Ubuntu Multimedia :: Forked-daapd 0.16 Build On Natty 11.04 Server?

May 1, 2011

This is the result of reading lots of advice on this forum and elsewhere--thought I'd put it into one post for people's convenience. Picked up the latest tarball at [URL]... Unpacked the tarball with tar -zxvf nameofball.tar.

Loaded the following packages that it depended on: sudo apt-get install build-essential libtagc0-dev gperf libunistring-dev pkg-config zlib1g-dev libconfuse-dev libavahi-client-dev libsqlite3-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libmxml-dev libevent-dev libavl-dev libantlr3c-dev libgcrypt11-dev libflac-dev libogg-dev libtagc0-dev libasound2-dev .

Ran ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --enable-flac --enable-musepack. Fix any errors that show up by tracking down a dependency that I hadn't listed above. Keep on running until it has no errors. Then make; sudo make install. I had installed checkinstall, so I ran make; sudo checkinstall -D instead.

Then to set up the system:

#make an init.d script (the script I used is at the end of this post)
sudo -e /etc/init.d/forked-daapd
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/forked-daapd
sudo update-rc.d forked-daapd defaults


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Amarok 1.4 Forked As Pana?

Feb 6, 2010

my friends with taste in good music players! Amarok 1.4 has a new fork called Pana! Homepage: [URL]..Current build with visualization support (which is not enabled in the build from the PPA). [URL]..please also install these packages:


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Programming :: Simple Multi-threaded/forked TCP Listener/server?

Aug 12, 2010

For quite some time now, I've been trying to implement a multi-threaded or forked TCP server to perform the following action:1) Listen for new connections on all ip addresses on a specific port.2) Wait for a new connection to arrive3) When a new connection coms in, fork or thread to free up the listening process so it can go back to #2.When handling a client after it's been forked/threaded4) Get the connected client's ip address.5) Perform some in-house processing;6) Read the data sent from the client (checking for http connections)7) Perform some more processing;8) Write some data back to the client based on the above processing9) Close the socket/thread/forkI've tried implementing an solution similar to the multi-threaded example show here http://perl.active-venture.com/pod/p...-sockets.html; as well as looking at the CPAN solutions Net:aemon and POE::Component::Server::TCP but these don't seem to give me the information needed.The active-venture solution provides me with what I need, but randomly exits without reason/error and when attempting to change the 'for' loop to a 'while' loop, it keeps throwing up different errors.

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Fedora Networking :: Mt-daapd - Setup For Use With ITunes?

Jan 27, 2010

Has anyone set this up for use with iTunes? Any feedback as to how it works, tips, trciks, experiences?

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Fedora :: Connect Mt-daapd & Play Music & Banshee On 15

Jun 18, 2011

I have a server (running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS) that has mt-daapd sharing all my music. I just recently changed all my desktops over to Fedora 15 from Mint 11 & came up with something I wasn't sure how to fix. When the desktops had Mint 11 on them if you opened Rhythmbox the mt-daapd share showed up on the left without me having to do anything (under Shared Music). Now that I have switched over to Fedora, I don't see that heading or my mt-daapd shares.I have tried Rhythmbox & Banshee. I can connect to it & play music, but I would like for it to just show up & I can't for the life of me figure this out.

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Slackware :: Mplayer Forked. Mplayer2

Mar 28, 2011

Just read about this. [url] Don't know if there is any interest in this during rc cycle

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound And Speed Up Multimedia Files In Natty 11.04?

May 9, 2011

so i don't know what happened, but all multimedia files are suddenly speed up/and-or with no sound (ubuntu 11.04 with all recent updates, firefox 4, adobe flash-instick etc.)

if i try to play a flash movie on for instance videos it's sped-up with no sound, if i play an mp3 song (i use exaile) the bar is sped up and there's no sound either, if i start an avi movie (vlc) it's not sped up but there's no sound though.

when i log in to the system the logging in jingle is not playing, so basically the sound just got turned off for some reason but according to the soundbar it should be on.

this problem started just recently. i don't know if it has to do with recent updates or that my log in re-started a couple of times after using a kde program (kmess).

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Server :: Build A Redundant, High-availability File Server System?

Mar 23, 2010

I am kinda stuck while providing solution for the above problem. I have achieved the fail over using keepalived but not sure how can we replicate the data from one server to other seamlessly and have them in sync with each other. My prime requirement for this project is end user should not notice the fail over and replicated copy of data should be available on the secondary as well.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Build VLC In 10.04

Oct 29, 2010

I've downloaded vlc from the internet, as I have problem using the 'sudo apt-get' command which is due to the fact that my USB Internet Modem provider didnt cared to make it compatible with Linux. I presently connect to internet using Nokia PC Suite [available only in Windows, as you all may know] to browse the net. Currently I've a dual-boot with Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7.

I tried building it by following the instructions in the INSTALL file, but it wont just work!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Rip Vcd To Hd Natty?

Jul 3, 2011

Have tried to rip vcd to hd. I'm using 11.04. I want to put various home vcd files onto a dvd. I am aware of the quality issue.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No ManDVD For Natty?

Apr 30, 2011

Having finally got comfortable with ManDVD, but only having used it for a couple of weeks, I've had to get my head around something new, AGAIN, after finding that ManDVD is not yet available for Natty.

From what I have googled, there are one or two ways around it, but it means building a version, and quite honestly, I'm over that crap now, and all I want is to install and use.

Thankfully, I still have a pc with Shrink, Fab and Nero still installed.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: When Will VLC 1.1.10 Hits Natty

Jun 8, 2011

When vlc 1.1.10 hits natty, this is a minor security and bugs update so it should arrive soon officially?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Build Mad In Gst-pugin-ugly

Mar 5, 2010

I want to install "mad"(gstreamer mm3 plugin), it comes in gst-plugin-ugly but when i do ./configure it show mad in list of plugins that will not be build I also intalled libmad.

how can i build mad in gst-plugin-ugly

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Build A Streaming Box Or Cables ?

May 19, 2010

So I'm sitting on some components from my old pc build and am looking to stream over my tv once again. My decision rests on do I build the box, run Boxee and/or Windows Media Platform to keep the box with my TV or do I buy the 35ft RCA video cable and dvi composite out adapter for my video card and go that route? All my music and media is stored on a external backup drive so the box I build would not have access to the media unless I could create a wireless network but I do not know how to do this with Ubuntu. Anyone willing to hold my hand and help me walk through this to get a decision made?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Natty S Video To TV Not Working?

Apr 17, 2011

This is an Acer Aspire 5720, with a "Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller". Although I initially though this was a problem with my installation, so I ran both the Maverick and recent Natty live cds and the s video out only functioned on the Maverick cd. The computer acts as if there is another monitor, but the TV does not display one.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound Over SPDIF Natty?

May 9, 2011

I just did an install on a new partition to upgrade my htpc. I'm unable to get any sound over SPDIF working. I do not have a receiver that accepts HDMI so I need to use spdif That said, i was able to test the hdmi portion of the sound with my tv and that appears to be working fine.[URL]Below is just the list of aplay -l

**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 0: ALC1200 Analog [ALC1200 Analog]


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Compiling Gyachi In Natty 11.04

May 10, 2011

First you need to download the source code from [URL]

Next you need to make sure you have all the dependencies in order to complete the build. All of the dependencies can be acquired with apt as usual.




Hopefully if all went well then Gyachi should be installed in /usr/local/gyachi unless you specified a prefix option to configure. Now you can run the Gyachi program from the shell or your menu.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Natty Upgrade Broke Mpd?

May 11, 2011

So after my Natty upgrade, mpd stopped working. All I can see in the logs are the following lines:

No protocol specifiedxcb_connection_has_error() returned true The Pulse Audio wiki suggests that this might be an access rights problem: [URL]...hts_are_broken I tried that, but with no success.

Anyone else had this problem? And any ideas about how I can diagnose and fix this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound With Dazzle DVC 100 In Natty?

May 15, 2011

Something went wrong during my upgrade to Natty two weeks ago and I had to do a fresh install. I've been trying to play Wii (using a Dazzle DVC 100) via VLC, which used to work just fine. Please refer to the attached screen print. Now, the video comes out okay, but there is no audio. I've tried playing around with the name of the audio device (hw:1,0 for example), but it still doesn't work.

I've also tried video capture with Lavrec, but it gives me this error: [lavrec] Error initializing Audio: Audio task died. Reason: Error /dev/dsp - No such file or directory

Could this be related to my other problem? I've looked in the /dev folder and, indeed dsp is not there, nor is there a dsp0,1,2, etc. Sound is working fine for everything else, though. I've Googled and tried some suggestions, but nothing has worked for me. BTW, I did an Ubuntu minimal installation, so I might have missed or forgotten to install something. I have installed the gstreamer good, bad and ugly plugins.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: IPod Not Recognized On Natty?

Jun 6, 2011

My daughter has an ipod and she wants me to change tracks on it but when I plug it in on natty this message appears:
Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdg2,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so
I do not understand this message try dmesg what is this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Audio After Upgrade To Natty?

Jun 11, 2011

following chained updates of my music server from 10.04 to 11.04 I no longer have any sound, which is sort of bad for a music server...Primary soundcard in the setup is USB So I tried the command posted in various "no sound" threads

sudo aptitude --purge reinstall linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils linux-image-`uname -r` linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` libasound2

Which reinstalled stuff as expected, except had this error in the output: Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.38-8-generic" Could the error be because of backports?

aplay -l helpfully reports aplay: device_list:240: no soundcards found.
and the output from
wget http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh -O alsa-info.sh && bash alsa-info.sh
can be viewed here:

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Ubuntu Security :: Script Running As A Special Build User Which Performs An Automated Build That Fails With (Too Many Open Files)?

Feb 11, 2011

I have an init script running as a special build user which performs an automated build that fails with (Too many open files).I updated /etc/security/limits to allow the special user more open files, but that didn't work - the init script still isn't allowed more open files.Here's a demonstration of the problem;

$ su - sbsbuild -c "ulimit -n"


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Build Mencoder With Dirac Support?

Apr 7, 2010

I want to try encoding some videos with Dirac. I was told on another site that I have to build mencoder with Schroedinger support if I want to do this with OGMRip. I have installed the libschroedinger package installed. How do I buld it with mencoder?

I am using Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Build A Music Media Center

Aug 27, 2010

I am trying to build a media center for music for me and my roommates to use. Basically I want to build a system just for playing music. Idealy (dare i mention itunes in here) I would love a computer just just booted into itunes(orsomething like it (or better) that just was for playing music.

I plan on buying a computer, like a tiny desktop (i dont want to take up a lot of room) with a huge hard drive just for holding music, and needs usb drives/cd drive for loading music onto it (or just a usb drive). Then get a small screen, not huge with a remote that does not run on wife. Also would like a keyboard on the remote if possible.

Anywho whats a good media center, and can I boot just straight into the media center? I would like support for; browse by artist, album and just song name. Also I would like to be able to make playlist within it, and it needs to be able to support a massive amount of songs.

desktop computers to use for this project and remotes that I could use? Also how would you suggest the best way to go about doing this? I would love if it booted straight into the media player. Internet is not a huge deal to me, might connect to internet once just to grab album artwork. So a media player that auto fetches artwork too would also be nice.

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General :: How To Build Web Server On Ubuntu

Apr 14, 2010

how to build my web server on ubuntu

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Using Non-integrated Sound By Default In Natty?

May 3, 2011

So I did the update to Natty and it went pretty smoothly, with one exception. My rig has two sound cards in it: the integrated motherboard sound card (Intel HDA audio) that I don't use, and a Sound Blaster Audigy (the original Audigy 1) that I do use.

This setup has worked fine in Ubuntu for as long as I can remember, but after the upgrade to Natty it appears that GNOME no longer knows that the Audigy is the card that's in use. It insists on routing things like volume changes via gnome-volume-control to the motherboard. I can confirm this by watching the volume levels for each card in alsamixer while modifying them in gnome-volume-control; the levels move appropriately on the integrated card, and stay stuck on the Audigy.

What makes this bizarre is that it's not that the Audigy isn't recognized -- it's shown in the "Hardware" tab of Sound Preferences, and the system plays back audio just fine through the speakers connected to the Audigy. It's just that I can't change the volume on the sound through the panel applet anymore. Normally I would fix something like this by using the Hardware tab to switch from the one card to the other, but in this case when I make that change it doesn't stick -- if I close the Sound Preferences and then open it again, it's right back to being set to the integrated audio.

Maybe this is a PulseAudio issue with older Audigy cards? I have no idea.

I can change the volume with my speakers' volume knob and my keyboard's media keys, I suppose, but I'm so used to be able to change it via gnome-volume-control that not being able to feels bizarre. Has anyone else out there with add-on sound cards installed alongside motherboard audio experienced this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Switch Audio In / Out Sockets On Natty

May 23, 2011

i have three jacks on the card, the usual with a normal home PC, - one for the speakers, second for the microphone, and third for line in. Now my speakers (Line out) jack is damaged a little. So when i plug in my speaker jack there, i get audio only in the right speaker (not a problem of the speakers, because i tested it, and not Ubuntu either, because this problem existed when i used to run Windows XP as well).

Now in Windows XP, what i used to do is, there was this tool (i think it came with the sound driver - Realtek) whenever i plugged in a jack into either of the sockets, a gui would ask me what i just plugged in, and it would allocate audio in and out according to what i specify then. So i used to plug in my speakers into the line in, because thats something i do not use, and used the tool to identify that jack as the line out.Is there some way i can do this on Ubuntu? i want to get line-out through the line-in socket. i'm a beginner with Ubuntu, and know only to use the GUI.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Stream Audio After Upgrade To Natty

Jun 13, 2011

I have been using the streaming audio feature in Firefox for years, and have upgraded Ubuntu with each new release. I've never had a problem with streaming from my favorite radio stations until I upgraded to Natty. If I know the IP and use Audacious or another client, I can still stream through them-- but not from my browser any more. Flash-based content works OK too.I have upgraded two computers from 10.10 to Natty (desktop and laptop) and it has happened with both. the desktop is the 64-bit system (AMD), and the laptop runs the 32-bit OS (Intel). We have two other computers still running 10.10, and they're both still OK. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the xine plugin (which seems to do most of the streaming), VLC, and a couple of others. No luck. I don't think I see any gaps between the codecs installed for the 10.10 computers and the ones running Natty.I tried Chrome -- same result.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Encrypted DVD Playback In Maverick Or Natty?

Jun 16, 2011

this is on three separate laptops; an HP Pavilion 4120se, a Sony Vaio VGN-S5XP and a Dell Studio XPS1340. All are showing the same symptoms, though the first two are running 10.10 and the last is dual-boot Win7Pro and Natty 64-bit. All are UK models with a Region 2 restriction. The dual boot machine will run all legal movie DVDs perfectly under Windows 7 Professional. All three installations will run educational and similar DVDs. On all 3, Medibuntu repo is enabled, Ubuntu Restricted Extras are installed, as is libdvdcss2 and libdvdread4 (if those 2 can co-exist!). I'm using Movie Player and VLC.

I have tried UK retail commercial Region 2 movie DVDs, foreign region-free movie DVDs, Chinese pirate movie DVDs. None work. However, Licklibrary guitar instructional DVDs work fine - so the drives are OK! I've tried the oldest movie DVDs I have, and the same result. MP in Maverick tells me, "Could not read from resource" (VLC just does nothing!), and in Natty it says, "Could not read DVD. This may be because the DVD is encrypted and a DVD decryption library is not installed".

I have read as much as I can of the sticky above, and searched through every 'can't play DVDs' thread - hence the installation of all the above-mentioned software, codecs and libraries, all to no avail. Is it simply that the lack of commercial kick-backs from open-source software means Linux users will not be allowed to view movie content, or is there something fundamental I'm missing?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Opening Vlc On Natty It Checks Or Stutters?

Jun 18, 2011

for an instant as you just start afterwards audio and video are NOT quite in sync this happens most of the time but not all of the time using natty 64-bit with two-flower 1.2 vlc version.

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