Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Record Through LIne-In OR Mic-In?

Jan 15, 2011

I'm having trouble recording through either my Line-In or Mic-In inputs on my laptop through Audacity.Nothing happens at all. The device options are as follows:

HDA Intel: ALC883 Analog (hw:0,0)
HDA Intel: ALC833 Analog (hw:0,2)

Is this a driver issue?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Record From Line-in - SB Audigy LS

Oct 16, 2010

I am trying to record some vinyl using Audacity. I'm using Lucid 10.04 with a Soundblaster Audigy LS card. Regular sound playback works. Recording from the mic works. I just can't get anything to record from the line in. Everything is hooked up correctly. I can hear the music through the computer speakers. I booted into Windows and was able to record with Audacity just fine there. I can't get Audacity (or sound recorder) to show and record any input in Ubuntu. I've messed with every setting I can find in Audacity. I've also messed around with the settings in the GNOME ALSA mixer and sound properties. The most I can get to record is some static in the left channel.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Setup Audacity To Record From Line-in?

Mar 5, 2011

I am trying to get Audacity to record from a line in. Seems like it should be a fairly easy setup. I discovered that Audacity needs PulseAudio. So I installed that, and don't know how to configure it. I set the sound preferences >> Input to line in. I am using a desktop that has a line-in on the front and back, so I'm not sure which it will pick up, so I have been testing both.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: C-Media CM8738 Sound Card - Can't Record From Line-in

Jun 2, 2011

I run Kubuntu 11.04 and I have a C-Media CM8738 sound card. My problem is, my card won't record from the line-in jack, even when I set it to capture in alsamixer. Furthermore, the mic jack only records when both the line-in and the mic are set to capture in alsamixer. I'm using the same settings I used in 10.04, and the line-in captured fine then.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Unable To Record Line In Recordings

Sep 30, 2010

I have a few posts open regarding the problems I have discovered after installing Ubuntu 10.04 dual boot on my iMac. I am sure I have all the necessary drivers restricted extras etc... installed and still three problems continue. These are problems that I would have assumed would work properly.

1. Unable to record Line In Recordings

2. Unable to use the built in web cam. Doesn't work at all

3. Unable to play any videos at all be they avi, mov files as an example. VLC won't even open them, Movie Player crashes when viewing full screen.

I have a feeling that getting Ubuntu to work on a Mac is way more difficult than getting it to work on a PC and I think it may be because of Apple's proprietary software.

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General :: Unable To Record From Line In On PC

Oct 11, 2010

I have another thread going on where I cannot record from the line in on my iMac running Ubuntu dual boot. In this case, i have a Dell PC that I am trying to record from the same radio I use to record from on my Mac. On my iMac and my G4, recording from the radio works fine. i tried recording from the Dell with no luck. What should I do? The cable is plugged into the proper port on the back of the Dell. [URL]

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General :: Unable To Record Audio From Line In?

Oct 13, 2010

After trying Kubuntu live CD, Fedora live CD, and booting from my Ubuntu partition on my iMac, I am convinced that there is no solution at all to the problems I am having recording from Line In. Using the same radio hooked up to an old Dell PC which I am selling, recording works fine. I can see the audio signal when I go to sound preferences and click on the Input tab. Works great.

I beleive that Ubuntu just isn't compatible with the sound card in the iMac. This is too bad because I was really hoping that I could use Ubuntu dual boot on my Mac. Running Ubuntu in emulation works fine using VMware Fusion but dual boot really sucks. Unless I hear back from someone who actually is running Ubuntu dual boot on an imac and can record from the Line In.

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Software :: Record Line In Source Using Audacity Program?

Oct 21, 2010

I want to record a line-in source Using the Audacity program. but the wave trace in the app is not symmetrical about the zero axis. This is not what I would have expected and I wonder if it will show up as poor quality recordings when I transfer to my hifi.

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Software :: Record A Command Line Session To A File?

May 19, 2011

I recently borked my video driver with a series of upgrades and found my system booting to the TTY with no access to the desktop, graphical login, or even X. I spent some days troubleshooting the problem and experimenting with possible fixes. I found myself wishing for some way to copy and paste from the TTY, or at least log all input and output to a file.


# bash 2>&1 | tee /tty-session.log

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Programming :: Split Multi Line Record Into Multiple Files With Awk?

Nov 11, 2009

I have a large file 'NS0923.csv' with data like the following. There are two records in this multi-record sample.


E60898,4578910,03/06/09,BEN BOYD RD,61,82,,,127,3,,52000.3046.001,3155,4.00,,PLT,1356,1.00,05/06/09,Y,Y,0551
,,,,,,,,,,,,4057,1.00,CLEAN CAR SHARE SIGN,LAB,0551,1.00,,,,


2. I still have to create a file 'transaction.csv' that should retrieve data from $13 - $15 with the identifying column $1. Required output:


E60898,4057,1.00,CLEAN CAR SHARE SIGN

3. And finally another file 'quantity.csv'. Retrieving data from $16 - $18 with identifier $1. Required output:




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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Record BOTH MIC & MP3

Feb 8, 2010

All I can record in my computer using The Sound Recorder in Jaunty is 1. It's either MIC or an MP3. You have to turn off one to keep the other and vice versa. How do you record both?

PS I did some homework and they said I need to install a mixer. But I've tried alsamixer, gnome-alsamixer, kmix, jack, they don't the mixers that I need.

PPS I'm recording from Sound Recorder and gtk-recordmydesktop.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Record From Webcam

Apr 27, 2010

purchased a webcam to record videos with in Ubuntu. I plugged it into the USB slot (and audio into the mic hole) and it seems to work ok. But I'd like to record a video from it and save it to a file. How can this be done?I tried Cheese and no audio was recorded.I tried GUVCView and it was fine except for slow video & audio delay.I can't find any other programs for recording webcams on Linux.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Record Sound At All In 9.10 ?

May 26, 2010

I just upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04, then rapidly to 9.10, when support for 8.10 was finally phased out. I've been trying for a few days to figure out how to record sound and can't get anything working. Sound playback works fine.

Here's what I've tried so far:


The terminal programs execute and quit after ten seconds, as expected, and create a sound of the appropriate length in my home directory, which is what I want. They don't report any errors, but the sound file they create is just soft background static with occasional soft clicks. Audacity also just records soft static with soft occasional clicks. The Gnome Sound recorder does slightly better, recording almost-intelligible sounds with bad static distortion.

I've verified that sound levels are not muted using the mixer, and have run through the Comprehensive Sound Problem Solutions Guide [url]. No joy.

Here's the output of lscpi -v:


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: MIcrophone Does Not Record At All

Apr 8, 2011

I have another issue, my microphone does not record at all!! When I try to record, it just makes this....dot. dot sound.I have a Gateway NV53 laptop with an internal microphone built in Does anyone know a solution to it?I've done some research and it all seems to end up in a dead...end. I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and everything is up to date and working so far.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Microphone Works But Does Not Record?

Jan 31, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 on an Asus F3JC laptop with an integrated webcam and microphone. The webcam is a

user@ubuntu:~$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 05e1:0501 Syntek Semiconductor Co., Ltd DC-1125 WebCam

and it works. If i tap on the microphone or if I blow on it, I hear noises but after I record something with gnome-sound-recorder I don't hear any sound! The same with Skype, for example.

On Xp (other hd partition) it works.

The audio device on the laptop is a

user@ubuntu:~$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC660 Analog [ALC660 Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1


If I open the "sound preferences tool" the device for sound input is "Internal Audio Analog Stereo" and even if I tune the volume of the microphone I don't see any movement in the input level bar. I've also checked alsamixer and the digital volum in the capture interface is set at the maximum.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Record Streaming Audio From SWF?

Feb 2, 2010

I would like to record the audio from a streaming audio swf file. The site is:[URL]I found how to record audio from flash files (ie. .....) but not streaming from swf. Would anyone know how to do this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Record My Desktop / What To Do?

Feb 17, 2010

I Wanna Record My Desktop So I Found a Program Called gtk-recordmydesktop Ok,Then i Installed It
But When i click Record Waaaa The Windows Close.
I Tried Istanbul and It Wasn't Running.
I Treid Wink Which Do The Same First Program.
I Tried Xvid But The Same Thing Happens!!!!!!
IS There Any Program That Take screenshot for 1 sec i mean like take 1 screenshot per second.I Know IT Would Be Slow But It Might Help.
Or Is There A Way To Fix this ?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Which App To Record Analog Music?

Feb 23, 2010

I'd like to try transcribing a few of my old vinyl records to my ogg player for the car. But which application to use? Sound Recorder is there in the default install of course, but it doesn't seem to have any kind of level meter in it. I have used audacity in the past, but maybe that's overkill.

The sticky howtos don't seem to mention anything as basic as this question. Which application would you recommend?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Record All Audio Output?

Jul 14, 2010

Have you ever wanted to record a sound heard from your computer or website? If yes outRec is perfect for you. This simple but powerful application let you to record your sound card audio output easily in a few steps and save it in different kinds of formats like wav, mp3 or ogg.

Download from [URL]

To get it work you need to install the dependencies with:

sudo apt-get install sox gambas2-runtime lame mplayer libnotify-bin libmp3lame0 gambas2-gb-form gambas2-gb-desktop gambas2-gb-gui libtwolame0

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Record Sound After Upgrade

Aug 19, 2010

After upgrade today, I cannot record sound. All the equipment works fine when I boot into Windoze...

Running Audacity from a terminal gives me this message as it starts:

Expression 'stream->capture.pcm' failed in 'src/hostapi/alsa/pa_linux_alsa.c', line: 3653

Google has thrown up some old posts (some here) - none really relevant and a hint on a mailing list that it may be a bug...

Kubuntu Lucid
AMD 64 bit
AMD 8111 soundcard

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Record Streaming Audio In 10.04

Sep 5, 2010

Use Freecorder in Win7 to record streaming audio and save it as an mp3. Anyone know of a similar program for Ubuntu 10.04? Tried Sound Recorder but I guess that's just for a microphone. Streamripper only seems to work on ShoutCast.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Record Sound Not Through Microphone

Oct 7, 2010

recording defaults to my microphone but I want to record sounds directly from a application.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Record Webcam With Sound?

Nov 6, 2010

Is there currently any way to record a webcam video with sound? This used to be possible back in the day before PulseAudio was installed by default (by using Mencoder, following guides such as [URL] and [URL] ) but that method doesn't work any more: /dev/dsp doesn't exist. I've also tried Cheese and that again just records a video with no audio. All the articles I can find on the topic are from the good old pre-Pulse days.

I've tried messing about with the commands a bit to use the Alsa Pulse device (defined in /etc/asound.conf) since neither mencoder or ffmpeg seem to have built in Pulse input support:

ffmpeg -f alsa -i pulse -f video4linux2 -s 640x480 -i /dev/video0 out.mpg
- this works, but the audio is more than a second out of sync with the video, which is a bit useless (I'm trying to record myself playing guitar), and the video is very slow (<1 fps) for the first few seconds.
mencoder tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=640:height=480:device=/dev/video0:fps=30:forceaudio:alsa:adevice=pulse -ovc lavc -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=64:mode=3 -o test.avi
- this doesn't work, I get the following error:


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Record Sound

Nov 23, 2010

I have a Asus EeePC 1001px with ubuntu 10.10 and I'm unable to record sound from the webcam microphone. Does anyone know how I can solve this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Playback And Record At Sametime ?

Feb 22, 2011

I wish to record what I hear, and hear it through the speakers at the same time. Doesn't sound to unreasonable.

I first of had problems getting it to record anything at all, so threads here and here helped.

The problem I have is I can only switch between having playback/volume/output through the speakers AND no feed/volume to the recording process, OR the recording process has a audio source but I cannot hear it!

Im sure I had it working so it played out the speakers and recorded briefly, but dont know what I've done!

I installed many audio type packages along the way to getting it to record at all. I dont know what I need and dont.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Record Audio From A Game?

Feb 28, 2011

I want to record audio from a sdl game which uses alsa as output (pulseaudio is purged). I tried gtk-recordmydesktop to no avail. Can I make the game output to jack? If not how can I record the alsa output of the game?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Make Myself Able To Record With Webcam?

Mar 1, 2011

I have an Acer Aspire One D255. What package would I install to make myself able to record with my webcam?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Mono Microphone Won't Record?

Apr 12, 2011

I've had this problem on ubuntu before, and I remember that I had to install a program from synaptics package manager and change the noise removal settings. This worked on someone else's mono mic, and I'm wondering if anyone knows which program changes the system setting for noise cancellation.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Getting Sound Recorder To Record As Mp3?

Jun 3, 2011

Just installed Natty and always used Sound Recoder to directly record as mp3 files on previous Ubuntu versions. I forgot what you have to do to get mp3 added to the option list on Sound Recorder. Can someone tell me what has to be done so Sound Recorder will again save all my recordings as mp3 files?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 - Cannot Record Both Audio And Video

Jun 6, 2011

For some reason, I cannot record video with cheese. I cannot record video and audio on ....., just video. I can record audio on sound recorder. Why can't I get both? I have an e-machines (acer)em-250, 2g ram, 2ghz intel atom processor. Using Moon Os 4 neak (ubuntu 10.10 variant). I have downloaded and installed ffmpeg, and all other codecs. I can also get video on google voice and video, but no audio. Obviously I have a built-in webcam and mic. I've had this problem with every ubuntu distro I've tried since Oct. of 2010. This netbook came with Win. xp, and I had no problems with this issue then. I would just REALLY like to be able to use my webcam and be able to record video and audio.

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