one of the files gets renamed?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Code Blocks Starts But Not Running 10.04?

Aug 9, 2010

I installed code blocks from .deb files, icon of CB was created but when I click on it to start it, it shows only logo of CB and end, please wehe is error?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unlisted Remote - Capturing IR Code

Mar 1, 2011

I have a unlisted remote which I can't find a lircd.conf for. Have tried irrecord with a mceusb receiver and have had no success. I am running maverick on a fresh install. LIRC is install and functions correctly for MCE remote and sending dishnetwork ir codes. I have found the hex codes for it but have no idea what to do with them even if there is anything to do with them. My question is this, is there any other way to capture the remote codes other than irrecord? Is there a way to manually build the codes?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Saving An Mp3 File From A Webpage's Xml Source Code?

Sep 1, 2010

I listen to a radio show that broadcasts online a lot named ChatterBox Video Game Radio, and when i e-mailed one of the hosts about retrieving archived shows since the site didn't have any archiving of old shows or a link to it. Alon was nice enough to send me one of their old web pages with a HUGE list of archives but it's only the xml source code of the page. since the page isn't live of course, and because of the how he had to send me the code for the page and not a hyperlink to the page, i have the source code. now going through the source code of the page he emailed to me, i can find links to .mp3 files and i can open them and listen to the shows in web browsers, but i was hoping to save them to my computer forfuturelistening.URL]ww.chatterbox'ssite.com/whatever/anotherfolder/showiwanttosave.mp3 in firefox quicktime comes in and lets me listen (as long as my internet connection is active) but wont enable me to save because i dont have the pro version of quicktime. quicktime is good, but i dont use it enough to actually buy the product, and i'm not going to buy the product for just a one time use. is there another way to where i can save this file using the address from the source code (and the ChatterBox allows listeners to save their shows to computer for free, so it not some work around to rob them of money. i fully support them) without having to buy quicktime 7 pro(a product i never really use)?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Error Code In Cinelerra - When Try To Load Up Any Footage

Nov 18, 2010

I am getting this error message in Cinelerra when I try to load up any footage - virtual int FileMOV::read_frame(VFrame*): quicktime_read_frame/quicktime_decode_video failed, result:

Have previously run Cinelerra happily on other Ubuntu installations. I am using 10.04. Am I missing some dependency?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Install Amarok 1.4.10 From Source Code

Nov 16, 2009

Because i don't like amarok 2 I'm looking to install amarok 1.4.10 from source code.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: K3b Burning - Errors CD RECORD RETURNED AN UNKNOWN ERROR (CODE 254)

Aug 14, 2010

Iam trying to burn wave files to a cd that i ripped from a cd when i try burning to gets to 300 meg and stops with these errors CD RECORD RETURNED AN UNKNOWN ERROR (CODE 254) SOMETIMES USING TAO WRITING MODE SOLVES THIS ISSUE Using ubuntu 10.04

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Programming :: Selenium Java Code Into Equivalent Php Code?

Mar 30, 2011

I need to rewrite the selenium java code into its equivalent php code.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: On-site Code Generator Download That Generates Color-customizable FLV / SWF Shockwave Flash Players?

Apr 6, 2011

So, if i want to embed a video stream on my site and use the one that the company provides, it has ugly colors that clash with my website.And, if i do Internet searches for a customizable one that allows color changes, the results i get are to download windows programs.Can you direct me to on on-site code generator or a linux download that generates color-customizable FLV/SWF shockwave flash Players? So that i may use my own Embed GUI with the proper color that matches my website. I cannot seem to find one on my own.

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Security :: Reset Facebook Password,facebook Send A Code To E-mail,this Code Can Be Sniffed By Sniff Software?

Jul 18, 2010

for reset Facebook password,facebook send a code to e-mail,this code can be sniffed by sniff software?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Run Compiled Code

Jan 12, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10. If I compile a 'hello world' C file using the terminal, something like:

gcc hello.c -o hello

the compile seems to work fine, and the executable file 'hello' appears in the directory.

However, when I try to run 'hello' from the terminal, I get something like the following:

No command 'hello' found, did you mean: .......

If I run dir, though, I can see 'hello' is there. I also can't run code I compiled when I was running 9.04. The OS again can't seem to find the executable file.

Everything worked fine with version 9.04. I could compile and run without any problems. Is there some setting I have to change to allow the OS to run my code?

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Ubuntu :: Replace The Cpu Code To AM2?

Jul 1, 2010

My mainboard is AM2+RS780+SB700. I use "make menuconfig" command to choose motherboard. I can only choose "AMD + Tilapia" project.However, it is AM3+RS780+SB700. So how can I replace the cpu code to AM2?

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Ubuntu :: Where Is The Source Code?

Jul 20, 2010

I have been using Linux for 2 months, specifically Ubuntu, and been wondering where the source code is. Not only do I wonder where the kernel source code is but also where the source code for the installed programs are.

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Ubuntu :: VGA Code For 1600x900?

Jul 8, 2011

What is the VGA=XXX code for 1600x900?

Currently I have vga=791 but I'd like to increase the boot splash res.

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Ubuntu :: Any Error For This Code?

Jul 2, 2011

Code: if test -f $1 && test -f $2
d=$(diff $1 $2)
if [ $d -eq 0 ][code].....

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Ubuntu :: Code For Clearing RAM As Cache?

Jun 20, 2010

post the code for clearing RAM as cache?

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Ubuntu :: Translate GUI Actions To CL Code?

Jul 27, 2010

The main thing I want to know is: how to translate my GUI actions into command-line code. I want to know if there is a command that outputs all the commands being made by interaction with my GUI.Say, for example that I type this command and then open a file, the terminal would then print: "gnome-open /{path to file}".(The reason I ask is because I need to know a command to open with a non-default program. I have downloaded MiniCopier, so I want to add a launcher for it to my panel, by figuring out the code to launch it, but the default app to open ".jar" files is archive manager, rather than Java, so "gnome-open" doesn't do the trick. I've even changed the default to Java and still "gnome-open" uses archive manager, while double-clicking will use the new default=java. Weird...)

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Ubuntu :: Measuring The Time Of A Code?

Sep 20, 2010

I am a beginner to C and C++ and so far I have learned two ways to measure the time my program takes to run.

Method 1: Just compile your C file and if the executable is say a.out just type time ./a.out

Method 2: Here the general structure of the code is

int main(void)


Question 1 Do Method 1 and Method 2 return the same times?

Question 2 Method 1 gives three times real, usr and sys . Is it true that USR+SYS= TIME GIVEN BY METHOD 2

I have performed some experiments with small codes which return the squares of numbers uptill 36000 and I feel the answer to question 2 is yes

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Ubuntu :: Get The Full Source Code?

Oct 16, 2010

where can i get the full source code of ubuntu ?

i want to study it and mayb il make my own os in the future.

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Ubuntu :: Php Code Not Processed On New Site?

Jan 7, 2011

I just got my new vps up and running. I now have one site hosted on the server using drupal. Apache,php, mysql are all set up and working fine. I tried to setup a second site and created another virtual host for it. All permissions are set the same, the two virtual hosts have all the same settings but the new site does not process my php. When I browse to the new site I get a blank page. By viewing the source I can see that the php code is coming in but it is not being processed.

Don't know enough to know what else to check.

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Ubuntu :: Editing Source Code ?

Mar 27, 2011

How to edit Ubuntu Source code to edit Ubuntu how I want? I know I am legally allowed to modify the code but I do not know how?

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Ubuntu :: Run A Program In Code : Blocks

Apr 3, 2011

i have installed ubuntu 10.10 marverick, and on it i have installed code: blocks 10.05 and i want to run a program using opencv 2.1.0 in code: blocks.. when i build the program it builds properly without any warning but when i run it it does not show any output....

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Ubuntu :: Write A Code For Encryption / Dec?

Apr 30, 2011

i need to make a to-do list for my project, everything is fine so far. but i really dont have a clue on writtiing this part: we need to write a programme that takes input from a text file then either encrypt or decrpyt it. according to the ASCII code of this charecters the user should give us his/her own keyword then the program will save the output in a new file .


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Ubuntu :: Where To Obtain The Source Code For 10.04.1 LTS

Jun 7, 2011

Where can I obtain the source code for Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS?

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Ubuntu :: How To Compile Source Code

Jul 24, 2009

I downloaded wine from a windows laptop, but because you have to have a computer running Linux to download it as a .deb package, I had to download the source code as a tar. bz2.

Does anyone know how I compile it and make it executable?

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Ubuntu :: C Code Next Number In Series

Sep 17, 2010

I have been looking at Open Office calc to work the next in a series if non-linear numbers, and calc does do a very good best fit and shows the equation. Just what I want. I now want to programme this into a C routine that I am writing so that the programme will both look-up what it can from a samples database, and extend them forward where it does not have enough samples. (I'm trying to understand some correlations). My thought at present is to take the Ooo calc formula and write it into my code. Before I do so, I wonder if anyone knows of any non-linear solver routines written in C that I could just plug in? I'm trying to do a best fit from only about 6 very accurate floats which graph like a curve.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Code: Blocks Not Compiling

Jan 25, 2010

so I just installed code blocks after clear installing ubuntu 64 everything went fine but when I try to compile and run my .cpp files code::blocks wont do anything I dont get any messages on the build log so I dont understand whats happening I tried looking on the forums and checking other pages such as the one bellow but no luck at all. [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Wikipedia Won't Load - It Keeps Returning Code 200

Jan 26, 2010

Wikipedia won't load! It keeps returning code 200 (ok) along with 0 bytes of source...

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