Ubuntu Multimedia :: Stream Live Radio Through Mplayer / VLC?
Oct 18, 2010
I'd love to listen to a local radio station while working, but my problem is I can't seem to stream it at all.
The link is [URL], and when I click on the Live Radio link, it leads me to [URL] which contains a player which wouldn't load. On viewing its source, I saw the following:
[URL] In Windows just click "Oua ou vivo" (Listen Live) and away you go (WMP). Can also select one of "S os melhore" (Just the hits) and it plays. In Ubuntu I've downloaded Amarok, MPlayer, Rhythm box, Streamtuner, & VLC, but am not going to live long enough to figure out how to stream with any of them (although "S os melhores" plays OK). how to stream this & any other WMP station. No problem with Flash stations such as [URL] by the way.
Is it possible to record an Internet radio stream? I don't mean the audio output, I mean the stream itself, which often contains additional data such as track and artist details.
I guess what I'm asking is how to record the stuff that goes /into/ my media player, rather than what comes out of it. But maybe dealing with raw data like this would result in huge files and be impractical?
I've finally found a way to actually stream .asx stuff using mplayer ( by extracting the actual link to the video from it ), and now I'd like to record it. In the asx, I've found a link to an .asf file, which I can stream using mplayer. How can I save this to view it locally?
I used to be able to listen to live Internet radio (Classic fm and Chill) but no longer. The podcasts of these stations activate Mplayer but not the live stations
I wanted to get back into a radio show I used to listen to but can't too much anymore because it runs late at night. Is there a app to record live radio to schedule recordings? The program is Coast to Coast AM.
my problem is regarding .asx live streams. Up till 2-3 weeks ago I was able to listen to [URL] perfectly well with Totem under Ubuntu 9.10.
Since then whenever I want to start the stream, Totem darkens and nothing happens. I've tried Mplayer and VLC as well but neither of them work (but that's not news because they didn't work when Totem did either).
I had a look at the recent package updates in Synaptic to see if any audio-related ones had been changed and I have downgraded libaudiofile0 (to version 0.2.6-7ubuntu2) and gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad (to version 0.10.14-4ubuntu1). The problem still remained, so I updated them again.
The radio chanel works perfectly under Windows, and other .asx streams (for example [URL]) are working fine with Totem in Ubuntu.
I followed the instruction in the cheese help tutorial. The changes inGStreamer to produce the live stream in cheese "try changing from xvimagesinkto ximagesink or vice-versa.", only make both fail if changed to xvimagesink.As suggested here it goes the log...
Cheese 2.28.1 Probing devices with HAL... Found device 041e:4051, getting capabilities...
I'm trying to get my mom to switch to ubuntu, and she needs this one radio stream to work. For the life of me, I can't get this radio stream to play on any player. here's the web address to it, and the mms address:
It's proprietary to windows which sucks, but I've followed a lot of forums where asx streams work. This one just doesn't
I'm on 11.04. I've tried VLC, Banshee, Rhythmbox, xine,gstreamer, etc.
A few days ago, all streaming on my 10.10 stopped working, except flash. MPlayer in firerfox is not working anymore, neither is streaming internet radio with rhythmbox. Radio stations that worked only days ago stopped responding, giving an error message that the location was not found. Does this have anything to do with gstreamer maybe?
I am wondering if any in the Ubuntu community owns a Carmen Car Radio player by Livio Radio. The program to save internet radio to the device is written in Java, however I am not able to run it either using WINE or using Open JDK.
The Carmen Player does work well with Banshee, it is the internet radio that is not working.
I have a new install of Karmic on my system with a flyvideo 3000 tv card installed. My problem is that it doesn't find any radio channels and the input channel is completely wrong. I don't have any sound on gnomeradio and can't find the config files to change the input channel. The only input option available to me is dig1 - can anyone point me in the right direction?
I have already read the Howto for this tv card and changed the device to radio0 in the setup. I have setup tvtime perfectly with sound channel as well as with a 5.1 surround configuration. I am missing my favourite radio channel. and I want to get rid of my windows installations once and for all! Update: I did a system update and some things have changed: the radio tower graphic on gnomeradio is now green (I assume it is getting a signal) but no sound yet.
has anyone tried ripping mms:// stream using mplayer? I managed to rip files succesfully as .asf files: There are quite a lot of inconveniences with asf files though, first you can not "jump" or "fastforward" to desired time. Second, it cannot be played with most other media players other than windows media player.Rename the file or save the asf file simply as mp3 DOESNT work. It only changes the extension, but the file itself still cannot be fastforwarded and nor can it be played with my other media player.
I have and avi file and an ac3 file that contains an alternate audio stream. I run mplayer like: mplayer -audiofile foo.ac3 bar.avi
mplayer takes the audio stream from the ac3 file as expected, but when I try to scroll the video using arrows or pgup/pgdown keys, the audio gets desynced: mplayer just starts playing the audio stream from the beginning. Do I have to pass any additional command line arguments in order to make it scroll properly without desyncing audio?
how to use tshark to know the address of the streams of online tv/satellite channels that are broadcast from online websites that hide the addresses of these streams. i would like to feed these stream addresses directly into mplayer so as to have more control over the playing of them, and to eliminate the drawbacks of the traditional flash player/windows media player web browser plugins.
We liked the idea to broadcast-stream live for our fellow students. Firstly we thought to start with music and then continue with interviews. If we cannot make it live, then we can play a recorded interview.
As I saw, both are playing with winamp for windows. Is there something helpful for playing with openSUSE (or linux in general)?
You'll tell me that most of my friends use windows, why now use their? I just wanted to make it open source and try to play some CC music first (like jamendo).
I want to save streaming music into hard disk. I know mplayer/vlc can do that. But mplayer/vlc stores as a single large file. What i want is to save every songs separately. Is it possible?
I have a Dell Inspiron 6400 running Windows 7 64bits and Ubuntu 10.04 64bits. My problem is that when I'm connected to my wireless router the connection crashes when I watch a live stream video such ..... or something else. It does not happen when I'm connected via cable to the router nor in Windows 7 when I'm connected via wifi.
I've written a simple web page and I want it to display live stream from one of my IP cameras. I admit I've never been interested in HTML ... How should I go about this? I can see the stream in browser using following link [URL]
This is my first time installing zoneminder, just downloaded the latest version and trying it on my slackware 12 box. I tested the card I ordered with xawtv and was able to see video just fine.
Zoneminder seems to start fine but I can't get it to stream video.
That's what I get when I try to view. I'm not sure if there is a log file I can check to see if there is an error.
Trying to stream a live video feed from Rock am Ring which is available via the German SWR3 TV website. Trouble is, I am in the UK and it seems to only be avaialable to German IP addresses. Have tried various German web proxies, but to no avail. I suspect the service provider knows about them all and is stopping them also. Getting the error from the server, Server Error The connection to the streaming server has been disconnected. Any networking gurus out there who may know a way around this.
record my radio show from a radio I have plugged into my iMac. That's right. For now, I am dual booting on my iMac until I can afford to buy a dedicated PC desktop just for Ubuntu.
I can't believe that there seems to be no way for me to record my shows from my radio. Works fine when I boot into the Mac side and even when I use Ubuntu using VMware Fusion. When I boot into Ubuntu directly, Audio In in the Sound preferences doesn't seem to work. No audio coming through when I try to record from the radio.
How does a person determine the URL of the audio stream for a Live365 broadcast in order to create a new radio station entry in Rhythmbox? I would like to be able to access and listen to the audio stream completely from within Rhythmbox.
I've recently purchased HP Mini 210 (about a few months ago) which has wireless accessibility. Unfortunately, internet is not easily accessible from where I live unless you have a home connection (which is quite expensive) or you connect to a Cyber Cafe (not really convenient). I've checked some really good tools like FM Radio and Rhythmbox which require internet in order to stream radio stations directly.I'm quite fond of FM Radio, though recently an old radio broke down and I thought a netbook could help (although I admit I bought the netbook for writing scripts and stories solely). Although it's funny that an old technology can do what's it's meant to do, while a newer one (PC's) depend on internet alone.
What I was wondering is that since HP Mini 210 has a wireless access capability isn't it capable of catching FM Radio waves like an old radio without depending on internet connectivity? If it is capable of it, how do I do that?
this media player is not playing [URL]I have played other internet radio and tv stations through vlc but this one doesn't seem like i am supposed to play it through vlc?