Ubuntu Multimedia :: Xdmcp Local Audio Only Works While Logged In?
Jan 5, 2011
I'm trying to use xmms (or any other audio player) lauched from a remote computer but playing locally. I have a maverick server which has xmms installed. I launch an xdmcp (starnetssh) from a windows machine and I am able to open terminals, panels, emacs, etc but when I open xmms (or MOC, is the other one I tested), it simply doesn't play anything unless the same user is logged on the ubuntu box.
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Jul 20, 2010
Is there a Ubuntu distribution in which sound "just works"? I'm booting into Windows 7 far too much.I am running both Jaunty (on an old P4V533-MX desktop) where for some reason my sound went away, and Lucid, on a new Dell laptop (all-Intel Studio 14). I thought a new installation of Ubuntu 10.04 on modern hardware would give me rhythmbox back, but I get no sound of any kind from the Dell laptop after installation, although everything works Ok if I boot into a W7 (came with the purchase) partition.
I don't want to fiddle with configuration files any more - just wondering if there is a "most-dependable" Ubuntu with respect to audio. Which I will install. Frustrated and impatient after weeks of this.I am an old (hairy eared) Unix fan but IMO if Linux continues to complicate itself so freely (i.e. Pulseaudio - I don't know an audio mixer from a can opener and would prefer to remain that way), then the small market share it has will slip away rather than grow.
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Nov 10, 2010
All I'd like to reliably do is rip a few audio CDs. SoundKonverter - doesn't work at all. Log tells me nothing SoundJuicer - OK for one disk. Usually crashes when the read disk is ejected and attempts are made to read the next. Failing that, it will read a few tracks and then lock up. K3B - Only rips first disk, then the progress window (form) locks up at 100%. Cancel button doesn't work. Need to kill task.
RipOff - works OK, but so slow... life's too short goobox - locks up before it even reads the disk and despite its claims I don't think it's a "rip" tool anyway.
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Jun 24, 2010
When i turn on my computer and log in i get a notification that says "Phonon: KDE's Multimedia Library -- The audio playback device HDA Intel (ALC880 Analog) does not work." and the system falls back to pulse audio.
Also, i noticed that if i wake my computer from hibernation then the HDA Intel device will begin working again.
I read through the comprehensive sound guide with no luck, this behavior seems very strange to me and im not sure what is causing it. I would much rather use the HDA Intel sound device than Pulse Audio.
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Dec 15, 2010
I spent a few days trying to make audio work on my TV connected via HDMI to a PC. The speaker test used by the sound preferences was dead, as was MPlayer. I managed to find a solution for MPlayer, giving the option "-ao alsa:device=hdmi", as specified in this article:So, basically ALSA can see all my devices. This is the output of aplay -l:Quote:
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC1200 Analog [ALC1200 Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
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Nov 25, 2010
To start off, I am about 3 days into my new ubuntu operating system. I am a complete newbie, but i have picked up alot in the last couple days. My sound was previously working, but the microphone was glitching when using skype. After running a bunch of different commands in terminal that were posted on forums from all over the internet, I rebooted my computer to find no sound. I have searched the forums again and tried many different command lines in terminal to no avail. My system setup is found here: [URL]
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Apr 12, 2011
I switched my htpc from windows xp to ubuntu 10.10 and since i switched my audio no longer works. these are my current stats. Please help im new to Linux so im not sure quite what to do. [URL]
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May 5, 2010
I am trying to login to a redhat server via VNC. This used to work until I reloaded the box. Although I had previously logged in directly to the box, then I could vnc to it remotely. The service is running, netstat states the ports are open and listening.I can ssh to the box, and ran the usual commands to start the services.So my question is. Do I need to have a local user logged in before I can VNC, if so how can I do that via the command line.If this is not required for a local user to be logged in, what am I missing. Other than VNC, which other services do I need to start.
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Sep 6, 2010
Been using CentOS for a couple of weeks and have a few quirks I need help with.
This is a fresh install of CentOS 5.5. I'd love for VNC Server to start up as soon as the computer reboots. It seems my VNC Server only works when I log in using the GUI at the computer itself. After a reboot I can remotely SSH into it successfully, but cannot VNC to it. I then have to physically get to the computer and log into the GUI, and wa-la I can VNC to it. I have not edited any conf files - seeing as my last attempt at getting this working got me nowhere. I have only enabled Remote Desktop through the GUI.
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Jan 6, 2010
I have an ssh (OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-6ubuntu2) client A and a server B set up for public key authentication as described in [URL]
The problem is the following: ssh asks for a password when connecting from A to B without any other ssh session going on between A and B; but if I connect from A to B whenever there is another ssh session between A and B, either I get prompted for the passphrase I used to encrypt the private key or I get logged automatically.
I already checked permissions on B: .ssh is 700 and authorized_keys is 600. I already tried "StrictModes no" in sshd_config. Printing debug information using DEBUG3 does not any useful insight. Moreover, there is no /var/log/secure (is it supposed to be there?)
Right now the computer is far far away from my reach, but when I configured the system I noted that whenever I was locally logged to B and then ssh'ed from A to B, I was logged in without any problem; whenever I was not logged in locally I was asked for a password. Note that at that time I was using a different public/private key pair whose private part had no passphrase.
how to know exactly what cipher is ssh/sshd using for a particular session? Is there a way to know any statistics for a given session (something like the ~s option in section 5 of [URL]
P.S. 2: does the following mean that ssh is using protocol 2.0 or something different than protocol 2.0?
(..........) sshd[2606]: debug1: Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0
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Jun 1, 2011
i have setup auto ssh login for my server. And it works, but only when i have a active connection. if i use "ssh server.com" it asks for my password. If i then open a new terminal and issue "ssh server.com" it logs right in. I really don*t understand whats wrong.
I have tried setting up 2 virtual machines on my local computer and with the same setup it works fine.
SOLVED: my home folder was encrypted, so when no users were logged in the home folder was unmounted
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Mar 4, 2011
I recently installed FC14 as my server and is able to ssh and vnc into the server when locally logged in. If i logged out (at login screen) then i cant ssh or vnc into the server. It is pointless to have a server if i am not able to remote in via ssh and vnc.
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Jul 13, 2011
Is possible to send a message (popup window or something) to local user logged into X (xdm, fluxbox) from console ? For example: user1 is logged and using X/fluxbox, user2 logging into the same box by ssh to console. Now - what user2 have to do to send message to user1 ?
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May 15, 2010
Does anyone know of an alsa based software multi-band (10 or more) graphic audio frequency equalizer that works with Suse 11.x? To be clear, I don't mean an equalizer within an audio or video player. One that can be used with any sound application, that works between the output of the player and the output plugs on a motherboard or sound card.
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Jun 22, 2011
under avidemux-qt, the videos play and encode w/out any audio output, and audiodevice is set to "dummy" and cannot be changed. but avidemux-gtk has no problem w/ audio playback.Is this an application specific problem, and if not how do i configure phonon to fix this issue?
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Apr 3, 2011
I use XDMCP from an old laptop to login remotely to another computer which is running Debian 6. This seemed to work fine in Debian Lenny, and the laptop screen would switch off after a period of inactivity as I expected. Now the laptop screen blanks after inactivity, but the backlight never switches off.
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Jul 16, 2015
I want connect from remmina to jessie on another system via xdmcp but only black screen happened.
my daemon.conf
Code: Select all[security]
Enable = true
And gdm3 listen on udp/177. My syslog :
Code: Select allJul 16 10:17:46 office /usr/bin/dbus-launch[1455]: X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
Jul 16 10:17:46 office /usr/bin/dbus-launch[1455]: Major opcode of failed request: 140 (RANDR)
Jul 16 10:17:46 office /usr/bin/dbus-launch[1455]: Minor opcode of failed request: 7 (RRSetScreenSize)
Jul 16 10:17:46 office /usr/bin/dbus-launch[1455]: Value in failed request: 0x0
Jul 16 10:17:46 office /usr/bin/dbus-launch[1455]: Serial number of failed request: 150
[Code] ....
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Feb 9, 2010
I am having an issue with my server I have setup. I have apache running and can access the files via all other computers on my network via the ip address i have it set to default to the /var/www folder with index.html as the main file. I am however having issues trying to access it from my other IP the one i found at what is my ip. I have even setup a no-ip address to it. I've forwarded port 20 and port 80 i've even given it the default dmz. I disabled the firewall on my router and I checked and my Ubuntu machine doesn't have a firewall whatsoever i can access my outside ip on the local machine and have access the problem i'm having is trying to access it from anywhere but home. [URL]
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Jul 12, 2010
How can I (as admin) find out when a certain user e.g. "karl" most recently logged in and most recently logged out of a system?
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Jun 8, 2011
I'm running Telnet Server, VFTP, and VNC on a Fedora 14 box. The box's internal IP is This machine is configured to live in the DMZ, The firewall is up on both the router and this box. I can remote in from home using our external IP. I can FTP. I can Telnet. All using our external IP. When i'm in the office, i can remote in using our external IP. I can FTP. I can Telnet. Again, all with the external IP. If i attempt to telnet i get a connection refused. i can ping the 192.168 address
nmap tells me that all 1000 ports on are closed
nmap tells me that my expected ports are open on the external IP.
.... This is a relatively new conundrum as it "used to work", and only appears not to since our last reboot (power outage). I know i have to be missing something simple here, but i differ to the experts.
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Nov 29, 2008
I have a script which runs a few other scripts (in subfolders of the first script) in order to mount some unix/linux shares) Anyway, when I run the file from rc.local and try to pipe the output into a file the file is empty and the shares are not mounted. however when I run the file it mounts everything.... Also, the script doesn't work on my wireless clients...
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Feb 21, 2010
I have OpenSuSE 11.2 installed on an Athlon 1.1GHz with 768 MB RAM and 240 GB HDD Space. I have a Radeon 9250 Video card and a AOpen DVD/CD ROM drive. My sound card is an old SB Live that works great. The audio that plays is crisp and clear. My problem is that I cannot get it to play MP3's or Music CD's. I have tried looking through Yast to see if there were libraries I needed, but being new to Linux I was tentative to install something that might crash my system.
One thing I can tell you is that when I open an MP3 file in xfmedia or Kaffeine the file appears to open, but is played in a split second with no audio output to the speakers. When I try to play a CD in Kaffeine, I get this error: Cannot find input plugin for MRL [cdda:/].
I am loving this system. I have the KDE desktop installed and it works very nice.
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Mar 10, 2011
Works fine when I have the laptop plugged into the mains and will happily switch from 3.5mm to speakers and back again.
But for some reason, when the laptop is on battery I don't get any sound and all, from the 3.5mm or the speakers.
Samsung Q430 laptop
Ubuntu 10.10 x64 (fully up-to-date)
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Jan 10, 2011
How I would capture on-screen audio AND my webcam audio at the same time.(My webcam seems to rely on pulse).
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Jan 30, 2011
I want to listen to this audio file: [URL] but my real player gold desn play it, it says that there is a codec 28_8 missing, I go to relaplayer page, download the last release available for linux systems, but the message is the same : audio codec missing and doesn't play the audio.
I havev tried to play the audio with smplayer (not luck), vlc can play the audio but the pause button doesn't work so I have to listen the entire audio all the time I stop it playing. Is there any audio player capable od reproducing in the proper way this audio in ubuntu? No one of my video players totem, smplayer, realplayer or vlc are capable of playing this video: [URL]
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Apr 24, 2010
I am new to fedora. In fact I have not even installed it yet. I have been using a different distribution for some time now. But it has just had an update, and with that I lost the ability to have analog loopback. I need it because I need to record sound from my speakers, and my mic at the same time, and my soundcard does not seem to allow them to be mixed (or at least I could never figure out how). I have been using the analog loopback to add the mic to the speaker sound, then splitting the speaker sound to also feed back into the line in. I then recorded from the line in to get both the speaker sounds, and the mic. But now I guess alsa has taken the analog loopback out, so I need to find another way.
So I am trying out distributions, and I decided to try fedora. I am just running the live cd right now, and I found that if I installed paprefs (pulse audio preferences) there was an option to loop the audio to the speakers. However it does not loopback the sound. I tried the same think in linux mint, and it worked, but but after about a min of this, the sound got distorted to the point where I could not even understatnd what I said in the mic. This happened all of a sudden, not a gradual thing, but one second it was fine, the next it was very bad.
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Mar 3, 2011
Since the last kde update I have observed that when an audio alarm is triggered everything is normal: you see the window with the message and hear the sound. But from that moment on the alarms show the window, but no sound is heard. If I quit the application and start it again, the same happens: first alarm works normally, the others are mute. I removed the config files and started again, but this resolved nothing.
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Apr 9, 2011
What is available for ripping audio CDs besides Rhythymbox and Audio CD Extractor?
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Feb 27, 2010
this never seems to happen on my main admin account, but on the second user account sometime after i log in sound stops working. ive checked the Comprehensive Sound Problem Solutions Guide and my sound chip shows(onboard). what should i do to try and solve this? also i was wondering if there's and ubuntu equivalent of silverlight?
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Dec 20, 2010
I have a pc where I run ubuntu 10.10 and on this pc i have installed vlc and on boot i start the vlc http interface. Therefor I created the file /etc/init.d/vlc. The file seems like this:
and I also updated rc.d. Vlc starts on boot as desired I also can send commands like in_play the file (a playlist) is loaded and reguarding the status.xml the file is played. But when no user is logged in I hear no sound. When I perform a login on the machine there is first still no sound but when I send e.g. the pl_next command or call in_play again then there is sound. Sadly the pc shouldn't be attached to a monitor and therefor I can't perform a login everytime so I need sound, when noone is logged in. Why is there no sound?
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