Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get Screen Resolution Set In Mythbuntu 9.10 - No Xorg.conf

Feb 13, 2010

I'm trying to get my screen resolution set in Mythbuntu 9.10, but there is no xorg.conf on my system! I'm trying to figure out what to do (the xfce tool on mythbuntu doesn't offer the correct resolution, and I'm not even sure what driver I'm using). I've seen other threads saying to run nvidia-setup or somesuch. I assume the appropriate tool in my case would be aticonfig (I saw that elsewhere too) as I'm using an ATI Radeon 9600XT, but that tool says:


aticonfig: No supported adapters detected

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Fedora :: 12 Screen Resolution Limited - Xorg.conf Does Not Exist

Dec 11, 2009

monitor is a Optiquest Q19wb. I normally have is set on 1280x1024, but fedora will only go to 800x600. It has detected the monitor correctly. Not sure if being connected to KVM will cause issues. The xorg.conf does not exist. Have installed system-config-display but have not run yet.

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Debian :: Screen Resolution \ Tried To Change Xorg.conf, But Got No Success?

Jun 18, 2010

I installed debian 5 in a pc with a Intel 4 series VGA. The optimal resolution for the monitor is 1360x76, but the system does not allow that. I tried to change my xorg.conf, but got no success.In my xorg.conf I used this:

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Default Screen"
Monitor "Configured Monitor"


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General :: Increasing Screen Resolution To 1024x800 In Ubuntu - No Xorg.conf File?

Mar 2, 2011

I have set up my Ubuntu virtual machine and am trying to adjust the screen resolution because it's stuck at 800x600 presently and there are no higher resolution options. I've looked at numerous similar forms and tutorials online and they all seem to involve editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf. However, for whatever reason, this file seems not to exist on my machine. I found another tutorial on how to add a screen resolution using xrandr --addmode which added the resolution I want to the list that appears when I type the command xrandr, but when I try to apply it I get an error about CRTC 262 failing.

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Ubuntu :: Xorg.conf And External Monitor - Resolution Seems To Be Slightly Off As The Outer Edges Of Screen Are Cut Off

Sep 24, 2010

I have Ubuntu (running Jolicloud) on my HP dv2000 laptop, connected to my Sony AV Receiver through HDMI to use the TV as an external monitor. However, the resolution seems to be slightly off as the outer edges of the screen are cut off. Is there a way to fix this by editing the xorg.conf file? My current setup is below. I tried adding the line "Virtual 1244 700" to the subsection "display", but when I restarted it threw me into low graphics mode. Is there anything else I can try?

I also tried setting up the resolution at 1920x1080 on the TV and kept the default resolution on the monitor as 1280x800, and as you would expect displays the entire desktop in a smaller version on part of the tv. However, the desktop is still offset, leaving the top and left margins cut off. So, perhaps I need a way to offset the screen? Is this possible in xorg.conf?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Add 320x200x8 Resolution/Mode To Xorg.conf?

Oct 1, 2010

I am trying to run using WINE. It has a platinum rating on the site, and runs perfectly on my laptop.on my desktop it doesn't seem to run at all.The screen goes black,then brings me back to the desktop. I manually ran the WINE command in the terminal, and it produced the error "err11settings:X11DRV_ChangeDisplaySettingsE x No matching mode found 320x200x8 @0! (XRandR)". The laptop and desktop are both running the same version of WINE (1.3.3) and have similar Nvidia cards (laptop has a mobile 9600, desktop has a 9800). I found a bug report on this exact issue on the WINE website (I'll paste a link), and they mention that the solution is simply to add the 320x200x8 resolution mode to Xorg.conf.

I've tried generating the line that I may need with a web-based modeline calculator, referenced on another thread, but it caused my system to fail booting. Luckily, I backed up xorg.conf before making changes and restored the old one via recovery mode. Here's the link to the calculator, I may just be using it wrong: [URL]

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Xorg.conf Setting Up Native Resolution 1900x1200 & Dual Monitor

Jun 19, 2011

my laptop screen has 1900x1280 (native resolution) and my second monitor has 1600x1080

After browsing the forums and messing around with drivers I managed to get the resolution up to 1600x1080 (from 1000x800 at install) on the laptop screen. No luck at all with the second monitor. I currently have it connected with both VGA and DVI.

my understanding is I need to use twin view to setup the second monitor. I've read several of the earlier posts but haven't been able to get it to work. Here is my current xorg.conf file:

Section "Monitor"
# HorizSync source: edid, VertRefresh source: edid
Identifier "Configured Monitor"
VendorName "Unknown"


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Debian Multimedia :: X -configure Segfaults - Sid - Cannot Create Xorg.conf To Get A Correct Resolution

May 13, 2010

I am running kde 4.4 in virtualbox , but cannot create xorg.conf to get a correct resolution. X -configure = segfault. Older releases were fine - lenny, even ubuntu hardy / lucid.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: "failed To Parse Xorg.conf" - Can't Save Resolution And Refresh

Mar 2, 2010

I looked for a solution to this,and found a thread for it ,but I dont know how to do what it says.Here is part of it by the user "cameronol": There is a bug in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic with the default /etc/X11/xorg.conf involving Nvidia. receive the error"Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'.Then he posts:


Then he says to delete the first section with the default screen,and it will be fixed.But HOW do I look for the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to edit it,and how do I edit it?I am new to ubuntu,but I have learned to use a terminal(I think)It seems to be just like the "run" box on Windows.I did a search for the file,but came up empty.I want to fix this cause every time I restart,I have a low resolution that is impossible to work in.

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Fedora :: Cant Set Resolution In Xorg.conf?

Feb 3, 2010

While trying to implement some of the suggestions in the fedora 12 common problems (Intel Graphics)I discovered I cannot get the resolution correct using a xorg.conf file . Here is the file# Xorg configuration created by system-config-display

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "single head configuration"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0


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Hardware :: Resolution In Xorg.conf Ignored?

Jul 3, 2010

get my VIA chrome 9 video card running with my Beamerproperly installed the openchrome driver and edited the /etx/X11/xorg.conf but the resolution settings are ignored. Something seems to be wrong with my hsync settings:

$ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i "CHROME"
(--) PCI:*(0:1:0:0) 1106:3371:1458:d000 VIA Technologies, Inc. CN896/VN896/P4M900 [Chrome 9


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Fedora :: Change Resolution Through Xorg.conf?

Apr 13, 2011

i have a Fedroa12 installed as a VM, and my problem is that i can't change the resolution higher than 800x600 .

i am trying to do that with an Xorg.conf file. here is what i did:

1. telinit 3

2. Xorg -configure (root user)

3. cp /root/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf

4. inside xorg.conf i have added the following:

under the "screen" section i have added:

DefaultDepth 24 then under the "SubSection" of Depth 24, i have added:

Modes "1680x1050" "1028X768" "800x600"

but then whenever i am try to start the X, it fails with the following message: no screen found...

since i am doing it for studying only, how to configure properly the xorg.conf file ?

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Fedora :: How To Lock In Resolution In Xorg.conf

Jan 27, 2010

FC12-x86_64/KDE How can I lock in the 1024x768 resolution in xorg.conf ?

The Option PreferredMode is Ignored , checking in Xorg-0-log.

If I put in Modes "1024x768" it gets changed everytime I reboot.

I'm using the Nvidia driver. Can't use the nouveau driver, the mouse disappears when waking the computer up after about a half hour of sleep, then I have to restart computer to get mouse to reappear.

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Ubuntu :: Editing Xorg.Conf To Achieve Desired Resolution

Sep 11, 2010

I need to find notes on how to achieve higher screen resolution via Xorg.conf and some other fixes since I just installed the NVIDIA driver... seems out of the box, my resolution is horrid, though theres an added NVIDIA Server and my dual monitors aren't configured to work. I used this tutorial to get the driver installed.

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Hardware :: Creating Xorg.conf In Ubuntu 9.10 For Monitor Resolution

Mar 9, 2010

Since the display of my notebook doesn't work very well anymore, straight vertical blue line on the right side of the screen, I want to connect an external monitor. (ADI [it doesn't say the exact model] 21 inch; resolution 1600x1200 and 85 Hz refresh rate).

I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 with kernel and xrandr does not recognize the monitor correctly (see code of xrandr output). Adding a new mode did not work and currently it displays a resolution of 1200x768 which is horrible. In this version of Ubuntu the xorg.conf is not used anymore and is thus empty. As I have read you could create an entry in a new xorg.conf for your hardware which would be used by Ubuntu, having priority over xrandr settings.

But I do not really know what the monitor section in xorg.conf would have to look like, as the original screen would have to be set to 1200x768 or be disabled all together. The screens would have to be mirrored. Would the setting also work, when the external monitor is not connected to the notebook, so the original screen would display everything correctly.

Here some information about the system which will hopefully be useful for you. Please post helpful links I have overlooked or ask for more information.

My onboard graphics intel chip is capable of a resolution of 1600x1200 as it works in Windows:

lscpi output for graphics chip:


loaded kernel modules (relevant lines, at least I hope) according to lsmod (the driver from Intel web page is totally outdated and I think this is not the problem, so I didn't consider compiling a new driver)

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Fedora :: Xorg.conf Creation To Change Resolution?

Dec 27, 2010

I run fedora on a server only from command line. I need to change the resolution.

I tried to create a basic xorg.con file with Xorg -configure. But Xorg command does not exist. Which rpm do I need to install?

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Debian Hardware :: Configure Xorg.conf - Don't Get Required Resolution

Aug 17, 2011

I've created the file from new in /usr/share/X11 and then added to lines from GTF. I@ve restarted Xorg by killing the PID then restarting and I don't get this resolution unfortunately


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Ubuntu :: Create A Backup Of The Xorg.conf File - Cannot Stat /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Dec 11, 2010

I've just done a fresh install of Lubuntu 10.10 on an older Sony Vaio laptop. Having learned the hard way about editing xorg files, I wanted to create a backup of the xorg.conf file so that I dont have to do another install when I screw everything up. In a terminal, I typed


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Hardware :: Xorg.conf Is Replaced With A Default Xorg.conf After Reboot ?

Apr 9, 2010

I have installed Kubuntu 8.04.2 on a USB stick with persistence to keep any changes I make after a reboot and it works fine. I then installed the 185 Nvidia driver to give me higher resolutions and it works fine.

But each time I reboot, my updated xorg.conf is replaced with the default xorg.conf that ships with that version of Kubuntu and a backup is made of my updated xorg.conf (the correct one) which looks like xorg.conf.20100409135913. I have to put the backup xorg.conf back in place to get my Nvidia driver to work with the correct screen resolutions again. Otherwise my screen resolution is too low.

What could be causing this behavor? I'm sure it not the persistence feature of the USB stick failing since a backup is made of my original xorg.conf.

I might add more information. The xorg.conf that gets changed after a reboot says "This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using # values from the debconf database." #

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Slackware :: Difference Between Files (xorg.conf And Xorg.conf-vesa)?

Feb 16, 2011

1. What is the difference between files (xorg.conf and xorg.conf-vesa)

2. No matter how hard I try I can't change keyboard layout in xorg.conf-vesa (I change it in file ) but there is no actually anything changing, it starts to get annoying - for example - below goes my xorg.conf-vesa, if I uncomment and set line from


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Ubuntu :: Editing Xorg.conf - /etc/x11/xorg.conf Does Not Exist

May 3, 2010

I'm running the ubuntu based Green OS and cant get my video card properly configured. i've already gone through the forums to figure out what i need to do to get my ATI card working but my system wont let me access the xorg.conf file. i can see it using the the GOS file editor but it wont let me save the modifications. when i attempt to edit from a terminal window with su privelages it tells me that /etc/x11/xorg.conf does not exist. i've even tried booting into recovery mode and using the root instead of the sudo command. nothing i've tried will let me open the file.

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Debian Multimedia :: XOrg Auto-detect Failing To Detect Max Screen Resolution

May 29, 2011

I've installed Squeeze 2.6.32-5-amd64 on my laptop (Alienware M17X R3, Intel i7 Sandybridge, ATI Technologies Inc Broadway [ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6800 Series])The screen is 17", with maximum resolution of 1920 x 1080. After a default install of the operating system, the maximum resolution I can select is 1280 x 1024.My research so far has suggested that I need to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and provide xorg with the necessary resolution.

Again, by default, the xorg.conf file is not created. This leads me to believe that xorg is scanning my hardware at startup and providing me with whatever it thinks is appropriate. I tried following these instructions to generate an xorg.conf file. This process created an xorg.conf file under /root/.

When I copy this xorg.conf file to /etc/X11, I get a blank (i.e. black) screen. Deleting this file restores the default resolution 1280 x 1024.This system is dual booting with Windows 7. Under windows I am able to get a 1920 x 1080 resolution, so I know my hardware is up to it.At this stage I have yet to install the drivers for the Radeon graphics card.What are my options regarding configuring xorg to give me a higher screen resolution?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Precedence Of Xorg.conf Over Xorg.conf.d?

Jan 26, 2011

I've read the how-tos (thank you oldcpu!) and wikis about how xorg.conf take precedence over the section configuration files in etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/, if it exist. I also understand that the xorg.conf can be partial. If it is missing some sections, these will be taken from the corresponding xorg.conf.d section config file. Currently I'm using a xorg.conf generated by nvidia-settings in one of my home machines, due to a dual-monitor setup. After generating xorg.conf, the device sections are:

in xorg.conf:


Section "Device"
Identifier "Device0"
Driver "nvidia"


My question is if the Option "UseCompositeWrapper" "True" will be used or not. In other words, if a section exist in xorg.conf then it's correspondent in xorg.conf.d/ will be completely ignored *or* only the lines in xorg.conf.d/ that already exist in xorg.conf will be ignored?

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General :: Xorg.conf Wide Screen Lcd Monitor

Aug 4, 2009

I am using Linux 2.6.29-020629-generic #020629 SMP Tue Mar 24 12:03:21 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux ubuntu.

I have a widescreen lcd laptop and the current resolution is set at 1280x768 pls see output of xrandr here for more information [url]

I want to change the resolution to 1024x768. I can do in ubuntu' display tool. The problem is that once I change it, the output does not take up the whole screen it has blank spots on the left and right side

For a better understanding please have a look at [url] and [url]

In open suse the system sets it at 1024x768 without any blanks on the left and right corner. You can have a look at it here [url].

My current xorg.conf is details is at [url].

Please also find my xorg.0.log at [url]

The lcd does not have any controls to tweak.

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Ubuntu :: Install A Touch Screen Driver - Xorg.conf Location

Nov 10, 2010

I have a 3rd party driver that is trying to install a touch screen driver, it is looking in /etc/X11 for xorg.conf and it isnt there. The Ubuntu docs pointed me at a diff folder which also didn't contain xorg.conf. c is it located? I will just sym link it during install them remove the link once its done. EDIT: Should probably mention that I'm running ubuntu 10.10 (Which was upgraded from 10.04). And I'm running Desktop Edition


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Add Modeline In Xorg.conf

Sep 1, 2011

I have an apple tv1 running ubuntu hardy. Due to audio video requirements I do not want to upgrade. I am trying to get 1080p24 working my TV. I ran X in verbose mode to ensure that my TV supports 1080p24 and it does. For some reason the X is not able to see the 1920x1080 @ 24Hz mode. I got the required information to add the modeline to my xorg.conf.

My xorg.conf is as follows


Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout0"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0


When I check the Xorg log file I have the following warning


(WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1920x1080_24"; removing. Is there any way I can append the valid modeline for 1920x1080 @ 24Hz to. I am avoiding using a modified EDID.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Mode Limit In Xorg.conf?

Apr 18, 2010

I am trying to fine tune the S-video output settings for my xubuntu box running 9.10. I am having some trouble getting modes loaded via xorg.conf. Currently, my xorg.conf file looks like:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier"Generic Keyboard"


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Debian Configuration :: Blank Screen On Boot. Graphics Card Not In Xorg.conf?

Jul 10, 2010

I've been using ubuntu on a new desktop for a couple of months, but i had an old HP that was given to me in my basement. It has 384Mb of ram, and thats because i had a 256Mb stick laying around. I installed debian becuase it is more suited for older hardware (at least from what I've read). It installed fine, but it boots to a blank screen, and pressing ctrl+alt+F2 bring me to the command line. I checked /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the driver to vesa, to find out my video card isn't even shown. I ran lspci and I found that it says my graphics card is Intel Corporation 82810E DC-133 (CGC) Chipset graphics controller (rev3) In the device section of xorg.conf, it merly says Identifier"Configured Video Device"

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General :: Debugging X And KDE On Startup \ Setup Xorg.conf File To Have A 1920x1200 Screen?

Aug 4, 2010

Been trying to setup my xorg.conf file to have a 1920x1200 screen.Strange behavior: when my X starts up, I see my mouse cursor, can move it around. It's small enough to suggest the 1920x1200 resolution took, is working.However, the rest of the screen remains black. No login prompt.I've looked at /var/log/xorg.conf, no errors.Is there something else I can look at?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Xorg.conf Not Setting Res And Xrandr Unreliable

Jan 6, 2010

I am setting up a display system that will not have a keyboard/mouse and automatically boots into gnome and starts up firefox to a display page. The page is optimized to a 720p resolution which I can set when we use a TV for the display, but is not an option if we use a monitor. I am trying to find a way to set the resolution to 720p automatically on boot up. I am always using 16x9 displays with a DVI connection (to HDMI on TVs)

I was able to get one monitor working by creating a script and setting it to load in the Startup Applications as shown:

scnres="1280 720 60"
modeline=$(cvt -v $scnres | grep Modeline)
modeline=${modeline#Modeline }


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