Ubuntu Multimedia :: Drivers And Decoders Installed But DVDs Still Won't Work?

Feb 12, 2011

so iv installed all of the nessesary drivers and decoders to run DVDs on my Ubuntu machine but whenever i pop in a movie that was not copied it doesn't play. This perplexes me because whenever i put a burned DVD into the drive it finds it right away. how to play legit copies of DVDs?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Can't Play DVDs - Multimedia RPMs Are Installed

Aug 9, 2011

Normally I find everything I need either in the documentation or forum, but it's been months, and this time I'm stumped. I'm posting the results of my latest tests, so I'm really sorry about the length of this post.

I can't play DVDs unless they've been burned by myself or a friend. I had no problems until around the beginning of April. I was running 11.2 on both my laptop and desktop. I think an update changed something. This was before 11.2 was officially retired a week or so later. I wanted to upgrade to 11.4 anyway, so I began with my laptop. During installation I wiped everything from my hard disk by creating new partitions and formatting them. After installation I installed the multimedia packages using one-click (opensuse-guide.org, not opensuse-community.org, although I did read what they said). I know one-click is not ideal, but I was curious. The result was that I still couldn't play DVDs.

I did a fresh installation, just to be on the safe side. This time I installed the packages according to Multi-media and Restricted Format Installation Guide by caf4926. But I still couldn't play DVDs, so I went through the thread Check your multimedia problem in ten steps. Then I ran mmcheck (v2.35). I tried a few times, experimented, and in the end did another fresh install.

In the meantime, on my desktop, which still has 11.2 on it, I found the file which had been changed and changed it back, so I could play DVDs on it again. It was in /etc/udev/rules.d/, 70-persistent-cd.rules. This does not appear to be the problem in 11.4 on my laptop.

I have again installed the packages according to the multimedia installation guide, and done the ten-step check and run mmcheck and these are the results as they stand:

I couldn't find a package called mplayerplug-in. I used zypper to look for it.

I tried installing the totem packages in a previous installation, but they didn't make a difference, so I left them out this time.

I deinstalled my jdk, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference, except that I get an error notification everytime I want to use LibreOffice. And I need it, so I'm putting it back soon.

So, these are my packages:

And this is what happens when I try to play a DVD using Kaffeine (since I don't an error message except from Kaffeine, and I've forgotten where my logs are):

And then comes Read error from: Error reading from DVD over the GUI.

And nothing else happens... I get no feedback from smplayer whatsoever. It opens, trys to read the DVD, and sits there. Even on the console.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Not All DVDs Work On 10.04 Platform

Sep 14, 2010

Decided to rip my collection of 400-ish DVDs. The computer has four different DVD players attached from different manufacturers. Ubuntu 64 bit, patched. Some DVDs appear, "corrupted," in the form of green blocks or sometimes white lines. It can be a part of a DVD (like a special feature track) or a whole DVD. It can also be a single DVD in a box set of five or six. Also, sometimes it won't pick up some of the special features tracks so they're not even visible in Handbrake ... although in VLC they are visible but also, won't play. However, the "corrupt" DVDs work fine in my one remaining Windows machine, and also in a commercial DVD player. Just not in Ubuntu.

And when I mean not in Ubuntu, I mean anything on any of the four DVD readers. It is as if there is a genuine problem reading the tracks; that's how the errors come back; read errors. One of the worst was Constantine. I thought it was a corrupt DVD at first and bought a second copy, but that did the same thing so that's how I worked out that it just didn't get on well with Ubuntu ... and then I found other DVD's started doing the same. This feels like it is affecting between 1 in 10, or 1 in 20 DVDs, thereabouts. So far my solution is to use the Windows machine to rip the VOBs off the trouble DVD's and then transfer to Linux to Handbrake them.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: DVDs Won't Play In Lucid / Get It To Work?

Apr 29, 2010

I just installed 10.04 and am pleased w/ things, for the most part.

However, I cannot get a DVD disc to play (a movie, for instance) or be recognized unless I shut down the system and restart (provided I have already launched a Web video, or something). The DVD-ROM is dead to the world as far as disc recognition goes.

Things were just great in Karmic so this is completely confusing to me.

Does anyone have a fix?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Back Up DVDs - DVDRIP Doesn't Work

May 6, 2010

I am trying to back up some DVDs for an upcoming trip, but am having trouble getting dvdrip to work. Ran it in termianl, here is output I am getting:


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Debian Multimedia :: VCDs Do Not Play - Drives Otherwise Work Very Well - Also Write DVDs And CDs Often

May 8, 2010

I have one desktop and two laptops. It is strange to find that none of the three systems play VCD, when I use Totem, Totem-xine, Gxine or VLC media player, even with the codecs updated. Worse, each of the three DVD players then act in a loop, seeking the LG DVD-RAM drive endlessly. But the drives otherwise work very well and I also write DVDs and CDs often.I have tested the VCDs in Windows machines with VLC media player, and the VCDs work wonderfully. This is kind of strange. So I thought may be I should report this.

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Fedora :: F15 Does Not Work Well In Machine After Nvidia Drivers Are Installed?

Jun 17, 2011

Today I finally could install Fedora 15 i686 in my now aging (2005) desktop computer (although I will always think of it as my "new machine", as long as I don't assemble a new one for me):

AMD Sempron 3100+ (1.8GHz)
1GB DDR400
NVIDIA GeForce FX5200 (128MB)

After I installed F15 my initialpression was that it worked really good on that hardware: everything went fine with GNOME 3 for example,except for some lags in graphics rendering, which I thought would be solved after the graphics card's full power were unleashed with the proprietary NVIDIA driver.For starters I am not sure which Nvidia driver is right for my card (Nvidia 173.X or the regularvidia).I managed to get "working" the 173.X driver but the desktop is even less responsive to begin with, and there appears to be a lot of activity on the hard disk side.So, my question is, which could be causing the performance loss?

A. The "small" RAM.
B. The vintage graphics card.
C. Some problem in the hard drive.
D. A known bug.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Drivers / Codec Pack Installed But Slow Video Playback

Jul 18, 2011

Playback works fine but its really juddering and not very smooth compared to windows. I have installed all the latest updates, ATI drivers and the restricted codec pack. I am using the standard video player that comes with Ubuntu.

Ubuntu 11 64bit
ATI Radeon HD 3870 512mb
AMD Athlon X2 6000

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Newer NVidia Drivers Won't Work With Asus Laptop

May 10, 2010

There are currently two options for nVidia drivers in Lucid Lynx, 173, and current. With the video card in my laptop, 9650m GT, the 173 drivers work but Docky is painfully, unusably slow. With the "current" drivers, Docky is fine but I get progressively worse and worse static-type lines across my screen and eventually it the machine restarts itself. I've tried installing drivers manually but they won't compile against the kernel.

Before installing Lucid, I had 9.04 Jaunty installed, and Docky (at the time still merged with gnome-do) worked without a hitch. I ran into this error first when I installed 9.10 and decided to go back to 9.04, hoping that it would be fixed. I can't remember which version of the nVidia drivers I was using in Jaunty, but is there any way to go back to those drivers in Lucid?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ATi Radeon 9200 + TV Out Work With The Open Source Drivers?

Aug 3, 2010

A friend of mine is looking for a cheap PCI graphics card to do TV-out from his PCI only PC for MythTV duties. We've found cheap old PCI Radeon 9200's with TV Out on eBay. These appear to only be supported by the open source drivers now, but will the TV out work with the open source drivers?

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Ubuntu :: Missing Plugins - Decoders ?

Feb 5, 2011

I was listening to music one day, and I decided that I wanted to watch a video on my laptop, so I put in the DVD, click play, and suddenly I'm missing the Windows Media Player 8 decoder. I try some of my other videos (of different formats, including .FLV and .AVI), and they're all missing different decoders. Also after that, and ONLY after that, RhythmBox can't find the decoder for .WMA files, yet it still plays .mp3, .ogg, .flac etc. I snooped around and downloaded various gstreamer plugins, and when that didn't work, I tried reinstalling all of them. Still no luck.

In short, I think part of my decoder and plugins folder got corrupted or deleted. VLC will play everything still. This is something I find bizarre.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: AAC Codec Installed But Doesn't Work?

Oct 13, 2010

I'm running xubuntu 10.04 and I've installed media codecs as per the " Comprehensive Multimedia & Video Howto " thread. I also have faac, libfaac0, faad, and libfaad2 installed. But when viewing some videos or trying to transcode to anything with the aac codec I get the "no AAC" error.How can I fix this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Just Installed - Sound Doesn't Work - Intel ICH6?

Jul 21, 2011

I just installed ubuntu, and it seems the sound doesn't work with my sound card, it is part of the Intel ICH6 family. I don't get any output at all.

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Fedora :: Download And Install Audio Decoders For Os?

Jun 27, 2010

in linux environment (fedora) all downloads saved as .tar.gz (or), rpm and how to download any audio decoder and install . and trying out(free ware) softwares alone.

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Software :: Dd Doesn't Work In Copying DVDs?

Feb 26, 2010

I've used dd to make iso's of dvd's before, but it's been a while. I usually run into the same problem where it errors out about 300-500 MB into the disc. I've tried adding bs=2048 to the command, but no dice. I checked my history file but for some reason I can't find the entries that successfully copied dvds.

What options should I choose? My typical command is:

dd if=/dev/dvd of=/home/me/dvd/title.iso bs=2048

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Software :: Uninstall Drivers And Get It Work Again Without ATI Drivers?

Jan 15, 2010

when I boot into Fedora right before the login screen I get a black screen with a command line.How can I uninstall the drivers and get it work again without ATI Drivers? I have switchable graphics and for Fedora have to switch them in the BIOS but with integrated as well as discrete graphics I get the same black screen.I have the LiveDVD ready and only need advice on howto log in in text mode or recover via LiveDVD.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Set Nvidia Drivers - Dual Monitor Without Proprietary Drivers?

Apr 8, 2010

I have been using ubuntu for quite a long time, and for the first time, I am now unable to set nvidia drivers to work. I have just install ubuntu 9.10 amd64 on an AMD 64 athlong X2 with a GEForce 6500 nvidia card.

The only reason I need the proprietary drivers is to use two monitors.

I am going crazy, I have tested everything I have found on the web. I have tried all the nvidia drivers version, I have tried envyng, ... but nvidia do not work!!

I am trying Xinerama with nv, but it does not work either!!!

Here is my xorg.conf file in which I have tried to use nv driver to set dual monitor. X fails to load and it says that screen 0 is deleted, that devices are found but there are no matches in the config file. Any clue?

Section "Files"
ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/:unscaled"


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Ubuntu :: Wireless Does Not Work + Printer Drivers So Buggy + MP3 Players And Digital Cameras Not Work?

Jul 7, 2010

I wanted some input on chronic problems with Ubuntu:

1. Why does wireless almost never work right on Ubuntu?

2. Why, when Ubuntu just decides to turn off my wireless card, can I not just turn it back on?

3. Why do tar balls almost never unpack right?

4. Why are printer drivers so buggy?

5. Why do my MP3 players and digital cameras not work with Ubuntu?

I spent 3 hours last night trying to unpack a tar.bz2 file so I can run my Ralink network card. It worked fine until my son unplugged my computer. Now my card is disconnected and it will not reconnect. When I check forums no one has a simple answer for something as simple as turning a network card back on. On my Apple, it's simple: click my wireless icon and hit "on." tell me an easy way to just turn my wireless card back on, it would renew my faith a little in Linux.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Back Up One Of Dvds To Hdd?

Mar 14, 2010

I'm trying to back up one of my dvds to my hdd. My usual method is to copy the video_ts folder onto my hdd and convert it from there. I popped this dvd into my computer and nautilus is saying that there is 71.8gb of data on this disk. If I run df -h, here's what I see:


There are actually 65 of these 1gb files. why this is happening or how to get this backed up?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Play DVDs Using VLC

Mar 23, 2010

I just un- and reinstalled VLC, including updates and I'm still unable to play a DVD on my Inspiron 1525.

Am I missing a codec? Something else I need to install or to check?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: DVDs Not Playing / But Only Sometimes

Apr 14, 2010

My newly installed (but not new) DVD drive seems to play some movies some days, but others all the time. I'm pretty sure it's just a little picky about scratches. I can hear it in the drive; when I insert the disk, I can tell when it isn't spinning. When it does start spinning, that's when the Media options window pops up asking me what I want to do with the disk.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Rip Clips From DVDs

May 30, 2010

I've got a project which requires me to go through a bunch of dvds and take little clips out of them. I do not want to have to rip the entire dvd and then transcode it and then take the clip out of the one I've saved on my drive as I have lots and lots of dvds to get though I've tried loads of things and none of them seem to be able to do this, dvdrip, cinelarra, kedenlive, live, kino and others that I can't remember the names of.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Play DVDs / What's Going On?

Aug 24, 2010

When I put a DVD in either of my two drives, the movie will not play using either VLC or Movie Player.

When I go to 'Open Disc' in VLC, next to 'Disc Device' it lists a string of two very odd characters, ��, as the only option. The drop-down arrow doesn't work. When I click on 'Browse' and navigate to the name of the movie (which I assume is the drive) in the 'Places' menu, nothing happens.

In Movie Player, when I go to Movie > Play Disc "(Insert Movie Name Here)", I get the following error message: "Could not read from resource"

The same thing happens with either drive, with either of two DVDs.

DVDs seem to play fine in Windows XP using VLC.

What's going on here?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: DVDs Still Won't Play

Jun 8, 2011

I've installed libdvdcss2 (using these instructions), but still can't play encrypted DVDs. It appears to be an encryption thing, because I can play backed-up/decrypted DVDs. I'm using Ubuntu 11.04, 64 bit. Another user here got it working by installing Ubuntu from scratch, then going straight to install medibuntu and libdvdcss, but that's not a realistic option for me at this point.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Program To Watch Iso Dvds?

Jan 21, 2010

in windows i use daemon tools and media player home cinema to watch dvds i have ripped from the disc, how would i do the same in linux?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: DVDs Will Not Play With Any Application

Jan 22, 2010

DVDs will not play with any app., however, all play fine in Linux Mint (dual booting here) with a straight install.

VLC gives me the following error message:
Playback failure:
VLC cannot set the DVD's title. It possibly cannot decrypt the entire disc.
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details.
Playback failure:
VLC cannot set the DVD's title. It possibly cannot decrypt the entire disc.
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details.

Again, I'm not trying to rip or decrypt anything, just play. All DVD & players give me the same results in Ubuntu, but all play fine in Linux Mint.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: DVDs Playback With Odd Colors

Jan 30, 2010

I recently upgraded my girlfriend laptop to 9.10 and now, for some odd reason, when she plays DVDs on her laptop (the most recent attempt was the latest Harry Potter movie) the movie would play back fine but the colors for everything were way off. I've re-added the medibuntu software sources to her system and applied all available updates but it didn't help.

This problem did not occur on my own computer when attempting to play the exact same DVD.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Play DVDs In Karmic

Mar 27, 2010

I've tried everything I can find. On Karmic I have libdvdcss2 and libdvdread4 installed, along with VLC 1.0.2 and latest Mplayer. I also installed ubuntu-restricted-extras. Of the following DVDs

Blazing Saddles
Christmas Vacation
It's a Wonderful Life


...all fail to play because of error cracking the codes in both Mplayer and VLC except #9 does play in VLC.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Play The Encrypted DVDs

May 7, 2010

I'm running UNR 10.04 (fresh install) on a new Acer Aspire1 250 and just cannot get encrypted DVDs to play at all (as far as I can tell), using any media-player software.I'm having the most luck so far with xine (it is at least properly playing a DVD that I think must not be encrypted), so I'd like to start with trying to get xine working.


Running xine-ui 0.99.5+cvs20070914-2.1
I have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras, libdvdnav4, libdvdread4, libdvdcss2, gstreamer-plugins-bad, gstreamer-plugins-ugly.

I'm using a LaCie external DVD to (try to) play these. After inserting the DVD, I start up xine, which will play usually a brief introduction to the DVD (like the FBI warning, studio logo, maybe start up the menu) and then crash, giving the error message:


The source can't be read.
Maybe you don't have enough rights for this, or source
doesn't contain data (e.g.: not disc in drive).

The last line of course varies with the DVD, and there are many of these messages (one per track, I think). Like I suspect, does this mean that xine doesn't realize that libdvdcss2 is there (or some codec)? If so, how do I tell it where to look?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.04 - PulseAudio / Totem And DVDs

Jun 19, 2010

So there's just one DVD (Narnia) that won't play on my Ubuntu machine using Totem: other DVDs play (I've installed libdvdread4 and libdvdcss2 like a good boy) and non-pulseaudio players like VLC play it properly. If I completely remove and kill pulseaudio, it plays in totem fine. It gets to the language selection screen and I select English, but as soon as any sound is involved it doesn't play. Clicking Go --> DVD menu causes Totem to hang. I don't want to be uninstalling pulseaudio, and VLC player is a bit complex for the mother.

The output of totem:
marcus@margit-laptop:~$ totem
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.10 for DVD access
libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 4.1.3
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.10 for DVD access
libdvdnav: DVD Title:
libdvdnav: DVD Serial Number: 43D1F9FE (GEAR):
libdvdnav: DVD Title (Alternative):
libdvdnav: Unable to find map file '/home/marcus/.dvdnav/.map' .....

Note that before the last line, Totem does absolutely nothing. It just sits their. Like it's trying to devour my soul or something.

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