Ubuntu :: Login Won't Load - How To Open Root

Feb 2, 2011

My computer won't load the login. How do I load the root of the computer to bypass this freeze? How do I force it to give me the login screen? It only displays the computer's name and ubuntu's version 10.10. There are no links at the bottom to follow.

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Software :: KDE Will Not Open Completely Able To Login With Root?

Jan 13, 2011

I have a Toshiba Laptop running suselinux 11.2 for a few years nowand all of a sudden it timed out while online and received the followingerror message ... you have 0% free space in your home directoryI should have 75% freespace on a 500 Gb drivethe last update patch fix was for libwebkit version 3787 just hours before this happenedKDE will not open completelyI am able to login with root and main user on console modewhat should I do to diagnosehow do I check the partition sizehow do I repair/remove/install KDEneed to copy one file to a flash drive, but do not know enough commands: o mount the flash drive copy the file to the drive

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Ubuntu :: When Login With "root" And Run Any Command - See Load Errors For Libraries ?

Jun 16, 2010

I have ubuntu 9.04 on my Virtual Machine and my host OS is Win.XP, I've installed SSH on my linux and and now, I use PuTTY on Win.XP to connect to the SSH on linux,

Now, I have a problem: When I login with "root" and run any command, I see load errors for libraries such below:


I've defined a user in ubuntu and when I login with it, I have no problem in running commands!

Also, when I use "su" command in the user's session and go to the root, I have no problem again in running commands! Is it related to my linux version or distro?

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Debian :: Can't Change Permissions For The HDD Without Login On Root And Root Login Are Not Allowed?

Jun 16, 2010

How to enable Root login...i cant copy or move something on the HDD...I have administrator rights and password for root but i cant change permissions for the HDD without login on root and root login are not allowed .

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Login / Get To Login Screen Type In Password It Begins To Load Desktop?

Jun 18, 2010

been using 11.2 with KDE on a Sony laptop since 11.2 was released always ran perfect suddenly I can't login, I get to the login screen type in password it begins to load my desktop, then fails and dumps me back to the login screen I can login as root, all my stuff is there (under /home/me) I tried changing my password, no luck I went to run level 3 and there I can login just fine seems to be something with my KDE profile
any ideas where I might find some error messages telling me what's going on?

this seemed to happen when I was running "blender" and making the machine do some heavy number crunching, it actually locked up.

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Debian :: Root Access And Desktop Disabled \ Couldn't Open The Root Terminal?

Feb 19, 2011

I was using the latest stable release of Debian, dual-booted alongside Windows Vista, with the GNOME desktop, installed via netinst, trying to build and install a library that I knew and trusted, when suddenly I couldn't open the Root Terminal. I clicked the link (in Applications->Accessories (I think, whatever the top one is)->Root Terminal), and in the taskbar I saw an item that said "Starting Root Terminal". A few seconds later, that went away, but the terminal still wasn't open. I tried the regular user terminal, to see the same thing happen. Unsure of what was happening, I tried restarting my computer, since that's always the first step you should take in computer problems.

When I restarted, GNOME wouldn't start. The screen would flash a bit for a few seconds, then a dialog box would appear over a background of static that said "The greeter application is crashing. Attempting another one...".t would then go back to the DOS-style kernel, wait a second, and then the same thing would happen. After several of that, I would get a blue screen which said something to the effect of "It has been detected that the desktop environment has crashed six times in the past 30 seconds.

Waiting two minutes before trying again." When it did that, I tried logging in as root to assess the problem. I gave it the correct password, but it said that it was an incorrect login. After several tries (to ensure I didn't mistype the password), I logged in as myself. Same problem. I tried the su command, with the correct password, and it said it couldn't authorise it.

After a lengthy conversation with a friend of mine who was very good with computers, he basically summarised that he had no clue, but that his best guess would be a virus. Upon running the Linux installer, I found the Repair option. Not being particularly familiar with Linux, I used it simply to backup my important files onto a flash drive. I then tried running the Install option, in an attempt to simply write over my existing Linux and make it new again. The installer, however, consistently froze up when trying to start the partitioner, on the "Checking disks..." stage. I figured it was a problem with my partition. In my naivete, I simply used the Windows tools to clear that partition... It destroyed GRUB too, so I couldn't run any OS. I figured my computer was pretty well screwed, and at that point just decided to bring it into the shop and have them completely wipe it.

my computer was backed up onto an external hard driven I brought it back, I reinstalled Windows. Upon restart, it said that it was still looking for GRUB, which made no sense to me. After messing around with it a bit, I decided to just reinstall Linux too. To my lack of surprise, that fixed the problem. Both OS' now ran just fine. The first thing I did on Debian was to install the Clam Anti-Virus, which I understood to be one of the best Linux anti-viruses. However, within about 10 hours, got the same problem as originally. I wasn't doing any of the same things, and between the lack of consistency in activities and the fact that I had an anti-virus running,figured it wasn't a virus. Not knowing what to do, I just left it and have been using Windows since.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Get Root Privileges On User Account Without Using Root Login?

Feb 5, 2011

i am having problems with privileges i have created a new user with my name, but i cant get root privileges on it. i need the same privileges as the root profile.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Root Line Passwd File Now Unable To Login As Root?

Jan 26, 2010

I edited the passwd file to modify the default shell for root from bash to tcshnow when I try to login to root it gives me the following error:"su: /bin/tcsh : No such file or directory"

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General :: Root Logins Are Not Allowed \ When Try To Login As Root, After Logging Out As User, It Does Not Allow?

Dec 2, 2010

i just installed linux mandriva 2009. i set password for root and created a user account. when i try to login as root, after logging out as user, it does not allow me and gives the error "root logins are not allowed". even it does not show the root account. if i try to go to root from konsole terminal using su root, it allows to enter as a root but when i try to start the GUI with startx it gives error.not sure what to do and why i can't see my account in GUI mode

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Fedora :: Can't Login Into The Root Account: It Returns Me Immediately To The Login Prompt?

Jan 27, 2010

I just installed Fedora 12 on a laptop. I changed the default shell on the root account to /bin/tcsh and changed the runlevel to 3 and then rebooted. Now I can't login into the root account: it returns me immediately to the login prompt and I can't see any error message (the screen is cleared).Why is this happening?Can I boot into some sort of safe mode so I can undo my changes to the /etc/inittab and /etc/passwd file?I tried booting with a Live CD with the intention of mounting the filesystem and making the changes, but the new filesystem is a LVM and it won't let me mount it (or I don't know how to mount a Logical Volume).

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Debian :: Root Login Without Setting Root Password

May 14, 2015

I edited fstab to automatically mount my windows data partition on boot, but I screwed it up by not specifying the file system type, however that is not the problem, I was able to fix that easily. The problem was that when it failed to mount the partition, Debian automatically entered root and I guess that is to be expected in order for me to fix it, but I never configured a root password and it just gave me full root access without asking any password, not even my user password. I though that was strange so I set the root password and sure thing it asked me for the root password this time without automatically logging into root....

I then tried to lock the root account to see if it will ask me for a password or not, it did but of course I wasn't able to login as root because it was locked now and I was left with no way to access the system. I had to fix fstab from a live cd so that I can login normally as the user....

I didn't know what to search for or if that is the expected behavior if you don't set root password during installation, but it just seemed a bit strange to automatically enter root when you specifically disable root login during installation...

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OpenSUSE Install :: Get A Login In Screen With The Option To Login As Root?

Dec 8, 2009

I want, when I boot up, to load and log-in automatically a default user. I get a login in screen with the option to login as root, I do not want this. How do disable the option to login to X as root and just load as me/default user?

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OpenSUSE :: Root Trying To Open Flashplayer In KDE Getting Cannot Open Display

Feb 18, 2011

We have a digital signage appliance built on SUSE 11.3 with a LAMP server that uses the flashplayer application to play a .swf file from localhost. It is a AOpen GP7A mini pc that has the nVidia drivers loaded. We have lots of customers that have been running the exact same system for over 6 months (we image the drive for each sale).

For some reason, my last customer is seeing the following problem shown below, and this linux configuration is way over my head. Everything else is working (local LAMP server is working, communicating with our production servers to get information works, etc). I have verified that it is screen 0 that is running (at least it shows with Ctrl-Alt-F7). I thought that it may have occurred because of updating the software with zypper up. I had the customer rebuild from the image being careful not to upgrade the software. The result was the same. The pc is a newer version compared to my bench pc, but there are multiple other customers running that same version just fine. So I am not sure if it is

The command is issued by a php script that is run in a root cron job. As I said, it works great on all other customer pc's including my bench system. I also tried to execute the command on a ssh terminal as the root user with the same result. I also upgraded my bench pc and it still worked properly.

The command being executed is sudo env DISPLAY=:0 XAUTHORITY=/home/svision/.Xauthority flashplayer http://localhost/flash/sign.swf &

the result (when run in terminal) is: No protocol specified (flashplayer:15077): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0

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OpenSUSE Install :: Window Named Login Keyring Appears Asks Root Password Everytime When Login

Jun 13, 2011

when i login to openSUSE a window named login keyring appears and it asks me root password. it happens everytime when i login. how to fix this problem?

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Ubuntu :: VFS: Cannot Open Root Device "mapper/mylaptop-root" Or Unknown-block(0,0)

Nov 5, 2010

Installed Maverick last night... the system has been working fine all day... then on a reboot tonight got the following.

RAMDISK: gzip image found at block 0
usb 1-2: new high speed usb device using ehci_hcd and address 2
uncompression error
VFS: Cannot open root device "mapper/mylaptop-root" or unknown-block(0,0)


Then it gives the Kernel Panic

Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
Pid: 1, comm: swapper not tainted 2.6.35-22-generic #35-Ubuntu

Then a call trace...This is a brand new install of Maverick I copied my files onto a USB and did a fresh install on the whole drive using the alternate CD (the desktop and netbook editions both failed to read on my system) was previously using Karmic with no issues. I tried to e2fsck the dev/sda1 from the CD in "repair broken system" mode but the return was "clean" I read that as the file system being intact but this is an area that I have no real knowledge in.

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OpenSUSE Network :: XRDP - "Login Failed" Message When First Login Is Root

Sep 16, 2010

I have found this link "Login Failed" message when logging in through RDP

I am suffering from exactly these symptoms. Can anyone suggest what the likely cause is? How would that bug/solution relate to my environment: openSUSE 11.3/xrdp 0.4.1-85.1?

And lastly, how can I find out if the update implied under "Additional Information" has happened?

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Ubuntu :: Theme Doesn't Always Load On Login?

Mar 5, 2010

When I log in locally, sometimes my theme isn't applied. This problem started a few weeks ago, but before that the same theme would load just fine every time. In order to get my chosen theme to load, I go System > Preferences > Appearance. As soon as I click "Appearance"...boom. My theme loads and all is fine. I don't have to change settings or anything....just start the "Appearance" utility.

This doesn't all of the time, only sporadically. Another thing to mention is that I'm using AWN. When this happens, AWN doesn't load all of the launchers. I killall and restart AWN and all is good there. Anybody have a clue what could be going on? Compiz related?

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Ubuntu :: Login Window Doesn't Load

Aug 27, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 as a second OS on my XP machine (on a second partition). It worked fine for about a month, but this time when I booted up in Ubuntu, it showed the Ubuntu loading screen, then the desktop background picture and mouse, but it did not load the login window. I have no idea how to fix this, because most problems are about the entire X server not working, whereas my screen works.

I tried pressing Ctrl + Alt + F1, stopping gdm, then running startx, which mostly worked, except the date and time status bar addons had an error loading and the task bar did not have any workspace icons on it. I would like to login the normal way to get back to my good old Ubuntu desktop, but the window does not want to load. I have restarted the computer multiple times, with the same result.

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Ubuntu :: Document Viewer (evince) Won't Load / Open - Fix It?

Jun 30, 2011

Trying to open PDFs from the web, desktop, email don't work. I see Document Viewer start to load in the toolbar, but then it closes. I've uninstalled and re-installed with the same result. when I run evince from a terminal I get

evince: error while loading shared libraries: libSM.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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Fedora :: Self-load Wicd In The Root Terminal ?

Oct 12, 2010

When I upgraded to the latest Wicd, it wouldn't load automatically in the startup as it did before.

So I removed the startup entry and am currently having to enter the following commands to get Wicd loaded and get online.

In short, what is the correct procedure to get Wicd loading in the startup?

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Ubuntu :: Login - Load Up Without Typing In User Name Or Password

Jan 26, 2010

I accedently typed in a command in the terminal that made my computer load up without typing in user name or password. i would love you have that back. is there a command that you can use to get back there login screen. i am using ubuntu 9.10. i also dont know what the command was that i typed...

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Ubuntu :: Login Box No Longer Appears After Load Kernel

Mar 10, 2011

I'm trying to boot into 10.04, but all I see is the purple background. I never get a login box to load the desktop. I've managed to gain access to the desktop, using the command line from the recovery console, only to see various warnings about gnome applet failures.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04, Installed Slim Login Mgr Now Menu Does Not Load?

May 2, 2011

So, upgraded and then installed slim b/c I wanted to have a nice login screen but now when logging in all I get is the background, no menu no panels no nothing, had to manually create a shortcut to firefox to get help, anyone know how to manually start the menu and/or how to fix.

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Ubuntu :: Xubuntu Fails To Load Login Screen?

Jun 6, 2010

I've been running xubuntu for a few weeks now, but just today I began having a few problems. When I boot my computer, it simply freezes at the xubuntu logo just before the login screen.

The last thing I remember doing before this is typing export DISPLAY=:0.0 in the tty1 terminal.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Firefox Very Very Slow To Load/open Websites?

May 13, 2010

I have freshed installed lucid.Linux ubuntu 2.6.32-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 28 13:28:05 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/LinuxThe problem is firefox is very very slow to open web sites.

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Ubuntu :: Can Open The Software Centre But It Doesn't Load Any Options

Jul 8, 2011

I can open the software centre but it doesn't load any options - simple a titled blank box

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Fedora :: Cannot Load Login Screen?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm currently using Fedora 12 GNOME (64bit Version) on my Lenovo T500 Laptop. The system, until today had no issues in booting up. Now it seems that it can't load the log-in screen.The system boots up, past the grub screen and as the Fedora Logo is loading, flashes a few time ans hangs right after the atd service is loaded.The screen flickers 3 or 4 times and the the CLI stops loading. I've left it on for an hour, hoping that it loads but it still hangs up. I've tried loading in interactive mode and disabling atd but Fedora still flashes a few times and hangs after loading everything else

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General :: Login Prompt Does Not Load?

May 30, 2011

I dont have login prompt after loading OS , i only see mouse cursor, now i cant use my laptop.(i have the same problem in safe mode),

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Debian :: Root Terminal Will Not Load From Applications Menu

Nov 16, 2015

I am using sid and come across the error that a root terminal will not load from the applications menu after it's been opened and closed?

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Ubuntu :: Panel Takes Ages To Load On Login With Lucid

May 30, 2010

On Lucid, using the nVidia proprietary drivers, the panel takes about 15-20 seconds to load after loging in. Everything else works fine, I can use my desktop shortcuts and open other programs, just the panel leaves an empty space at the top and bottom, until it loads.

I don't have this problem on a laptop with Intel graphics running Lucid, nor when using Nouveau drivers on this computer. I read somewhere that it could be due to gdmsetup not having it's config file, but even after trying the suggested workaround (opening gdmconfig and changing settings so the config file is made) the problem persists. If I run "killall gnome-panel" the panel disappears (not surprisingly) and then briefly pops back up before disappearing again for about 10 seconds.

Could this be something to do with Compiz? With the Nouveau drivers Compiz is disabled, so Compiz is the only thing I can think of that affects the panel differently between the two graphics drivers.

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