I've tried everything I can find. On Karmic I have libdvdcss2 and libdvdread4 installed, along with VLC 1.0.2 and latest Mplayer. I also installed ubuntu-restricted-extras. Of the following DVDs
Blazing Saddles
Christmas Vacation
It's a Wonderful Life
...all fail to play because of error cracking the codes in both Mplayer and VLC except #9 does play in VLC.
My laptop is having issues with DVD's. I can play region free DVD's (they were gifts), but I can't play any of my legit Region 1 DVD's? I downloaded the codecs from the software center but for whatever reason, They don't work, both Mplayer and Movie player just give me error messages when I load the disks. I know the disks are being read, their name pops up and everything, but I guess it just cant read the files.
I just upgraded to Karmic, I had not previously tried to play dvds but i cant seem to get it to work. I downloaded VLC to see if thta would fix it but to no avail. Any ideas?? I also downloaded a restricted date allowance package but nothing works. It doenst say it cant play it, it just wont start at all.
i just installed 10.10 on my girls laptop (Acer Aspire 5735z) hoping it would fix the old problem i had with playing real dvd's. it didnt. it keeps saying "Could not read from Resource". when i try with VLC is say "Could not read from file". but if i put in a burned movie, it plays fine. i checked and it has libdvdcss2, libdvdnav4, and libdvdread4 installed. i get the same problems with my laptop (toshiba portege m400 tablet) which runs fedora 13.
When I put a DVD in either of my two drives, the movie will not play using either VLC or Movie Player.
When I go to 'Open Disc' in VLC, next to 'Disc Device' it lists a string of two very odd characters, ��, as the only option. The drop-down arrow doesn't work. When I click on 'Browse' and navigate to the name of the movie (which I assume is the drive) in the 'Places' menu, nothing happens.
In Movie Player, when I go to Movie > Play Disc "(Insert Movie Name Here)", I get the following error message: "Could not read from resource"
The same thing happens with either drive, with either of two DVDs.
I've installed libdvdcss2 (using these instructions), but still can't play encrypted DVDs. It appears to be an encryption thing, because I can play backed-up/decrypted DVDs. I'm using Ubuntu 11.04, 64 bit. Another user here got it working by installing Ubuntu from scratch, then going straight to install medibuntu and libdvdcss, but that's not a realistic option for me at this point.
DVDs will not play with any app., however, all play fine in Linux Mint (dual booting here) with a straight install.
VLC gives me the following error message: Playback failure: VLC cannot set the DVD's title. It possibly cannot decrypt the entire disc. Your input can't be opened: VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details. Playback failure: VLC cannot set the DVD's title. It possibly cannot decrypt the entire disc. Your input can't be opened: VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details.
Again, I'm not trying to rip or decrypt anything, just play. All DVD & players give me the same results in Ubuntu, but all play fine in Linux Mint.
I'm running UNR 10.04 (fresh install) on a new Acer Aspire1 250 and just cannot get encrypted DVDs to play at all (as far as I can tell), using any media-player software.I'm having the most luck so far with xine (it is at least properly playing a DVD that I think must not be encrypted), so I'd like to start with trying to get xine working.
Running xine-ui 0.99.5+cvs20070914-2.1 I have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras, libdvdnav4, libdvdread4, libdvdcss2, gstreamer-plugins-bad, gstreamer-plugins-ugly.
I'm using a LaCie external DVD to (try to) play these. After inserting the DVD, I start up xine, which will play usually a brief introduction to the DVD (like the FBI warning, studio logo, maybe start up the menu) and then crash, giving the error message:
The source can't be read. Maybe you don't have enough rights for this, or source doesn't contain data (e.g.: not disc in drive). (/media/GOODWILL/VIDEO_TS/VTS_06_1.VOB)
The last line of course varies with the DVD, and there are many of these messages (one per track, I think). Like I suspect, does this mean that xine doesn't realize that libdvdcss2 is there (or some codec)? If so, how do I tell it where to look?
I'm trying to watch a dvd on Lucid, but not vlc or xine can open it.I have the libdvdnav, libdvdcss and libdvdcss libraries from the medibuntu repositories installed.Here is the log I gget from vlc when I try to play the dvd. It seems as if cannot decode the format.
Code: libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 4.1.3 libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.10 for DVD access
I have libdvdcss2 installed (it might not be working properly, but it is installed) My DVD reader is set to region 2The DVDs I'm testing with are store-bought region 2 discs The test DVDs play fine on a standalone player and a Windows laptopNow the problem: This machine (a Dell T3400, very boring) was upgraded from Kubuntu 8.04.1 64-bit to Kubuntu 10.04 64-bit a couple of month ago. Before the upgrade I was able to play and rip encrypted DVDs successfully using VLC and dvd::rip.
After the upgrade neither playing nor ripping works reliably. Some DVDs will play in VLC, but a lot will stop halfway through or close to the end of a track. I've not been able to rip any encrypted DVD at all. Usually dvd::rip will get a failure when it runs lsdvd to read the DVD's table of contents. If it gets past that it will inevitably freeze up part of the way through ripping a track.
I've booted the machine back into 8.04.1 64-bit from a USB key and verified that I can still play and rip DVDs that will not work in 10.04, so it doesn't seem like a hardware problem. As I say above, the DVDs work fine in other players and machines.The failures seem to be related to a libdvdcss seek error:
libdvdcss error: seek error libdvdread: Can't seek to block 4072713 libdvdread: Invalid IFO for title 23 (VTS_23_0.IFO).
The block number will be different with different discs/tracks but it's usually some variation on this. I initially thought it might be this problem: [URL] but that patch seems to have been merged in ages ago. The attached logs show my attempts to run vlc, lsdvd and dvdbackup on both 8.04.1 (hardy.log) and 10.04 (lucid.log) with the same DVD ("The Shield", season 4 disc 3). As you can see there are a lot of errors logged by libdvdread3 on 8.04.1, but it does work eventually. No such luck on 10.04.
In case it matters, the DVD reader is one of these:
I've tried everything that I can find. Nothing is working. I'm sitting here with my netflix delivered copy of Farscape: peacekeeper wars. And I can't play it. 8( I have another DVD that is a how to for comps(A+ level type stuff) and it won't work either. If I go to home and look it only says cd/DVD drive. I have two. I'm very new to ubuntu. Are they supposed to do like windows and show they have anything.
I've bought some Doctor Who DVDs in UK and now, i cant play it here at home (Czech Republic). I tried defferent DVD's and they work just fine.I've tried install medibuntu and libdvdcss and it still doesn't work.
How is it possible to automatically play CDs and DVDs? I have found it not possible ..Is there a simple solution to this problem? and searching packages I find there is no libdvdcss package to install ...
Normally I find everything I need either in the documentation or forum, but it's been months, and this time I'm stumped. I'm posting the results of my latest tests, so I'm really sorry about the length of this post.
I can't play DVDs unless they've been burned by myself or a friend. I had no problems until around the beginning of April. I was running 11.2 on both my laptop and desktop. I think an update changed something. This was before 11.2 was officially retired a week or so later. I wanted to upgrade to 11.4 anyway, so I began with my laptop. During installation I wiped everything from my hard disk by creating new partitions and formatting them. After installation I installed the multimedia packages using one-click (opensuse-guide.org, not opensuse-community.org, although I did read what they said). I know one-click is not ideal, but I was curious. The result was that I still couldn't play DVDs.
I did a fresh installation, just to be on the safe side. This time I installed the packages according to Multi-media and Restricted Format Installation Guide by caf4926. But I still couldn't play DVDs, so I went through the thread Check your multimedia problem in ten steps. Then I ran mmcheck (v2.35). I tried a few times, experimented, and in the end did another fresh install.
In the meantime, on my desktop, which still has 11.2 on it, I found the file which had been changed and changed it back, so I could play DVDs on it again. It was in /etc/udev/rules.d/, 70-persistent-cd.rules. This does not appear to be the problem in 11.4 on my laptop.
I have again installed the packages according to the multimedia installation guide, and done the ten-step check and run mmcheck and these are the results as they stand:
I couldn't find a package called mplayerplug-in. I used zypper to look for it.
I tried installing the totem packages in a previous installation, but they didn't make a difference, so I left them out this time.
I deinstalled my jdk, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference, except that I get an error notification everytime I want to use LibreOffice. And I need it, so I'm putting it back soon.
So, these are my packages:
And this is what happens when I try to play a DVD using Kaffeine (since I don't an error message except from Kaffeine, and I've forgotten where my logs are):
And then comes Read error from: Error reading from DVD over the GUI.
And nothing else happens... I get no feedback from smplayer whatsoever. It opens, trys to read the DVD, and sits there. Even on the console.
I am having problems playing dvds on my laptop which is a bluray player. I cannot even play regular dvds, I can read them and see there is stuff there, but cannot play them in mplayer or totem.
what I'm missing, I have dvdnav, read, and most other libraries installed?
I just installed 10.04 and am pleased w/ things, for the most part.
However, I cannot get a DVD disc to play (a movie, for instance) or be recognized unless I shut down the system and restart (provided I have already launched a Web video, or something). The DVD-ROM is dead to the world as far as disc recognition goes.
Things were just great in Karmic so this is completely confusing to me.
just updated to lucid and i went to install medibuntu and following the instructions on this page [URL] just like i did in Karmic but after i have done everything that i had to do in Karmic to get it to work i tried to play a dvd in totem and it pops up and says
The required software to play this file is not installed. You need to install suitable plugins to play media files. Do you want to search for a plugin that supports the selected file?
The search will also include software which is not officially supported.
No packages with the requested plugins found
The requested plugins are: DVD subpicture decoder
I click ok and then the dvd starts to play and says internal data flow error
When I put a DVD in my PC (any DVD), it recognizes the DVD and even tells me the title of the movie (for example, it knows that I put Cat People in the DVD drive). But then it gives an error message, "An error occurred. Could not read from resource." I have Ubuntu 9.10 on a HP Pavilion ZE4900 laptop.
I regularly use XBMC on my htpc. Everything seems to work just fine except that I cannot watch DVDs with it. It just never detects a DVD. If I insert a DVD with XBMC running, it just lets me browse the files. If I select the video files it plays some of them (depending on the DVD apparently). If I click on the play button it says that no disk is detected. There is nothing that I can see in the log file and seems relevant. I really don't know what to do. The computer is an HP z555. I just modified it by adding more ram and I changed the video card for an NVIDIA 8400GS. It is running Ubuntu Lucid and XBMC 9.11 installed from the PPA repository. The dvds play well with totem, vlc and mplayer
I thought I'd support Ubuntu and buy the Fluendo add-on from the app store. (I am running a fresh install of 10.10.) Whenever I put in a commercial DVD I get an "an error has occurred" message. How do I go about fixing this? I was under the impression that the ubuntu restricted extras would break fluendo, which is why I did not install them. Although during the install I did tell it to download the extra software there.
I recently installed Lubuntu 11.04 on my aunt's old computer (Sony PCV-LX800); I had it running Ubuntu for a few years but the latest releases are too much for it to bear. Anyway, a while back I installed a DVD-ROM drive in her computer in order to play DVD movies. It plays CDs and non-commercial DVDs fine, but with the commercial DVDs, it doesn't work 80% of the time. The 20% it does work, everything is fine.
I've installed all the necessary packages with every new release. Currently using the following: libdvdcss, libdvdnav4, and libdvdread4 (via the Medibuntu repository).Here's some info from this system while trying to play the DVD LotR: Return of the King Extended Edition:
Code: gloria@gloria-PCV-LX800-U:~$ mplayer dvd://1 MPlayer 1.0rc4-4.5.2 (C) 2000-2010 MPlayer Team
I run lucid. I already have installed Medibuntu and the package libdvdcss2. Nevertheless, I still can't get DragonPlayer to play a DVD properly. Indeed, Dragon starts to play the DVD. However, the image is distorted and you can't recognize anything... This is what the terminal messages say when I start Dragon over the terminal:
Code: norma@norma:~$ dragon --play-dvd /media/cdrom0/ dragonplayer(2265)/kdeui (kdelibs): Attempt to use QAction "aspect_ratio_menu" with KXMLGUIFactory! dragonplayer(2265)/kdeui (kdelibs): Attempt to use QAction "audio_channels_menu" with KXMLGUIFactory! dragonplayer(2265)/kdeui (kdelibs): Attempt to use QAction "subtitle_channels_menu" with KXMLGUIFactory! libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 1.1.17 from http://xine.sf.net
I have recently installed 11.2. I am having some sound woes. Vlc plays CDs and DVDs but Kaffeine won't. KsCD won't play CDs. When I try to use Kaffeine to play a CD I get:
Cannot find input plugin for MRL [cdda:/] Opening kaffeine in the terminal gives: user@linux-kxg1:~> kaffeine user@linux-kxg1:~> CDROMREADTOCHDR: No medium found CDROMREADTOCHDR: No medium found
When I try to use Kaffeine to play a DVD I get:
Cannot find input plugin for MRL [dvd:/]
Do I have to add anything to /etc/fstab? /dev/cdrom and /dev/dvd are pointing to /dev/sr0, but these apps are not seeing the device.
I have one desktop and two laptops. It is strange to find that none of the three systems play VCD, when I use Totem, Totem-xine, Gxine or VLC media player, even with the codecs updated. Worse, each of the three DVD players then act in a loop, seeking the LG DVD-RAM drive endlessly. But the drives otherwise work very well and I also write DVDs and CDs often.I have tested the VCDs in Windows machines with VLC media player, and the VCDs work wonderfully. This is kind of strange. So I thought may be I should report this.