Ubuntu Multimedia :: MP3 Tag From Folder Name?

Jun 5, 2011

I have a USB disk full of mp3's with the a file structure of Artist/Album Title/Artist - Track Title.mp3 Are there any mass taggers which can apply the folder title to the "Album" field of the individual mp3's?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get Banshee To See NAS Folder?

Jul 10, 2011

My music is stored on a NAS on my home network.
I am trying to get Banshee to see my MP3's on the NAS. It looks like Banshee only will support local folders.
So, is a sym link (symbolic link) in a local folder be the solution? If so, what's the syntax? I know the basic form is ln -s <dir 1> <dir 2>.
Ubuntu's file browser sees the folder as 'smb://'s'
I haven't had any success trying to create a sym link to the NAS folder.

Or, am I approaching this totally wrong and can Banshee support the NAS without a sym link?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: MTP Device Folder Management

Apr 20, 2010

I own a Creative Zen, and have already successfully used both Rhythmbox and Gnomad to transfer files to it. But the problem is that I can't manage my "files" (not my "songs"). Banshee didn't work, and Exaile is not recognising my Zen (probably I'm missing some libraries or plugins). I've heard Exaile let's me manage the files in my MTP device, is that so?Whenever I transfer any song to my Zen, it is transfered to my /music folder instead of being transfered into an /artist-album or an artist/album folder. It is kind of messy, I want to keep my files organized.

And if I try to move my files manually (from my HD to my device, or within my device) by letting Nautilus automatically mount my Zen as an external device, then it doesn't recognizes the files I've moved.So, is there any workaround for me to manage my files in Zen without making them unrecognizable to it, say, using Rhythmbox? Or is there any other software that allows me to manage my files in such manner?(From what I've googled, it seems that this is a general problem for most of MTP devices, hence the title of the thread.)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Autoplay VIDEO_TS Folder

Oct 17, 2010

Is there a way to autoplay a DVD when a (valid) VIDEO_TS folder is opened? Mos media players play VIDEO_TS folders but you have to start the player first and then select the folder. I am looking for a way so the media player(vlc) starts automaticly to play when I try to open the video_ts folder. A other option could be a right click option: play movie ith vlc (or something) Is this possible?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Folder With Temporary File Kept?

Nov 21, 2010

where is the folder with the temporary file kept?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Make AVI From VIDEO_TS Folder

Jan 6, 2011

I used DVD::RIP to make an AVI out of a VIDEO_TS folder, however it compressed it from 4gb to 1gb and the quality is uh.. kind of bad. How can I make an AVI out of a VIDEO_TS "video folder" without losing much quality? Size of the file doesn't matter.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Removing Upto A Folder From Filepath?

Jul 3, 2010

I'm trying to batch encode some old mpeg2 vids to x264. After much playing around, I've finally found some settings that work across the board in preserving quality. The good news is the converted vids are about half the size.

I'm using handbrake to do this and with over a thousand clips, converting via the gui would be way too time consuming. Naturally CLI is much faster for something like this. I've found all the flags and arguments to pass to handbrake

So, suppose my vids are in ~/MyVideos. I want to store my converted vids in ~/ConvertedVids. The problem is that there is a whole folder hierarchy after ~/MyVideos that goes several levels deep; I want to preserve this. In handbrake, the output file is a parameter like so:

handbrake_cli -i input_file -o output_file

I know stripping away the filepath upto ~/MyVideos/ should be trivial with awk. I don't know awk and was wondering if someone here could give me the command I need.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Shave Seconds Off Each Of My Mp3's In One Massive Folder?

Jul 6, 2010

I've ripped all my cd's in to MP3 using ripit, however, it seems as if ripit added 2 seconds to my mp3's, so how do I shave two seconds off each of my mp3's in one massive folder?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Reduce Size Of 100 Pics In 1 Folder At Once?

Jul 31, 2010

i am looking for an image manipulator that will run on KDE and lets me convert hundreds of jpgs (> 1 MB each) at once into an emailable size like 50-200 kb each, so i do not have to do that for every picture, one by one.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Delete Duplicate Photos From A Folder?

Apr 22, 2011

Is there any way to delete duplicate photos from a folder? Not the names are duplicated , but de photos inside.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Modify Folder Hierarchy For Importing Music?

Jun 16, 2010

I dual-boot, and in Windows, I use an awesome program for music maintenance called MediaMonkey, which sadly, isn't Open Source, but still awesome nonetheless. Anyway, one of the things it lets you do is sort and import your libraries by practically any format you could find imaginable. I have that program setup to import and store my music in the following format:

G:Tunes<Genre><Album Artist><Album><Track Number> - <Track Artist> - <Track Title>.<Extension>

Is there a way to change the default setups in whatever music program I choose to use? It seems to be the same no matter what program I use if it's a GNOME-based program. I've used Banshee and Rhythmbox, but both only leave me with the following options:

Album Artist/Album/
Album Artist/Album Artist - Album/
Album Artist/Album (Year)
Album Artist


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Burning A DVD Video - Folder Contains Non-vob Files And Can't Continue ?

Jul 11, 2010

I have a folder called VIDEO-TS filled with .vob files and other things. I did it before, but don't remember what I used to make it a regular dvd video. I tried Devede, but when I drag the folder to the app, it says "folder contains non-vob files and can't continue" or something like that.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Photo Organizer That Sorts By Folder Like Picasa Does

Oct 5, 2010

Anyone aware of a photo-organizer that sorts by folder like picasa does it? Like when you have all your different albums already neatly sorted into different folders Picasa just lists each folder as a separate album, regardless of date and other information. It didn't work in f-spot when I last tried (couple of month ago) and I haven't tried it shotwell and gthumb yet because it isn't mentioned anywhere under their respective features. Also I'm hesitating to download and install both these apps because I have a lot of pictures which take a while to import.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Media Converter That Can Convert Music Folder To All .ogg?

Oct 18, 2010

Hey does anyone know of a Media Converter that can convert my Music folder to all .ogg

and if not that what about a program that normalizes at the music files?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Make Rhythmbox Exclude A Specific Folder?

Oct 19, 2010

This question can be found on the Internet and on this forum but either there is no response or the advice is to move the folder to exclude on another path (in case of using a subfolder for ripped/downloaded mp3).

But in my case my music is on a SAN and I access it through CIFS. So every time I delete a file or folder it goes to the Trash, in a folder called #recycle, which Rhythmbox indexes as well. So I have to delete this folder to avoid duplicates...

Is there any configuration in Rhythmbox to exclude a folder?

I only see a configuration for multiple folders in gconf-editor:

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Render Movie In Piviti When Select Folder?

Dec 3, 2010

1. Open Piviti2. Import Movies and still pics like jpegs3. Save4. Render ProjectAt this point, Render is greyed out. I can click on Modify or Chose FIle. So, I click on Choose FIle.5. Select any folder. At this point, nothing happens. I click on OK and nothing happens. I would file a bug, but I don't know where to file them at.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Can't Find The .themes Folder

Apr 21, 2010

I'm trying to install a theme, but I can't find the .themes folder.I goggled for it and found ~./themes and trying to extract there resulted in an error. where does it live?

(openSuse 11.2/Xfce 4.6)

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: How To Setup A Public Folder

Aug 12, 2011

Attempting to leave the world of windows, but apparently I am not understanding some basic Linux concepts. I am thinking that I want to create a public profile to store music and video in, or are the music and video folders in each user already shared to all other users of my system? Not asking for networking this to other computers yet, just the best way to ensure all users can access the same info.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Avidemux Renaming Of Mp4 Files - Home Folder Don't Include The Prefix

Mar 24, 2010

I have used avidemux to cut a mp4 file, choosing just a part of it, and I have discovered it automatically adds "avidemux" to the beginning of the name of the file, plus the author of the file and that I cannot edit the file to erase it. Note that I talk about "right click - properties", and that the file, as seen from home folder dont include the "avidemux" prefix, but if, for instance, I run the file with VLC, "avidemux" will appear, and that is annoying. how to delete that annoying avidemux prefix?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Hone Is Recognized / Music And Photos Found / No Podcast Folder

Oct 3, 2010

On 10.4 with rhtyhmbox and iPhone 3G. Phone is recognized, music and photos found, but there is no podcast folder.Do I need a plugin - or maybe another app?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Scroll Through Hundreds Of Photos & Move Good Ones To A Separate Folder?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm relatively new to Ubuntu and am just trying to get basic functionality without having to punt back to Windows applications on Wine (such as Irfanview).All I want to do is step through photos (by pressing a key, such as the space bar) to view & then press a keyclick to move the good ones to a separate folder.

This is so fundamental that I must assume there must be software in Ubuntu which can accomplish those two simple tasks (step through a folder and move a file to another folder). Yet, I have The Gimp, GNU Paint, Krita, KSnapshot, XFig, XPaint, etc., and none of them appear to have this basic functionality (which Irfanview has, but on Windows).

What program can view and easily MOVE the photo to a stated directory in a single keystroke? Note: All the programs can "open a file" and "save as" but this is NOT the desired fundamental operation. The fundamental operation is:

- Press a key (spacebar would be nice) to scroll to the next photo in a folder.

- Press another key combination ("control + m" would be nice) to move the photo to a stated folder

- The "index" should NOT be reset (that is, the next spacebar should show the next photograph in the folder, not jump back, perhaps hundreds of photos, to the first photo as The Gimp does, for example, after a save).

- It's ok to set the move-to folder the first time, but it should not ask each and every time which folder as it should be the default for the move command after the first move.

Note: I also tried making the icons in the Nautilus browser huge and then control-click selecting the good ones, but that makes ALL icons at all times huge, and the scroll in Nautilus is atrocious, so, in effect, that was a failure. I need a graphic program that performs this simple task. This is so fundamental of a need (to scroll through and move just the good photos to a stated folder) that I find it hard to believe I can't (yet) find a graphics display program capable of scrolling and moving photos.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rename All JPEGs In A Folder By EXIF Date & Time Stamp?

Feb 24, 2011

In the Windows world where I came from, Irfanview freeware easily renamed a large folder of JPEG photos by EXIF time & date stamps, appending a unique number if the time and date stamps were the same. Is there an equivalent rename-by-EXIF information batch command in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid? For example, change (based solely on EXIF information): FROM:DSC_0001.JPG TO:20110224_09:34:56am.JPG

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Debian Multimedia :: Permanently Remove Gtk-3.0 Folder In Wheezy?

Sep 1, 2011

There is a folder in my home titled 'gtk-3.0,' which continues to reappear even after I have deleted it. The reappearance of the folder seems to occur after using lxappearance to change the themes. I will not be participating in the headaches of the switch from gtk2 to gtk3, just as I did not participate in the headaches of the switch from KDE 3 to 4. So the following are my questions;1. Is it possible to permanently delete the gtk-3.0 folder so that it can not ever reappear in my home? (And why is it appearing there anyway? Shouldn't it be hidden with a dot?)2. If I can not prevent this folder from appearing in my home, is there a setting I can use in Wheezy to block gtk3 libs and apps from installation? Presently, the only gtk3 lib or app shown by aptitude search is libcanberra-gtk3-0, but I can't remove it due to notification-daemon dependencies.3. If I switch from all gtk2 apps to all KDE apps will that solve the problem of gtk3 placing a completely unnecessary folder in my home?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Folder Vdpau Doesn't Exist?

Jul 4, 2010

mplayer complains about not being able to find libvdpau_nvidia.so. I checked in /usr/lib, and it's there, but it's a link that points to /usr/lib/vdpau libvdpau_nvidia.so. The folder vdpau doesn't exist.

Which package do I need to install to get this to work?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Camera Connected - Able To See Folder But No Images

Jun 21, 2011

I'm giving windows 7 a break and have a fresh, updated install of opensuse 11.4. The problem I have is that when I plug my samsung galaxy S2 in I can't view the pictures I've taken with the camera.I get the popup box saying camera and giving me the option to view with gwenview, digikam and filemanager. Now i can see the folders including the DCIM folder that the images are stored in but it's empty?

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Debian Multimedia :: Changing Profile Data Folder For Icedove?

May 31, 2011

I didn't leave much space for the / folder during installation of squeeze and now I can't seem to copy over old profile folder from a windows install of thunderbird. Any way to change the location of the profile folder?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: K3b To Not Remove Failed .iso Image Creations From Destination Folder?

Feb 23, 2011

When K3B is creating an .iso image to file and fails to read a sector even at the very end of a DVD it issues you a warning and removes the file from the destination folder, regardless of what choice you made in the "remove file when completed" dialog.

I want it to leave the incomplete .iso image there so I can play with it, any suggestions cause I've searched scratched and dissected, trying to do my homework but doggone if I can figure it out,

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Debian Multimedia :: Re-install Etch Recently But Forgot To Backup /var/lib/dpkg Folder

May 16, 2011

I need to re-install Etch recently but forgot to backup /var/lib/dpkg folder, I know there's archive server provides old packages, but packages from www.debian-multimedia.org does not. I have tried its mirror sites but it seems they had removed the old packages from Etch and earlier releases.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba - Access Folder To Delete Or Restore From The Recycle Bin Folder

Apr 24, 2010

I'm using ubuntu server 9.10 for a home build NAS. Everything is working great just have one more thing to figure out. I have Samba set up to access my files and I set up a recycle feature so anything deleted will get moved to a Recycled folder. (I learned this the hard way after hitting delete key by accident while browsing the shares in windows. Lost 100 GB of data)

Now it is for the most part working but the permissions on folders isn't getting set right. If I delete a file in a share I can go to Recycle bin folder and delete the file for good. But if I delete a folder I can not access that folder to delete or restore from the Recycle bin folder. I have to chmod the folder before I can do anything with it. Anything I can change to get folders deleted via windows to have the right permissions when it is moved to the Recycle bin folder?


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Change Directory To A More Than Three Folder Tree Destination Folder From In Terminal?

Sep 18, 2010

I cannot change directory to a more than three folder tree destination folder from ~ in terminal. I've checked everything. No Typos or misspell. The destination folder was recognized by "ls" command but when I went to it, the terminal said, "no such file or directory."

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