Ubuntu Multimedia :: Start Rhythmbox - Open For Like A Split Second And Then Close Again

May 9, 2010

Every time I try to start rhythmbox all it does is open for like a split second and then close again. Only thing I did was install updates and then this started happening.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee And Rhythmbox Close

May 13, 2011

Ubuntu 11.04- Rhythmbox and Banshee used to work ok, but today when either started up they both promptly appear to close down. The only difference is that this morning I had pugged my iPod into the machine, though I don't know if this is relevant. I removed both programs and reinstalled them- now Rhythmbox works, but Banshee still appears and then closes down, whether or not the iPod is pugged in (now suspect this is not part of the problem).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox As DAAP Client : Does Not Close Connections

Feb 9, 2010

This is more of a question for developers of rhythmbox DAAP support. I am using rhythmbox to remotely access music exported by mt-daapd server. It works fine. But it does not seem to close connections properly. This problem is very severe when you press "prev" button a few times. How to reproduce (this just one way):

1) Start playing a few songs (playlist or an album).
2) press "next" button a few times
3) then press "prev" a few times.

The playback might even pause for many seconds if you are not a LAN. Now check connections opened by Rhythmbox.. (netstat -n | grep 3689 on client). You will notice a lot of connections, and they stay for a very long time.. multiple hours. Let me know if anyone needs more info.

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Debian Multimedia :: Open Nautilus In Split View?

Nov 17, 2010

I open nautilus and almost always immediately press F3 to enable split-view. How to enable this view by default?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Panel Icon - One Click To Open?

Jun 15, 2010

I used to be able to open the Rhythmbox window by just clicking the Rhythmbox icon in the notification area. Now in Lucid it brings up a menu (isn't that what right click is for??) and I have to select "Show Rhythmbox", and sometimes I accidentally click on "Quit" and I have to start Rhythmbox again. It's a real PITA. Is there any way to make it the way it was before? I've looked at the Rhythmbox options and can't find anything about it. (Why do GNOME applications always have barely any options?)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Always Start Scanning Ext HDD For Sound Files

Jul 2, 2010

Whenever I start rhythmbox, it starts scanning my external HDD for sound files. There are 450,000+ sound files at least, and it won't import my music collection while it's doing this. Is there a way to stop this? Disconnecting or hiding the drive isn't an option as my music collection is in a folder on that drive, and there isn't enough space on my local HDD to store it.

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Ubuntu :: How To Close Rhythmbox

Oct 11, 2010

With 10.10 rhythmbox is integrated in the sound applet, but how can I close it without going to the file menu?

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Slackware :: (rhythmbox:15745): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: Could Not Open Device /dev/radio0

Aug 8, 2010

we were watching Clint Eastwood in Pink Cadillac on DVD. Earlier, I had been checking out the streaming internet radio on my roommates Mint laptop using Rhythmbox, and found it to be pretty cool. Usually, if I stream any music, it's just from the CBC (like the U.S.'s NPR), so I just stream it directly from them, but all the stations on rhythmbox (there's a whack of them) got me interested. At the start of Pink Cadillac, I proposed myself a challenge: Could I manage to get rhythmbox (a GNOME application) to work on my Slack64 -current box, before the movie ended? There's probably (maybe?) a similar app that installs and works more natively on Slack, but that's not the point; I wanted to try installing rhythmbox in < 2 hrs. Well, I got it installed finally, *just* at the end of the movie credits, but it won't play! And sometimes it segfaults. So, I wonder if anyone has any tips about what I might be missing or whatever.

Here's what I typically get when I first start it up (though it starts & runs OK):


sasha@reactor: rhythmbox
Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".
(rhythmbox:15745): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_pixbuf_get_width: assertion `GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf)' failed
(rhythmbox:15745): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: Unable to grab media player keys: Could not get owner of name 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon': no such name


Seems even on systems with some sort of 'natural' support for installing this thing, a lot of people are getting the same or very similar errors, but I haven't found a solution (obviously - I wouldn't be posting otherwise ) but people, myself included, have discovered that there doesn't seem to be a 100% accurate list of *required* dependencies for rhythmbox; it needs stuff that it doesn't tell you it needs.

EDIT: Disclaimer (just to cut the 'dependency-hell' arguments off at the pass, so to speak): This is just a fun experiment for me. I don't suggest Slackware newbies start trying to install <xyz Gnome application> into their Slackware boxes unless you want to spend HOURS fixing stuff like this, and you want to have fun doing it, and have it maybe bork your box up. And if you *do* decide to try it anyways, don't blame Slackware for giving you dependency hell. Gnome doesn't come with Slackware (here's the ChangeLog). I like Slackware exactly the way it is - it comes with more than enough apps to satisfy most people, all nicely working out of the box, so installing stuff like this is not really necessary - but I'm choosing to do this one anyway, and am not deterred by this "mess" of stuff.If this dependency stuff isn't your 'cup of tea', an 'automatically-dependency-resolving' distro might be better for you; I prefer to mess my machine up on my own, rather than let my package manager do it for me.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music Synced From Rhythmbox To IPod Touch Won't Start Playing?

Oct 16, 2010

When I sync my iPod touch 2G on 4.1 (same issue on 4.0), when I try to play the music on my iPod, it will just skip the song/not play it. I didn't have this issue on Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Open Audio CD With Rhythmbox When Left Clicking On Desktop Icon - Instead Of Nautilus

Mar 31, 2011

When I have an Audio CD inside my computer in the desktop there is an icon called "Sound disk". When I left click on it Nautilus opens. I would like Rhythmbox to open instead.

I've tried to change in /etc/gnome/defaults.list :

But the problem is still here.

NB: I only need to click once on the icons of the files to open them (I changed the preference of Nautilus).
NB2: I have no problem with "Open with" in the context menu when right clicking.
NB3: I have no problem when I insert an Audio CD: Rhythmbox opens automatically because I selected that option.

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Ubuntu :: How Rhythmbox Creates The "Open Rhythmbox" Button In The Nautilus Explorer Window

Jul 10, 2011

how Rhythmbox creates the "Open Rhythmbox" button in the Nautilus Explorer window ?I would like to create my own button that does something else (that deals with an iPod being plugged in).

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Ubuntu :: Start Nautilus In Split Pane Mode?

Jul 5, 2010

Is there a way to start nautilus already set in split-pane mode, every time you open a new nautilus window?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox - When Doubleclick On A Song To Play, It Doesn't Play And Rhythmbox Quits?

Jan 31, 2011

Whenever I plug my Zune in, Rhythmbox recognizes all the songs on it but when I doubleclick on a song to play it, the song doesn't play and Rhythmbox quits. Any suggestions on how to fix it? I'm running a Dell XPS 410 with 4GB RAM and a 1.75 GHz processor.Also, I imported a CD and it plays fine.

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Programming :: Split Open Same File And Edit Only 1 Window?

May 14, 2011

whether it is possible to split open a file and edit only one of the open windows.

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Ubuntu :: Resolution Changes When Close / Open Lid?

Aug 7, 2010

I'm having some strange issues with my HP Probook. The resolution changes (lower) after I close and open the lid again. Only a restart will fix this problem. Sometimes happens even when I normally turn the computer on, only a restart will fix it...

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Ubuntu :: Can't Open Rhythmbox

Feb 21, 2011

Just sorted out my ubuntu 1 and wanted to have a play on rhythmbox but cant seem to open it.

I click on it and in the toolbar it appears momentarily then goes.

I tried a clean uninstall, reinstall and reboot but that made no difference.

I'm on Um 10.10

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Ubuntu :: Rhythmbox Won't Start ?

Sep 1, 2011

Ubuntu 10.04 RB won't start first time but starts second?

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Ubuntu :: Close Open Ports To Keep From Remote Access?

Apr 11, 2011

I was port scanning my computer and i found some open ports. How would i close these ports so they cannot be remote accessed?

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Fedora :: Close All Of Ports And Open Ssh Only?

May 8, 2010

how can i close all of ports and open ssh only?

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Ubuntu :: Rhythmbox Won't Open / Resolve This?

Oct 21, 2010

I think this started after upgrading to 10.10. Rhythmbox won't open for some reason. It opens up for a second and closes. I only tried it because Banshee wasn't playing any songs. When I try to open a song it just closes the whole program. A few programs won't open for me actually, at all, including Liferea Feed Reader which I installed recently.

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Debian :: On Close Iceweasel Start Again

Jan 24, 2016

I would like to make iceweasel to restart after close, so its always running.

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Ubuntu :: Start Rhythmbox Minimised ?

Apr 25, 2011

Using Maverick Meerkat; want to have rhythmbox start minimised. Had this setup on Lucid - forgot what I did.

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Debian Multimedia :: Iceweasel Does Not Start - Access Denied While Trying To Open Files In Profile Directory

Nov 21, 2015

Iceweasel will not start, saying :

(process:12904): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed

Error: Access was denied while trying to open files in your profile directory.

but only for my userid. What home directory resources are required to start?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Open Synaptic Package Manager / Close That Apt-get Application?

Oct 23, 2010

I opend terminal and typed the command..
sudo apt-get install torcs
While downloading was in process I accidentally closed the terminal clicking X on the windows. I cant open synaptic Package manger when I try to open it says:
"This usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) is already running. Please close that application first".
How can I close that apt-get application?

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Ubuntu Security :: Router Has Open 5900 Port And Can't Close It?

Dec 19, 2010

I've recently been taking a look at my router settings and I've realized i have my vnc port open for some reason. I don't know how or why it got opened because I've only used vnc within my private lan. Anyway, the problem is I couldn't figure out how to close that port on my router, so I just uninstalled all the vnc software from my computer so it wouldn't act like a vnc server for anybody trying to access it from the outside. So, effectively, I cannot vnc into my computer from outside my private lan, but when i port scan my public ip, the vnc port still appears open.

I'm wondering if there's something i'm missing. I'm sure it must be something in the router that I haven't figured out... something that's keeping port 5900 open.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Close/Open Port 21 Using Command Line?

Mar 12, 2011

I would like to Close/Open port 21 using command line. I have an FTP server and I don't want to have the port open all the time. I need only two hours by week to be open port 21 from outside to inside.So I need to know the command line for opening and closing the port 21 then I will implement this in a script into cron.hourly.

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Debian :: Setup Iceweasel To Open And Close?

May 17, 2010

at a particular spot on your screen on Debian Lenny xfce4 64 bit?

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Debian :: USB Ports Don't Wake Up - Have To Close And Open Lid Of LT

Oct 20, 2015

I have installed Debian Jessie (<-- brilliant OS ) on my uncles Laptop (it is a Thinkpad E540) with Cinnamon as desktop environment. The installation was no problem. Everything apart from one minor thing works nicely. The minor thing however is the following:

I don't know what it is, but when I don't use a particular usb port for a while and then try to plug in a usb stick or a wacom tablet, it doesn't get recognized, it doesn't show up when I use f.e. Code: Select alllsusb. When I close the lid of the laptop and open it again, then the particular usb device gets recognized and cinnamon asks me what to do, f.e. open a folder and show the content of the usb stick I have plugged in. Because of the success on two other laptops I use the following

Code: Select all# /etc/systemd/system/powertop.service
Description=Powertop tunings

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/powertop --auto-tune


to save power on the Thinkpad (this is in no way my service script, I tuned everything using powertop in the terminal after having had logged in, the script above stems from a brilliant user here on the forum). Could it therefore be autosuspend that is not working properly here?

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Ubuntu :: Rhythmbox Opens When Trying To Open Filesystem

Dec 17, 2010

When I go Places -> MountedDrive Rhythmbox opens and tries to load the whole thing...how do I make it open in Nautilus again?

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Ubuntu :: Rhythmbox Requires 2 Clicks To Start

Aug 8, 2010

First time I click on the launcher on the panel, the process starts. I have to click on it again to open up the GUI of the application. Normal?

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