Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee Seems To Be Making Files Shorter

Nov 10, 2010

Trying to sync a bunch of files to a 5.5-gen iPod with Banshee 1.6, on Lucid. I moved the files from my friend's computer to my Sansa View via UMS transfer; just dragged and dropped. The file lengths are correct on my player. My friend used Banshee to sync the same files, from the same computer, to his iPod. In Banshee and on his iPod, the files are all shorter. The files are supposed to be approximately 30 minutes each. In Totem on my friend's computer, and on my Sansa, the first file is 33:11. In Banshee and on his iPod, it's about 17:00. Some files have been cut down to two minutes long. This has happened across multiple albums in multiple folders. Clearly the problem is Banshee, since Totem recognizes the appropriate file length.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video File Says It's Shorter Than It Is?

Aug 13, 2010

I have a video file I pulled off of a disc from a camcorder. The file is in .VOB. If I open the file in anything besides VLC, it says that it is 23 seconds long and will either play only the first 23 seconds or play the whole 15 minutes VERY QUICKLY.

So, if I want to put this file into a video editor, I can't do much with it because it either doesn't play at all, or only plays 23 seconds.

I'm guessing there is some metadata in the file that declares how long it is that VLC is just ignoring. How can I access and change that metadata to its actual length? I fired up a hex editor just to see if I could find the number 23 somewhere in the beginning of the file, but I couldn't..

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Playing AAC ITunes Files In Banshee?

Feb 10, 2010

im wondering if this is possible. I have downloaded every gstreamer plugin possible and they still dont play.im running ubuntu 9.10

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Banshee - Files Recognized As Unreadable

Feb 16, 2010

First of all, I'm new in Banshee and linux. When I import my music files from system files into Banshee playlist and play this track, the file is recognized as "unreadable" and mark with the "x" sign. There is no problem to import and play the music from the original cd's. I have no idea what is wrong. I'm using opensuse 11.2.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Not Able To Play .m4a/aac Files In Banshee / Rhythmbox

Jun 26, 2010

I have a dsi so all of my music in .m4a I have all the codecs/gstreamers packages installed and they are all from packman it's not my sound cause I can play them in vlc but in rhythm box it says that I do not have the proper codec to play the file. Any ideas? Also I'm on 11.2 latest updates.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Totem And Banshee Won't Play Certain Files

Jul 23, 2010

Totem and Banshee don't seem to want to play .avi files, Kaffeine, SMplayer work perfectly though. I followed the Multimedia guide, and switched system packages to Packman.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Mp4 Playback In Banshee - Get It To Play Any Mp4 Files ?

Nov 17, 2010

I just started using openSUSE 11.3, and the default music player that it uses is Banshee. I installed the required plugins and packages to get mp3 playback to work, but I cant seem to find a way to get it to play any mp4 files. This wouldn't normally be a problem, but a lot of my music is in that format and I cant get any of it to play.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee Won't Play Files Every Time Restart Computer

Dec 30, 2010

I found out that every time I play a file from my Banchee playlist after restarting my computer it won't play. The cure for this is just opening places/ntfs partition.After that it plays the same playlist normaly. But it's anoying having to do this every time..

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee When Streaming Audio Files From A DAAP Share?

Jul 9, 2011

I've got a small problem with Banshee that I need some help with, if possible. I'm currently using the latest version of Ubuntu 11.04 and it's up to date. The problem i'm having is with Banshee playing music files over my DAAP share. My DAAP server is running Firefly (mt-daapd), and Banshee can see the server and shares just fine. It loads the song list from the server, but when I select a song to play it just sits there. Rhythmbox works just fine, sees the share and plays the songs ok (which is what i've fallen back to for the moment), so I know it's not a hardware or software problem from the sound "system".

Other features of Banshee play just fine, including internet radio stations, internet archives, and importing songs from the server (which makes the song local instead of networked from a single source). Ok, so streaming from the DAAP share isn't working; here's the output from the terninal I started Banshee from:

[Info 07:13:23.440] Running Banshee 2.0.0: [Ubuntu 11.04 (linux-gnu, i686) @ 2011-06-28 05:46:57 UTC]
[Info 07:13:28.765] Updating web proxy from GConf
[Info 07:13:28.998] All services are started 4.668005
** (Banshee:2341): DEBUG: SyncDaemon already running, initializing SyncdaemonDaemon object


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: .m4a Files Not Working In Banshee But Working In Rhythmbox

Apr 26, 2011

.m4a files not working in banshee but working in rhythmbox.

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General :: Do SSDs Really Have A Much Shorter Life Than HDDs

May 3, 2011

HDD vs SSD durability

After reading Jeff Atwood's recent blog post on solid state drives, I'm somewhat deterred in wanting to own one. I basically want to use solid state drives in my home network for the following purposes (all machines running 64bit Linux):

My main (pwn3r) desktop computer. This will be my main workstation for work, video encoding, etc. This will be running an Intel 980x 6-core processor, making it a beast. My hard disk configuration will be:

RAID-0: 2 Crucial 128GB Solid State drives for the main operating system(s), essentially providing 256GB of incredibly fast storage.

RAID-1: 2 WD 2TB Hard Disk drives for media and backup storage.

My network firewall computer. This will be running Untangle on my home network for content filtering and firewalling (if that's a word). It will be running an Intel Atom D525 dual core 1.8GHz processor. The hard disk configuration will consist of a single small 16-32GB solid state drive for the operating system and little, if anything, else.

My home HTTP/SFTP/file/backup server. This will be running a dual-core Intel i3 processor; it will be used for some video encoding, as a local DLNA server, a HTTP server for a few largely static files and perhaps some interactive scripts, a SSH server, possibly OpenVPN, and will be used to back up critical files over the network. It will be running RAID-X (where X > 0), meaning RAID-1 or RAID-5 or 6 for fast, redundant data storage, as well as a small SSD for the operating system.

I'm not exactly made of money, and I can't really count on buying four new SSDs every year or so. I can understand replacing them in computer number 1 once a year... maybe, but for the other computers which won't be utilizing the drive very much (ie: they're not power machines), it seems ridiculous to buy new drives this often.

My question is this: can I actually depend on solid state drives like I would on hard disk drives? Also, is this the best economic option? I'd like to save as much power and heat as I can, and solid state drives seem to be the best option at this point.

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Software :: Making A Bash Script To Read In Different Files And Rename Output Files?

May 7, 2009

Until now i haven't had to dabble with bash scripts.

I have a program that reads in data files. These are named datafile01_R, datafile01_G, datafile01_B, they then increment, so datafile02_R etc i have about 600 of these. the program reads in 3 data sets at a time from each run, so files_01 r, g, and b.

The program then does its magic, and outputs about 40 different files, depending on the file, they gone to folders named R, G, B, psa, or tracking.

The program itself has configuration files to say where the files should gone when analyzed, there is also the config files that reads in the data sets.

At the moment i have to run one set of data, then go in and manually change the input file location, and run again. But, doing this, even though a different data set, the new set overwrites the old set in one of the output folders. So i need a way to increment the output filenames after they are written and before the program is run again with the new data set.

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Ubuntu :: MP3 Files Won't Import Into Rhythmbox Or Banshee

Sep 5, 2010

I have a Sansa mini-clip MP3 player. Now that I am using Ubuntu I wanted to totally redo my play lists. So using the Sansa menu, I formatted the MP3 player to start fresh. Then I opened Rythmbox and was going to import my MP3 files from my hard drive. Only problem is all of my MP3 files are grayed out on the import files menu. Then I installed Banshee and tried to import the MP3 files and they are grayed out in that program too.

why my MP3 files won't import into Rythmbox or Banshee?

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Ubuntu :: Banshee Has Stopped Playing M4p Files?

Oct 11, 2010

I have several files that are from an Ipod that I still have and has worked great with Banshee up until now. All of the sudden, Banshee will not play m4p files. I have Ubuntu Restricted Extras installed, and when I try to play them with Movie Player, it says that it cannot play an encrypted file stream.

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Ubuntu :: Making Some Files (Run Only)

May 29, 2011

Is it possible to disable the run/display/cancel dialog just for some selected files and keep it for others? I want to be able to just click on some files which would run them instantly yet still being asked what to do if I click on other files. Say, launching files a, b & c would make them execute but launching files d, e, f and all others would pop-up the dialog asking me what to do. So can it be done?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Install Banshee 1.7.5

Sep 3, 2010

Banshee 1.7.5 supports the ipod touch and iphone but i can not figure out how to get it on Ubuntu. Its not in synaptic yet and i can not compile from source because it always says


configure: error: Package requirements (gstreamer-0.10 >= 0.10.12
gstreamer-base-0.10 >= 0.10.12
gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10 >= 0.10.12
gstreamer-controller-0.10 >= 0.10.12


Alternatively, you may set the environment variables GST_CFLAGSand GST_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Audiobooks In Banshee / Get It?

Dec 6, 2010

I'm using Banshee for my music and video collection because it works and looks much better than Rhythmbox in my opinion. The only thing that refuses to work (correctly) is the audiobook-feature. I have all my audiobooks (different formats - m4b, mp3, ...) stored in a special folder. The subfolders have no distinct order, sometimes it is author/title, sometimes author - title/ and some books even are in my audiobooks root-folder. I have selected the audiobook folder in the banshee preferences but no audiobooks are shown in banshee. I tried changing the selected folder, changing the structure of the subfolders, but nothing helped.
The only thing that worked was importing the audiobooks into the music library and take them to the audiobooks-section in banshee using drag&drop. But when I removed them from my music library, they were also removed from the audiobooks section. This can't be the right way, because in that casse the option to select the audiobooks-folder in the preferences would be useless.
What is the right (intended) way to get audiobooks into banshee?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get Banshee To See NAS Folder?

Jul 10, 2011

My music is stored on a NAS on my home network.
I am trying to get Banshee to see my MP3's on the NAS. It looks like Banshee only will support local folders.
So, is a sym link (symbolic link) in a local folder be the solution? If so, what's the syntax? I know the basic form is ln -s <dir 1> <dir 2>.
Ubuntu's file browser sees the folder as 'smb://'s'
I haven't had any success trying to create a sym link to the NAS folder.

Or, am I approaching this totally wrong and can Banshee support the NAS without a sym link?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Making Blocked Files Executable?

Oct 14, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.10 (everything was working fine in 10.04). I have .jar files that in 10.04 would execute with OpenJDK. Now I get an error message, telling me that it is blocked:

"The file '[path]' is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run. For more details, read about the executable bit."

I try to set it as executable like it was before, and it's a no go. My checkmark takes then quickly disappears before my eyes.

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Ubuntu :: Making Playable DVD From Video Files

Oct 19, 2010

Does anyone use Ubuntu to make (video) DVDs? That is, not just burn an existing .iso, but take a number of video files (e.g. mpeg) and create a playable DVD from them.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee Not Picking Up Ipod?

Feb 1, 2010

I'm using kubuntu 9.10 and I know there was a thread a while back about someone having the same problem with ubuntu. Unfortunately I can't get the ubuntu solution to work with kubuntu

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Error In Banshee Podcasts

Feb 7, 2010

I'm having a problem with banshee. It's doubling podcasts. Also it says that three different podcasts have the same size and length as each other(which they don't) Unfortunately I can't download to test them yet as my internets slow till midnight.

In screenshot 1 you can see the podcast doubled when viewing all podcasts. However when i go directly into the Desert island discs feed it only displays one, which is correct(screenshot two)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Deleted Song In Banshee - Where Did It Go

Feb 17, 2010

I'm cleaning up my music library and deleting duplicates and during that process I accidentally deleted the wrong song. Is there some way to undo this process? Banshee gave me no warning, and the trash is empty. I'm assuming there's a command I can use to recover the file, but as I'm a complete noob, I need some assistance.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ipod Nano 3g With Banshee?

Feb 21, 2010

after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10 banshee does not see my Ipod anymore, which is a nano video 3g one. Rhythmbox works though, gtkpod not. I thought I had to install libgpod-dev and libgpod2, but the second library is not available anymore in synaptic. I have installed libgpod4, libgpod-common, -dev.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Multiple Cover Art In Banshee?

Mar 14, 2010

so I'm enjoying the new Banshee grid list which is really great, but with just one problem. It displays multiple cover art, so I have a really lot of picture for just one album with various artists. I'd like there to be just one, can it be done?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Play Anything In Banshee It Crashes?

Mar 30, 2010

When I try to play anything in banshee it crashes with the error:

Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries used by your application.

Same thing happens with Listen and Rhythmbox, but with a segmentation fault.

Amarok doesn't even get past the splash screen, but that's more or less okay because I'd rather stick with gnome.

Guayadeque is the only decent music player that works, and even it isn't without its issues. Audacious also works, but I don't like Audacious(the whole "one big playlist" system... ew).

Of course if I had my way I'd skip gnome music players entirely and go with foobar2000, but wouldn't you know it, that doesn't work either. [URL]

I'm using 10.04 beta, but these problems were present on 9.10 too.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Play Shoutcasts In Banshee

May 14, 2010

I just added the liveradio extension to banshee which contains both magnatune and shoutcast support.

Magnatune works perfect..but for shoutcasts i can see all stations lists and load them ..but when i click play it stucks in contacting status .. it suddenly worked only one time and then it does not work.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee Won't Start: DLLNotFoundException

Jun 21, 2010

I tried to install some plugins for banshee following instructions on this website: [URL]

I got about halfway through and finally noticed it was for Banshee 0.10.0, so these instructions did not exactly work for 1.6.0. So now when I try to start banshee I get the following output:

[Info 16:59:34.437] Running Banshee 1.6.0: [Ubuntu lucid (development branch) (linux-gnu, x86_64) @ 2010-04-04 14:20:11 UTC]
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee Closing Randomly?

Sep 12, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 64 bitBanshee 1.6.1I've been using banshee happily for a while, but it seems recently that whenever I open the program, it shuts down after playing just 1 track. Also if I click the "Recent Favourites" playlist after opening the program shuts immediately.The random closing has happened infrequently in the past and I just simply re-opened the program with no problems, but now it just simply won't let me play more than 1 track.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee - Same Album With Various Artists?

Oct 30, 2010

Is there any way that Banshee would show just one album in album view instead of all of the artist on the same album, Like "Billboarrd top 50" is shown multiple times instead of just once.

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