Ubuntu Multimedia :: Playback Pure 44100 Hz And 48000 Hz Audio Without Resampling?

Mar 10, 2010

This is 16 bit / 44100 Hz sample. Try to plyback this sample in your favorite music player, and after that try to use command "play SB_test.wav". You see, second part of this file sounds very differently. This is because all your 44100 Hz audio resampled 48000 Hz. It's ok if you watch DVD's (48000 Hz audio), but nasty if you listen CD-Audio (44100 Hz), DVD-Audio or Blu-ray (24 bit / 96000 Hz and 192000 Hz). My question is: how to playback audio with different characteristics without resampling?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Change The Default ALSA Sample Rate From 48000 To 44100?

Apr 29, 2010

I need to change the default ALSA sample rate from 48000 to 44100.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Bit Streaming / Avoiding Resampling Audio Frequencies

May 29, 2011

I have recently purchase some audio equipment and am wanting to get the most out of it. From what I've read, an OS/media player will tend to "resample" audio frequencies at the software/soundcard level before sending it, and from what I gather, that isn't a perfect 1-to-1 copy of my audio to my speaker. My equipment:

Ubuntu: 11.04 x64
Mobo (integrated sound): ASUS P5QL-CM - S/PDIF out on Intel G45 chipset / VT1708B, 8-Channel High-Definition Audio CODEC
AV receiver: Onkyo HT-R380 (PDF manual)
Speakers: Stereo (connected to 'A' ouput on AVR) - Acoustic Research Red Box II (circa early 90s)

I have the ASUS S/PDIF 'addon' and I have Ubuntu set to send audio through that. I think "bit streaming" is what I am after but I am at a loss as to how to make it happen.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Audio Playback Randomly Stopping?

Mar 2, 2010

I've been tweaking my kernel for RT performance over the past few days, and just recently, it's begun randomly cutting sound playback, and I can't seem to figure out why.

Was watching a movie last night using VLC, and about 5 minutes in, sound playback just totally stopped while video kept working. Sound driver in VLC was set to Pulseaudio. I switched it to ALSA and the problem seemed fixed.

In Decibel Audio Player, the tracks randomly just stop in the middle of a song occasionally (every 5 songs or so, give or take), and a little red 'X' appears next to the track that got "skipped." Screenshot:


Don't recall it happening before I tweaked all the RT audio settings.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Record Audio Playback From An Application And The Microphone?

Jan 12, 2010

I am trying to record audio playback from an application and the microphone at the same time on recordmydesktop using pulse audio. I just can't figure out how to mix them both. I have tried a lot already and can only get either the mic or the audio playback to be recorded, not both. Can this be done using pavucontroll?

I have been search now for hours to find a solution (also here on the forum) for this and getting really frustrated now. Maybe i'm just missing something really obvious, so sorry if this is a stupid question.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Streaming Audio And Video Playback Stops

May 16, 2010

ok i upgraded to 10.04 lucid and now if i want to stream audio i get jerky audio with screen flickers and video streaming or not causes a complete lockup of the application. this all worked fine with 9.10.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Audio Playback Of Music At All Until Scrubber Moved / Fix It?

Apr 21, 2011

I have a problem with audio file playback (all formats - mp3, ogg, etc.). When I try to play a file with rhythmbox or totem, the whole system gets sluggish and the mouse pointer jerks about the screen and there is no sound at all... UNTIL I drag the playback slider along with the mouse for a second, then playback is normal and the mouse pointer and system returns to normal speed... How do I fix this?

Problem is on maverick 10.10

top shows this if run from another machine using ssh. code...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Adjusting Volume While Recording Audio Playback And Microphone

Nov 13, 2010

how can I adjust the volume level while recording audio playback and microphone at the same time? I managed to increase the audio playback volume with PulseAudio Volume Control (Input devices -> Monitor of Internal Audio Analog Stereo -> pressing green button "Set as fallback"), but once I click on that green button, no no microphone sound is recorded.


- using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
- recording audio with Sound Recorder
- installed PulseAudio Device Choooser and PulseAudio Volume Control
- Input devices -> Internal Audio Analog Stereo --> shows the sound from microphone


- how to adjust volume of audioplayback and microphone recording and record both as a mix together? Thanks!

PS: I checked out this thread, but haven't figured out how to adjust the volumes.

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Debian Multimedia :: Route Audio Playback Through HDMI Using Nvidia GPU?

Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to get audio to play in tv/monitor via HDMI cable. It seems ALSA does not recognize my nVidia audio device and can only use the onboard audio device. Here's some relevant info I have collected:


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Debian Multimedia :: Turn Off The Automatic Playback Of Audio Songs When Cursor Is On There Icons?

Jun 11, 2011

how can i turn off the automatic playback of audio songs when cursor is on there icons?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Pure-ftpd Pure Admin - Getting A 530 Authentication Error

Mar 24, 2011

I am having problems troubleshooting my pure-ftpd setup. I am always getting a 530 authentication error. I attempted to correct the problem by doing the following:

# pure-pw mkdb
# ln -s /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/PureDB /etc/pure-ftpd/auth/PureDB
# gedit /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/PAMAuthentication


This create a new error. 421 Unable to read the indexed puredb file (or old format detected) - Try pure-pw mkdb I am getting a feeling this is getting from bad to worse. I attempted to remove pure-ftpd and pureadmin to start over again. However, it appears I cannot remove everything. I attempted the following:

apt-get remove pure-ftpd pureadmin I am not sure what this really does because I can still see the folder /etc/pure-ftpd and I cannot remove it. I could not use rm /etc/pure-ftpd because the system said it was not empty. I also tried sudo aptitude remove pure-ftpd pureadmin . Again I cannot completely remove the folder. How do I completely remove pure-ftpd and pure admin and all databases, files and folders so I have a fresh system ready to start the install again?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Trying To Playback At Double Speed - VLC Will Play The Video At Normal Speed But With No Audio

Jul 23, 2011

Ubuntu 64bit. The sound system works and plays noises correctly when I test the speakers in sound preferances. The internet BBCi player(Radio) plays sound correctly. Banshee & Rhythmbox try to play music files at double, or more, speed with no sound output. Spotify Linux version also tries to playback at double speed with no sound output. Media Player attempts to play music files at high speed. Media player plays the Video and audio tracks at high speed. VLC Will play the video at normal speed but with no audio.

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Software :: Pure-authd Not Passing Variables To Pure-ftpd

Feb 9, 2011

I have set up pure-authd and pure-ftpd. They are both running, I have created the socket etc.

In my authentication module (a php script) for testing purposes I have done a vardump in to a file, and have realised that pure-authd is not passing on any variables (username, password of the current person trying to log in via ftp) to the PHP script.

I am sure the authentication module is working (have tested it vigorously on the command line), but after 10 hours wondering why it wouldnt work and messing about with the script, I have realised that the variables were never even getting in to the script in the first place!

I am running the processes such as this:

Everything seems as if it is working other than this. For instance, when testing the setup with a very basic auth module which doesnt require a username or password (the basic module just passes "auth_ok:1" to pure-ftpd and the user is then logged in), I can log in to the FTP server fine.

But like I say, a vardump ($argv) on my proper PHP authentication script would suggest that no username or password are being passed to it.

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Ubuntu :: USB Soundcard Playback - No Audio

Apr 27, 2010

I've just bought a very cheap USB sound device as the jacks built into my laptop are practically dead. I bought it as I'd googled around and seen that other people have it working in linux. Anyway, I plug it in and am able to select "USB AUDIO (ALSA)" from the xfce4-mixer. However, I don't get any sound from any applications.

Here is my aplay -l output:
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]
Subdevices: 0/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: HDMI [HDA ATI HDMI], device 3: ATI HDMI [ATI HDMI]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 2: default [USB AUDIO], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

I can't find any options for the output on alsamixer and don't really know what to do. I'm running Mint with xfce4 on a Dell Studio 15.

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Ubuntu :: Scheduling Audio Playback

May 5, 2010

I am wondering about scheduling audio playback under Ubuntu. The background is this: My birthday is fast approaching, and I always try to do something to remember the best birthday gift I ever received, that being the Apollo 11 mission; Neil and Buzz landed on my 12th birthday.

Anyway, I have a wagonload of audio from nasa.gov and would like to schedule the MP3s to play in real time. 'at' won't do it, at least with 'mplayer'; I've tried. I suspect that because there is no controlling terminal for jobs run under 'at', the audio has no place to go. Is there some way to get a controlling terminal for these audio playback jobs, or specify a destination to some player?

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia Audio Stops Working During Playback?

Feb 13, 2011

I have the nvidia sound card built into my motherboard. Just a few hours ago it started to just stop making any noises what so ever. I rebooted but to no avail. I finally was able to find a fix by purging pulse AND alsa, then reinstalling them and rebooting. The problem is this will only allow my sound to work for about 10-15 mins. Kinda hard to watch "'Neath the Arizona Sky" if you gotta reboot every 15 minutes or so...

I have also purge and reinstalled ubuntu-desktop and that will work temporarily and extend me out another 10-15 mins from when it stopped, but then I still have to reboot.

I am using 10.10 Maverick 64 bit and have been using it for a while, this is the first time this or any other problem has occured.

I have been through the forums and checked every thread I could find with a Bingle search that was in any way related to random sound stoppage. I have tried most of them (did not try the ones that were specific to other cards as far as editing the .conf's for those cards)

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Fedora :: No Video Playback - Only Audio?

Oct 8, 2010

I recently installed Fedora 13 in my laptop, installed the audio codecs(mp3..and etc) and worked just like a dream. But every time I try to play a mpeg, avi, mov file in a player (vlc, xine, mplayer) I get no video, just a black screen. But I get the audio from the video.

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Fedora :: Grip - No Audio Playback

May 18, 2011

I can't get grip to playback an audio disc. Seems like the most simple of it's functions. I am not aware of any other issue with grip's operation.... including ripping a disc.

what I should be looking for?

F14 with pulseaudio... I have no other audio problems with audio on this machine that I am aware of.

I should have added the following:

In the "status" tab within grip, the only entry is "Grip started successfully". Grip is playing... the tracks advance, track time advances and the player is running. In the "Applications" tab of "Sound Preferences" it reads, "No application is currently playing or recording audio." If I start grip from a terminal window.... no errors appear.

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OpenSUSE :: Audio Cd And Dvd Playback Error?

Dec 23, 2008

I am having difficulty with playing back movie dvd's and audio cd's. I recieve this error from trying to playback X-Men3 in vlc. Playback failure:DVDRead could not open the disk "/dev/sr0".Your input can't be opened:VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details. I have libdvdcss and w32codec-all... mplayer, smplayer, vlc, xine, xine plugins...I can explore the dvd in konqueror and the vob files are reconized as files to be played. However If i click to play nothing will open/happen.

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Slackware :: How To Get Red Book Audio Playback

Jun 18, 2011

Sounds like a trivial thing, but how do you do it? How do you play a plain red book audio CD? I have tried xmms, audacious and mplayer. The only success I have had (if you can call it that) is with the latter, mplayer. Using the command:

mplayer -cdrom-device /dev/sr0 cdda://3 -cache 6000
I get the warnings:

Cache not filling, consider increasing -cache and/or -cache-min!
Cache not filling, consider increasing -cache and/or -cache-min!

The program plays the audio, but there is a huge latency prior to starting the playback, making it very cumbersome to change tracks and having to wait. I have tried with various cache values as well as using the "-cache-min" argument, to no avail. What values are certain to work?

As for xmms and audacious I get the errors:
Audacious: When trying "audacious /dev/sr0"

unix-io: read failed: Input/output error.
MADPlug-Message: Rejecting file:///dev/sr0; cannot read from file.
unix-io: read failed: Input/output error.
unix-io: read failed: Input/output error.
XMMS: When trying "xmms /dev/sr0": No error

It simply does nothing except starting up and not playing. My system is a 32-bit Slackware 13.1.0 on a fast x86. I have tried with different audio CDs.

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General :: No VLC DVD Playback - Song Tracking Without Audio

Feb 18, 2010

Fresh install of debian lenny / mostly default load

VLC 1.0.5 install
cd rom
dvd rom
vlc plays cd (no audio but can see tracking of song) but not dvd
fstab (cannot edit -permissions and don't know how to effect the proper permissions)
/dev/hda /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
/dev/hdb /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
someone recommended changing to
/dev/cdrom1 /""

Don't see how that would fix audio but anyway cannot change fstab.

checked advanced input / codec in VLC
dvd = dev/hdb
cd = dev/hda

Totem -plays the dvd but quality / volume is not there, prefer VLC. Soundjuicer plays the audio with sound nicely. Just would like VLC to do it all.

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Fedora Hardware :: Audio Playback Device Does Not Work

Apr 18, 2010

Every time I log in, I get the following notification from Phonon: The audio playback device does not work. Falling back to RV635 Audio device [Radeon HD 3600 Series] Digital Stereo (HDMI) and of course, I get no sound.

Sound is integrated Intel HD "82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller" (courtesy of lshw), and it did work before, it just seems to have appeared suddenly out of nowhere, I can't even tell when and whether it's connected to any updates or other configuration changes.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Video And Audio Playback Too Fast In 13?

Oct 23, 2010

I'm in trouble with playbacks (video and audio, desktop apps and live streams on Firefox). They are all running at least at double speed.


Running Fedora 13 - 64 bits - cpu AMD Phenom II X2 955 (dual core) flat, no overclocking, no hacking of any kind. I've tried a re-install of all media codecs and plugins. The problem persists since fresh install of Fedora.

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General :: Simulating Audio Playback On Headless Server?

Jun 9, 2010

We have a headless linux server (Debian 5) we use for running integration tests of our web-page code. Among these tests are ones implemented using Selenium, which practically simulates a user browsing our pages and clicking on things. One of these tests is failing now, because it involves starting a flash-based audio player and checking to see whether the progress bar gets displayed properly. The reason this test fails is that there is no way to play the audio, and no sound card on the machine, which has simple webserver hardware.

So, my question would be: Is there a simple way of giving a program the impression that its audio output is being processed, and playback is taking place? I don't have to record the playback, or redirect it or anything like that, just a dummy soundcard, like the dummy X-server we are using, which actually does not need to display stuff.

I have tried using JACK, but it's too complicated, and the documentation does not even answer this very simple question. I also installed alsa on the server; it 'pretends' to run, but when a program tries to play audio, just spews error and debug information having to do with the non-existence of a soundcard.

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General :: Which Audio Player Allows Me To Change The Playback Rate?

Mar 28, 2011

Are there audio player for Linux, that can play audio with some coefficient, that I can manually change, something like x0.5, x0.7, x0.79, 1.0 - normal, x1.5 etc...

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Cannot Make Skype Call Because Of Audio Playback

Feb 9, 2010

I have new machine with good configuration .
Mother Board ---> Asus P5KPL AM/PS
CPU --> Intel Dual core 2.50 GHZ
RAM ---> 1 G.B
Hard Disc ---> 160 GB

I installed Fedora 11. It 's working fine I have problem only for Skype. When I try to call some one, I got the error "Problem with audio playback". I have "skype-" on my machine.

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General :: Intermittent Stuttering In Video And Audio Playback Since Upgrading To Maverick

Jan 2, 2011

I've been having a problem with intermittent stuttering in video and audio playback since upgrading to Maverick (it also happened when I briefly installed Lucid). It started out as the odd skip every 20 minutes or so but now it can happen 5 or 6 times in 10 minutes when watching a film. I've tried:

reformatting and clean installing using a half-dozen players installing every codec I could think of (only after the normal ones wouldn't help) diangosing my 3 hard drives (the problem occurs on them all and they're not in a RAID setup) changing then changing back my video drivers disabling pulseaudio and ubuntuone-sync (these were not installed in my previous, working setup) looking at every relevant log file (mplayer, smplayer, demsg...) I know of running ubuntu's testing utilities I'm out of ideas. Going back to Jaunty is the only solution I'm pretty sure will work but it's not exactly ideal. It will be a few months a least before I'm able to install a completely new distro.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Pure Data - CSound And Supercollider - Create My Own Effects And Synths And Use Them In My Composition

Jun 19, 2010

I'd like create my own effects and synths and use them in my composition. I googled around and I discovered a lot of language (graphical and not) to create sound and music. But I don't understand if they can be used to create (with wrapper or indirectly) VST FX and instrument. I need to create something that can be impoted in Cubase and having a basic GUI to change its setting and attribute!

I think SuperCollider is cool, but it looks not to create something importable via VST... Am I wrong?

What about CSound and Pure Data?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gtk-RecordMyDesktop - Capture On-screen Audio And My Webcam Audio At The Same Time

Jan 10, 2011

How I would capture on-screen audio AND my webcam audio at the same time.(My webcam seems to rely on pulse).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Error - Audio Codec Missing And Doesn't Play The Audio

Jan 30, 2011

I want to listen to this audio file: [URL] but my real player gold desn play it, it says that there is a codec 28_8 missing, I go to relaplayer page, download the last release available for linux systems, but the message is the same : audio codec missing and doesn't play the audio.

I havev tried to play the audio with smplayer (not luck), vlc can play the audio but the pause button doesn't work so I have to listen the entire audio all the time I stop it playing. Is there any audio player capable od reproducing in the proper way this audio in ubuntu? No one of my video players totem, smplayer, realplayer or vlc are capable of playing this video: [URL]

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