Ubuntu / Apple :: Unable To Record Line In Recordings

Sep 30, 2010

I have a few posts open regarding the problems I have discovered after installing Ubuntu 10.04 dual boot on my iMac. I am sure I have all the necessary drivers restricted extras etc... installed and still three problems continue. These are problems that I would have assumed would work properly.

1. Unable to record Line In Recordings

2. Unable to use the built in web cam. Doesn't work at all

3. Unable to play any videos at all be they avi, mov files as an example. VLC won't even open them, Movie Player crashes when viewing full screen.

I have a feeling that getting Ubuntu to work on a Mac is way more difficult than getting it to work on a PC and I think it may be because of Apple's proprietary software.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: App To Record Live Radio To Schedule Recordings?

May 21, 2011

I wanted to get back into a radio show I used to listen to but can't too much anymore because it runs late at night. Is there a app to record live radio to schedule recordings? The program is Coast to Coast AM.

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General :: Unable To Record From Line In On PC

Oct 11, 2010

I have another thread going on where I cannot record from the line in on my iMac running Ubuntu dual boot. In this case, i have a Dell PC that I am trying to record from the same radio I use to record from on my Mac. On my iMac and my G4, recording from the radio works fine. i tried recording from the Dell with no luck. What should I do? The cable is plugged into the proper port on the back of the Dell. [URL]

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General :: Unable To Record Audio From Line In?

Oct 13, 2010

After trying Kubuntu live CD, Fedora live CD, and booting from my Ubuntu partition on my iMac, I am convinced that there is no solution at all to the problems I am having recording from Line In. Using the same radio hooked up to an old Dell PC which I am selling, recording works fine. I can see the audio signal when I go to sound preferences and click on the Input tab. Works great.

I beleive that Ubuntu just isn't compatible with the sound card in the iMac. This is too bad because I was really hoping that I could use Ubuntu dual boot on my Mac. Running Ubuntu in emulation works fine using VMware Fusion but dual boot really sucks. Unless I hear back from someone who actually is running Ubuntu dual boot on an imac and can record from the Line In.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Record Through LIne-In OR Mic-In?

Jan 15, 2011

I'm having trouble recording through either my Line-In or Mic-In inputs on my laptop through Audacity.Nothing happens at all. The device options are as follows:

HDA Intel: ALC883 Analog (hw:0,0)
HDA Intel: ALC833 Analog (hw:0,2)

Is this a driver issue?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Record From Line-in - SB Audigy LS

Oct 16, 2010

I am trying to record some vinyl using Audacity. I'm using Lucid 10.04 with a Soundblaster Audigy LS card. Regular sound playback works. Recording from the mic works. I just can't get anything to record from the line in. Everything is hooked up correctly. I can hear the music through the computer speakers. I booted into Windows and was able to record with Audacity just fine there. I can't get Audacity (or sound recorder) to show and record any input in Ubuntu. I've messed with every setting I can find in Audacity. I've also messed around with the settings in the GNOME ALSA mixer and sound properties. The most I can get to record is some static in the left channel.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Setup Audacity To Record From Line-in?

Mar 5, 2011

I am trying to get Audacity to record from a line in. Seems like it should be a fairly easy setup. I discovered that Audacity needs PulseAudio. So I installed that, and don't know how to configure it. I set the sound preferences >> Input to line in. I am using a desktop that has a line-in on the front and back, so I'm not sure which it will pick up, so I have been testing both.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: C-Media CM8738 Sound Card - Can't Record From Line-in

Jun 2, 2011

I run Kubuntu 11.04 and I have a C-Media CM8738 sound card. My problem is, my card won't record from the line-in jack, even when I set it to capture in alsamixer. Furthermore, the mic jack only records when both the line-in and the mic are set to capture in alsamixer. I'm using the same settings I used in 10.04, and the line-in captured fine then.

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Software :: Record Line In Source Using Audacity Program?

Oct 21, 2010

I want to record a line-in source Using the Audacity program. but the wave trace in the app is not symmetrical about the zero axis. This is not what I would have expected and I wonder if it will show up as poor quality recordings when I transfer to my hifi.

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Software :: Record A Command Line Session To A File?

May 19, 2011

I recently borked my video driver with a series of upgrades and found my system booting to the TTY with no access to the desktop, graphical login, or even X. I spent some days troubleshooting the problem and experimenting with possible fixes. I found myself wishing for some way to copy and paste from the TTY, or at least log all input and output to a file.


# bash 2>&1 | tee /tty-session.log

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Programming :: Split Multi Line Record Into Multiple Files With Awk?

Nov 11, 2009

I have a large file 'NS0923.csv' with data like the following. There are two records in this multi-record sample.


E60898,4578910,03/06/09,BEN BOYD RD,61,82,,,127,3,,52000.3046.001,3155,4.00,,PLT,1356,1.00,05/06/09,Y,Y,0551
,,,,,,,,,,,,4057,1.00,CLEAN CAR SHARE SIGN,LAB,0551,1.00,,,,


2. I still have to create a file 'transaction.csv' that should retrieve data from $13 - $15 with the identifying column $1. Required output:


E60898,4057,1.00,CLEAN CAR SHARE SIGN

3. And finally another file 'quantity.csv'. Retrieving data from $16 - $18 with identifier $1. Required output:




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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Record My Desktop / What To Do?

Feb 17, 2010

I Wanna Record My Desktop So I Found a Program Called gtk-recordmydesktop Ok,Then i Installed It
But When i click Record Waaaa The Windows Close.
I Tried Istanbul and It Wasn't Running.
I Treid Wink Which Do The Same First Program.
I Tried Xvid But The Same Thing Happens!!!!!!
IS There Any Program That Take screenshot for 1 sec i mean like take 1 screenshot per second.I Know IT Would Be Slow But It Might Help.
Or Is There A Way To Fix this ?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Record Sound

Nov 23, 2010

I have a Asus EeePC 1001px with ubuntu 10.10 and I'm unable to record sound from the webcam microphone. Does anyone know how I can solve this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Record From Microphone In Any Program 9.10?

Jul 14, 2010

I was running 9.04 and could, through some magical sequence of toggling options that I was unable to figure out, occasionally get recording from the mic to work in audacity. Ardour worked more reliably, but is kind of over-featured. Audacity is simpler and I know how to get things done. For a while, I was doing basic recording in Ardour, saving it to wav then editing in audacity.

Well, I noticed a howto on getting audacity working in 9.10... so I upgraded ("what could possibly go wrong?"). I still can't record audio in audacity and ardour is now ALSO unable to record audio. They start recording samples but nothing comes in but silence. I've got audacity set to ALSA/default/default and when I click monitor, the stream appears in the pavucontrol app. I've moved it to the input device and that doesn't seem to affect the results at all. Everything looks like it should be working fine except there's some invisible mute button, or something. Under alsamixer's Capture section, Mic has a red "CAPTUR" with no bar to adjust.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Control CRT Via Command Line On An Imac G3?

Mar 20, 2011

I have forgotten how to turn the display on/off via command-line on an imac g3.how this can be done?(Google brings up lots of results which use "xset dpms ..", but this does not really apply to me since I don't usually run X).

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Mactel Support From Command Line Wont Install

May 11, 2010

I've been following the instructions for the Mactel team and they say to put this into the terminal:


But it always gives me this:


I really need this because i believe this fixes a lot of driver issues. Im running the latest MacBook Pro (intel i5 / MBP 6th Gen).

I'm having severe driver issues, i think these fixes these, right?
- No sound
- Special buttons like brightness, sound, etc show up on Ubuntu when pushed but nothing actually happens. Same with the Eject button. Shows a status bubble in the top right that it's ejecting, but doesn't do anything.
- The touchpad, as it has no buttons on the Mac, is nearly not useable, but they say it works out of the box...

Also, side question... can you change control to be cmd? Like, swap them to match the Mac's layout?

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Fedora :: Audacity Unable To Record Sound From Soundcard

Jul 6, 2011

I'm running Fedora 15 XFCE spin, Audacity 1.3.13-beta and my sound is ALSA/Pulseaudio (I'm not totally sure what these are anyway, are they drivers?) Anyway, when I'm in Audacity and I go to the record options I can choose from default, pulse, and HDA ATI SB:ALC268 Analog (hw:0,0). If I try any of these three options and press record I get static. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like to press record for each of the three options in order.


The last option won't even record nothing, it just doesn't work. Also, if you look where the little picture of the microphone is, the option to drag the input volume is greyed out.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Install 10.4 On The Macbook Pro 7.1 - /init: Line 1: Can't Open /dev/sda: No Medium Found

Jul 27, 2010

I was try to installed ubuntu 10.04 on the Macbook pro .But it was failed .I got following message:

/init: line 1: can't open /dev/sda: No medium found

I have already Bootcamp to create a partition to install Ubuntu . partition file system is FAT32.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Edit Grub - Unable To Find Boot Record

Oct 12, 2010

i installed ubuntu inside windows but someone instead of uninstalling it directly deleted the ubuntu folder inside windows ,thinking that the partition will be deleted. but when i restarted the system and command prompt came and said unable to find boot record and i couldn't boot windows as well and a grub prompt came like grub>, then i inserted the windows boot cd and repair the boot record error but my problem is , instead of doing this way, can i do so by grub prompt directly without using winidows cd.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Schedule Recordings Of Internet Radio Streams?

Jan 22, 2011

Is there a way to schedule recordings of Internet Radio streams? I found this thread using cron and Streamripper, but I'd like to find a package that has all the support in one wrapper.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cheese Screws Up Longer Video Recordings?

Aug 11, 2011

Can't seem to figure out how to make usable recordings with my webcam in cheese. when making very short video's like a few seconds...the longest so far was 11 seconds, it will behave just fine and it outputs a playable file with thumbnail and all. But when I try anything longer something seems to go wrong. I can tell first because cheese refuses to display a thumbnail for the resulting video. But also I cannot play it n any player I have (Yes I have pretty much all the codecs) Also when saved as a seperate file Gnome will choke when I try to get it to display properties for it.

I haven't found any errors like this when googling for cheese. Oh my OS is 10.04 and I have the 2.30-something Cheese that's packed for this version (can't get any of the newer cheeses to compile on it so far)

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Software :: Automate Analysis Of Audio Recordings For Changes?

Sep 25, 2009

I have over 500 hours of audio recordings of my server room. There's a lot of background noise from the fans, but mostly it's constant. Is there a way to automate an analysis of these audio files (mp3 each 30 min) and display changes? Like frequency or decibel changes?

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Software :: Sending Audio Recordings Through A Modem?

Aug 25, 2010

I need to know how to play audio recordings, through a modem.For example, I have the computer dial my friends cell phone,and it plays a prerecorded message when he answers.And I can then record that call, and listen to it later.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Too Many Recordings Makes 'recorded Programs' Page Crash

Jan 9, 2010

I have a lot of recordings on my mythtv box.i can see/play them fine within the mythfrontend interface, and mythweb loads almost all pages ok (including schedules, guides, etc.), but when I click on 'recorded programs' at the top, Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 88 bytes) in /usr/ share/ mythtv/mythweb/includes/translate.php on line 142.I've had this error before, and it went away when I purged my list of recordings.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Recordings Show Fine But Without Sound?

Mar 30, 2011

Running 11.3 and sound works ok in desktop, mplayer, firefox (flash) etc. System is using Pulse audio. I think that this worked before but I'm not sure. I don't really use
this system. I do boot it every couple of days and update it. Backend is on desktop, and live TV and recordings show fine but without sound. What do I need to check?

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Software :: Finding GUI Audio Recorder That Does Scheduled Recordings?

Sep 16, 2010

I am a Mac user who has been using Audio Hijack Pro for years to do my scheduled radio recordings. I have a radio hooked up to my Mac that I record shows from. I am looking for a similar GUI solution in Linux and so far have come up empty. I would think that there would be something out there that I can use and hopefully someone on this forum can shed some light on this for me. I am seriously thinking of switching over to Ubuntu full time and this is the only thing that is preventing me to do so. Too bad because I hear so many good things about Linux, and so far I really like it.

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Ubuntu :: No Input Sound From The Mic - Unable To Record Any Voice Or Talk In Voice Chat

Jun 26, 2011

I just installed ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop. Everything works well, but I have problem with sound. Output is OK as I can hear any sound from the computer; but there is no input sound from the mic. I am unable to record any voice or talk in voice chat.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Unable To Boot From LiveCD (MBP)

Sep 21, 2010

I have a MacBook Pro 6,2 that try as I might refuses to boot from live CDs. I have rEFIt installed, and both of the liveCDs I've burnt for 10.10 (32 and 64 bit) do not show up either in rEFIt or when I hold down "option" as my mac boots.

Both CDs will run perfectly as either liveCDs or Installations in Parallels, but I'm looking to (hopefully) someday replace Mac OS entirely with Ubuntu. Being completely unable to see these liveCDs presents a bit of a problem though..

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Macbook Pro 8,2 Unable To Install

Jul 7, 2011

I recently got a new MBP 8,2 and am trying to install Ubuntu (to a separate partition, but I don't think that matters as I am unable to get that far).I have installed rEFIt and can successfully get to the installation menu from any CD I've tried so far.However, after trying to install Ubuntu, it is unable to find any disk in the CD/DVD drive.This doesn't make much sense, the DVD is, in fact, in the drive and it must have read from the drive to display the menu.I have tried a number of different options with the alternative installs to no avail.I have also tried different distributions:11.04 AMD-64 alternate, 11.04 AMD-64 live, 11.04 AMD-64 alternate+mac, and 10.04 AMD-64 live.I have also tried to make a USB install but was unable to get it to display as a bootable device

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Unable To Boot The New Installation?

Jul 14, 2011

I just reinstalled ubuntu to the new version in my macbook pro, I have rEFIt which properly boots mac osx but for some reason it is not able to boot the new installation of ubuntu.

I made the common installation (ext4 partition mounting / and one for the swap), then I restart I sync the partitions with rEFIt and mac osx boots well but the ubuntu gets stuck and I never get to see the grub.

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