Ubuntu :: Moving Downloaded Files To Correct Folder?
Sep 1, 2011
I'm looking for a script or a bittorrent client which is able to move a file after downloading and placing it in a specific folder depending on the file type. E.g. moving a newly downloaded movie to "Videos" and an ISO-file to "Files".
I feel as if i have used a client with this functionality before but can't remember the name.
Since I at the moment use Transmission as my bittorrent client a script would also work since Transmission can run it after finishing the download.
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Jun 29, 2010
I started my computer and i goto home/downloads. i found all downloaded are deleted. and every folder and file in home folder are displayed in desktop.
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Aug 21, 2010
I am using secure delete to remove files from a Debian Linux PC. However, secure delete does not remove folders. This has lead me to look at writing a script that would move files to a predetermined folder for deletion. My plan is as follows:I have a folder on my desktop called shredder where I move the contents of the waste bin to. The script needs to identify all files within the folders and sub folders, within the shredder folder, and move each file to the shredder folder and then delete the folder. At this point secure delete can be used with a command like shred -v -u *.*on the shredder folder.The problem I have is in creating the code to move files from the different folders and then deleting the folders. Note that the names of the files, folders and subfolders will not always be known
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Mar 4, 2010
I have limited experience in terminal, but let me first explain what I am trying to do to see if there is some easier way to do it. Basically I want to change the skin in aMSN. I downloaded the new skin but am unable to unzip or move it without /root permissions. I don't know how to acquire this without being in terminal. So I figured there had to be some way to go into the terminal and use it to move the unzipped folder from the desktop to the aMSN skins folder.
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Sep 13, 2009
I just downloaded the "Fedora-11-i686-Live-KDE.iso" and "Fedora-11-i686-Live.iso". I want to check if the downloaded files correct or not. I can use a tool to get the md5 sum of the downloaded files. But I want to compare them with the original ones.
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Feb 7, 2011
Is there a Commend to move the content of a folder -only image files no subfolders- to another destination folder?Actully, I had a look on the following post:Post tilte:Using mv to move the content of one directory into anotherFrom it, I tried that:
# rsync -a SOURCE/ DEST/
But, it copy a folder as all to the distination.
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Jun 10, 2011
I get a SD card. Put in the SD reader. It's empty. I go to my super-important-pictures-to-a-monthly-relatory folder and select all files. Select them for MOVE. Paste them on the SD card. When the move/paste process is finished, i click on the "Eject" button on top of the SD card name. Card's ejected. I can't access the card anymore. I take out the card and put on my other computer. From 300 pictures, there are only 10 available, the remaining ones are there, but with 0bytes and unrecoveable. I panic. I go back to my main computer, my pictures are not there anymore. The pictures were on the Home folder. I panic again. I reset the computer and boot on the LiveCD. I install foremost, scalpel, photorec and about everything till my USB drive complains about being filled up. I run everything and I can't recover my files. I'm in the danger of getting fired. Things like that makes Windows sounds more appealing. When you securely remove a pendrive, things get REALLY pasted there before screwing everything up with a removal.
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Aug 8, 2010
If I download a .deb file then when I run dpkg all files install in the correct directories.But with a tar.bz2 file when I run tar xvjf it installs in its current directory. How can I make a tar.bz2 file install into the appropriate directory?
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Jul 3, 2010
My downloads are navigating to my home folder but not being deposited into the download folder as you can see by the screen shot . I don't know how to configure the correct path to the folder
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Jan 23, 2010
I had a folder named "Rage Against the Machine" in my Home directory which contained a bunch of music files. I opened my Terminal window and planned on moving it to a folder named "Downloads" inside my home folder, so I used this command:
sudo mv "Rage Against The Machine" /Downloads
Now I can't actually find the folder inside Downloads, which I think it should be. so I even tried running this to find it:
locate "Rage Against The Machine"
and it couldn't find it either.
Where did it go??
The folder size was approximately 837.6 MB in size total.
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Feb 23, 2010
I mistakenly moved the /home/user/Desktop file to another location so now when my desktop starts it used the entire contents of my /home/user/ directory (except for the hidden contents) to create icons all over my desktop.
I have restored the Desktop folder to the correct location but it ignores it now and continues to show every file under /home/user as an icon.
How do I reset it to point to the original Desktop folder?
(Using 64-bit Ubuntu)
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Mar 7, 2010
I've been setting up a media server on a an actual server machine I picked up dirt cheap, and had it running xUbuntu fine. gave it a 5gig root directory, 5gig swap partiton, and three 34gig storage drives. Everything was running smoothly.
Just recently I learned that the 5gig's dedicated to running my operating system of choice, aren't enough to install all the software I wanted(I might be just a little greedy). The first logical step to correcting this problem was to move /etc to one of the storage drives and create a link were it was, but not being entirely sure how xUbuntu would take that, I thought I'd get an expert opinion.
The thread prefix is "all variants" because I have installed the desktops for kUbuntu and just plain Ubuntu on this machine(what I meant by being a little greedy).
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Jun 11, 2011
I downloaded debian-6.0.1a-i386-netinst.iso. i would like to burn the cd as iso image but i cannot find the iso file in the downloaded folder. i am going to browse the iso file on vmware.
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Oct 11, 2010
Every time I start up my webcam in cheese, a folder is created called 'Webcam' in my home folder, and if this folder is deleted, it will be recreated when another session is started, i would ideally like to just have this folder hidden but if i do that then it will be recreated, so is there anyway of having the folder created as a hidden .Webcam? there is no option for this in the cheese menu.
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May 29, 2011
How would you go about moving one users home folder to a different partition, while maintaining other users home folder on the current one. Will simply running "usermod -dm /path/to/new/home username" on one of the users do the trick.
I want to run one of the users of an SSD, while the other runs of a bigger SATA disk.
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Jun 1, 2011
I'm setting up a svn server and would like users to share home dir. One problem is how to get sshd to identify the correct rsa key for the different users that shares the same .ssh folder. Will sshd even look for the key in a folder that isn't owned by the user trying to login?
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Mar 30, 2009
having a bit of trouble getting domains to resolve to their own folder properly on my new server.
this is a plesk/centos server that is pretty much out of the box.
Problem I have is that all the domain names I add to Plesk, are all pulling files from /var/www/html . All 5 domains Ive added each got their own /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/* folders created ...
Is there something I am missing in order to have the server grab files from each domains respective folder?
What I noticed was that if I edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add the virtualhost lines to it, then the one domain name resolves properly.
i replaced my domain with 'mydomain.com'
<VirtualHost *>
ServerAdmin youremail@yoursite.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/httpdocs/
ServerAlias mydomain.com *.mydomain.com
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Oct 16, 2010
I was moving a folder using Nautilus from an internal drive to a USB drive when suddenly, the power failed and the system rebooted before the UPS could go into backup. After I booted the PC again, half the files are are in neither of the drives. Do they go into a temporary folder first? There's nothing in /tmp and there's no Lost+Found folder. Is there anyway to get back those files? I'll always copy and delete from now on instead of moving.
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May 2, 2010
i use virtual hosts to develop several web applications. These are located in my home folder under /home/user/projects/project After a fresh installation, i always get a 403 forbidden error. After googling and reading on this forum, several solutions are mentioned for this problem. But i can hardly believe putting using a chmod 755 on my home folder is a correct solution. What is the correct way of doing things in this situation?
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Apr 3, 2010
I'm trying to get my music folder into something sensible. Right now, I have all my music stored in /home/foo so I have all of the albums soft linked to ~/music. I want the structure to be ~/music/<artist>/<album> I've got all of the symlinks into ~/music right now so I just need to get the symlinks into the proper structure. I'm trying to do this by delving into the symlinked album, getting the artist name with id3info. I can do this, but I can't seem to get it to work correctly.
for i in $( find -L $i -name "*.mp3" -printf "%h
echo "$i" #testing purposes
I'm trying to mv The Trance Mix 3 Wanderlust - DJ Exortius [TRANCE DEEP VOCAL TECH]@ into the real directory DJ Exortius. DJ Exortius already exists, so it's just a matter of moving it into the correct directory that's based on the id3 tag of the mp3 inside.
PS: I've tried easytag, but when I restructure the album, it moves it from /home/foo which is not what I want.
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Mar 25, 2011
i want to move all files inside the folder moving to folder public_html which command i should use? m using centos5 64bit tell me full command which i should writer in ssh client..so my all files will be moved to public_html...from moving folder.
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May 12, 2011
I have a Ubuntu 10.10 server; I have created several users and wish them to have their own web space (with a unique domain name for each). I have therefore created www folders within their home folder and created new Virtual Servers to host each domain name and point to the users www folder in their home folder. They can then use an FTP client to upload files. This all works well.
However, I would like to stop a user from going back up a level and traversing the tree.They can currently go back up to /home and see other users names.
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Jun 29, 2010
From what I have understood, trying out different Linux distros is one of those things that a Linux user just needs to do now and again.
So what is the "best" way of keeping your home folder intact? Should I just copy the whole home folder to a separate storage space, install a new distro (I'm thinking going from Ubuntu to Suse) and then just past it in the newly installed distro? Or are there some other, more "refined" methods?
I thought one's home folder contains a lot of config and settings files, but they would surely just be applicable to the original distro!?
I know I can try out several distros via live CDs, which I have done, but when you've taken that next step and actually want to install another distro as your main Linux operating system.
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Feb 25, 2010
I am setting up a Demo website that I am hosting in a Debian Lenny VM, I have installed Apache, mySQL, and PHP5 I know the php server is working because if I place an info php file I can see it in the browser. However, I downloaded phpfusion, as well as phpmyadmin and they are on my desktop, I open a superuser file browser (also added write access to /var/www to everybody and copied the files over as me) and copied over the files. Once in the www folder they are no longer seen as "valid" php files, if I try to access them with iceweasel, IE, Konquerer it asks me if I want to download the file. If I look at the files on my desktop they have different icons. I have attached a screenshot. I can't tell what the difference is, but obviously there is one otherwise the icons wouldn't be different. Does anyone have any idea what's going on here or a way to rectify it?
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May 31, 2010
I downloaded, through the torrent, the Pink Floyd's Live in Gdansk concert. It first downloaded as an ISO and when I unzipped I now have 5 CD folders with bin files in them. I've searched and followed many different instructions to open the bin files but nothing is working. How to be able to listen to the music?
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Dec 5, 2010
I'm starting bash shell script and I'm looping without any solution.
I'm trying to find some files under a folder hierarchy and in case of errors moving these files to a destination folder under the same hierarchy recreating this hierarchy if not exists.
Finding all ._* files under /src and moving them to /dest recreating folder1 or the others which contains ._* files but without moving files which does not correspond to the pattern.
I tried find command and I'am getting all needed files
But I don't know how to use the output to get the parent folder of files which are found to
1- create folder with mkdir -p /dest/folder1 or /dest/folder1/folder4
2- move found files from /src/... to /dest/... with rm command
I'm working on a find command as this trying to do all in the same line but ... little lost
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Mar 12, 2011
I switched from 9.10 to 10.10. In 9.10 there was a folder where the temporary flv ..... video files were downloaded, so I could capture them before being deleted. Now with 10.10, which is the folder? /tmp isn't, I'm watching videos but no flashxxxxx files there.
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Aug 2, 2011
Just installed Ubuntu 11.04 32-bit on an older Dell D610 laptop. Everything was running a little slow but all in all running fine except one thing - I downloaded the Chrome deb file and also the deb file from Moneydance. When I double-click on either of these deb files, it opens up the Ubuntu Software Center and shows an 'Install' button for the app. I click Install and then enter my root password, then nothing happens. A short while later the Install button turns from grayed out to clickable again. So I click it again, and it says that the deb file is not packaged correctly.
I've tried it with multiple deb files now and get the same thing. Installing directly through the Ubuntu Software Center works fine, but unortunately Chrome and Moneydance aren't in there (I prefer Chrome to Chromium). What could be causing this?
Also - due to the slowness of the Ubuntu install I did a clean install to Xubuntu and I like that much better and it is running perfectly except for this issue of not being able to install any 3rd-party downloaded apps.
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Jun 21, 2011
when i used windows there was this wonderful editor named Notepad++.it was perfect(it still is) some of its best and useful features of it (for me) was:
1-open all files in a folder when drag and drop the folder on it
2-search and replace a statement in all open files
3-have an extended mode which include special characters like
and so on.. i want to know if there is an editor with this feature in ubuntu?
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Oct 22, 2010
i want make a bash panel and i want he will copy files from orginal folder to $user folder i mean when for explame i type i want install some server he say cp: cannot stat 'root/Desktop/2/files/beckup/sa-mp-steam': No such file or directory.
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