General :: Do I Need To Have Local User Logged In Before Can VNC
May 5, 2010
I am trying to login to a redhat server via VNC. This used to work until I reloaded the box. Although I had previously logged in directly to the box, then I could vnc to it remotely. The service is running, netstat states the ports are open and listening.I can ssh to the box, and ran the usual commands to start the services.So my question is. Do I need to have a local user logged in before I can VNC, if so how can I do that via the command line.If this is not required for a local user to be logged in, what am I missing. Other than VNC, which other services do I need to start.
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Jul 13, 2011
Is possible to send a message (popup window or something) to local user logged into X (xdm, fluxbox) from console ? For example: user1 is logged and using X/fluxbox, user2 logging into the same box by ssh to console. Now - what user2 have to do to send message to user1 ?
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Mar 4, 2011
I recently installed FC14 as my server and is able to ssh and vnc into the server when locally logged in. If i logged out (at login screen) then i cant ssh or vnc into the server. It is pointless to have a server if i am not able to remote in via ssh and vnc.
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Jul 12, 2010
How can I (as admin) find out when a certain user e.g. "karl" most recently logged in and most recently logged out of a system?
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Mar 17, 2010
I am trying to see the last 5 mails in a single window that the rootuser has sent to a particular normal user.However,I am not able to do so.Is there any command that can display the last 5 mails in a single window sent to a particular user?
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Jun 7, 2011
I was doing some rather lengthy procedures using a terminal. Then I wrote script using Kate, and input it into that terminal, and then realized that I was logged in as a normal user in that terminal as opposed to a superuser, which is how I was logged in at the other terminal. I've never noticed this before because I've never done anything that takes this long.
Is there any way to link all terminal sessions in such a way that they all show me logged in as the same user? I don't even know if this is even important, but I don't want to risk losing any things that I had done.
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Jan 5, 2011
I'm trying to use xmms (or any other audio player) lauched from a remote computer but playing locally. I have a maverick server which has xmms installed. I launch an xdmcp (starnetssh) from a windows machine and I am able to open terminals, panels, emacs, etc but when I open xmms (or MOC, is the other one I tested), it simply doesn't play anything unless the same user is logged on the ubuntu box.
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Jul 30, 2011
How would you make NIS user information override local user information on client systems? This is what I think is right? Add nis on the passwd registration file on the second line Is this correct?
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Jun 12, 2011
I want to give root access to someone for remote management but I want to see whatever they are typing. Can I use screen for that?
Do I have to tell them to use screen as well? or can I simply pry on the session?
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Jun 16, 2011
I have recently installed Opensuse 11.4 on my desktop. And also upgraded my gnome-2 to gnome-3. Its works nice and I am enjoying it. Only the biggest problem I am facing is, if I lock the screen and leave my desk for couple of hours then user gets logged out automatically. Which is resulting all the documents and applications gets closed. I am unable to work in my desktop now.
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Mar 30, 2010
How come you can shut down or reboot from the gui w/o needing root privelages, but if I enter "shutdown -h now" on the command line I am met with "shutdown: Need to be root".
Also- somewhat unrelated to my first question- I recall when I first started Ubuntu-ing, if I wanted to shut down or reboot while another user was logged in, I'd need to enter my password- but it doesn't do that anymore. Two users can be logged in with multiple applications open, and if I reboot or shutdown, it just goes for it? (using 9.04, for now...)
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Jul 5, 2010
when I log in, I can move the mouse, but nothing else. The whole user interface is unresponsive and absolutely no keystroke works. It is probably not because of my hardware (hp 2710p) because logging in as root (with only slightly different Gnome configuration) does work well. I assume it is because of some error inside the Gconf. There is always an error when starting Gnome that an entry could not be read, including some bunches of ~30 question marks. If it is useful, I can give you the whole message literally.
I haven't changed data inside Gconf, but I did have it open when I was installing a program, and then the console did show the message with the question marks for the first time (while processing some "trigger" post-install). I think the program I was installing was drapes (for changing desktop wallpapers in Gnome). Strangely Gnome did startup correctly afterwards for a couple of times (always showing the above-mentioned error). I have no idea what change made it suddenly stop working yesterday.
The differences in Gnome configuration between the working root and the unresponsive user account are, as far as I can tell from memory: changed theme (elegant-brit), wallpaper, fonts, globalmenu in the panel, installed - added to panel - uninstalled drapes.The rest is the same for the root account. I can still log in to the shell as the normal user, but "startx" leads to the disabled graphical interface. As I said, the graphical interface works well when I use the root shell. I can't access the internet from the user shell unfortunately (if I need to, I will figure out how to set up wlan in the shell).
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Jul 19, 2010
I have a very annoying problem with my Lucid (installed with ubuntustudio's alternate dvd). Two out of four times when I log in my account has some restrictions. I can't mount devices on nautilus and the shutdown button won't be displayed. If I log out and log in I see the restrictions again. Only restarting (with "sudo shutdown -r now" or so) may give me a normal session. On the console works everything normal. I mean i can sudo with my password.
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Nov 24, 2009
I am running a mail server with combination of dovecot,sendmail and squirremail as web client. I want to change the password of the user if he/she not logged in for 21 days.
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Aug 17, 2010
I am trying to figure out a way to pull the user information from local users on a Linux server. I have approximately 40 servers running SUSE and Ubuntu that are using Microsoft Active Directory in order to authenticate. Our internal auditing group has made us disable root ssh ability, I was doing this with clusterssh, but I can login as me then su on the server to conduct root, admin, work. This is an ongoing request to get the local users and it is a painfully slow process since I have to login to each server to get the /etc/passwd file. Is there another way to get the local user information? They are now asking about seeing the last logon date or if the account is disabled, any thoughts there as well?Most of our auditors think Windows and I am trying to make my life easier but not sure what options I have. I need to get local accounts and if they are active or disabled plus last logon date. I'm sure there will be more but if I can get the basics adding more shouldn't be too difficult but I guess I'll cross that bride when I get there.
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Mar 22, 2011
I'm new to SUSE Linux 10 and I am having a problem with a local user account. Here is the scenario,Logged in successfully to a putty session as the "user" and try to change the password :
passwd "user"
(current) UNIX password:
passwd: Authentication failure
I am unable to change the password as the user but i am able to log into the server with the same user.
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Jun 29, 2011
on my netbook I've tried to make possible for my user to shutdown without needing a password. battery could run low when I'm not in front of it. Editing sudoers has allowed my user to shutdown the system, but Gnome still prompts me for the root password whenever root is logged in too. That's usually the case, because to avoid entering the root password multiple times whenever I need elevated privileges and not wanting to cache the root password, I keep a Root Terminal always open.
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Apr 15, 2010
I'm looking for a user-friendly way to change the password of a user that is *not* currently logged into the machine. We have a machine that is used by a number of users with a low level of tech savvy. The machine gets logged in as a generic user which works for most purposes, but due to a management requirement, we need Firefox to be run under an account set up for the individual user. I've gotten that bit to work fine, but what I can't figure out is a friendly (GUI) way to allow users to change their own password while the machine is logged in as the generic user. I would like to use gnome-passwd, but I've been unable to figure out how to get it to run for a user other than the logged-in generic user.
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Jan 31, 2010
some days back i have installed VLC player. It is working fine when logged in as any other user than root user but not when logged in as root user.
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Jan 20, 2009
I use tomcat as my server platform in Ubuntu for a war file. I know in order to get real time information about how many user are logged in, we can count how many active sessions exist by a SessionCounter code. However, I have to permit HttpSessionListener in web.xml of tomcat. From other users' experiences, the configuration is complexed and has some errors.
Here's the link:
In order to get users'ip, in jsp, use request.getremotehost() or request.getremoteaddress() by editing the jsp file. I wonder if there's some open source software to use for these two purposes.
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Jul 13, 2011
I would like to know how can I have remote desktop to a Linux Box without any disturbance of local user or others who logged in like me .I mean exactly like remote desktop in windows 2003 or 2008 which every users who logged in remotely has it's own desktop without any disturbance of others. and is this possible to do it from fedora to ubuntu and vice versa .
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Oct 27, 2010
I am trying to figure out how to mask local timer interrupts on a specific core of a multicore system from within user space. The interrupts are causing latency spikes of 3-10u that we would like to remove. We are only running 1 thread on the core h everything shielded except for these timer interrupts. This thread makes no system calls and thus is never getting context switched out. I am not looking to turn them off entirely but rather turn them off, run my code, turn them on in a continuous loop. The thread runs in user space which we are hoping to maintain. We also have no desire to modify the kernel if possible. I've read about using spinlock_irqsave() but it appears (not positive) that it must be used within kernel space.
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May 30, 2011
Take a physical user FRED. FRED is a linux user ( known by linux on his laptop ) FRED is a Samba user ( Known by samba on the samba pdc server ) When he logs locally (with username/password) on its standalone laptop (with no network), he is known as FRED:user. He access his data in /home/FRED/. When he logs through samba (with username/password) on the domain MY_DOM, he is known as MY_DOMFRED:MY_DOMdomain user. He access his data in /home/MY_DOM/FRED/. ) Is it possible that the human FRED has only one repository and have full access to its repository regardless of how it was connected. If yes, how to do it
2) If not, Is it possible that the human FRED has full access to /home/FRED/.............. and /home/MY_DOM/FRED/.
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Oct 18, 2010
Is there a way gnome can allow a remote desktop / VNC connection if no user is logged in? If the server gets rebooted I can't access it (remote desktop / VNC). Someone physically has to go there and log in. Surely there must be a way as gnome is running just waiting for a login.
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Jul 14, 2010
10.04, clean installs, running Gnome or LXDE.
- a logged-on user wasn't properly logged off
- the system is restarted
- the same user attempts to log in
This seems repeatable, and happened on 2 different PCs.
When logged into Gnome as another user and trying to sudo a backup of the borked user's home before attempting a repair, a ".gvfs" file is reported "in use" and can't be copied.
It happened to me quite a few times, due to crash or more often power failure, or my sudo-errors. I now keep a few spare virgin sudo-enabled cloned accounts just in case one dies that way.
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Dec 20, 2010
I have a pc where I run ubuntu 10.10 and on this pc i have installed vlc and on boot i start the vlc http interface. Therefor I created the file /etc/init.d/vlc. The file seems like this:
and I also updated rc.d. Vlc starts on boot as desired I also can send commands like in_play the file (a playlist) is loaded and reguarding the status.xml the file is played. But when no user is logged in I hear no sound. When I perform a login on the machine there is first still no sound but when I send e.g. the pl_next command or call in_play again then there is sound. Sadly the pc shouldn't be attached to a monitor and therefor I can't perform a login everytime so I need sound, when noone is logged in. Why is there no sound?
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Mar 14, 2011
I want to be able to create a php webpage that will show the logged in users files and how full their home directory is (roaming profiles). The php side isn't a problem....the problem is how do i determine the username of the user who is logged into Linux not the webpage itself?
What i want is when the user opens this page, it knows who they are already. I have seen this done on an intranet at work (don't know what OS it is running on tho) where I login to the network, view the page and it says my name.
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Mar 1, 2011
We have 4 servers having rhel 5.2. We have several users logged in on one of them. We have nis server/client running on them and have common home area mounted on all of them. Now we want to disable/block the accounts of the users who have not accessed our servers in last 2 months from today.What logic should we apply to do so? We were checking stat of .bashrc of each user but is not correct logic. We are going to write shell script for the same. We dont want to do anything in users home area or their files.
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Sep 13, 2010
$ uptime
09:55:00 up 7 days, 6 min, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
..but I'm the only user logged in!
$ who -a
system boot 2010-09-06 09:48
run-level 2 2010-09-06 09:48 last=
looks as though this is the culprit, but...
$ kill 5485
-bash: kill: (5485) - No such process
This process doesn't exist in the /proc folder or the output of ps. Does anyone know how this happened, and how to remove this ghost user from my system without a complete reboot? I think I have seen a similar thing on a RedHat machine ages ago but I have never figured out how to log out these ghost users.
$ uname -a
Linux ubuntu 2.6.24-28-server #1 SMP Wed Aug 25 16:07:16 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
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May 13, 2010
How can I make the user in remote LDAP server to be used to authenticate Local Linux server ?
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